35,712 research outputs found

    Selected Elements of Animated Nature Associated with the Birth of Jesus in the Bulgarian Oral Culture and Apocryphal Narratives

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    Translated by Katarzyna GucioThe article attempts to extract textual and extratextual planes on which representatives of fauna made their mark in the folklore of the South Slavs, mainly Bulgarians; in their oral literature, rituals, and beliefs, juxtaposed with selected Apocrypha, primarily from the Protoevangelium of James, confronted with the Scripture. The analysed texts (legends, folk tales, ritual songs performed during Christmas) relate to the birth of Christ in Bethlehem and placing him in a manger – the events of Night of Bethlehem and the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt. The excerpted texts of fairy tales and legends marginalise the theme of the Divine Birth, focusing on the figure of the Mother of God and her actions: meeting with St. Tryphon, rejecting the child, receiving lessons on motherhood from the frog, escaping with the Child to Egypt. The birth of Jesus is used as an excuse to tell a story of an etiological character (theme cursing animal or plant), often based on ritual custom and referring to it, such as clipping vines. Just as in the case of fairy tales and legends, folk song uses the birth of Jesus to explain the genesis of some of the characteristics and phenomena of nature. Presentation of animals in ritual songs occasionally refers to the economic sphere (the shepherds slept, and their flock wandered away), while wild animals are the object of punishment or reward. The Apocrypha known among the South Slavs mention animals in situations encountered also in the Bulgarian oral literature – the cosmic silence when fauna and flora freezes in anticipation of the birth of the Young God. The quoted texts of the Bulgarian oral culture referring to the theme of the Nativity of the Lord, the Gospel inspiration or even interaction with the apocryphal text fades into the background. The content of the stories and folk songs seems to be primordial in relation to the processed content of the Gospel; biblical characters and situations are introduced to oral stories already in circulation, creating texts that are testament of the so-called folk Christianity

    Innovation through interaction - the concept of open innovation in theory and in practice

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    Open innovation is one of the most discussed topics connected to innovation, based not only on the search for new ideas and solutions but also on the emphasis for cooperation and the benefit of the diffusion of knowledge and dialogue. An innovative company should not construct an iron curtain separating it from the influence of the market and competition but participate in the exchange of ideas whether internal or external. The concept of open innovation is the foundation of the above idea, meaning an innovation management strategy which benefits from both internal and external sources, the constant monitoring of the latest scientific achievements, investment in patents, competitor’s licences and making unutilised research projects available to others. This paper will show the characteristics and examples of the above strategy application, which prove that innovation processes, appropriately applied to market needs, may generate concrete benefits, both for worldwide corporations and small and medium-sized companies, as it is the consumer that significantly builds the market of innovations and therefore can be considered its co-constructor.Preparation and printing funded by the National Agency for Research and Development under project “Kreator Innowacyjnoƛci – wparcie dla Przedsiębiorczoƛci akademickiej

    Product placement as a way of promoting on an international scale based on a series of films about James Bond

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    This article presents the characteristics of product placement as global promotion. The reader may refer to the types of product placement, its regulatory framework and its short genesis and evolution. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted on a group of 123 respondents. The survey results indicate that product placement in James Bond films is noticeable by more than 90% of respondents. The respondents have positive opinions on the use of product placement to promote the products. This may encourage potential investors to make more use of film as a medium of product placement

    Young researchers of the Barents Region

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    Text typology and its significance in translation

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    Translation is a very broad, complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, encompassing much more factors than it seems at first glance. It is not just copying the words from the original work while changing the language, but it consists of a careful selection of appropriate phrases and expressions, combining them together in a skillful way while taking into consideration numerous aspects, one of them being the text type. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to present various text typologies and text types, specify their implications for translators and determine the role of the correct recognition of text type in producing a successful translation. This will be done on the assumption that a text type is one of the basic factors that allow the translator to recognise the function and purpose of the text as well as the author's intention. Thus, depending on the nature of these, the translator will inevitably resort to different techniques and strategies in order to successfully render the source text. Therefore, identifying the text type also helps the translator to select the appropriate translation strategy

    Yesterday’s church of tomorrow: St. John the Baptist, Ermine Estate

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    Consecrated in 1963, the parish church of St. John the Baptist is a major contribution to ecclesiastical architecture of the second half of the 20th century. This avant-garde building is the central feature of the Ermine Estate in the provincial city of Lincoln. Its importance lies in combining innovative minimalist architectural thinking with advanced liturgical planning. The structure was designed by an architect largely invisible in architectural history, Sam Scorer, and a structural engineer, Hajnal Konyi. It consists of an impressive hyperbolic paraboloid roof made in reinforced concrete. Its form was fashionable and functional (romantically rational). It gave an impression of contradicting laws of gravity. It summarizes the post-war excitement with engineering. The paper contains a discussion about contradictions and discontinuities that occur in the story of this intriguing architectural precedent

    Crowdfunding : psychological conditioning

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    "Crowdfunding" jest stosunkowo nowym pojęciem; to neologizm, ktĂłry powstaƂ w 2006 roku. SƂowo skƂada się z dwĂłch terminĂłw: crowd ("tƂum") oraz funding ("finansowanie"). Crowdfunding funkcjonuje za poƛrednictwem specjalnych platform i Internetu, wykorzystuje pƂatnoƛci online. Celem niniejszego artykuƂu jest zdefiniowanie crowdfundingu, a takĆŒe opisanie jego modeli i wskazanie na motywacje psychologiczne związane z dziedziną crowdfundingu. Ponadto przedstawione zostaƂy niektĂłre z ostatnich badaƄ na jego temat, ktĂłre wskazują na psychologiczne i socjologiczne determinanty zachowaƄ w sieci.Crowdfunding is a relatively new term; it’s a neologism that has been brought to live in 2006. The word itself is a blend of two terms: ‘crowd’ and ‘funding’ and the background for that term is connected with ‘crowdsourcing’. Crowdfunding use special platforms, web and online payments. The aim of the paper is mainly related to defining crowdfunding, describing models of crowdfunding and indicating some of psychological motivations and conditions to operate in crowdfunding realm. The analysis provides a clear picture of crowdfunding models and psy- chological motivations to crowdfunding. What is more, some of the recent researches and case studies will be presented to show some of the particular crowdfunding activities

    Journal Staff

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    Chemistry is often claimed to be difficult, irrelevant, and uninteresting to school students. Even students who enjoy doing science often have problems seeing themselves as being scientists. This thesis explores and challenges the negative perception of chemistry by investigating upper secondary students’ views on the subject. Based on students’ ideas for improving chemistry education to make the subject more interesting and meaningful, new learning approaches rooted in context-based learning (CBL) are presented. CBL approaches are applied in several countries to enhance interest, de-emphasise rote learning, and improve students’ higher order thinking. Students’ views on upper secondary school chemistry classes in combination with their problem- solving strategies and application of chemistry content knowledge when solving context-based chemistry tasks were investigated using a mixed methods approach. Questionnaire responses, written solutions to chemistry problems, classroom observations, and think-aloud interviews with upper secondary students at the Natural Science Programme and with experts working on context- based chemistry tasks were analysed to obtain a general overview and explore specific issues in detail. Several students were identified who had positive feelings about chemistry, found it interesting, and chose to continue with it beyond the compulsory level, mainly with the aim of future university studies or simply because they enjoyed it. Their suggestions for improving school chemistry by connecting it to everyday life prompted an exploration of CBL approaches. Studies on the cognitive learning outcomes arising from the students’ work on context-based tasks revealed that school chemistry heavily emphasises the recall of memorised facts. However, there is evidence of higher order thinking when students’ problem-solving processes are scaffolded using hints based on the Model of Hierarchical Complexity in Chemistry (MHC-C). In addition, the contextualisation of problems is identified as something that supports learning rather than distracting students. To conclude, the students in this thesis are interested in chemistry and enjoy chemistry education, and their motives for choosing to study chemistry at the post-compulsory level are related to their aspirations; students’ identity formation is important for their choices. Because students are accustomed to recalling facts and solving chemistry problems that have “one single correct answer”, they find more open problems that demand higher order thinking (e.g. knowledge transfer) unfamiliar and complex, suggesting that such processes should be practiced more often in school chemistry. Kemi Ă€r ett skolĂ€mne som generellt anses vara bĂ„de svĂ„rt, irrelevant och ointressant för ungdomar. Trots att det Ă€ndĂ„ finns ungdomar som uppskattar naturvetenskap i allmĂ€nhet och kemi i synnerhet, har de ofta problem att se sig sjĂ€lva som naturvetare eller kemister. Denna avhandling undersöker och ifrĂ„gasĂ€tter den negativa bilden av kemiĂ€mnet genom att till en början studera gymnasieelevers syn pĂ„ kemi. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n naturvetarelevers förslag för att förbĂ€ttra kemiundervisningen och göra Ă€mnet mer intressant och meningsfullt, anknyter avhandlingen dĂ€refter till kontextbaserad kemi. Kontextbaserade kurser anvĂ€nds i flera lĂ€nder för att öka elevernas intresse, minska fokuseringen pĂ„ utantillkunskaper och utveckla elevernas mer avancerade tĂ€nkande; med andra ord med mĂ„let att uppnĂ„ ett meningsfullt lĂ€rande. Vid kontextbaserade angreppssĂ€tt utgĂ„r man frĂ„n ett sammanhang (kontexten), ofta nĂ„got personligt eller samhĂ€lleligt, som ska vara relevant och intressant. FrĂ„n dessa kontexter koncentreras dĂ€refter undervisningen pĂ„ de Ă€mneskunskaper man behöver ha för att förstĂ„ sammanhanget (s.k. need-to-know). Syftet med avhandlingen Ă€r att undersöka naturvetarelevers syn pĂ„ gymnasiekemin, bĂ„de deras intresse för Ă€mnet och deras skĂ€l att vĂ€lja det naturvetenskapliga programmet pĂ„ gymnasiet, samt elevernas problemlösningsförmĂ„ga och anvĂ€ndande av Ă€mneskunskaper nĂ€r de löser kontextbaserade kemiuppgifter. SkĂ€let att studera naturvetarelever pĂ„ gymnasiet Ă€r att dessa elever uppfattas som möjliga framtida naturvetare eftersom de sjĂ€lva har valt naturvetenskaplig inriktning efter den obligatoriska grundskolan. Med hjĂ€lp av olika metoder (enkĂ€ter, klassrums- observationer, skriftliga lösningar till kemiuppgifter och intervjuer med bĂ„de elever och experter som löser kemiuppgifter) har analyser genomförts för att dels fĂ„r en allmĂ€n överblick, dels för att utforska specifika delar i detalj bĂ„de gĂ€llande kognitiva och affektiva aspekter av lĂ€rande. Resultaten visar att flertalet elever har en positiv instĂ€llning till kemi, mĂ„nga tycker att Ă€mnet Ă€r intressant och har valt att fortsĂ€tta lĂ€sa kemi efter den obligatoriska grundskolan frĂ€mst med mĂ„let att studera vidare pĂ„ universitetsnivĂ„, men ocksĂ„ eftersom de specifikt uppskattar kemi. Gymnasieeleverna lyfter fram lĂ€rarna som viktiga och lĂ€rarstyrda kemilektioner anses positivt, speciellt om lĂ€rarna Ă€r strukturerade i sin undervisning. Ett vanligt skĂ€l till att vĂ€lja naturvetenskapsprogrammet Ă€r ocksĂ„ att man aktivt vĂ€ljer utbildning med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n vilken skola man vill gĂ„ pĂ„, nĂ„got som i denna avhandling tolkas som ett identitetsskapande. Elevernas förslag för att förbĂ€ttra skolkemin genom att anknyta kemin till vardagen lĂ„g till grund för avhandlingens fortsatta inriktning mot kontextbaserade angreppssĂ€tt. Analyser av elevernas kognitiva resultat nĂ€r de löser kontextbaserade kemiuppgifter visar att dagens skolkemi tydligt fokuserar pĂ„ att memorera faktakunskaper. Eleverna Ă€r vana att anvĂ€nda utantillkunskaper nĂ€r de löser kemiuppgifter eftersom uppgifterna, enligt eleverna, efterfrĂ„gar ”det rĂ€tta svaret”. DĂ€remot visar studierna ocksĂ„ att ett mer avancerat tĂ€nkande kan uppnĂ„s nĂ€r elevernas problemlösning stöds av hjĂ€lp och ledtrĂ„dar som baseras pĂ„ ett specifikt ramverk, MHC-C (Model of Hierarchical Complexity in Chemistry). NĂ€r det gĂ€ller Ă€mneskunskaperna som krĂ€vs för att lösa de kontextbaserade kemiuppgifterna Ă€r vissa kemibegrepp viktiga tröskelbegrepp (sk. threshold concepts). Med hjĂ€lp av medvetenhet om tröskelbegrepp, som exempelvis polaritet och elektronegativitet för löslighetsuppgifter inom den organiska kemin, kan en större helhetsförstĂ„else för övergripande begrepp (crosscutting disciplinary concepts) som förhĂ„llandet mellan kemiska Ă€mnens struktur och egenskaper förhoppningsvis uppnĂ„s. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller affektiva resultat anser eleverna att kontexterna i uppgifterna bĂ„de var intressanta och relevanta, frĂ€mst nĂ€r en personlig anknytning var tydlig. Dessutom visade sig kontexterna i uppgifterna vara positiva för lĂ€randet, inte en distraktionsfaktor. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras att svenska elever pĂ„ naturvetenskaps- programmet Ă€r intresserade av kemi och uppskattar kemiundervisningen, speciellt om kemin knyts till vardagen och att lĂ€rarna har en tydlig struktur i sin undervisning. Elevernas skĂ€l att vĂ€lja fortsatta kemistudier efter den obligatoriska grundskolan kan knytas till deras utbildningsstrĂ€van men ocksĂ„ att elevers identitetsskapande Ă€r viktigt för deras gymnasieval. Med hjĂ€lp av kontextbaserade angreppssĂ€tt kan kemiundervisningen göras mer intressant och relevant samtidigt som elevernas problemlösningsförmĂ„ga kan utvecklas. NĂ€r eleverna möter mer öppna frĂ„gor som krĂ€ver förklaringar och resonemang Ă€r de ovana vid detta och uppfattar uppgifterna komplicerade, samtidigt som de uppskattar denna typ av uppgifter eftersom de uppfattas relevanta och intressanta. Slutsatsen blir att elevernas förmĂ„ga till problemlösning av öppna frĂ„gor som bĂ„de krĂ€ver faktakunskaper men ocksĂ„ förklaringar och resonemang mĂ„ste trĂ€nas oftare inom ramen för skolans kemi för att utveckla elevernas meningsfulla lĂ€rande
