115 research outputs found

    Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Coronary Artery Disease

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    Anticoagulation represents the mainstay of therapy for most patients with atrial fibrillation. Patients on oral anticoagulation often require concomitant antiplatelet therapy, mostly because of coronary artery disease. After coronary stent implantation, dual antiplatelet therapy is necessary. However, the combination of oral anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy increases the bleeding risk. Risk scores such as the CHA2DS2-Vasc score and the HAS-BLED score help to identify both bleeding and stroke risk in individual patients. The guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology provide a rather detailed recommendation for patients on oral anticoagulation after coronary stent implantation. However, robust evidence is lacking for some of the recommendations, and especially for new oral anticoagulants and new antiplatelets few or no data are available. This review addresses some of the critical points of the guidelines and discusses potential advantages of new anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation after stent implantation

    Public Relations Work to Increase Attainability Relating to EMail-Communication

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    The mere allotment of an e-mail address does in no way ensure answering quotas, which could be called sufficient to dependably hand out important information via roundmail. A loss of accessibility through e-mail addresses already provided by the university can be due to various technical problems and personal deficiencies of motivation. Students in particular often use external providers and are often also not on familiar terms with the use of consistent personal e-mail archives, POP-accounts, Web-Mail-Portals and the use of forewarding functions. Special email-courses are being offered within regular further training for staff and students

    EMail-Verteiler zur Distribution digitaler Informationen im Zentrum für ZMK-Münster

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    Auf der Basis verschiedener in HTML-Seiten integrierter PHP-Scripte können EMails an vordefinierte Zielgruppen, z.B. an alle Studenten, an alle Mitarbeiter einer Poliklinik oder auch an eine manuell selektierbare individuelle Liste von Personen geschickt werden. Der PHP-Server des Apache-Webserves sorgt für eine augenblickliche, schnelle Distribution ohne Abhängigkeit von Mail-Servern der Universität, persönlichen Providern oder lokalen EMail-Programmen. Digitale Verteiler sind herkömmlichen 'Snail-Mail'-Verteilern in Geschwindigkeit und Qualität weit überlegen und werden diese vermutlich bald vollständig ersetzen können

    Extraktionskonzept bei multiplen vorzeitigen Milchzahnverlusten und horizontaler Verlagerung eines Eckzahnes

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    Eine 9-jährige Patientin stellte sich mit multiplen Stützzoneneinbrüchen durch kariesbedingte vorzeitige Milchzahnverluste, einem vollretinierten, horizontal verlagerten Zahn 33, Mittellinienverschiebung sowie einem Unterkieferengstand zur kieferorthopädischen Beratung vor. Initial wurde im Ober- und Unterkiefer durch das Tragen aktiver Platten ein Fortschreiten der Stützzoneneinbrüche verhindert, Milchzahnextraktionen durchgeführt und auf den verzögerten Durchbruch der Prämolaren gewartet. Im Alter von 10 Jahren wurden die Zähne 14, 24 und 44 extrahiert, sowie die operative Entfernung des verlagerten Zahnes 33 durchgeführt. In einer knapp 2-jährigen Multibracket-Therapie wurden die Zähne 44, 45, 46 mesialisiert und Zahn 44 an Eckzahnposition im 4. Quadranten eingestellt. Die verbleibenden Extraktionslücken wurden geschlossen und die Oberkiefermitte eingestellt

    Automated information system for the classification of data from XML documents

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    The article presents the developed automated information system that solves the task of structuring information obtained from the xml file and storing it in the database. Also, this AIS allows to change the information and upload it to the formats xls and xml

    Experimental study of a drop "evolution" under conditions of its free fall on a heated surface

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    Time dependences of distilled water drop diameter were obtained experimentally after its falling on a heated copper substrate from a height of 0.09 m. The temperature of the solid surface ( Tw ) varied from 333 to 413 K in steps of 20 K. The effect on the drop dynamics after falling and the maximum ratio of the spreading diameter to the drop diameter in flight ( [beta]max ) were determined

    Gender analysis, scholarly productivity and collaboration of female university professors of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia (2003-2007)

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    [EN] The article presents an analysis of the scholarly output of female professors in the fi eld of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia from 2003 to 2007,through bibliometric techniques and the application of a gender variable. The work attempted to identify how many women became large producers of scholarly articles compared to those who did not reach the same levels of productivity and impact. A total of 3,739 articles were retrieved during this period and the gender of all authors with more than 2 articles was identifi ed. Of these authors 2,774 (60.41 %) were male and 1,818 (39.59 %) were female. Focusing solely on large producers, the percentage of women publishing more than 10 papers was reduced to 26.72 %. As regards to scientifi collaboration, it is significant to note that women are included in all clusters of at least 10 authors and in some cases their presence is comparable with that of men. Although women’s participation is lower than men’s in all areas of nowledge, it is noteworthy that in Health Sciences the difference is not as great as in other technical areas. Women’s contribution to the scientifi c fi eld is increasing, suggesting the possibility of a signifi cant improvement in gender parity in the coming years.[ES]Se presenta la producción científica de las profesoras universitarias en el área de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Comunitat Valenciana durante el quinquenio 2003-2007 aplicando técnicas bibliométricas y realizando un análisis de género con el fin de conocer cuántas llegan a ser grandes productoras de artículos científicos frente a las que no alcanzan estos niveles de productividad e impacto. Se han recuperado 3.739 artículos durante el período estudiado, identificando el género de todos los autores con más de 2 artículos. De estos autores, 2.774 (60,41 %) son hombres y 1.818 (39,59 %) son mujeres, pero si se analizan solamente a los grandes productores, las autoras con más de 10 trabajos únicamente llegan a ser el 26,72 %. Respecto a la colaboración científica hay que resaltar que las mujeres están presentes en todas las redes de al menos 10 autores y en algunos casos su presencia se equipara a la de los hombres. Pese a que la participación de la mujer en todas las áreas del conocimiento es inferior a los hombres, en las Ciencias de la Salud la proporción es menor que en otras áreas técnicas. La aportación de las mujeres al ámbito científico es cada vez mayor pudiendo alcanzar la paridad con el paso de los años.Peer reviewe