154 research outputs found

    An expert system to characterize the surface morphological properties according to their functionalities

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    In this paper we propose a new methodology to characterize the morphological properties of a surface in relation with its functionality (tribological properties, surface coating adhesion, brightness, wettability…). We create a software based on experimental design and surface profile recording. Using an appropriate database structure, the roughness parameters are automatically computed at different scales. The surface files are saved in a hard disk directory and roughness parameters are computed at different scales. Finally, a statistical analysis system proposes the roughness parameter (or the pair of roughness parameters) that better describe(s) the functionality of the surface and the spatial scales at which the parameter(s) is (are) the more relevant

    An expert system to characterise the surfaces morphological properties according to their tribological functionalities: The relevance of a pair of roughness parameters

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    Knowing that a surface or profile can be characterized by numerous roughness parameters, the objective of this investigation was to present a methodology which aims to determine quantitatively and without preconceived opinion the most relevant pair of roughness parameters that describe an abraded surface. The methodology was firstly validated on simulated fractal profiles having different amplitudes and Hölder exponents and it was secondly applied to characterise different worn regions of a retrieved metallic femoral head articulated against an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cup containing an embedded metallic fibber into its surface. The methodology consists in combining the recent Bootstrap method with the usual discriminant analysis. It was validated on simulated fractal profiles showing that, among more than 3000 pairs tested, the total amplitude Rt and the fractal dimension Δ is the most relevant pair of roughness parameters; parameters corresponding to the variables modulated in the analytical expression of the fractal function. The application of this methodology on a retrieved metallic femoral head shows that the most relevant pair of parameters for discriminating the different investigated worn regions is the arithmetic roughness parameter Ra paired with the mean peak height Rpm. This methodology finally helps in a better understanding of the scratch mechanism of this orthopedic bearing component

    Antibacterial Properties of Silver-Loaded Plasma Polymer Coatings

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    In a previous paper, we proposed new silver nanoparticles (SNPs) based antibacterial coatings able to protect eukaryotic cells from SNPs related toxic effects, while preserving antibacterial efficiency. A SNPs containing n-heptylamine (HA) polymer matrix was deposited by plasma polymerization and coated by a second HA layer. In this paper, we elucidate the antibacterial action of these new coatings. We demonstrated that SNPs-loaded material can be covered by thin HA polymer layer without losing the antibacterial activity to planktonic bacteria living in the near surroundings of the material. SNPs-containing materials also revealed antibacterial effect on adhered bacteria. Adhered bacteria number was significantly reduced compared to pure HA plasma polymer and the physiology of the bacteria was affected. The number of adhered bacteria directly decreased with thickness of the second HA layer. Surprisingly, the quantity of cultivable bacteria harvested by transfer to nutritive agar decreased not only with the presence of SNPs, but also in relation to the covering HA layer thickness, that is, oppositely to the increase in adhered bacteria number. Two hypotheses are proposed for this surprising result (stronger attachment or weaker vitality), which raises the question of the diverse potential ways of action of SNPs entrapped in a polymer matrix

    Biomimetic evaluation of b tricalcium phosphate prepared by hot isostatic pressing

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    Two types of completely densified b-TCP tablets were synthesized from a stoichiometric b-TCP powder. The first ones (TCP) were conventionally sintered, while the second ones (TCP-T) were sintered and treated by hot isostatic process (HIP). The HIP produced completely densified materials with relative densities greater than 99.9% and a transparent appearance of tablets. Samples were immersed in culture medium with (CM) or without serum (NCM) in static and dynamic conditions for a biomimetic evaluation. Similarly, SaOs-2 cells were cultured on samples in a static or dynamic flow perfusion system. The results of surface transformation in absence of cells showed that the dynamic condition increased the speed of calcium phosphate precipitations compared with the static condition. The morphology of precipitates was different with nature of tablets. The immersion in CM did impede this precipitation. XPS analysis of TCP-T tablets showed the presence of hydroxyapatite (HA) precipitates after incubation in NCM while octacalcium phosphate (OCP) precipitates were formed after incubation in CM. The analysis of the response of SaOs-2 cells on surfaces showed that the two types of materials are biocompatible. However, the dynamic mode of culture stimulated the differentiation of cells. Finally, it appears that the HIP treatment of TCP produces highly densified and transparent samples that display a good in vitro biocompatibility in static and dynamic culture conditions. Moreover, an interesting result of this work is the relationship between the presence of proteins in the immersion medium and the quality of precipitates formed on hipped TCP surface

    An expert system to characterize the surface morphological properties according to their functionalities

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    In this paper we propose a new methodology to characterize the morphological properties of a surface in relation with its functionality (tribological properties, surface coating adhesion, brightness, wettability…). We create a software based on experimental design and surface profile recording. Using an appropriate database structure, the roughness parameters are automatically computed at different scales. The surface files are saved in a hard disk directory and roughness parameters are computed at different scales. Finally, a statistical analysis system proposes the roughness parameter (or the pair of roughness parameters) that better describe(s) the functionality of the surface and the spatial scales at which the parameter(s) is (are) the more relevant

    Modélisation mécanique de la déformation de la topographie de prothèses mammaires macro-texturées

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    Introduction Cette étude propose une méthodologie de modélisation de la déformation d'un état de surface sous sollicitations mécaniques. La méthodologie permettra d'analyser la topographie de surface d'un matériau déformable, en prenant en compte les contraintes externes provenant d'un environnement mécanique complexe, telle que la biomécanique du corps humain. In fine, dans le cas de surfaces fortement déformables, cet outil pourrait aider à la modélisation du comportement à la friction de surfaces rugueuses in-situ.   Matériaux et méthodes L'exemple pris dans cette étude est caractéristique d'une surface fortement structurée et à faible module d'Young: l'enveloppe texturée en silicone d'un implant mammaire. Ces surfaces présentent des cavités cuboïdes de 200µm de profondeur, délimitées par de fines structures en silicone d'une épaisseur d'une dizaine de micromètres. L'intégrité de ses pores, et par conséquence le coefficient de friction qu'ils génèrent au contact des tissus, sont essentiels pour l'intégration biologique de l'implant dans le sein. Des essais interrompus de compression et de cisaillement ont été conduits sous micro-tomographe. Un montage a permis d'induire un cisaillement à 45° de la surface. Par reconstruction des scans, un modèle 3D de la surface a été développé. Le modèle 3D a été traité, notamment les artefacts de reconstruction à la surface ainsi que les auto-contacts, pour pouvoir être implémenté dans des logiciels d'éléments finis. Une taille d'élément adaptée a été choisie. Des essais de traction sur éprouvettes ont permis de déduire les caractéristiques du matériau.   Résultats Les simulations numériques ont été analysées aux conditions de sollicitation des essais in-situ. Sous compression unixiale, aucun flambage des cavités des pores de surface a été constaté sur les résultats des essais interrompus. Des simulations sous différents cisaillements ont permis d'affiner le comportement au flambage des structures de surface. Des cartographies des contraintes et des déplacements au sein de la texture ont permis de corroborer les déformations constatées.   Conclusion La surface présente des repliements de ses structures en silicone sur eux même, uniquement pour certaines conditions de cisaillement. Sous compression unixiale, la surface ne présente donc plus de niches cellulaires à l'intérieur des pores, qui sont des pièges potentiels pour les cellules du sein et source de complications

    An expert system to characterise the surfaces morphological properties according to their tribological functionalities: The relevance of a pair of roughness parameters

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    Knowing that a surface or profile can be characterized by numerous roughness parameters, the objective of this investigation was to present a methodology which aims to determine quantitatively and without preconceived opinion the most relevant pair of roughness parameters that describe an abraded surface. The methodology was firstly validated on simulated fractal profiles having different amplitudes and Hölder exponents and it was secondly applied to characterise different worn regions of a retrieved metallic femoral head articulated against an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) acetabular cup containing an embedded metallic fibber into its surface. The methodology consists in combining the recent Bootstrap method with the usual discriminant analysis. It was validated on simulated fractal profiles showing that, among more than 3000 pairs tested, the total amplitude Rt and the fractal dimension Δ is the most relevant pair of roughness parameters; parameters corresponding to the variables modulated in the analytical expression of the fractal function. The application of this methodology on a retrieved metallic femoral head shows that the most relevant pair of parameters for discriminating the different investigated worn regions is the arithmetic roughness parameter Ra paired with the mean peak height Rpm. This methodology finally helps in a better understanding of the scratch mechanism of this orthopedic bearing component

    Role of culture conditions on in vitro transformation and cellular colonization of biomimetic HA-Col scaffolds

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    We have recently developed new 3D hydroxyapatite/collagen (50/50 wt%) scaffolds using a biomimetic synthesis approach. The first in vitro tests performed in static culture showed a limited cell colonization and survival inside the scaffolds. The current study evaluated in dynamic culture the scaffold changes and colonization by human immortalized osteoprogenitor STRO-1A cells. The stability of our scaffolds in the different culture conditions (static, low flow, high flow) was validated by the maintenance of the pore diameter and interconnectivity over 21 d. The colonization and the viability of STRO-1A cells inside the scaffolds were further evaluated on histological sections. It was demonstrated that only the high flow-rate allowed cell survival after 7 d and a complete scaffold colonization. Moreover, the colonization and viability were different in function of the scaffold position inside the perfusion container. The differentiation markers (alkaline phosphatase activity, type I procollagen and osteocalcin synthesis) of STRO-1A cells were analyzed in the culture medium after 7, 14 and 21 d. The low flow-rate increased significantly the three markers compared with static conditions. In contrast, markers were reduced in high flow-rate compared with low flow-rate. To explain this surprising result, we hypothesized that the different molecules were actually adsorbed on the scaffold because of the closed circuit used in the high flow-rate conditions. In summary, this study provides original results on the influence of flow rate but mostly of the circuit used (open/closed) on the structural modifications and cell colonization of collagen-HA scaffolds

    Synthesis and characterization of Ti-27.5Nb alloy made by CLAD® additive manufacturing process for biomedical applications

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    Biocompatible beta-titanium alloys such as Ti-27.5(at.%)Nb are good candidates for implantology and arthroplasty applications as their particular mechanical properties, including low Young’s modulus, could significantly reduce the stress-shielding phenomenon usually occurring after surgery. The CLAD® process is a powder blown additive manufacturing process that allows the manufacture of patient specific (i.e. custom) implants. Thus, the use of Ti-27.5(at.%)Nb alloy formed by CLAD® process for biomedical applications as a mean to increase cytocompatibility and mechanical biocompatibility was investigated in this study. The microstructural properties of the CLAD-deposited alloy were studied with optical microscopy and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The conservation of the mechanical properties of the Ti-27.5Nb material after the transformation steps (ingot-powder atomisation-CLAD) were verified with tensile tests and appear to remain close to those of reference material. Cytocompatibility of the material and subsequent cell viability tests showed that no cytotoxic elements are released in the medium and that viable cells proliferated well

    Surface Texturization of Breast Implants Impacts Extracellular Matrix and Inflammatory Gene Expression in Asymptomatic Capsules:

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    Background: Texturing processes have been designed to improve biocompatibility and mechanical anchoring of breast implants. However, a high degree of texturing has been associated with severe abnormalities. In this study, the authors aimed to determine whether implant surface topography could also affect physiology of asymptomatic capsules. Methods: The authors collected topographic measurements from 17 different breast implant devices by interferometry and radiographic microtomography. Morphologic structures were analyzed statistically to obtain a robust breast implant surface classification. The authors obtained three topographic categories of textured implants (i.e., “peak and valleys,” “open cavities,” and “semiopened cavities”) based on the cross-sectional aspects. The authors simultaneously collected 31 Baker grade I capsules, sorted them according to the new classification, established their molecular profile, and examined the tissue organization. Results: Each of the categories showed distinct expression patterns of genes associated with the extracellular matrix (Timp and Mmp members) and inflammatory response (Saa1, Tnsf11, and Il8), despite originating from healthy capsules. In addition, slight variations were observed in the organization of capsular tissues at the histologic level. Conclusions: The authors combined a novel surface implant classification system and gene profiling analysis to show that implant surface topography is a bioactive cue that can trigger gene expression changes in surrounding tissue, even in Baker grade I capsules. The authors’ new classification system avoids confusion regarding the word “texture,” and could be transposed to implant ranges of every manufacturer. This new classification could prove useful in studies on potential links between specific texturizations and the incidence of certain breast-implant associated complications