
User's manual for two dimensional FDTD version TEA and TMA codes for scattering from frequency-independent dielectric materials


The Penn State Finite Difference Time Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Code Versions TEA and TMA are two dimensional electromagnetic scattering codes based on the Finite Difference Time Domain Technique (FDTD) first proposed by Yee in 1966. The supplied version of the codes are two versions of our current FDTD code set. This manual provides a description of the codes and corresponding results for the default scattering problem. The manual is organized into eleven sections: introduction, Version TEA and TMA code capabilities, a brief description of the default scattering geometry, a brief description of each subroutine, a description of the include files (TEACOM.FOR TMACOM.FOR), a section briefly discussing scattering width computations, a section discussing the scattering results, a sample problem setup section, a new problem checklist, references, and figure titles

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