14 research outputs found

    A Respectable Gospel

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    «  kraften av hans oppstandelse»: Apostelen Paulus’ teologiske grunnsprĂ„k

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    Hvordan kan folkeslagene bli «Abrahams barn»? Artikkelen viser at Paulus’ sprĂ„k knyttet til nĂ„den henter inspirasjon fra Jesajabokens mĂ„te Ă„ omtale Gud som Skaper pĂ„. OgsĂ„ Israels tilblivelse er en Guds skaperhandling. Fortellingen om Isaks unnfangelse og fĂždsel blir for Paulus en illustrasjon pĂ„ hvordan Gud handler og gjĂžr det umulige mulig. Det er dette som er foranledningen til 1 Mos 15,6, om Abrahams tro, og som blir sĂ„ viktig i Rom 4, og i v. 17 i sĂŠrdeleshet: Gud skaper det som ikke er til. Dette blir et mĂžnster som gjenfinnes mange steder i Paulus’ brev, ikke minst i mĂ„ten han skriver om sin Damaskusopplevelse pĂ„. Hvordan Paulus tenker om «Abrahams barn», er bestemt av ham som fĂžrst var Abrahams barn, nemlig Isak

    Peter V. Legarth: Moseloven: Det magteslĂžse ord fra Gud

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    A Respectable Gospel : The Passion 'According to Homer' in Eudocia's Homerocentones

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    Taking as her starting point the view that Homer’s texts may yield new meanings, Eudocia wrote a cento that brought this epic to its completion. This Christian rearranging of Homer’s text could be seen as a fulfillment of the treasures hidden in the classic text. In her work Eudocia was certainly idiosyncratic, but still she stood on the shoulders of other interpreters. As centonist she proceeded from the conviction that both canonical texts, Homer and the Bible, were in need of ameliorating, though in different ways: one (Homer) with regard to meaning and sense, and the other (the Bible) with regard to words and style. This article studies the crucifixion scene. It is shown that it is deeply embedded in a theology derived from both Genesis 2–3 and Eudocia’s reading of Odysseus’ homecoming to bring the suitors to silence

    Book Reviews

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    The following books are reviewed: Heinrich Assell, Stefan Beyerle och Christfried Böttrich (red.), Beyond Biblical Theologies, (Hanna Stenström) Jean-Dominique Barthélemy, Studies in the Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project (LarsOlov Eriksson)  Brennan W. Breed, Nomadic Texts: A Theory of Biblical Reception History (Mikael Larsson) Walter Brueggemann och William H. Bellinger Jr, Psalms (David Willgren) Sean Burt, The Courtier and the Governor: Transformation of Genre in the Nehemiah Memoir (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Chrys C. Caragounis, New Testament Language and Exegesis: A Diachronic Approach (Dan Nässelqvist) Cavan W. Concannon, “When You Were Gentiles”: Specters of Ethnicity in Roman Corinth and Paul's Corinthian Correspondence (Adam Sabir) Ovidiu Creangă (red.), Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (Mikael Larsson) Ovidiu Creangă och Peter-Ben Smit (red.), Biblical Masculinites Foregrounded (Mikael Larsson) Roland Deines, Acts of God in History: Studies Towards Recovering a Theological Historiography (Tobias Ålöw) Anders Ekenberg, Jonas Holmstrand och Mikael Winninge (red.), 2000 år med Paulus (Hans Leander) Magnus Evertsson, Liknelser och läsningar: Reception av liknelseberättelser ur Lukasevangeliet, kapitel 10–15, i predikoutkast för Svenska kyrkan 1985–2013 (Karl Olav Sandnes) Josef Forsling, Composite Artistry in Numbers: A Study in Biblical Narrative Conventions (Ola Wikander) Ida Fröhlich and Erkki Koskenniemi (eds.), Evil and the Devil (Torsten Löfstedt) Susan Gillingham, A Journey of Two Psalms: The Reception of Psalms 1 and 2 in Jewish and Christian Tradition (David Willgren) Raimo Hakola, Nina Nikki and Ulla Tervahauta (eds.), Others and the Construction of Early Christian Identities (Cecilia Wassén) Thomas Hieke and Tobias Nicklas (eds.), The Day of Atonement: Its Interpretation in Early Jewish and Christian Traditions (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Yulin Liu, Temple Purity in 1–2 Corinthians (Martin Wessbrandt) Peter W. Martens, Origen and Scripture: The Contours of the Exegetical Life (Carl Johan Berglund) Gerson Lameck Mgaya, Spiritual Gifts: A Sociorhetorical Interpretation of 1 Cor 12–14 (Mikael Tellbe) Takayoshi Oshima, Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Stanley E. Porter och Eckhard J. Schnabel (red.), On the Writing of New Testament Commentaries: Festschrift for Grant R. Osborne on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (LarsOlov Eriksson)  Jacques T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, Abraham in the Book of Jubilees: The Rewriting of Genesis 11:26–25:10 in the Book of Jubilees 11:14–23:8 (Stefan Green) C. A. Strine, Sworn Enemies: The Divine Oath, the Book of Ezekiel, and the Polemic of Exile (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Michel Tuval, From Jerusalem Priest to Roman Jew: On Josephus and the Paradigms of Ancient Judaism (Gunnar Haaland) Markus Vinzent, Marcion and the Dating of the Synoptic Gospels (Martin Wessbrandt) Georg A. Walser, Old Testament Quotations in Hebrews: Studies in their Textual and Contextual Background (Tommy Wasserman) Ellen White, Yahweh’ s Council: Its Structure and Membership (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Al Wolters, Zechariah (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Lorne R. Zelyck, John among the Other Gospels: The Reception of the Fourth Gospel in the Extra-Canonical Gospels (Carl Johan Berglund