225 research outputs found

    Impact of COVID-19 on the future of cadaveric dissection and anatomy teaching

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    The COVID 19 pandemic has left a major impact on medical education globally. We are undergoing crisis for humanity with this virus causing extensive damage to life and its aspects. Hence, we do not know how this will unfold in upcoming year. All the academic classes are suspended during nationwide lockdown to ease the propagation. It is high time to rethink ways to deliver quality medical education under restriction of social distancing in real time teachings and discussions. We propose based upon our experiences, replacement of anatomy dissection with virtual dissection and its implications. It has its own challenges which could overcome with the planned directives based upon current experience

    Master of Science

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    thesisWind energy is one of the most rapidly growing sources of energy in the United States. With higher energy demands, next generation wind turbines will have larger blades and taller towers to increase the harvested power. However, in order to design taller towers, it is important to have a good understanding of how the wind flow interacts with turbines during operation. The aim of this research is to compute the loads on wind turbines for increasing heights under different atmospheric stratifications (convective, neutral, and stable) and within different turbine configurations (lone-standing wind turbine and turbine within a very large wind farm). To develop this study, an in-house numerical code has been used, capable of reproducing a realistic atmospheric flow as well as wind turbines. To compute the detailed turbine’s rotor and tower loads, an additional open-source software developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), so-called FAST, has been used. Streamwise wind turbine loads are computed, and the influence of different wind characteristics on the turbine’s loads have been considered. We identify that wind velocity, turbulence, and wind shear play an important role on the wind turbine loads; the frequencies of the incoming wind velocity and rotation of the blades both affect the frequencies of the wind turbine loads. Results also show that the rotor thrust is the most dominant force acting on the wind turbine during the operational phase and has the strongest influence on the shear and bending moments of the wind turbine tower. From this study, it is also found that by increasing the turbine tower height, power output can be increased by capturing energy from the low-level jet in the single wind turbine case, while for the wind farm case, improvements are minimal

    The Gang-Rape of Mukhtar Mai and Pakistan\u27s Opportunity to Regain Its Lost Honor

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    Homogeneously bright, flexible and foldable lighting devices with functionalised graphene electrodes

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    Alternating current electroluminescent technology allows the fabrication of large area, flat and flexible lights. Presently the maximum size of a continuous panel is limited by the high resistivity of available transparent electrode materials causing a visible gradient of brightness. Here, we demonstrate that the use of the best known transparent conductor FeCl3_{3}-intercalated few-layer graphene boosts the brightness of electroluminescent devices by 49%\% compared to pristine graphene. Intensity gradients observed for high aspect ratio devices are undetectable when using these highly conductive electrodes. Flat lights on polymer substrates are found to be resilient to repeated and flexural strains.Comment: Published on ACS Materials and Interface

    New Paradigm in Nutrition Practice – Initial Findings From Ntuitive Software

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    Objective:Nutrition practice in India has generally been confined to pen and paper with little use of algorithms and technology. Nutritionists in practice find it difficult to go beyond macronutrient analysis for dietary intake or diet plans. Since nutrition practice requires lot of data processing, we decided to develop software to aid in these calculations and to empower nutritionist with technology enabled scientific practice using software.Method: Ntuitive software was developed by a team of nutrition experts and technologists over a period of 18 months. Data for nutrient values was sources from IFCT 2017 [6], RDA’s were taken from ICMR guidelines and growth charts from IAP publications [7]. Design and coding of the software was done inhouse. Ntuitive database has over 8500 recipes and packed foods and has most of the national and international cuisine items. The software module enables client / patient management, detailed profiling, recording anthropometric data and plotting on WHO and IAP growth charts, recording food allergies and medical condition. The dietary recall be it one day, three day or seven day can be easily recorded and analysis of nutrients can be obtained for the same. The software is hosted on Amazon Web Server and applied as SAAS platform for practice.Result:800 children and adults underwent analysis and consultation using Ntuitive software. All 189 micronutrients could be calculated using the software and deficiency or excess quantified when compared with RDA.Conclusion: Nutrition practice can be made easy and technology enabled keeping in mind scientific standards. This helps in data collection not just in macro nutrients, but also in micronutrients

    Movie Buzz: Forecasting Movie’s Success

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    Bollywood has reached an amazing level in terms of movies produced, its reach in the whole world and providing employment to manpower. The returns obtained are uncertain in nature. Due to this it becomes a matter of interest to develop a model which can forecast the success of movies. In this paper, a model is proposed to forecast performance of Bollywood movies. The proposed work involves collecting data from various websites. Data mining algorithms like multi-linear regression and min-max normalization algorithm are used. The results been generated will help the movie industry as well as common people to take decisions regarding movies i.e. it will act as a decision support system

    Application of Applied Theatre Online with children and its Effects in the Indian Perspective during COVID Age

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    Applied Theatre in general and Theatre of the Oppressed in particular have been put into practice for a long time now. Right since when Augusto Boal started Theatre of the Oppressed in the 1960\u27s the tools have been utilized in many oppressive situations. Augusto focused on marginalized societies and their people. He believed that every individual who is not allowed to voice out their opinion, thoughts (political, social), views, and choices can be considered to be oppressed. Today, in the year 2020 with the current crisis of the breakout of the communicable virus Covid 19 everyone is forced to stay indoors, resulting in oppressive scenarios due to collateral damage caused to the social and economic framework of most of the countries. Trying to make ends meet, families have been going through much. During this time while everything was shutting down Rangbhumi (An Applied Theatre Organization) launched workshops and performances online. Using Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre, and other allied practices of Applied Theatre we tried to reach people and listen to their voices. Through these initiatives we observed and studied the effectiveness and efficiency of online sessions, looking at them as a tool to be used in the present and the future for creating safe spaces to share

    Homogeneously Bright, Flexible, and Foldable Lighting Devices with Functionalized Graphene Electrodes.

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    Alternating current electroluminescent technology allows the fabrication of large area, flat and flexible lights. Presently the maximum size of a continuous panel is limited by the high resistivity of available transparent electrode materials causing a visible gradient of brightness. Here, we demonstrate that the use of the best known transparent conductor FeCl3-intercalated few-layer graphene boosts the brightness of electroluminescent devices by 49% compared to pristine graphene. Intensity gradients observed for high aspect ratio devices are undetectable when using these highly conductive electrodes. Flat lights on polymer substrates are found to be resilient to repeated and flexural strains.S. Russo and M.F. Craciun acknoweldge financial support from EPSRC (Grant no. EP/J000396/1, EP/K017160/1, EP/K010050/1, EPG036101/1, EP/M001024/1, EPM002438/1) and from the Leverhulme Trust (Research grant title Quantum Drums)
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