234 research outputs found

    Pohjoissuomalaisten ehdokkaiden Facebook-kirjoittelu vuoden 2015 eduskuntavaalien alla

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmassani keskityn kahdeksan pohjoissuomalaisen eduskuntavaaliehdokkaan Facebook-sivujen kirjoitteluun vaalikeväänä 2015: Katja Hänninen (vasemmisto), Hanna Halmeenpää (vihreät), Pirkka Aalto (kristillisdemokraatit), Heikki Autto (kokoomus), Johanna Ojala-Niemelä (sosiaalidemokraatit), Tapani Tölli (keskusta), Olli Immonen (perussuomalaiset) ja Annika Jouppila (RKP). Ajallisesti tutkimus rajautuu Facebook-julkaisujen osalta aikavälille 1.3.2015–26.4.2015. Historiatieteellisen arvon lisäksi tutkielmallani on myös yhteiskunnallista merkitystä, sillä onhan sosiaalisesta mediasta tullut merkittävä poliittisen viestinnän työkalu. Tarkastelen työssäni sekä päivitysten teknistä toteutusta että poliittista sisältöä. Sisältöihin liittyen tarkastelun kohteena on ehdokkaiden suhtautuminen poliittisiin ristiriitaulottuvuuksiin. Ristiriitaulottuvuuden käsitteen olen lainannut Arend Lijphartilta. Eri valtioiden sisällä ilmenee jakolinjoja, jotka perustuvat arvoihin, uskomuksiin ja eturistiriitoihin. Heikki Paloheimo on erottanut Suomen puoluejärjestelmässä seitsemän ristiriitaulottuvuutta, joita ovat esimerkiksi vasemmisto vastaan oikeisto, kasvukeskukset vastaan syrjäseutu sekä ekologiset arvot vastaan kasvu ja kulutus. Työssäni käsiteltyjen ehdokkaiden julkaisujen tekninen muoto eli toteutus ja niiden suosio vaihtelivat. Yleisin tapa käyttää Facebookia oli jakaminen. Teknisen toteuttamisen erot eivät noudatelleet oikeisto–vasemmisto -jakoa tai mitään muutakaan ristiriitaulottuvuutta, eli tietty yksittäinen tekniikka ei ollut suositumpaa jonkun tietyn aatteellis-poliittisen ryhmän keskuudessa. Poliittisten ristiriitaulottuvuuksien osalta tutkimuksen tulokset olivat monessa suhteessa odotustenmukaisia, mutta osin myös vähemmän odotettuja. Eniten Facebook-aineistoa ristiriitaulottuvuuksista tarjosivat oikeisto vs.vasemmisto, syrjäseudut vs. kasvukeskukset ja ekologiset kysymykset. Muita ristiriitaulottuvuuksia ehdokkaat käsittelivät vähemmän. Esimerkiksi oikeisto–vasemmisto -ulottuvuuteen liittyvät päivitykset noudattelivat pääosin puoluepoliittisia linjoja. Syrjäseudut vastaan kasvukeskukset -ristiriitaulottuvuus oli tulosten osalta erityislaatuinen ja jossakin määrin jopa yllätyksellinen: eri puolueiden edustajat olivat retoriikassaan hyvinkin lähellä toisiaan

    Shared genetic etiology between idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and COVID-19 severity

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    Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a complex lung disease, characterized by progressive lung scarring. Severe COVID-19 is associated with substantial pneumonitis and has a number of shared major risk factors with IPF. This study aimed to determine the genetic correlation between IPF and severe COVID-19 and assess a potential causal role of genetically increased risk of IPF on COVID-19 severity. Methods: The genetic correlation between IPF and COVID-19 severity was estimated with linkage disequilib-rium (LD) score regression. We performed a Mendelian randomization (MR) study for IPF causality in COVID-19. Genetic variants associated with IPF susceptibility (P Findings: We detected a positive genetic correlation of IPF with COVID-19 severity (rg=0.31 [95% CI 0.04-0.57], P = 0.023). The MR estimates for severe COVID-19 did not reveal any genetic association (OR 1.05, [95% CI 0.92-1.20], P = 0.43). However, outlier analysis revealed that the IPF risk allele rs35705950 at MUC5B had a dif-ferent effect compared with the other variants. When rs35705950 was excluded, MR results provided evidence that genetically increased risk of IPF has a causal effect on COVID-19 severity (OR 1.21, [95% CI 1.06-1.38], P = 4.24 x 10(-3)). Furthermore, the IPF risk-allele at MUC5B showed an apparent protective effect against COVID-19 hospitalization only in older adults (OR 0.86, [95% CI 0.73-1.00], P = 2.99 x 10(-2)) . Interpretation: The strongest genetic determinant of IPF, rs35705950 at MUC5B, seems to confer protection against COVID-19, whereas the combined effect of all other IPF risk loci seem to confer risk of COVID-19 severity. The observed effect of rs35705950 could either be due to protective effects of mucin over-produc-tion on the airways or a consequence of selection bias due to (1) a patient group that is heavily enriched for the rs35705950 T undertaking strict self-isolation and/or (2) due to survival bias of the rs35705950 non-IPF risk allele carriers. Due to the diverse impact of IPF causal variants on SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a possible selection bias as an explanation, further investigation is needed to address this apparent paradox between variance at MUC5B and other IPF genetic risk factors. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Peer reviewe

    An EMG-Assisted Muscle-Force Driven Finite Element Analysis Pipeline to Investigate Joint- and Tissue-Level Mechanical Responses in Functional Activities : Towards a Rapid Assessment Toolbox

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    Publisher Copyright: © 1964-2012 IEEE.Joint tissue mechanics (e.g., stress and strain) are believed to have a major involvement in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders, e.g., knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Accordingly, considerable efforts have been made to develop musculoskeletal finite element (MS-FE) models to estimate highly detailed tissue mechanics that predict cartilage degeneration. However, creating such models is time-consuming and requires advanced expertise. This limits these complex, yet promising, MS-FE models to research applications with few participants and makes the models impractical for clinical assessments. Also, these previously developed MS-FE models have not been used to assess activities other than gait. This study introduces and verifies a semi-automated rapid state-of-the-art MS-FE modeling and simulation toolbox incorporating an electromyography- (EMG) assisted MS model and a muscle-force driven FE model of the knee with fibril-reinforced poro(visco)elastic cartilages and menisci. To showcase the usability of the pipeline, we estimated joint- and tissue-level knee mechanics in 15 KOA individuals performing different daily activities. The pipeline was verified by comparing the estimated muscle activations and joint mechanics to existing experimental data. To determine the importance of the EMG-assisted MS analysis approach, results were compared to those from the same FE models but driven by static-optimization-based MS models. The EMG-assisted MS-FE pipeline bore a closer resemblance to experiments compared to the static-optimization-based MS-FE pipeline. Importantly, the developed pipeline showed great potential as a rapid MS-FE analysis toolbox to investigate multiscale knee mechanics during different activities of individuals with KOA.Peer reviewe

    Occurrence of two-year cyclicity, "saw-blade fluctuation", in vendace populations in Finland

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    The tendency towards two-year cyclicity is considered typical of many Fennoscandian vendace populations, especially in fluctuation of recruitment, based on time series of individual lakes. We used two robust indicators to identify and quantify two-year cycles in vendace population proxy time series at different life-stages - spawning stock biomass (SB), density of newly hatched larvae (LD) and recruitment (REC) - from 22 Finnish lakes. Then we applied Fisher's meta-analytical test to assess the adequacy of the evidence to support the hypothesis that vendace population dynamics include two-year cyclicity. The results supported this hypothesis for REC but not for SB or LD. Yet. the indicators and test are conservative and time-series of SB and LD are shorter than those for REC. The appearance of cycles in REC is associated with high post-recruitment mortality, consequently practically only one spawning per cohort. Cycles may be typical for the recovery period from low abundance period also. Still, some populations with moderate post-REC mortality and non-cyclic SB abundance exhibited cycles in REC. Such dynamics presuppose the existence of more complex regulation based on the interaction of different life stages

    Aboveground forest biomass derived using multiple dates of WorldView-2 stereo-imagery : quantifying the improvement in estimation accuracy

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the capabilities of two date satellite-derived image-based point clouds (IPCs) to estimate forest aboveground biomass (AGB). The data sets used include panchromatic WorldView-2 stereo-imagery with 0.46 m spatial resolution representing 2014 and 2016 and a detailed digital elevation model derived from airborne laser scanning data. Altogether, 332 field sample plots with an area of 256 m(2) were used for model development and validation. Predictors describing forest height, density, and variation in height were extracted from the IPC 2014 and 2016 and used in k-nearest neighbour imputation models developed with sample plot data for predicting AGB. AGB predictions for 2014 (AGB(2014)) were projected to 2016 using growth models (AGB(Projected_2016)) and combined with the AGB estimates derived from the 2016 data (AGB(2016)). AGB prediction model developed with 2014 data was also applied to 2016 data (AGB(2016_pred2014)). Based on our results, the change in the 90(th) percentile of height derived from the WorldView-2 IPC was able to characterize forest height growth between 2014 and 2016 with an average growth of 0.9 m. Features describing canopy cover and variation in height derived from the IPC were not as consistent. The AGB(2016) had a bias of -7.5% (-10.6 Mg ha(-1)) and root mean square error (RMSE) of 26.0% (36.7 Mg ha(-1)) as the respective values for AGB(Projected_2016) were 7.0% (9.9 Mg ha(-1)) and 21.5% (30.8 Mg ha(-1)). AGB(2016_pred2014) had a bias of -19.6% (-27.7 Mg ha(-1)) and RMSE of 33.2% (46.9 Mg ha(-1)). By combining predictions of AGB(2016) and AGB(Projected_2016) at sample plot level as a weighted average, we were able to decrease the bias notably compared to estimates made on any single date. The lowest bias of -0.25% (-0.4 Mg ha(-1)) was obtained when equal weights of 0.5 were given to the AGB(Projected_2016) and AGB(2016) estimates. Respectively, RMSE of 20.9% (29.5 Mg ha(-1)) was obtained using equal weights. Thus, we conclude that combination of two date WorldView-2 stereo-imagery improved the reliability of AGB estimates on sample plots where forest growth was the only change between the two dates.Peer reviewe

    Cerebral grey matter density is associated with neuroreceptor and neurotransporter availability: A combined PET and MRI study

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) can be used for in vivo measurement of specific neuroreceptors and transporters using radioligands, while voxel-based morphometric analysis of magnetic resonance images allows automated estimation of local grey matter densities. However, it is not known how regional neuroreceptor or transporter densities are reflected in grey matter densities. Here, we analyzed brain scans retrospectively from 328 subjects and compared grey matter density estimates with neuroreceptor and transporter availabilities. µ-opioid receptors (MORs) were measured with [11C]carfentanil (162 scans), dopamine D2 receptors with [11C]raclopride (92 scans) and serotonin transporters (SERT) with [11C]MADAM (74 scans). The PET data were modelled with simplified reference tissue model. Voxel-wise correlations between binding potential and grey matter density images were computed. Regional binding of all the used radiotracers was associated with grey matter density in region and ligand-specific manner independently of subjects’ age or sex. These data show that grey matter density and MOR and D2R neuroreceptor / SERT availability are correlated, with effect sizes (r2) ranging from 0.04 to 0.69. This suggests that future studies comparing PET outcome measure different groups (such as patients and controls) should also analyze interactive effects of grey matter density and PET outcome measures

    Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system

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    The goal of the processing industry, trade and consumers is to get eco-labelled freshwater fish products from sustainable fisheries into the market as soon as possible. The fourth largest natural lake system in Europe, the Saimaa lake system supports a fishery for vendace (Coregonus albula). Certification of the fishery requires an understanding of population structure to help determine the number and spatial extent of management units. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of local vendace populations in the Saimaa lake system and aimed to identify the conservation and management units of vendace. Within the Saimaa, the genetic divergence between local populations of vendace was weak and their genetic divergence did not follow an isolation by geographic distance pattern. Vendace has potential to disperse effectively within and between local populations in different lake basins. Even if we observed subtle genetic divergence within our study systems, available information showed no significant evidence that the local populations had unique evolutionarily significant traits. The local populations of the Saimaa lake system seem to have similar life history and morphological traits as in the whole Central Finland lake district. The conservation of genetic diversity seemed not to require basin-specific actions and we conclude that management of local vendace populations of Saimaa as one management unit is advisable

    Meta-analysis fine-mapping is often miscalibrated at single-variant resolution

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    Funding Information: We acknowledge all the participants and researchers of the 23 biobanks that have contributed to the GBMI. Biobank-specific acknowledgments are included in the Data S3 . We thank H. Huang, A.R. Martin, B.M. Neale, Y. Okada, K. Tsuo, J.C. Ulirsch, Y. Wang, and all the members of Finucane and Daly labs for their helpful feedback. M.K. was supported by a Nakajima Foundation Fellowship and the Masason Foundation . H.K.F. was funded by NIH grant DP5 OD024582 . Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Meta-analysis is pervasively used to combine multiple genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Fine-mapping of meta-analysis studies is typically performed as in a single-cohort study. Here, we first demonstrate that heterogeneity (e.g., of sample size, phenotyping, imputation) hurts calibration of meta-analysis fine-mapping. We propose a summary statistics-based quality-control (QC) method, suspicious loci analysis of meta-analysis summary statistics (SLALOM), that identifies suspicious loci for meta-analysis fine-mapping by detecting outliers in association statistics. We validate SLALOM in simulations and the GWAS Catalog. Applying SLALOM to 14 meta-analyses from the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI), we find that 67% of loci show suspicious patterns that call into question fine-mapping accuracy. These predicted suspicious loci are significantly depleted for having nonsynonymous variants as lead variant (2.7×; Fisher's exact p = 7.3 × 10−4). We find limited evidence of fine-mapping improvement in the GBMI meta-analyses compared with individual biobanks. We urge extreme caution when interpreting fine-mapping results from meta-analysis of heterogeneous cohorts.Peer reviewe

    Expression profiles of long non-coding RNAs located in autoimmune disease-associated regions reveal immune cell-type specificity

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    Background: Although genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of variants associated with a risk for autoimmune and immune-related disorders (AID), our understanding of the disease mechanisms is still limited. In particular, more than 90% of the risk variants lie in non-coding regions, and almost 10% of these map to long non-coding RNA transcripts (lncRNAs). lncRNAs are known to show more cell-type specificity than protein-coding genes. Methods: We aimed to characterize lncRNAs and protein-coding genes located in loci associated with nine AIDs which have been well-defined by Immunochip analysis and by transcriptome analysis across seven populations of peripheral blood leukocytes (granulocytes, monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, B cells, memory T cells, naive CD4(+) and naive CD8(+) T cells) and four populations of cord blood-derived T-helper cells (precursor, primary, and polarized (Th1, Th2) T-helper cells). Results: We show that lncRNAs mapping to loci shared between AID are significantly enriched in immune cell types compared to lncRNAs from the whole genome (a <0.005). We were not able to prioritize single cell types relevant for specific diseases, but we observed five different cell types enriched (a <0.005) in five AID (NK cells for inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and psoriasis; memory T and CD8(+) T cells in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, primary biliary cirrhosis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis; Th0 and Th2 cells for inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, primary biliary cirrhosis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis). Furthermore, we show that co-expression analyses of lncRNAs and protein-coding genes can predict the signaling pathways in which these AID-associated lncRNAs are involved. Conclusions: The observed enrichment of lncRNA transcripts in AID loci implies lncRNAs play an important role in AID etiology and suggests that lncRNA genes should be studied in more detail to interpret GWAS findings correctly. The co-expression results strongly support a model in which the lncRNA and protein-coding genes function together in the same pathways