266 research outputs found

    Innovation in vocational education of persons with disabilities

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    The article discusses the training of persons with disabilities in the different layers of educationВ статье рассматривается профессиональное обучение инвалидов в разных слоях образовани

    Sesgo tafonómico en los datos de distribución de Cloudina en Siberia

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    Cloudina-morph fossils in Siberia have been traditionally regarded as a taphonomic mode of Anabarites tests inserted one into another under specific hydrodynamic conditions. Clusters of telescoped conical tests are ubiquitous in the Kessyusa Group and coeval strata across Siberia and not all of them can be easily interpreted as a result of simple mechanical stacking. It remains to be confirmed whether any of these clusters actually represents a life association of a Cloudina-morph structure.En Siberia los morfotipos de Cloudina han sido tradicionalmente considerados como una variedad tafonómica de conchas de Anabarites, insertadas una dentro de otra, bajo condiciones hidrodinámicas específicas. Las asociaciones de conchas cónicas telescópicas son omnipresentes en el Grupode Kessyusa y en estratos contemporáneos a lo largo de Siberia, y no todos ellos pueden ser fácilmente interpretados como resultado de un simple apilamiento mecánico. Queda por ver si alguna de estas bioacumulaciones representa una asociación de vida de una estructura morfotípica de tipo Cloudina


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    Determination of the dynamics of the groundwater level is one of the most important tasks, without the solution of which it is impossible to reliably estimate the reliability and durability of the projected building. In this article, the concept of applying information modeling technologies for obtaining a reliable "building-ground" system is proposed, which allows modeling the position of the groundwater level

    A Fuzzy Approach to the Synthesis of Cognitive Maps for Modeling Decision Making in Complex Systems

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    The object of this study is fuzzy cognitive modeling as a means of studying semistructured socio-economic systems. The features of constructing cognitive maps, providing the ability to choose management decisions in complex semistructured socio-economic systems, are described. It is shown that further improvement of technologies necessary for developing decision support systems and their practical use is still relevant. This work aimed to improve the accuracy of cognitive modeling of semistructured systems based on a fuzzy cognitive map of structuring nonformalized situations (MSNS) with the evaluation of root-mean-square error (RMSE) and mean average squared error (MASE) coefficients. In order to achieve the goal, the following main methods were used: systems analysis methods, fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets theory postulates, theory of integral wavelet transform, correlation and autocorrelation analyses. As a result, a new methodology for constructing MSNS was proposed—a map of structuring nonformalized situations that combines the positive properties of previous fuzzy cognitive maps. The solution of modeling problems based on this methodology should increase the reliability and quality of analysis and modeling of semistructured systems and processes under uncertainty. The analysis using open datasets proved that compared to the classical ARIMA, SVR, MLP, and Fuzzy time series models, our proposed model provides better performance in terms of MASE and RMSE metrics, which confirms its advantage. Thus, it is advisable to use our proposed algorithm in the future as a mathematical basis for developing software tools for the analysis and modeling of problems in semistructured systems and processes. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-012 Full Text: PD

    Characteristics of modern methods in milk production at the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum (Norway)

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    In Norway, all the necessary conditions have been created for the work of farm enterprises in the dairy direction of productivity. Proper treatment of animals, the creation of comfortable conditions for them, and financial support from the state are necessary components for the development of the dairy business in the country. The article describes the main components of the technology for producing ecological milk from cows at the farm Iver Tyldum, the city of Høylannet, Norway. This farm is the most potent milk production enterprise in Hoi Lannet. The total number of cows is 147, including 64 dairy cows. This is an “ecological farm”, the only one in the region, which is essential in the modern market conditions of production. The main advantage of such products is the creation of comfortable conditions for cows, proper care for them, and feeding plenty of young animals with natural feed, i.e., whole milk. The system of keeping animals is stall-pasture, and the method of keeping is untethered. An essential indicator of the profitability of ecological production is the milk productivity of cows. In the eco-economic enterprise Iver Tyldum, when evaluating cows' milk productivity, the energy adjustment technique is used. DeLaval VMSTM 310 robotic milking machine is used for milking cows. This is the most modern milking installation of the latest generation. The reproduction process of the herd is controlled by the innovative ReProTM system, which provides a reproduction control system, detects cows in heat, and determines a fixed calving date. In addition, this system excludes the need to check the animal's body with a veterinary medicine doctor. It allows you to see a clear picture of the reproductive status of each animal. Using this technology of milk production, the farmer achieves a correct and precise balance regarding milk quotas and maintains a sufficient level of profitability in his production

    Social Factors Affecting Educational Success of Military Cadets

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    The article presents an analysis of social factors affecting educational success of cadets of military educational organizations based on the results of a sociological survey among cadets of the Air Force Academy and its branches (N=722). The aim of the study was to determine social characteristic of cadets which correlate with their educational success. According to the results of the survey, three groups of cadets were identified. The size of the groups corresponds to the data of the cadets’ objective academic performance. It was found that the greatest success is demonstrated by cadets for whom training in a higher military educational organization serves as a channel for intergenerational mobility and the continuation of the military professional development trajectory.It is revealed that the largest socio-professional group, which is a main supplier to the system of training future officers, is constituted by the representatives of the power unit, and the main factors of the educational success of cadets are 1) a developed military-professional orientation, 2) a high level of school performance, 3) living in large cities, 4) relatively high level of cultural capital and life experience

    A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Managing Logistical Risk in Machine-Building Enterprises

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    The aim of the scientific article is to develop a theoretical and practical approach to managing logistical risks in machine-building enterprises under modern turbulent conditions of management. According to the results of the carried out analysis of literary sources, the essence of the concept “risk” is determined. After analyzing the works of academic economists, the functions of logistical risks in machine-building enterprises are highlighted. Taking into account the characteristic features of activities of machine-building enterprises, possible risks are identified. Based on the research, there proposed a theoretical and practical approach to managing logistical risks in machine-building enterprises, which involves determining reasons for the emergence of logistical risks in machine-building enterprises, carrying out a thorough analysis aimed at the identification of risks and formation of a system for managing risks associated with logistics operations in machine-building enterprises. It is proposed to use economic and mathematical models which will help to localize and neutralize negative effects of risks when forming effective decisions on managing logistical risks in machine-building enterprises

    Хирургическая активация увеосклерального оттока

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    Today there are many hypotensive surgical interventions intended to activate the uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humour. Their technique has changed due to the development of understanding of morphology and physiology. The primary concept of creating a fistula between the anterior chamber and suprachoroidal space transformed into combined surgical procedures based on filtering and non-penetrating techniques. Such surgical operations were often used for treating severe forms of glaucoma. In the course of non-penetrating glaucoma surgery development, combinations of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with surgical activation of uveoscleral outflow were proposed. Most frequently it is carried out by implanting various drainages. Draining devices with one end implanted under the scleral flap into the anterior chamber and the other end - through a sclera incision into suprachoroidal space were recently developed. This appears to be the modern embodiment of the idea of combining filtering surgery with suprachoroidal space draining. In modern surgery cyclodialysis has also developed - a number of draining devices are implanted from anterior chamber into suprachoroidal space creating a direct pathway between these expanses. Mechanism of action of hypoten-sive surgical interventions and some aspects of histotopog-raphy are also discussed in the article.Сегодня существует множество гипотензивных хирургических вмешательств, направленных на активацию увеосклерального оттока. Их техника менялась по мере развития представлений о морфологии и физиологии данного вида оттока. Первые операции базировались на принципе создания прямого соустья между передней камерой глаза и супрахориоидальным пространством. Затем широкое распространение получила комбинированная хирургия, сочетающая в себе фильтрующие операции и дренирование супрахориоидального пространства. Подобные вмешательства чаще использовались для лечения тяжелых форм глаукомы. По мере развития непроникающей хирургии глаукомы стали предлагаться комбинированные хирургические вмешательства, дополняющие непроникающую глубокую склерэктомию активацией увеосклерального оттока. Чаще всего это реализуется за счет имплантации различных дренажей. В последнее время разработаны также дренажные устройства, имплантируемые под склеральный лоскут одним концом в переднюю камеру, а другим - через разрез склеры в супрахориоидальное пространство. Это является современным воплощением идеи комбинации фильтрующих операций и дренирования супрахориоидального пространства. Циклодиализ также получил развитие в современной хирургии - ряд дренажных устройств имплантируются из передней камеры в супрахориоидальное пространство, создавая прямое сообщение между этими полостями. В статье обсуждается механизм действия представленных хирургических вмешательств, а также отдельные аспекты гистотопографии

    Економічна ефективність використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому оногенезі

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    The increase in milk productivity is indissolubly related to the production economy, as the payment of food for dairy products is directly dependent on the volume of the dairy. The aim of the research was to establish the economic efficiency of using the first-born cows of Holstein breed with different intensity of their formation in early ontogenesis. Experimental heifers significantly differed in development, both at the beginning and at the end of their breed. By the size of the live weight, the heifers and the experimental group dominated the elders with a high degree of confidence in the difference. At 6 months of age, the difference was 16.90 kg (10.40%), 12 months – 19.85 kg (7.07%) and 18 months – 21.75 kg (5.79%). Absolute gain for the period 0–6 months  in the first group was 17.15 kg more than in the second and was 153.75 kg. In the periods of 6–12 and 12–18 months, no reliable difference was found for this indicator. The analysis of average daily gains of experimental animals showed that the heifers of the first group for this indicator faithfully prevailed in the age groups of 0–6 and 0–18 months, respectively: 95.3 g (12.6%) and 40.7 g (6,4%). Average daily gains at the age of 6–12 and 12–18 months  in the heifers of groups I and II did not significally differ. The analysis of the milk productivity of the first-breed cows at different intensities of formation showed that the first-breed cows, which had higher daily average gains, were significantly superior to those of the same age with a lower intensity of formation of 1093.0 kg (28.06% for P > 0.999). The fat content of milk in experimental animals was not significantly different. Animals of the first group were characterized by high milk productivity.  Their milk yield for the fitst lactation amounted to 4988.5 kg, up to the second lactation it increased by 222.1 kg (4.5%), from the second to the third lactation by 304.0 kg (5.8%), and in general from the first to the third – by 526.1 kg (10.5%).  The milk productivity the first-breed cows of the second group was 3895.5 kg, the increase in the supply of the second lactation amounted to 906.3 kg (23.3%), productivity growth from from the second to the third lactation was 376.7 kg (7.8%), in the period from the first to the third lactation in this group, the overall increase in fertility increased by 1283.0 kg (32.9%). The rate of formation of primary cows in early ontogenesis of cows more affects the pulse rate and rectal body temperature and is less in the frequency of respiratory movements. In the first-born cows with a fast intensity of formation compared with analogues with a slow intensity of formation, a tendency towards higher rates of pulse and respiratory movements at a lower rectal body temperature have been observed. During conducting the correlation analysis of the relationship between the live weight at different ages of the first-born cows and the content of fat in milk we have been revealed a positive average power of a reliable relationship between live weight at the age of 6 and 18 months with the tardiness of the first lactation.  The relationship between live weight and fat content in milk was weak and unreliable. From the the first-born cows with a rapid intensity of formation, in comparison with the first-borns with a slow intensity of formation, more milk was extracted at a cost of 9890.6 UAH.  (on 100 heads – 989060,0). Calculated indicators of economic efficiency prove the expediency of selecting cows, not only on the indicators of dairy productivity, but also on such indicator as the intensity of the formation of the heifers up to 18 months of age.  In this case, it is necessary to take into account the average daily increment of live weight of heifers, which in the future can ensure the maximum profit of the milk industry.Підвищення молочної продуктивності нерозривно пов’язано з економікою виробництва, тому що оплата корму молочною продукцією перебуває в прямій залежності від величини надоїв. Метою досліджень було встановлення економічної ефективності використання корів-первісток голштинської породи з різною інтенсивністю їх формування у ранньому онтогенезі. Піддослідні телиці достовірно відрізнялися за розвитком  як на початку, так і в кінці вирощування. За величиною живої маси  телиці І піддослідної групи переважали ровесниць з високою достовірністю різниці. У 6-місячному віці різниця становила 16,90 кг (10,40%), 12-місячному – 19,85 кг (7,07%) та 18-місячному – 21,75 кг (5,79%). Корови-первістки, які мали вищі середньодобові прирости, достовірно переважали ровесниць з нижчою інтенсивністю формування за величиною надою на 1093,0 кг (28,06% за Р > 0,999). Вміст жиру в молоці піддослідних тварин суттєво не відрізнявся. У первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з аналогами з повільною інтенсивністю формування спостерігається тенденція до вищих показників частоти пульсу та дихальних рухів при меншій ректальній температурі тіла. Від корів-первісток зі швидкою інтенсивністю формування порівняно з первістками з повільною інтенсивністю формування отримали додатково більше молока вартістю 9890,6 грн. (на 100 голів – 989060,0)

    Main aspects of development processes of strategic planning systems in Ukraine

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    Kravchenko S., Yevmieshkina O., Hornyk V., Karlova V., Velykykh K. Main aspects of development processes of strategic planning systems in Ukraine. PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION. 2022. Vol. 21, №. 5. P. 581-592