57 research outputs found

    Posługa muzyka kościelnego w świetle Musikalisch-liturgisches Wörterbuch Bernharda Kothego (1821–1897)

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    In the tradition of the Catholic Church, music is an indispensable and integral part of its solemn liturgy. This statement is a reminder of a centuries-old belief in the unity of these two realities. Over the centuries, various causes have resulted in periods of better or worse condition of liturgical music. The second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century were considered a time of crisis. It manifested itself primarily in the low level of education, carelessness and frolics of church musicians, as well as the lack of appropriate musical literature and drawing on secular models. In response to these phenomena, the Allgemeiner Cäcilienverein society was founded in 1868. This movement brought together clergy and laity concerned about the state of contemporary church music. Particular emphasis was placed on education. For this purpose, collections of music literature, textbooks and magazines began to be developed. One of such items is Bernhard Kothe's Musikalisch-liturgisches Wörterbuch dictionary published in 1890. It is an organized collection of information presented in the form of basic entries with their descriptions, which gives it the form of a lexicon. It contains not only general music and liturgical knowledge, but also the author's thoughts on the ministry of a church musician.W tradycji Kościoła katolickiego muzyka stanowi nieodzowną i integralną część jego uroczystej liturgii. To stwierdzenie przypomina o trwającym od wieków przekonaniu o jedności tych dwóch rzeczywistości. Na przestrzeni wieków różne przyczyny powodowały okresy lepszej lub gorszej kondycji muzyki liturgicznej. Drugą połowię XVIII i początek XIX wieku przyjęło się uważać za czas kryzysu. Przejawiał się on przede wszystkim w niskim poziomie wykształcenia, niedbalstwie i swawoli muzyków kościelnych, a także braku odpowiedniej literatury muzycznej i czerpaniu ze świeckich wzorców. W odpowiedzi na te zjawiska w 1868 roku powstało towarzystwo Allgemeiner Cäcilienverein. Ruch ten zrzeszał duchownych i świeckich zaniepokojonych stanem ówczesnej muzyki kościelnej. Szczególny nacisk położono na edukację. W tym celu zaczęto opracowywać zbiory literatury muzycznej, podręczniki, czasopisma. Jedną z takich pozycji jest wydany w 1890 roku słownik Musikalisch-liturgisches Wörterbuch Bernharda Kothego. Jest to uporządkowany zbiór wiadomości ujętych w formie podstawowych haseł wraz z ich opisami, co nadaje mu formę leksykonu. Zawiera on nie tylko ogólną wiedzę muzyczno-liturgiczną, ale także przemyślenia autora na temat posługi muzyka kościelnego

    Stone Artefacts from Late Roman Occupation Phases in Nea Paphos

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    Nea Paphos was a vibrant city in Roman Cyprus. Much information about the history and the inhabitants of the urban centre came to light through extensive excavations, which started at the site in the 1960s. The Hellenistic and Roman period has been widely studied and examined, but our knowledge of late Roman Paphos still remains quite modest. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the late Roman phases of occupation, especially of the squatters’ activities in Paphos, through the analysis of stone objects, mainly grinding and milling stones and other worked stone, which are associated with this period.Nea Paphos was a vibrant city in Roman Cyprus. Much information about the history and the inhabitants of the urban centre came to light through extensive excavations, which started at the site in the 1960s. The Hellenistic and Roman period has been widely studied and examined, but our knowledge of late Roman Paphos still remains quite modest. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the late Roman phases of occupation, especially of the squatters’ activities in Paphos, through the analysis of stone objects, mainly grinding and milling stones and other worked stone, which are associated with this period

    Photoelectrochemical properties of annealed anodic TiO2TiO_2 layers covered with CuOxCuO_x

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    In this work, we present a systematic study on the influence of Cu(2+) ion concentration in the impregnation solution on the morphology, structure, optical, semiconducting, and photoelectrochemical properties of anodic CuO(x)-TiO(2) materials. Studied materials were prepared by immersion in solutions with different concentrations of (CH(3)COO)(2)Cu and subjected to air-annealing at 400 °C, 500 °C, or 600 °C for 2 h. The complex characterization of all studied samples was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), reflectance measurements, Mott–Schottky analyses, and photocurrent measurements. It was found that band gap engineering based on coupling CuO with TiO(2) (E(g)~3.3 eV) is an effective strategy to increase the absorption in visible light due to band gap narrowing (CuO(x)-TiO(2) materials had E(g)~2.4 eV). Although the photoactivity of CuO-TiO(2) materials decreased in the UV range due to the deposition of CuO on the TiO(2) surface, in the Vis range increased up to 600 nm at the same time

    The role of interleukin-18 in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases and in activation of basophils and mastocytes

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    Interleukina 18 (IL-18) jest prozapalną cytokiną produkowaną przez szereg komórek, biorącą udział w patogenezie chorób o podłożu zapalnym jak na przykład astma atopowa. Wykazano, że IL-18 wpływa na limfocyty T, wywołując nadwrażliwość drzewa oskrzelowego oraz rozwój stanu zapalnego. Ponadto stymuluje limfocyty Th1 do wydzielania cytokin i chemokin stymulujących nacieki w drogach oddechowych i odczyn zapalny. Pobudza także mastocyty i bazofile biorące udział w odczynie atopowym. Astma atopowa jest chorobą charakteryzującą się eozynofilowymi naciekami w drogach oddechowych wraz z remodelingiem, nadmiernym wydzielaniem śluzu oraz wysokimi stężeniami IgE w surowicy. Wyniki ostatnich badań wykazały, że w patogenezie astmy rolę odgrywa także odpowiedź immunologiczna typu Th2 związana z atopią oraz rozwojem stanu zapalnego przy udziale IgE oraz prozapalnych cytokin, jak na przykład Il-18. W niniejszym opracowaniu omówiono rolę IL-18 w aktywacji mastocytów i bazofili oraz patogenezie chorób atopowych.Interleukin-18 is a proinflammatory cytokine produced by a wide range of cells and is involved in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases such as atopic asthma. It was recently demonstrated that IL-18 acts on T cells to induce airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. These observations strongly indicate that IL-18 stimulates Th1 cells to produce cytokines and chemokines responsible for the airway infiltration and inflammatory responsiveness. Moreover IL-18 activates mast cells and basophils playing the important role in atopy. Atopic asthma is characterized by eosinophilic airway inflammation, remodeling, mucus hypersecretion and high serum levels of IgE. Most current data suggest that asthma drives development of a Th2 lymphocyte-predominant immune response, which is associated with atopy and IgE mediated inflammation via pathways involving the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-18. Here we discuss the functional role of IL-18 in activation of mast cells and basophils and pathogenesis of allergic diseases

    Navigating the landscape of Postpartum Depression: a comprehensive review

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    Introduction and purpose: The joyous occasion of childbirth is often overshadowed by the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD), a complex mental health condition affecting mothers globally. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge on PPD, exploring its frequency, risk factors, pathogenesis, symptoms, and impact on maternal and child health. Description of the State of Knowledge: Recent studies indicate an alarming increase in PPD rates, with notable racial and socioeconomic disparities. Symptoms of PPD, ranging from mild to severe include mood disturbances, cognitive impairments, and self-harm ideation. The repercussions extend beyond the postpartum period, affecting long-term child development, breastfeeding practices, and the mother-infant bond. Advancements in screening tools, particularly the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), have facilitated early detection. However, creating an environment conducive to open communication about mental health remains a significant challenge. Interventions for PPD include psychotherapeutic approaches, pharmacological interventions, and complementary therapies. Brexanolone, the first FDA-approved drug for PPD, represents a significant breakthrough. Community-based and peer support programs, alongside a multidisciplinary approach involving healthcare professionals and support networks, have shown promise in alleviating PPD symptoms. Summary: In conclusion, PPD remains a substantial public health concern. Increased awareness of its multifaceted nature has led to improved screening, diagnosis, and intervention strategies. Ongoing dialogue, supportive environments, and refined treatments are essential for enhancing the well-being of both mothers and their infants in the postpartum period