16,086 research outputs found

    Tumor angiogenesis and anti-angiogenic therapy in malignant gliomas revisited

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    The cellular and molecular mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis and its prospects for anti-angiogenic cancer therapy are major issues in almost all current concepts of both cancer biology and targeted cancer therapy. Currently, (1) sprouting angiogenesis, (2) vascular co-option, (3) vascular intussusception, (4) vasculogenic mimicry, (5) bone marrow-derived vasculogenesis, (6) cancer stem-like cell-derived vasculogenesis and (7) myeloid cell-driven angiogenesis are all considered to contribute to tumor angiogenesis. Many of these processes have been described in developmental angiogenesis; however, the relative contribution and relevance of these in human brain cancer remain unclear. Preclinical tumor models support a role for sprouting angiogenesis, vascular co-option and myeloid cell-derived angiogenesis in glioma vascularization, whereas a role for the other four mechanisms remains controversial and rather enigmatic. The anti-angiogenesis drug Avastin (Bevacizumab), which targets VEGF, has become one of the most popular cancer drugs in the world. Anti-angiogenic therapy may lead to vascular normalization and as such facilitate conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, preclinical and clinical studies suggest that anti-VEGF therapy using bevacizumab may also lead to a pro-migratory phenotype in therapy resistant glioblastomas and thus actively promote tumor invasion and recurrent tumor growth. This review focusses on (1) mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis in human malignant glioma that are of particular relevance for targeted therapy and (2) controversial issues in tumor angiogenesis such as cancer stem-like cell-derived vasculogenesis and bone-marrow-derived vasculogenesis

    Entanglement distillation by dissipation and continuous quantum repeaters

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    Even though entanglement is very vulnerable to interactions with the environment, it can be created by purely dissipative processes. Yet, the attainable degree of entanglement is profoundly limited in the presence of noise sources. We show that distillation can also be realized dissipatively, such that a highly entanglement steady state is obtained. The schemes put forward here display counterintuitive phenomena, such as improved performance if noise is added to the system. We also show how dissipative distillation can be employed in a continuous quantum repeater architecture, in which the resources scale polynomially with the distance

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version C code for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric and magnetic materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version C is a three-dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based on the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique. The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three-dimensional FDTD code set. The manual given here provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version C code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file (COMMONC.FOR), a section briefly discussing radar cross section computations, a section discussing some scattering results, a new problem checklist, references, and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version C code for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric and magnetic materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version C is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD). The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three dimensional FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into fourteen sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version C code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file (COMMONC.FOR), a section briefly discussing Radar Cross Section (RCS) computations, a section discussing some scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version A code for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version A is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based on the Finite Difference Time Domain technique. The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three dimensional FDTD code set. The manual provides a description of the code and the corresponding results for the default scattering problem. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version A code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file (COMMONA.FOR), a section briefly discussing radar cross section (RCS) computations, a section discussing the scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references, and figure titles

    User's manual for two dimensional FDTD version TEA and TMA codes for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Versions TEA and TMA are two dimensional electromagnetic scattering codes based on the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD) first proposed by Yee in 1966. The supplied version of the codes are two versions of our current FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the codes and corresponding results for the default scattering problem. The manual is organized into eleven sections: introduction, Version TEA and TMA code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include files (TEACOM.FOR TMACOM.FOR), a section briefly discussing scattering width computations, a section discussing the scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references, and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version B code for scattering from frequency-dependent dielectric materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Code Version B is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD). The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three dimensional FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version B code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file, a discussion of radar cross section computations, a discussion of some scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version D code for scattering from frequency-dependent dielectric and magnetic materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version D is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD). The supplied version of the code is one version of our current three dimensional FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into fourteen sections: introduction, description of the FDTD method, operation, resource requirements, Version D code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include file (COMMOND.FOR), a section briefly discussing Radar Cross Section (RCS) computations, a section discussing some scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references and figure titles

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version A code for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric materials

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    The Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Version A is a three dimensional numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD). This manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for the default scattering problem. In addition to the description, the operation, resource requirements, version A code capabilities, a description of each subroutine, a brief discussion of the radar cross section computations, and a discussion of the scattering results

    User's manual for three dimensional FDTD version D code for scattering from frequency-dependent dielectric and magnetic materials

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    The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code version D is a 3-D numerical electromagnetic scattering code based upon the finite difference time domain technique (FDTD). The manual provides a description of the code and corresponding results for several scattering problems. The manual is organized into 14 sections: introduction; description of the FDTD method; operation; resource requirements; version D code capabilities; a brief description of the default scattering geometry; a brief description of each subroutine; a description of the include file; a section briefly discussing Radar Cross Section computations; a section discussing some scattering results; a sample problem setup section; a new problem checklist; references and figure titles. The FDTD technique models transient electromagnetic scattering and interactions with objects of arbitrary shape and/or material composition. In the FDTD method, Maxwell's curl equations are discretized in time-space and all derivatives (temporal and spatial) are approximated by central differences
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