260 research outputs found

    State-Based Human Rights Violations and Terrorism

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    In this dissertation, I examine the within-country and between-country effects of state-based human rights violations on annual counts of total, fatal and attributed attacks. I use the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) for my outcome variables and Political Terror Scale (PTS) to measure state-based human rights violations. Scholars argue that repressive governments that silence dissidents and close all avenues of political expression increase the likelihood of terrorism and other acts of violence against the state (Gurr, 1970; Crenshaw, 1981; DeNardo, 1985; Piazza, 2017). In such circumstances, terrorism and acts of violence against the state may serve as a defense mechanism against repressive governments (Gurr, 1970). Others argue that state-based violations of human rights can damage public approval and perceptions of legitimacy towards the government (Piazza, 2017). This, in turn, fosters anti-state and anti-status quo grievances. Such polarized environments become vulnerable to extremist movements in regard to the gathering of support, recruitment of new members, and distribution of effective propaganda, all of which may result in increased terrorist attacks at the country-level (Walsh and Piazza, 2010). I use the fixed effects negative binomial regression model to test the effects of within-country changes in state-based human rights violations on annual changes in terrorism. I use generalized hierarchical linear modeling to test the effects of between-country changes in state-based human rights violations on annual changes in terrorism. Using country-level data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), Political Terror Scale (PTS), Polity IV, Freedom House and the World Bank, I examine the relationship between state-based human rights violations and terrorism for 175 countries between 1980 and 2014. The results indicate that state-based human rights violations is significantly and positively correlated with annual terrorism. The results regarding human rights violations are consistent for both within-country and between-country differences. Increases in human rights violations within a country results in increase in the number of terrorist attacks. Similarly, countries which have higher human rights violations also have high frequency of annual terrorist attacks

    Book Review: Gender Justice, Education and Equality:Creating Capabilities for Girls’ and Women’s Development

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    Education is a basic human right; “everyone has the right education” as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognised in 1948 (UNESCO, 2007). However, many girls and women cannot access education due to persistent gender bias and inequalities in societies (UNESCO, 2014). As Cin (2017) highlights in her book, around the world, approximately “65 million girls are not schooled and two-thirds of the world’s 774 million illiterate are female” (p.3). Even though it is well-known that access to a quality of education helps to eliminate gender bias and patriarchal values that exist in societies, most of the current educational systems across the world reflect and reproduce gender inequalities and prejudices

    Melhora do efeito de estresse salino em morango por adição de ácido salicílico

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    Strawberry is considered as a salinity sensitive species and is adversely affected in response to the salt stress in terms of growth and yield. Pot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) application on physiology, growth, chlorophyll and mineral content of strawberry grown under salt stress and greenhouse conditions. Strawberry plants were treated with SA at different concentrations (0.0, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mM). Salinity treatments were established by adding 0 and 35 mM of NaCl to a base complete nutrient solution. Salt stress negatively affected the growth, chlorophyll content and mineral uptake of strawberry plants. However, plants treated with SA often had greater shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight and root dry weight as well as higher chlorophyll content under salt stress. The greatest values were obtained with 1.00 mM SA treatment in both saline and non-saline conditions. Leaf water relative content (LWRC) was reduced in response to salt stress while electrolyte leakage was raised. SA treatments induced increases in LWRC and decreases in electrolyte leakage compared to the control under salt stress. With respect to the nutrient content, SA treatments increased almost contents of all nutrients in leaves and roots of strawberry plants under salt stress. The greatest values were often obtained by the 1.00 mM SA treatment. These findings suggest that the SA treatments can ameliorate the negative effect of salinity on the growth of strawberries.O morango é considerado uma espécie sensível à salinidade e é negativamente afetado por estresse salino, em termos de crescimento e produção. Por meio de experimentos em vaso foi determinado o efeito de ácido salicílico exógeno (SA) na fisiologia, crescimento, conteúdos de clorofila e de minerais, em morangueiros cultivados em estufa sob estresse salino. As concentrações de SA foram 0.0, 0.25, 0.50 e 1.00 mM. O estresse salino foi verificado pela adição de 0 e 35 mM de NaCl à uma solução nutritiva completa. O estresse salino afetou negativamente o crescimento, o conteúdo de clorofila e a absorção dos nutrientes minerais. Entretanto, plantas tratadas com SA muitas vezes apresentam maiores pesos frescos e secos, além de maior concentração de clorofila, sob condições de estresse salino. O conteúdo relativo de água das folhas (LWRC) foi reduzido em resposta ao estresse salino, enquanto o extravasamento de eletrólitos aumentou. Os tratamentos com SA induziram a aumentos em LWRC e diminuições no extravassamento de eletrólitos, em comparação com os controles sob estresse salino. Com respeito aos conteúdos de nutrientes, houve aumento para quase todos os nutrientes com adição de SA nas folhas e raízes sob estresse salino. Os maiores valores forma geralmente obtidos para 1.00 mM SA. Estes resultados sugerem que os tratamentos com SA podem atenuar os efeitos negativos da salinidade no crescimento do morangueiro

    Volksmedizinisch verwendete Arzneimittel der Provinzen Elazığ und Tunceli (Ostanatolien, Türkei)

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    In meiner Diplomarbeit beschäftigte ich mich mit der Erfassung von Informationen zur Verwendung volkstümlicher Heilmittel, in Form von Interviews mit heilkundigen Personen. Weiters mit der Aufsammlung, Herbarisierung und Dokumentation der verwendeten pflanzlichen und tierischen Arzneimittel (Schwerpunkt Pflanzen). Die Dokumentation erfolgte in Form von Videoaufzeichnungen, Photoaufnahmen und zahlreichen Mitschriften der Befragungen. Befragt wurde die indigene Bevölkerung jeden Alters über spezielle Zubereitungen und Anwendungen von Arzneipflanzen und Arzneimittel der Region. Meine Untersuchungsarbeiten erstreckten sich von Elazığ bis zur Nachbarprovinz Tunceli (Ostanatolien, Türkei), wobei einige Landkreise speziell bearbeitet wurden. Zwei Monate dauerten die Feldarbeiten in den genannten Gebieten. Alles in Allem wurden ca. 70 verschiedene Pflanzenarten in die Arbeit aufgenommen. Aus Mangel an entsprechender wissenschaftlicher Literatur, konnten nur ca. 55 Arten, respektive Gattungen, identifiziert werden

    Aspire Higher End of Year Report

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    In 2022-23, Aspire Higher continued to deliver a sustained and progressive programme of outreach to students in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Northamptonshire. This academic year also marked the beginning of a transition to a focus on attainment raising in line with the changing national objectives of the Uni Connect programme, which will continue into 2023-24. This report showcases the approach of the Aspire Higher Uni Connect partnership during this year. The partnership engaged with 4,905 learners from target wards during the 2022-23 academic year. Of these learners, 2,275 had three or more instances of engagement within the academic year.<br/

    Sexuality among People with Physical Disability

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    Physical disability is termed as disturbance or defect which impede or eliminate human body’s ability by disturbing human structure and shape. Physical disability may occur due to neonatal, natal or postnatal causes. People with physical disability have some natural needs as everyone. They are known to have difficulties in many areas of life. In society, sexual lives of these individuals are treated as an unknown and ignored issue, and moreover it has been assumed that they have no such needs. Disabled patients experience many troubles in their life domains including sexuality. This article provides information about physical disability and sexuality, and difficulties with which disabled people faces in their sexual life and overviews literature on this topic

    Aspire Higher End of Year Report

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    In 2022-23, Aspire Higher continued to deliver a sustained and progressive programme of outreach to students in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Northamptonshire. This academic year also marked the beginning of a transition to a focus on attainment raising in line with the changing national objectives of the Uni Connect programme, which will continue into 2023-24. This report showcases the approach of the Aspire Higher Uni Connect partnership during this year. The partnership engaged with 4,905 learners from target wards during the 2022-23 academic year. Of these learners, 2,275 had three or more instances of engagement within the academic year.<br/