95 research outputs found

    Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Associated with COVID-19 Among School Students in Bharatpur, Chitwan District of Nepal

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    Background: The virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has reached pandemic proportions. Understanding people’s perceptions of the disease will provide tools to improve strategies to limit its transmission. This study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) associated with the disease among high school students. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted among secondary level students (grade 8th and 9th) in an urban high-school at Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal to assess KAP using a pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Epi Info Results: We collected 101 surveys (response rate 100%). Most of the students were found to be knowledgeable about the timeline of the first outbreak (92.08%), and nearly three-fourths of participants knew about hand-washing for 20 seconds (73.27%). Information about the presence of the disease in Nepal (50.50%), its causative agent (65.53%), and symptoms (57.43%) showed that there is a knowledge gap among participants. Most of the participants were found to have a positive attitude towards the prevention and control of the disease. The majority of the respondents reported using face mask (77.23%) and adopting hand-washing measures (79.21%) as preventive strategies. The majority of the students were highly concerned about the disease. Conclusion: Secondary level students of Chitwan, Nepal were found to have fair knowledge and understanding of the disease, showed a moderately positive attitude towards preventive measures, and reported appropriate preventive practices against the disease. It is recommended that a similar study with a wider population be conducted to assess KAP of Nepalese people towards SARS-CoV-2

    The alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT): validation of a Nepali version for the detection of alcohol use disorders and hazardous drinking in medical settings

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    BACKGROUND: Alcohol problems are a major health issue in Nepal and remain under diagnosed. Increase in consumption are due to many factors, including advertising, pricing and availability, but accurate information is lacking on the prevalence of current alcohol use disorders. The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) questionnaire developed by WHO identifies individuals along the full spectrum of alcohol misuse and hence provides an opportunity for early intervention in non-specialty settings. This study aims to validate a Nepali version of AUDIT among patients attending a university hospital and assess the prevalence of alcohol use disorders along the full spectrum of alcohol misuse. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in patients attending the medicine out-patient department of a university hospital. DSM-IV diagnostic categories (alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence) were used as the gold standard to calculate the diagnostic parameters of the AUDIT. Hazardous drinking was defined as self reported consumption of ≥21 standard drink units per week for males and ≥14 standard drink units per week for females. RESULTS: A total of 1068 individuals successfully completed the study. According to DSM-IV, drinkers were classified as follows: No alcohol problem (n=562; 59.5%), alcohol abusers (n= 78; 8.3%) and alcohol dependent (n=304; 32.2%). The prevalence of hazardous drinker was 67.1%. The Nepali version of AUDIT is a reliable and valid screening tool to identify individuals with alcohol use disorders in the Nepalese population. AUDIT showed a good capacity to discriminate dependent patients (with AUDIT ≥11 for both the gender) and hazardous drinkers (with AUDIT ≥5 for males and ≥4 for females). For alcohol dependence/abuse the cut off values was ≥9 for both males and females. CONCLUSION: The AUDIT questionnaire is a good screening instrument for detecting alcohol use disorders in patients attending a university hospital. This study also reveals a very high prevalence of alcohol use disorders in Nepal

    Dye-sensitized solar cells sensitized with natural dye extracted from Indian Jamun

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    Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a device which absorbs light from the sun with a layer of dye molecules and directly converts into electric energy. DSSCs based on ZnO have drawn attention worldwide due to their low cost and easy preparation techniques compared to conventional silicon based photovoltaic devices. Silicon based solar cells were the most popular before the emerging of dye-sensitized solar cells. These silicon based solar cells devices have dominated photovoltaic industry until now. The objectives of this study is to make DSSC using ZnO on ITO coated glass substrate as anode and characterize the DSSC properties such as conversion efficiency, short current density, open circuit voltage, and fill factor. ZnO thin films have been prepared on Indium tin oxide (ITO) glass substrate. These films were used to construct ITO/ZnO/Natural Dye/C/ITO, DSSCs with natural anthocyanin sensitizer extracted from wild Jamun fruits. The cells show open circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.58V, short-circuit current (I sc) of 1.66 mA and 0.58 fill factor (FF) with an conversion efficiency (η) of 1.23%. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/bibechana.v11i0.10377 BIBECHANA 11(1) (2014) 34-3

    Dye-sensitized solar cells sensitized with natural dye extracted from Indian Jamun

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    Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a device which absorbs light from the sun with a layer of dye molecules and directly converts into electric energy. DSSCs based on ZnO have drawn attention worldwide due to their low cost and easy preparation techniques compared to conventional silicon based photovoltaic devices. Silicon based solar cells were the most popular before the emerging of dye-sensitized solar cells. These silicon based solar cells devices have dominated photovoltaic industry until now. The objectives of this study is to make DSSC using ZnO on ITO coated glass substrate as anode and characterize the DSSC properties such as conversion efficiency, short current density, open circuit voltage, and fill factor. ZnO thin films have been prepared on Indium tin oxide (ITO) glass substrate. These films were used to construct ITO/ZnO/Natural Dye/C/ITO, DSSCs with natural anthocyanin sensitizer extracted from wild Jamun fruits. The cells show open circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.58V, short-circuit current (I sc) of 1.66 mA and 0.58 fill factor (FF) with an conversion efficiency (η) of 1.23%. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/bibechana.v11i0.10377 BIBECHANA 11(1) (2014) 34-3

    Cost estimation of micro-hydropower equipment in Nepal

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    Selecting the appropriate technology for providing electricity to rural communities depends upon evaluating the cost of a potential installation. For some rural communities, locally manufactured technology, in the form of wind and hydropower, can be effective. However, often the cost of these locally manufactured technologies is largely unknown. Access to costing data allows the economic viability of a site to be compared with other options. Furthermore, it enables benchmarking, allowing the expected total cost of an installation, or individual sub-systems, to be compared with quotations. This paper attempts to address the current lack of publicly available costing information for locally manufactured micro-hydropower equipment. A methodology is presented where quotations are provided by micro-hydropower manufacturing companies in Nepal for randomly generated sites. Using that information, they provided a quotation for various sub-systems. This data allows comparison of the cost of major components and the influence of turbine type. Through a linear regression model, expression have been developed that can be used to determine the expected cost for both Pelton and Crossflow turbine installations. The accuracy of these expressions is compared with previous costing models, the outcomes of the work and their significance in the context of Nepal and elsewhere is discussed. The key contribution of this work is establishing numerical expressions which allow proposed costs of micro-hydropower equipment to be rapidly evaluated

    A single-dose antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent surgical site infection in clean-contaminated surgery among diabetic patients

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    Introductions: Guidelines on antibiotics use in surgical patients recommends asingle dose prophylaxis for clean-contaminated cases and therapeutic coursefor contaminated and dirty cases. Compliance to this guideline is poor amongdiabetic patients. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of single doseantibiotic prophylaxis on the occurrence of postoperative surgical site infection(SSI) in clean-contaminated surgery in diabetic patients.Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out at KIST MedicalCollege and Teaching Hospital from September 2008 to August 2012 involving144 diabetic patients who underwent major clean-contaminated surgery. Fortyeight patients received one gram of ceftriaxone intravenously as prophylacticantibiotic within 30 minutes prior to incision (group 1) and 96 patients receivedthree doses of ceftriaxone (group 2). One dose was given within 30 minutesprior to incision and other two doses were given postoperatively. All patientswere followed up for 30 postoperative days on outpatient basis. The SSI rateswere compared in two groups. Pus from the infected wound was tested forculture and sensitivity.Results: The SSI rates in group 1 and group 2 were of 5/48 (10.42%) and of 9/96 (9.37%) respectively. There was no significant difference in SSI rates between group 1 and group 2 (p=0.322).Conclusions: Single dose of Ceftriaxone shows the similar effect as three dosesin clean-contaminated surgery in diabetic patients.Keywords: antibiotic prophylaxis, diabetic patients, surgical site infectio

    Association of Preoperative mid-stream urine culture, Renal pelvic urine culture and Renal stone culture in the detection of Systemic inflammatory response syndrome/urosepsis post Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

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    Introduction: Urosepsis post Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a dreaded complication with high mortality rate. Objective: To find the association of preoperative midstream urine culture (PMUC), renal pelvic urine culture (RPUC) and renal stone culture (RSC) in the post-operative development of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and urosepsis. Methods: It was a prospective cross-sectional observational study. The study included all symptomatic patients meeting the inclusion criteria who underwent Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy from 18th August, 2019 to 28th March, 2020. PMUC, RPUC and RSC were done and analyzed accordingly. Results: A total of 140 (73 males, 67 females) patients underwent PCNL. PMUC was positive in 15% (21/140) as compared to RPUC and RSC which were 7.9 % (11/140) and 4.3% (6/140) of total cases. None of the patients had simultaneous culture positivity in all the three types of specimens. Only two (1.42%) patients had simultaneous positivity in pelvic urine culture and stone culture. The organisms obtained in pelvic urine culture and stone culture were same i.e. Klebsiella and Escherichia coli respectively. Only two (1.42%) patients developed SIRS post PCNL, where in both the cases stone culture were positive but PMUC and RPUC were negative. Urosepsis was found in none of the patients. In the Fischer Exact test PMUC and RPUC were not statistically significant in the detection of SIRS post PCNL. Whereas only RSC showed statistical significance in the detection of SIRS. Conclusion: Stone culture has high prediction for SIRS and it might be considered for patients undergoing PCNL in order to prevent stone related infective complications

    Teleological role of L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase in the kidney

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    L-2-hydroxyglutarate (L-2HG) is an oncometabolite found elevated in renal tumors. However, this molecule might have physiological roles that extend beyond its association with cancer, as L-2HG levels are elevated in response to hypoxia and during Drosophila larval development. L-2HG is known to be metabolized by L-2HG dehydrogenase (L2HGDH), and loss of L2HGDH leads to elevated L-2HG levels. Despite L2HGDH being highly expressed in the kidney, its role in renal metabolism has not been explored. Here, we report our findings utilizing a novel CRISPR/Cas9 murine knockout model, with a specific focus on the role of L2HGDH in the kidney. Histologically, L2hgdh knockout kidneys have no demonstrable histologic abnormalities. However, GC-MS metabolomics demonstrates significantly reduced levels of the TCA cycle intermediate succinate in multiple tissues. Isotope labeling studies with [U-13C] glucose demonstrate that restoration of L2HGDH in renal cancer cells (which lowers L-2HG) leads to enhanced incorporation of label into TCA cycle intermediates. Subsequent biochemical studies demonstrate that L-2HG can inhibit the TCA cycle enzyme α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. Bioinformatic analysis of mRNA expression data from renal tumors demonstrates that L2HGDH is co-expressed with genes encoding TCA cycle enzymes as well as the gene encoding the transcription factor PGC-1α, which is known to regulate mitochondrial metabolism. Restoration of PGC-1α in renal tumor cells results in increased L2HGDH expression with a concomitant reduction in L-2HG levels. Collectively, our analyses provide new insight into the physiological role of L2HGDH as well as mechanisms that promote L-2HG accumulation in disease states

    Spatial and temporal variability of rainfall in the Gandaki River Basin of Nepal Himalaya

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    Landslides, floods, and droughts are recurring natural disasters in Nepal related to too much or too little water. The summer monsoon contributes more than 80% of annual rainfall, and rainfall spatial and inter-annual variation is very high. The Gandaki River, one of the three major rivers of Nepal and one of the major tributaries of the Ganges River, covers all agro-ecological zones in the central part of Nepal. Time series tests were applied for different agro-ecological zones of the Gandaki River Basin (GRB) for rainfall trends of four seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter) from 1981 to 2012. The non-parametric Mann-Kendall and Sen’s methods were used to determine the trends. Decadal anomalies relative to the long-term average were analyzed using the APHRODITE precipitation product. Trends in number of rainy days and timing of the monsoon were also analyzed. We found that the post-monsoon, pre-monsoon and winter rainfalls are decreasing significantly in most of the zones but monsoon rainfall is increasing throughout the basin. In the hill region, the annual rainfall is increasing but the rainy days do not show any trend. There is a tendency toward later departure of monsoon from Nepal, indicating an increase in its duration. These seasonally and topographically variable trends may have significant impacts for the agriculture and livestock smallholders that form the majority of the population in the GRB
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