9 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae (Caryophyllales) inferred from chloroplast matK and nuclear rDNA ITS sequences

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    Caryophyllaceae is a principally holarctic family including around 2200 species often classified into the three subfamilies Alsinoideae, Caryophylloideae, and Paronychioideae. Complex and possibly homoplasious morphological characters within the family make taxa difficult to delimit and diagnose. To explore part of the morphological evolution within the family, we investigated the phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae by means of analyzing plastid and nuclear sequence data with parsimony and Bayesian methods. We describe a mode of tracing a stable phylogenetic signal in ITS sequences, and a significant common signal is shared with the plastid data. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield some differences in tree resolution. None of the subfamilies appear monophyletic, but the monophyly of the Caryophylloideae is not contradicted. Alsinoideae are paraphyletic, with Arenaria subg. Eremogone and Minuartia subg. Spergella more closely related to the Caryophylloideae. There is strong support for the inclusion of Spergula-Spergularia in an Alsinoideae-Caryophylloideae clade. Putative synapomorphies for these groupings are twice as many stamens as number of sepals and a caryophyllad-type of embryogeny. Paronychioideae form a basal grade, where tribe Corrigioleae are sister to the rest of the family. Free styles and capsules with simple teeth are possibly plesiomorphic for the family

    Novos registros de espécies da subtribo Ecliptinae (Heliantheae - Asteraceae) para a Amazônia brasileira New records of species of the Ecliptinae subtribe (Heliantheae - Asteraceae) to the Brazilian Amazon

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    Sete espécies da subtribo Ecliptinae encontradas nos estados do Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará e Rondônia, são apresentadas como novos registros para a Amazônia brasileira: Acmella uliginosa, Aspilia camporum, Aspilia ulei, Melanthera latifolia, Melanthera nivea, Spilanthes nervosa e Wedelia calycina. São apresentadas descrições e ilustrações para as espécies, dados sobre a distribuição geográfica, hábitat, época de floração e frutificação. Os novos registros evidenciam a importância de estudos sobre a flora amazônica e demonstram a necessidade de coletas mais intensas na região.<br>The following seven species of the subtribe Ecliptinae found in the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia have been recorded at the Brazilian Amazonia, for the first time: Acmella uliginosa, Aspilia camporum, Aspilia ulei, Melanthera latifolia, Melanthera nivea, Spilanthes nervosa and Wedelia calycina. Species descriptions and illustrations are presented, as well as information about geographic distribution, habitats and phenology. These new records highlight the importance of the floristic studies in Amazonia, and the need to carry out intensive fieldwork to improve the sampling in this region


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