83 research outputs found


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    Economics can he enriched by paying more attention to ethics. The narrow interpretation of self interested behaviour is not sufficient in a world of (extremely) limited conditions. Maximizing utility (as one possible definition of economic success) is a relative matter, depending on what appears to be the appropriate standard. The problem of externalities e.g. has to be discussed under the point of view of ethics-economic reasoning alone will not solve the problem The "real" goals of a corporation can only be identified by the means of ethical reasoning. Values are decisive for what happens in business, they may he rational or irrational, consistent or inconsistent with those of the marketplace. There has been little systematic analysis of values in business

    Sustainability and Communication in Higher Education

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    [EN] Sustainability Sciences need communication to communicate knowledge effectively and to engage audiences toward sustainable development. Therefore, the present study examines to what extent media and communication aspects are integrated into sustainability science's curricula of higher education institutions in Europe. For this purpose, a total of n=1117 bachelor and master's degree programs and their related curricula/program specifications from 31 European countries were analyzed by means of content analysis. Results show that the level of curricular integration of media and communication aspects in the field of sustainability science is not (yet) far advanced (18%). This leaves room for a reflection on the perceived (ir-)relevance of communication as a crucial discipline and competence in the sustainability science area, as well as on the social and educational responsibility of higher education institutions.Voci, D.; Karmasin, M. (2021). Sustainability and Communication in Higher Education. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 641-649. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12831OCS64164

    Medienethik: Wirtschaftsethik medialer Kommunikation. Eine Ergänzung der sozial- und individualethischen Tradition der medienethischen Debatte

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    Der Beitrag behandelt die Frage, welche Antworten aus medienethischer Perspektive auf aktuelle Herausforderungen wie Globalisierung und Kommerzialisierung sinnvoll wären. Da – so das zentrale Argument – viele medienethische Problemlagen ihren Ursprung in ökonomischen Strukturen und Bedingungen haben, bietet sich eine wirtschaftsethische Fundierung der Medienethik an. In der Folge entwickelt der Beitrag Konturen einer Medienethik als Wirtschaftsethik medialer Kommunikation und lotet das heuristische und praktische Potenzial dieses Ansatzes aus. Dem Autor geht es um eine Ergänzung der sozial- und individualethischen Tradition der medienethischen Debatte durch die Einführung einer Ethik der Mesoebene, der Organisationsethik.EnglishMedia Ethics: The Economic Ethics of Media Communications. A Supplement to the traditional Social and Individual Ethics of the Media Ethical Debate The article addresses the question concerning those answers, from a media ethical perspective, which are sensible regarding the current challenges of globalization and commercialism. Accor- ding to the central argument, as many media ethical problem-areas stem from economic structures and conditions, an economic foundation for media ethics offers itself. In the follow-up, the piece develops the contours of a media ethic as an economic ethic of media communications and investigates the heuristic and practical potential for such an approach. The author’s intention is to develop a supplement to the traditional social and individual ethics of the media ethical debate, through the introduction of a middle ground; that of organizational ethics.

    Media ethics as economical ethics for media communication?

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    Medienethik in einer ökonomisierten Welt

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    Ethik hat in den vergangenen Jahren immer stärker innerhalb verschiedener Fachdisziplinen und Arbeitsbereiche Einzug gehalten, was dazu geführt hat, dass verschiedene bereichsspezifische Ethiken entwickelt wurden (Medizinethik, Wirtschaftsethik, Rechtsethik, Technikethik, Sportethik etc.). Zumeist werden diese unter dem Sammelbegriff der „Angewandten Ethik“ zusammengefasst (vgl. etwa Lenk 1997, Rippe 1999, Nida-Rümelin 2005, Knoepffler/Kunzmann/Pies/Siegetsleitner 2006), angedeutet wird damit..

    Corporate communicative responsibility: Kommunikation als Ziel und Mittel unternehmerischer Verantwortungswahrnehmung ; Studienergebnisse aus Ă–sterreich

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    "Die Daten eines Querschnittvergleichs von Managerbefragungen aus den Jahren 1995, 2006, 2007 und 2009 aus Ă–sterreich, eingebettet in die internationale Diskussion, zeigen, dass auf allen Ebenen der unternehmerischen Verantwortungswahrnehmung Kommunikation eine zentrale Rolle spielt. So wird die Verantwortungswahrnehmung kommuniziert (CSR-Kommunikation), darĂĽber hinaus steigt das Bewusstsein fĂĽr eine verantwortliche, da reflektierende (ethische) Kommunikation - unternehmensintern und -extern." (Autorenreferat)"The comparison of the data of four manager surveys 1995, 2006, 2007 and 2009 in Austria embedded in the international discussion about CSK- and sustainable practices shows that there is awareness of the necessity of the corporate responsible of business, but that possibilities to act are restricted. However, the results show that communication is both a means and an end, when it comes to new potentials of integrating ethical and entrepreneurial acting. The increased consciousness for and reflection of ethical internal and external communication is described as 'return of value-based management'." (author's abstract

    Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Europa: ein kennzahlenbasierter Vergleich zum Verhältnis von Finanzierung und Publikumsleistungen

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    Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien sind mit einer lang anhaltenden Debatte über ihre öffentliche Aufgabe, ihre Leistungen, ihre Effizienz und den Public Value ihrer Angebote konfrontiert – und in vielen Ländern geraten sie durch politische Initiativen unter Druck, die die traditionelle Finanzierung über Rundfunkgebühren in Frage stellen. Diese Studie trägt zur Debatte über Finanzierungsmodelle und die Evaluierung öffentlicher Medien bei, indem das Verhältnis zwischen Finanzierung (Input) und Publikumsleistungen (Impact) untersucht wird. Die Ergebnisse einer komparativen Analyse 17 europäischer Länder zeigen, dass die Finanzierung öffentlicher Medien einen Einfluss auf den Publikumserfolg hat. Rundfunkveranstalter mit höheren öffentlichen Einnahmen erreichen höhere Marktanteile, eine größere Relevanz als Informationsquelle und ein höheres Vertrauen in die Unabhängigkeit von äußeren Einflüssen.Public service media (PSM) are confronted with a continuing debate about public remits, performance, efficiency, and the public value of its offerings – and in many countries, they are put under pressure by political initiatives that question the traditional public funding models. This paper contributes to the debate about funding models and the assessment of public service media by exploring the relationship between funding (input) and audience performance (impact). Results of a comparative analysis of 17 European countries indicate that funding of PSM affects its audience performance. Broadcasters with stronger public income achieve higher market shares, stronger relevance as an information source, and greater trust in independence from external constraints

    Convergence in Media Education Curricula

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    [EN] The paper intends to investigate current university degree programs in numerous European countries and compare them with offerings in the United States with regard to their suitability to contemporary workplace requirements in the age of convergence. Recent trends in convergence, defined as the merging and growing together of previously distinct industrial branches, professions, devices and skills (Jenkins, 2008) have changed and dramatically transformed the ways people communicate as well as interact with each another. As a consequence, academic and professional representatives are asked to respond to these far-reaching alterations in varying ways. By use of an extensive content analysis, our study intends to analyze to which degree universities in Europe and the United States have started to already offer adequate programs on different educational levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in an attempt to provide the kind of media education needed today and in the future. The paper takes a closer look at educational trainings and degree programs offered by post-secondary institutions throughout the world, scrutinizing whether convergence and related terms such as multimedia and cross-media have already managed to gain an (academic) foothold yetKarmasin, M.; Diehl, S.; Koinig, I. (2015). Convergence in Media Education Curricula. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 150-157. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.30315015


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    Saskia Hertlein/Hermann Josef Schnackertz (Hg .): The Culture of Catholicism in the United States (Ferdinand Oertel)Juliana Raupp/Stefan Jarolimek/Friederike Schultz (Hg .): Handbuch CSR . Kommunikationswissenschatliche Grundlagen, disziplinäre Zugänge und methodische Herausforderungen . Mit Glossar (Isabel Winkler)Anke Trommershausen: Corporate Responsibility in Medienunternehmen (Lars Rademacher)Mike Friedrichsen / Martin Gertler: Medien zwischen Ökonomie und Qualität . Medienethik als Instrument der Medienwirtschaft (Matthias Karmasin) Kai Erik Trost / Bettina Schwarzer: Social Web auf Online- Portalen deutscher Zeitungen . Eine empirische Untersuchung des Nutzungsverhaltens (Julius Reimer)Guido Keel: Journalisten in der Schweiz . Eine Berufsfeldstudie im Zeitverlauf (Rahel Künkele)Thomas Birkner: Das Selbstgespräch der Zeit . Die Geschichte des Journalismus in Deutschland 1605–1914 (Kurt Koszyk)Cornelia Klein: Mediale Vorbildkompetenz . Eine Studie am Beispiel der Fans von Bruce Springsteen (Claudia Paganini

    Patterns of structural and sequential ambidexterity in cross-border media management

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    Organisational ambidexterity–the ability of a company to success- fully link exploitation and exploration–is a fruitful approach for cross-border management. It is a crucial concept for media compa- nies that, because of the dual (cultural and economic) character of their products, need to reconcile strategies of mere expansion with local customisation when engaging across borders. Drawing on semi- structured interviews with international media managers, this article captures patterns of ambidextrous strategising and organising in cross-border media activities. The article focuses on digitisation, which has altered the opportunities for balancing exploration and exploitation in internationalisation. The analysis reveals how, in this context, exploitation takes centre stage and how patterns of ambi- dexterity differ significantly depending on the media type and the background of the company
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