805 research outputs found

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    Gender, male and female has always been of great interest and present in almost all fiction and films, within different perspectives. Ever since the dawn of time, man has taught ethics, morals, values and existential questions using fictional stories in oral and later in written form. The aim of analyzing the concept of male and female from fiction and film is to reach deeper insight and understanding of human beings with special reference to gender in both individual, group and community perspective. The general aim is to create security in our gender and professional roles. Whole or parts of books and films are used, chosen according to the specific learning outcome. Different aspects are then discussed in lectures, seminars or groups. Aspects include projections, culture and behavior. Students learn to reach a deeper insight and understanding of gender regarding behavior, communication, attitudes, values, culture and ethnicity. Peeling off the illusion of male and female created by our social structure, and making our values and prejudices conscious, we might discern the eternally human, the inner core of being human, regardless of sex. Fiction and film make conscious behavior, communication and gender, and merge cognition and emotions. This way of teaching may lead to better treatment of patients by health care personne

    Haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in relation to the somatic cell count in quarter, cow composite and bulk tank milk samples

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    Milk somatic cell count (SCC) is the gold standard in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis, and is also an important parameter in quality programmes of dairy cooperatives. As routine SCC analysis is usually restricted to central laboratories, much effort has been invested in the search for alternative biomarkers of mastitis and milk quality, including the presence in the milk of the acute phase proteins (APP), haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA). The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between Hp, SAA and SCC in quarter, cow composite, and bulk tank milk samples. Cows (n=165), without any clinical signs of disease or abnormalities in the milk or udder, from three different dairy farms, were used. Cow composite milk samples from all cows delivering milk at the sampling occasion were taken once in each herd. In one of the farms, representative quarter milk samples (n=103) from 26 cows were also collected. In addition, bulk tank milk samples from 96 dairy farms were included in the study. Samples were analysed for Hp, SAA and SCC, and relationships between the parameters were evaluated at quarter, cow and tank milk levels using Chi-square analysis. Milk samples were categorized according to their SCC, and the presence, or no presence, of SAA and Hp, based on the detection limits of the screening methods (0.3 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l for SAA and Hp, respectively). Hp and SAA were found in milk at quarter, cow composite and bulk tank levels. A large proportion (53%) of the animals had detectable milk concentrations of APP, and SAA was detected more frequently, and at higher concentrations than Hp, regardless of sample type. SAA was detected in as many as 82% of the bulk tank milk samples. Significant relationships were found between Hp, SAA and SCC at quarter and cow composite milk levels, but only between SAA and SCC at bulk tank milk level. Detectable levels of APP were more common at high SCC

    Biosensor assay for determination of haptoglobin in bovine milk

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    Despite more than 30 years of research into mastitis diagnostics, there are few alternatives to the somatic cell count (SCC) in practical use for identification of cows with subclinical mastitis. Mastitis is not only an animal welfare problem, but also affects the yield, composition and technological properties of milk. Hence, dairy cooperatives give farmers a premium quality payment to encourage low SCC although there is no clear scientific data defining the level of SCC in bulk tank milk that is associated with additional benefits in terms of milk quality. Recent research on alternative markers for inflammatory reactions in the lactating cow, e.g. in mastitis, includes investigations of the acute phase protein, haptoglobin (Hp). So far, the content of Hp in milk has mainly been studied in relation to mastitis diagnostics, with little attention given to its importance for milk composition and technological properties. At present, Hp in milk is measured using ELISA, but this technique is not suitable for routine large-scale analysis. In recent years, optical biosensor technology has been used for automated and rapid quantitative analysis of different components in milk, but so far not for analysis of acute phase proteins. The aim of the present study was to develop a rapid and sensitive biosensor method to determine Hp in milk. An affinity sensor assay based on the interaction between Hp and haemoglobin was developed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor technology. The assay was used to analyse Hp in composite milk samples from cows without any clinical signs of mastitis and quarter milk samples with a weak to strong reaction in the California Mastitis Test (CMT). A commercial ELISA for determination of Hp in milk was used for comparison. The limit of detection (LOD) of the biosensor assay was determined as 1.1 mg/l. Within-assay and betweenday variations were determined both with bulk tank milk spiked with human Hp and with composite milk samples containing bovine Hp. Coefficients of variation varied between 3.6 and 8.6% at concentrations between 4.0 and 12 mg/l, respectively. Agreement between the results obtained by the biosensor assay and the ELISA was satisfactory ; however, the results obtained by the biosensor were generally lower than the results obtained by the ELISA. Possible explanations for this observation are discussed

    A Communication-model for Intangible Benefits of Digital Information

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    The communication of the intangible benefits to different stakeholders is important at the development of organizational resources, in this study digital information, and could be described as a boundary-spanning activity. In this study we build on Ahlin’s model (2014) and illustrates categorization of intangible benefits of digital information by using Carlile’s (2002; 2004) efficient boundary objects, the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic. Qualitative empirical pictures from three cases are illustrated by questions, derived from the efficient boundary objects. The illustrations show that this is an accessible path forward and that the illustrations can be changed to further research with the goal to practical test the communication model

    Relationship between haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in milk and milk quality

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate relationships between the presence in milk of the major bovine acute phase proteins, haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA), and milk quality parameters. Composite milk samples were collected from 89 clinically healthy dairy cows and analysed for Hp and SAA, total protein, casein, and whey protein levels, casein number, proteolysis, total fat and lactose levels, and somatic cell count (SCC). Milk samples with detectable levels of Hp showed lower total protein and casein levels, whereas milk samples with detectable levels of SAA had lower casein number and lactose level. Samples with detectable levels of acute phase proteins also showed an elevated SCC. The results suggest that the presence of Hp and SAA in milk might indicate unfavourable changes in milk composition, especially in relation to protein quality

    The Experience of Active Wheelchair Provision and Aspects of Importance Concerning the Wheelchair Among Experienced Users in Sweden

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    This qualitative study describes the experience of active ultra lightweight rigid frame wheelchairs (active wheelchairs) provision. Eleven interviews with experienced users showed that the wheelchair should support physical as well as social functioning, but that users experienced injustice and unfairness when negotiating their wheelchair needs and felt insecure within the system. Changes of attitudes and organization are suggested

    E-government challenges – exploring inter-organisational aspects of e-service development

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    In this paper we are applying inter-organizational concepts from the industrial/business network approach on empirical findings from an e-government case, in order to describe and better understand challenges in one-stop government e-service development. We analyze our case by using concepts that characterize an inter-organizational relationship in terms of its level of continuity, complexity, symmetry, informality, and its dimensions (links, bonds, and ties). The purpose of the paper is to explore how these theoretical concepts can help us focus on certain aspects of e-service development challenges. The empirical findings are collected within an on-going action research project for e-service development in the public sector in Sweden. The aim of the project is to develop one-stop government e-services for driver’s license matters as well as a web-based portal where these e-services and information about the driver’s license process will be easily accessible. Our conclusions are that the theoretical concepts helped us reach further understanding of the empirical case. In the spirit of the network approach, we focused on the present situation and been able to give a rather detailed and fine-grained picture of the problems and challenges in this context

    The effect of sodium chloride on eggshell quality in laying hens

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    Sodium chloride, NaCl, has been shown to have a severe adverse effect on shell quality in birds when received in drinking water. This is a major problem due to an increase of breakage of eggs and great economic losses in commercial egg production. This review focuses on what has been written about the effect of NaCl on eggshell quality in the laying hen, with emphasis on the function of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) in shell formation. CA is important for the shell formation through the catalyzation of the reaction CO2 + H2O HCO3- + H+ in the shell gland. HCO3- concentration in the shell gland has been shown to be coupled to the secretion of Ca2+ from the blood to the shell gland lumen and together they form CaCO3. Studies have shown that NaCl inhibits the activity of CA which causes a reduced concentration of HCO3- and Ca2+ in the shell gland, resulting in a reduction of the shell quality. The NaCl affects several shell quality measurements such as shell weight, shell breaking strength and shell thickness. The effect depends on the hens’ age and strain, and there are also individual differences. Older hens are more sensitive to saline drinking water than pullets and the strain Isa Brown is less sensitive than the cross between White Leghorn and New Hampshire. The exact effect of NaCl on the eggshell formation is yet not fully understood and further research is needed. The best remedy for hens receiving saline water is desalination of the water, but preventative treatments such as supplementing the diet or water with ascorbic acid or zinc has also proven beneficial for the shell quality

    SOU 2013:62 - En eventuell lösning pÄ förbudet mot dubbelbestraffning i frÄga om skattebrott och skattetillÀgg?

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    Under hösten presenterades en utredning, SOU 2013:62, för att komma Ät de problem som Sverige har gÀllande förbudet mot dubbelbestraffning enligt 4 artikeln, sjunde tillÀggsprotokollet Europakonventionen och artikel 50 i EU:s stadga. Detta för att EU-domstolen och Europadomstolen tidigare meddelat att Sveriges system angÄende skattetillÀgg och skattebrott inte varit förenligt med dessa bestÀmmelser. Utredningen presenterade olika förslag pÄ tillvÀgagÄngsÀtt, för att komma Ät detta problem pÄ bÀsta sÀtt. Den ena var att samla de tvÄ förfarandena i ett gemensamt förfarande i domstol, dÀr frÄgorna kring skuldfrÄgan för skattebrott och skattetillÀgg avgjordes samtidigt. Ett annat förslag som diskuterades var förslaget om att införa ett system dÀr myndigheterna avgjorde om detta skulle bli en frÄga om skattebrott och dÄ föras av Äklagaren eller om Àrendet skulle stanna vid att Skatteverket Älagde den enskilda att endast betala skattetillÀgg för lÀmnandet av en oriktig uppgift.In the fall of 2013 a report was presented, SOU 2013:62, in order to address the problems by the Swedish legislation on the prohibition of the principle ne bis in idem under article 4, Protocol seven ECHR and Article 50 of the EU Charter. The Court and the European Court earlier announced that the Swedish system regarding tax surcharges and criminal sanctions for tax offences, not been consistent with these provisions. The Committee presented a suggestion on dealings for a new legislation, to deal with this problem in the best way. One was to bring together the two procedures into a single procedure in court, where the issues of guilt for tax surcharges and tax crime was settled together. Another proposal discussed was the proposal to introduce a system where the authorities decided if the issue would be a matter of tax crime and then brought by the prosecutor. If not, the issue would stop at the tax surcharges so the individual only paid tax penalties for submitting false information

    Herd Routines and Veterinary Advice Related to Dry-Cow Therapy and Treatment with Internal Teat Sealants in Dairy Cows

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    Simple Summary At the end of lactation, antibiotics (DCT) or internal teat sealants (ITS) can be used to treat or prevent mastitis in dairy cows. Recommendations on how to perform such treatments are available, but little is known about how well these are followed by farmers and veterinarians. To increase this knowledge, questionnaires about farmer routines and veterinary advice were sent to 2472 farmers and 517 veterinarians in Sweden. Fourteen percent of the farmers and 25% of the veterinarians responded. Among the farmers, 81% used DCT to some cows, 3% used DCT to all cows, and 16% did not use DCT at all. Almost all veterinarians prescribed DCT, most only to some cows in a herd while 8% sometimes recommended DCT to all cows in a herd. Most of the farmers did not use ITS and half of the veterinarians never prescribed ITS. Milking system and milk production, and post-graduate training and number of mastitis cases per month were associated with several of the answers by the farmers and veterinarians, respectively. Overall, many farmers and veterinarians followed the recommendations, but it was also clear that more communication is needed as well as an up-date of the recommendations. Dry-cow therapy with antibiotics (DCT) and treatment with internal teat sealants (ITS) are often used to control mastitis in dairy cows. However, the knowledge on farmer and veterinary compliance with recommendations for DCT and ITS is scarce. Thus, the main aim was to collect information on farmer routines and veterinary advice for such treatments. Associations with herd and veterinary variables were also studied. Web-based questionnaires including questions on demographics and the use of DCT and ITS were sent to 2472 farmers and 517 veterinarians in Sweden. The answers were summarized descriptively, and associations with demographics were evaluated using univariable regression models. The response rate was 14% for farmers and 25% for veterinarians. Among the farmers, 81% used selective DCT (SDCT), 3% used blanket DCT (BDCT), and 16% did not use DCT. Almost all (93%) veterinarians prescribed DCT and among those most recommended SDCT while 8% recommended BDCT. Eighty-two percent of the farmers did not use ITS and 45% of the veterinarians never prescribed ITS. Milking system and milk production, and post-graduate training and number of mastitis cases per month were associated with the largest numbers of farmer and veterinary answers, respectively. In conclusion, many farmer routines and veterinary advice complied with the recommendations available at the time, but a clear need for more education was also identified. The results also indicated that an up-date of the national recommendations was warranted
