875 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida no trabalho, bem-estar e mal-estar no cotidiano de docentes dos cursos de pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional

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    The academic context in Brazil has undergone a series of transformations over the past few years. The academic environment has been gaining prominence in scientific research for revealing a stressful context with a high incidence of mental illness among students and teachers. In this context of Brazilian postgraduate courses, on the one hand, it has policies to encourage the development and qualification of stricto sensu courses, on the other hand, it observes a reduced reduction in the budget and, consequently, an increase in precariousness as a whole. The logic of productive specification gains its contours within Higher Education Institutions, fostering characteristics such as flexibility, specification, valuing quantity at the expense of quality, among others. Thus, the focus of this study is focused on the understanding of the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) of professors who work in graduate programs in Regional Development, their sources of well-being and discomfort and, consequently, their strategies of coping. The phenomenon is analyzed through three related dimensions: 1) The formation of the academic field of regional development; 2) an objective dimension of the set of activities performed by professionals (work conditions and organizational support and organization of work); 3) a dimension of the set of activities developed by professionals (social and professional relationships, recognition and meaning of work). Based on a survey carried out with 76 professors from graduate programs in Regional Development, through a data collection instrument consisting of: a) Structured characterization questionnaire; b) Quality of Work Life Assessment Inventory; c) Occupational Coping Scale; d) Adapted Workplace Well-being Scale It was proved, in general, that the factors related to teacher malaise are more directly related to working conditions, organizational support and work organization by the institution. On the other hand, it can be said that the teaching exercise, in turn, is based on subjective factors related to the meaning of work, recognition and socio-professional relationships. The results obtained also indicate that professors of graduate programs in Regional Development have more confidence in internal actors in the academic environment (students, professors and TAEs) than in external actors/institutions such as (TV, Merchants and Federal Government).O meio acadêmico no Brasil vem passando por uma série de transformações ao longo dos últimos anos e vem ganhando destaque em pesquisas científicas que o apontam como ambiente estressante e com alta incidência de adoecimento mental entre alunos e professores. No contexto brasileiro, a pós-graduação mantém, por um lado, políticas de incentivo ao desenvolvimento e à qualificação dos cursos stricto sensu e observa, por outro lado, uma redução significativa no orçamento e o consequente aumento da precarização como um todo. A lógica da reestruturação produtiva imprimiu seus contornos no interior das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) fomentando características como a flexibilidade, a competitividade, a valorização da quantidade em detrimento da qualidade, entre outras. Assim, o foco do presente estudo está na compreensão da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) do docente que atua em programas de pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional, suas fontes de bem-estar e mal-estar e, consequentemente, suas estratégias de enfrentamento. Analisa-se o fenômeno por meio de três dimensões que se inter-relacionam: 1. a formação do campo acadêmico do desenvolvimento regional; 2. a dimensão objetiva do conjunto das atividades desenvolvidas pelos profissionais (‘Condições de trabalho e suporte organizacional’ e ‘Organização do trabalho’); e 3. a dimensão subjetiva do conjunto das atividades desenvolvidas pelos profissionais (‘Relações socioprofissionais’, ‘Reconhecimento e sentido do trabalho’). O estudo contou com uma pesquisa realizada junto a 76 docentes de programas de pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional, por meio dos seguintes instrumentos de coleta de dados: a) Questionário Estruturado de Caracterização; b) Inventário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho; c) Escala de Coping Ocupacional; d) Escala de Bem-estar no Trabalho adaptada. Com os dados obtidos, concluiu-se que, de modo geral, os docentes respondentes da pesquisa vivenciam, predominantemente, QVT correspondente à zona de bem-estar. Pode-se afirmar, além disso, que o exercício docente se sustenta em fatores subjetivos, relacionados ao sentido do trabalho, ao reconhecimento e às relações socioprofissionais. Os resultados obtidos também indicam que os docentes de programas de pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional tendem a confiar mais em atores internos ao meio acadêmico (discentes, docentes e TAEs) do que em atores/instituições externos/as (como emissoras de TV, comerciantes e Governo Federal)

    The Role of Parents\u27 Medication Beliefs, Religious Problem-Solving, and Risks for Treatment Nonadherence in Urban Families with Asthma

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    Childhood asthma is highly prevalent, affecting approximately nine million children in the United States. Negative effects of pediatric asthma are disproportionately experienced by ethnic minorities living in low-income, urban settings. Given the great diversity in families\u27 ways of addressing children\u27s asthma symptoms, sociocultural factors underlying asthma disparities must be examined. The current study investigated associations among parents\u27 beliefs about conventional and holistic/alternative medications, parents\u27 religious problem-solving strategies and childrens\u27 risks for asthma treatment nonadherence. The sample included 66 parents of ethnically diverse children with asthma living in urban settings. Factor analysis of the Religious Problem Solving Questionnaire yielded two factors, self-directed (ie, solving problems independently of God) and God-involved problem solving. Parents\u27 strong positive beliefs about conventional and alternative medications were associated with greater self-directed problem solving and with more risks for nonadherence. Higher levels of self-directed problem solving also were associated with more risks for nonadherence. Self-directed problem solving mediated the associations of conventional and alternative medication beliefs with risks for nonadherence. Possible explanations for findings are discussed

    Nighttime notifications and compulsivity illuminate the link between emerging adults’ cellphone use and sleep-related problems

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    Although higher levels of cellphone use have been correlated with sleep problems, few studies have investigated specific qualities of cellphone use that may account for this relationship. Recently, significant associations among nighttime cellphone use, compulsive orientation toward cellphone use, and multiple characteristics of compromised sleep were found in a sample of undergraduate students enrolled at a small liberal arts college (Murdock, Horissian, & Crichlow-Ball, 2016). The current study expands upon these findings. Data were collected from 2 samples of undergraduates: 273 students enrolled at a midsized state university and 152 self-identified students recruited through Mechanical Turk. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses that nighttime cellphone notifications and qualities of compulsive cellphone use would predict sleep problems and daytime sleepiness, even after taking into account the overall frequency of cellphone use. Full support for hypotheses was found for both domains of sleep-related functioning in both samples. Findings suggest that contextual aspects of cellphone use, such as its timing and compulsivity, may be more important to emerging adults’ sleep than aspects of cellphone use such as the number of texts or time spent on calls. Sleep promotion programs for emerging adults should target specific cellphone use qualities—that is, the when, where, and how of cellphone use—to promote behavior change and improved sleep

    Gekruiste blikken op een honderdste verjaardag. Een eerste balans van de herdenkingen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Brussel

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    De viering van de honderdste verjaardag van de Eerste Wereldoorlog betekent een breuk: historische gebeurtenissen zullen nooit meer op dezelfde manier worden herdacht, zeker niet in België. De deelgebieden hebben duidelijk laten verstaan welke rol ze voortaan volledig autonoom wensen te spelen bij toekomstige evenementen van dat type. Het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest is daarbij niet achtergebleven. Het besliste weliswaar later dan de andere grote gewesten en gemeenschappen om de herdenkingen zelf te organiseren, maar toonde aan dat het bereid en in staat is om een krachtdadig en ambitieus herdenkingsbeleid op poten te zetten dat tot een zeer ruim publiek gericht is. Een systematisch onderzoek van iets meer dan 430 activiteiten die tussen januari 2014 en juni 2017 werden geregistreerd op het grondgebied van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, wijst op hun extreme diversiteit, maar ook op de uitzonderlijke dynamiek van de Brusselse gemeenten die het initiatief hebben genomen voor een kwart van de activiteiten. In het algemeen werden in het merendeel van de evenementen twee thematische benaderingen gevolgd: het dagelijkse leven van de Brusselaars en de algemene geschiedenis van het conflict in zijn Belgische dimensie, maar die benaderingen werden ook gevolgd om debatten en reflecties over actuele vraagstukken op gang te brengen en om bepaalde waarden te presenteren die van betekenis zijn voor de hedendaagse samenleving: verdediging van de vrijheid, solidariteit, democratie, sociale cohesie… De historische benadering werd dus vaak gebruikt als instrument van cohesie en als hefboom voor integratie via een verleden dat zich tot iedereen richt: de Brusselaars van hier en elders, de gepassioneerden van geschiedenis, de liefhebbers van herdenkingstoerisme, de allochtonen, de expats, de dagjestoeristen

    A comparative look at a centenary. A review of World War I commemorative events in Brussels

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    The centenary of World War I has marked an abrupt change: historical events will never be commemorated in the same way, especially in Belgium. The federated entities have demonstrated the autonomous role which they intend to play in future events of this type. The Brussels-Capital Region was not outdone. While the political choice to be directly involved in the commemorative events was made later there than in the other main regions and communities, it demonstrated its will and capacity to implement different activities aimed at reaching a very wide public. The systematic study of just over 430 activities identified between January 2014 and June 2017 in the territory of the Brussels-Capital Region thus highlights their extreme diversity as well as the exceptional dynamism of the municipalities which were at the origin of one quarter of them. Overall, the theme of the majority of events studied wavered between two main lines: the daily life of the inhabitants of Brussels and the global history of the conflict in its Belgian dimension. But these approaches were also used to prompt debates and reflection on current issues which make sense in today's society: the defence of freedom, solidarity, democracy, social cohesion, etc. The historical approach was therefore used as a tool for cohesion and as a lever for integration, with a past which concerns everybody: the inhabitants of Brussels from here and elsewhere, history enthusiasts, lovers of historical memory tourism, non-natives, expatriates, tourists for a day, etc

    Regards croisés sur un Centenaire. Un premier bilan des commémorations de la Première Guerre mondiale à Bruxelles

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    Le Centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale marque une rupture : on ne commémorera plus jamais de la même manière les événements historiques, tout particulièrement en Belgique. Les entités fédérées y ont démontré le rôle qu’elles entendaient désormais jouer, en toute autonomie, dans de futurs événements de ce type. La Région de Bruxelles-capitale n’a pas été en reste. Si le choix politique de s’impliquer directement dans les commémorations y fut postérieur à celui des autres grandes régions et communautés, elle a démontré sa volonté et sa capacité à mettre en place une politique volontariste et ambitieuse visant à toucher un très large public. L’étude systématique d’un peu plus de 430 activités recensées entre janvier 2014 et juin 2017 sur le territoire de la Région de Bruxelles-capitale met ainsi en exergue leur extrême diversité mais aussi l’exceptionnel dynamisme des communes bruxelloises qui ont été à l’initiative d’un quart d’entre eux. Globalement, la thématique de la majorité des événements étudiés oscilla entre deux axes: le quotidien des Bruxellois et l’histoire globale du conflit dans sa dimension belge mais ces approches furent aussi utilisées pour susciter débats et réflexions sur des questions d’actualité, pour présenter certaines valeurs qui font sens pour la société actuelle : la défense de la liberté, la solidarité, la démocratie, la cohésion sociale… L’approche historique a donc été utilisée comme outil de cohésion et levier d’intégration à travers un passé qui s’adressait à tous : les Bruxellois d’ici et d’ailleurs, les passionnés d’histoire, les amateurs de tourisme de mémoire, les allochtones, les expatriés, les touristes d’un jour


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    A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as representações sociais presentes nos discursos de representantes da sociedade civil no tangente à participação de tal categoria no Conselho Universitário da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT). A análise dos dados ocorreu por meio do método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, construído através das expressões-chave e suas correspondentes ideias centrais e ancoragens. Da análise surgiram representações que a participação em conselhos é uma oportunidade de propor demandas que auxiliem a sociedade, bem como que muitos participantes não se dedicam, não são assíduos às reuniões, evidenciou-se o pouco preparo de alguns para participar e que há conselhos que nem sempre funcionam na prática. Identificou-se representações sobre a importância da UFT e de se ter bom preparo para participar das reuniões do Conselho Universitário, oportunidade de levar pautas da sociedade para a Universidade, de conhecer a UFT, bem como de auxiliar na tomada de decisões

    Family-school connections and internalizing problems among children living with asthma in urban, low-income neighborhoods

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    Children with asthma living in urban environments are at risk for experiencing internalizing problems and difficulties at school due to social context and health-related stressors. Parent confidence and participation in the school and children’s attitudes about school were explored in association with children’s depressed mood and school anxiety. Forty-five parent—child dyads were recruited from urban community health centers. Most participants were members of ethnic minority groups. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that higher levels of parent confidence in the school were associated with fewer symptoms of school anxiety in children. Children’s attitudes toward school moderated the relation between parent participation in the school and children’s depressed mood. Specifically, lower levels of parent participation were associated with higher levels of depressed mood only for children with the least positive school attitudes. Although preliminary, these results suggest the importance of attending to family—school connections to optimize the school-related psychological functioning of children living with asthma in urban environments

    Phenotypic and genetic associations of quantitative magnetic susceptibility in UK Biobank brain imaging

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    A key aim in epidemiological neuroscience is identification of markers to assess brain health and monitor therapeutic interventions. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an emerging magnetic resonance imaging technique that measures tissue magnetic susceptibility and has been shown to detect pathological changes in tissue iron, myelin and calcification. We present an open resource of QSM-based imaging measures of multiple brain structures in 35,273 individuals from the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study. We identify statistically significant associations of 251 phenotypes with magnetic susceptibility that include body iron, disease, diet and alcohol consumption. Genome-wide associations relate magnetic susceptibility to 76 replicating clusters of genetic variants with biological functions involving iron, calcium, myelin and extracellular matrix. These patterns of associations include relationships that are unique to QSM, in particular being complementary to T2* signal decay time measures. These new imaging phenotypes are being integrated into the core UK Biobank measures provided to researchers worldwide, creating the potential to discover new, non-invasive markers of brain health