1,140 research outputs found

    Organic bioelectronic devices to control cell signalling

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    The nervous system consists of a network of specialized cells that coordinate the actions of the body by transmitting information to and from the brain. The communication between the nerve cells is dependent on the interplay of both electrical and chemical signals. As our understanding of nerve cell signalling increases there is a growing need to develop techniques capable of interfacing with the nervous system. One of the major challenges is to translate between the signal carriers of the nervous system (ions and neurotransmitters) and those of conventional electronics (electrons). Organic conjugated polymers represent a unique class of materials that can utilize both electrons and ions as charge carriers. Taking advantage of this combined feature, we have established a novel communication interface between electronic components and biological systems. The organic bioelectronic devices presented in this thesis are based on the organic electronic ion pump (OEIP) made of the conducting organic polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). When electronically addressed, electrochemical redox reactions in the polymer translate electronic signals into electrophoretic migration of ions. We show that the device can transport a range of substances involved in nerve cell signaling. These include positively charged ions, neurotransmitters and cholinergic substances. Since the devices are designed to be easily incorporated in conventional microscopy set-ups, we use Ca2+ imaging as readout to monitor cell responses. We demonstrate how electrophoretic delivery of ions and neurotransmitters with precise, spatiotemporal control can be used to modulate intracellular Ca2+ signaling in neuronal cells in the absence of convective disturbances. The electronic control of delivery enables strict control of dynamic parameters, such as amplitude and frequency of Ca2+ responses, and can be used to generate temporal patterns mimicking naturally occurring Ca2+ oscillations. To enable further control and fine-tuning of the ionic signals we developed the electrophoretic chemical transistor, an analogue of the traditional transistor used to amplify and/or switch electronic signals. We thereby take the first step towards integrated chemical circuits. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the OEIP in a new “machine-to-brain” interface. By encapsulating the OEIP we were able to use it in vivo to modulate brainstem responses in guinea pigs. This was the first successful realization of an organic bioelectronic device capable of modulating mammalian sensory function by precise delivery of neurotransmitters. Our findings highlight the potential of communication interfaces based on conjugated polymers in generating complex, high-resolution, signal patterns to control cell physiology. Such devices will have widespread applications across basic research as well as future applicability in medical devices in multiple therapeutic areas

    Simulation of Diamond Surface Chemistry: Reactivity and Properties

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    The diamond material possesses very attractive properties, such as superior electronic properties (when doped), in addition to a controllable surface termination. During the process of diamond synthesis, the resulting chemical properties will depend not only on the adsorbed species but also on the type of substitutional doping element. The combination of adsorbate and dopant will thus have the ability to influence both the chemical and electronic properties of a diamond surface. All resulting (and interesting) properties of doped and terminated diamond surfaces make it clear that these types of material modifications are very important for a variety of applications that are based on photoactivated chemical processes. Theoretical modeling has been shown to act as an important scientific tool in explaining and predicting experimental results. Simulation of the dependence of, e.g. surface termination and doping on diamond material properties, is expected to give important information about various surface electronic properties (like photo-induced surface electrochemistry)

    The dual weighted residuals approach to optimal control of ordinary differential equations

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    The methodology of dual weighted residuals is applied to an optimal control problem for ordinary differential equations. The differential equations are discretized by finite element methods. An a posteriori error estimate is derived and an adaptive algorithm is formulated. The algorithm is implemented in Matlab and tested on a simple model problem from vehicle dynamics

    Square Functions for Ritt Operators in L1L^1

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    TT is a Ritt operator in LpL^p if sup⁥nn∄Tn−Tn+1∄<∞\sup_n n\|T^n-T^{n+1}\|<\infty. From \cite{LeMX-Vq}, if TT is a positive contraction and a Ritt operator in LpL^p, 1<p<∞1<p<\infty, the square function (∑nn2m+1∣Tn(I−T)m+1f∣2)1/2\left( \sum_n n^{2m+1} |T^n(I-T)^{m+1}f|^2 \right)^{1/2} is bounded. We show that if TT is a Ritt operator in L1L^1, Qα,s,mf=(∑nnα∣Tn(I−T)mf∣s)1/sQ_{\alpha,s,m}f=\left( \sum_n n^{\alpha} |T^n(I-T)^mf|^s \right)^{1/s} is bounded L1L^1 when α+1<sm\alpha+1<sm, and examine related questions on variational and oscillation norms

    Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete

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    Textile reinforcement yarns consist of many filaments, which can slip relative each other. At modelling of the global structural behaviour, interfilament slip in the yarns, and slip between the yarns and the concrete can be considered by efficiency factors for the stiffness and strength of the yarns, and by applying a bond-slip relation between yarns and concrete. In this work, an effective and robust method for calibration of such models was developed. Two-sided asymmetrical pull-out tests were carried out, with varying embedment lengths designed to obtain both pull-out and rupture of the textile as failure mode. The efficiency factors for strength and stiffness of the textile were very similar, 34% and 35% respectively. This indicates the stress distribution within a yarn to be uneven in a similar manner for small and large stress levels, and that interfilament slip has a larger influence than variation of filaments’ strength

    e-Government for all – Norm-critical Perspectives and Public Values in Digitalization

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    There are hopes that e-government will bring many benefits, including efficiency, democratization, participation, and emancipation of citizens. However, despite some evidence that supports these claims there are also cases that digitalization can exclude citizens and build new barriers. This is a special challenge for already disadvantaged groups falling outside the norms. In this study we approach the notion of a norm-critical perspective in relation to e-government through a review of literature in combination with action research oriented workshops. From this we conclude that there is a need for more norm-critical perspectives in research on e-government, as most research today focuses on socio-economic digital-divide issues. We also show that it is difficult for involved actors to see beyond the norms and be norm-critical since the norms are embedded into the practices, which in this case, e-government has developed and used

    Attityder betrÀffande bevarande i tvÄ olika vildmarksomrÄden i Kenya

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    All over the world, scientists agree that to succeed with a conservation project, it is important to have a good relationship with the local people. If they do not receive a good impression of the project, they will not be willing to collaborate and the project will probably fail. According to previous studies, there are different factors affecting attitudes to conservation, like the level of education of the participant. Many studies have shown that the higher education the people have, the more positive attitude they have to adjacent conservation areas. Economical factors are also important, it is often stated that having more money results in a better attitude. The source of the income also has an effect. Those who earn money from conservation are more positive than those who earn money from other sources. Age and gender also affect the attitudes. In this study the attitudes of local people in two different areas in Kenya was examined. There are conservation work going on in both areas but they area managed in different ways. In the study a group of employees was also included, who all worked with conservation in one of the two areas. In general the results agreed with the literature and the participant thought that the adjacent conservation area worked well and fulfilled its purpose. As expected was the group with the employees most positive towards conservation. There was also a big difference in attitudes between those who had an income from the conservation area and/or an education and those who had neither. Having both income and education gave the most positive attitude. This study indicates that education is a very important part in conserving animals and plants. At the same time it is also very important that the local people can receive their rightful part of the benefits and income that conservation can generate

    Omplacering av hundar

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    I the year of 2008 there were more than 60 000 purebred dogs newly registered in the Swedish Kennel Club. In addition there are a lot of mixed breed dogs and in the year of 2006 it was estimated that there were over 700 000 dogs in Sweden. In today’s society it is not unusual that people change their life situation by moving, getting a new job or starting a family. Because of this there is a risk of rehoming for dogs owned by these people. In Sweden dogs are among others rehomed by advertising or by rehoming organisations. A study of research was done to see how a dog is affected by being rehomed and being in a shelter for rehoming. Research about Swedish rehoming organisations or shelters does not exist and because of this interviews were done with some of these. The organisations that were interviewed worked in different ways. Some had their own shelters, some had the dogs in temporary homes or they just mediated contact information between sellers and buyers. One of the big questions before this study started was if it is possible to see any patterns in which dogs that people want to rehome and why. This was done partly by asking what the organisations thought and by analysing data that was collected from advertisements which were found on www.blocket.se during the month of January. The results of the advertisements were among others that there was no difference in gender of the dogs (p=0,165), that purebred dogs were more common than mixed breeds (p<0,001) and that there were more dogs between six months and two years of age than younger than six months and over two years of age. Other results from the advertisements shown in this paper are which breeds, and those breeds in mixed breed dogs that were most common and what reasons people report for rehoming their dog

    Lammproduktion pÄ nio ekologiska gÄrdar i vÀstra Sverige

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    The purpose with this study was to analyze the possibilities to produce organic lambs and to hihglight the most common difficulties in such a production system. A description of current organic and conventional lamb production systems was conducted, both from Sweden and from some other countries. The Department of Animal Environment and Health at SLU in Skara performed the project together with The County Board of Agriculture in VĂ€stra Götaland and VĂ€rmland and The Swedish Animal Health Service. The project lasted from 2002 to 2004. The student report contains the years 2002 and 2003. In the year of 2003 there were 210 000 adult sheep in Sweden, of which 16 400 adult sheep were certified by KRAV. Of the different countries in Sweden, VĂ€stra Götaland and Gotland had the largest number of sheep, 14 and 13 per cent of the total number. The total number and the number of certified sheep has increased whereas the total number and number of certified sheep producers have decreased during the last few years. In the year of 2003, the average herd size was 27,7 adult sheep while the average certified herd size was 57,6 adult sheep. Feeding strategies in organic and conventional lamb productions are quite similar to each ther. Legumes in mixture with grasses are used as forages in organic production because of the ability of legumes to fixate nitrogen. According to the rules of KRAV, a maximum of 40 per cent of the daily intake of dry matter can be provided as concentrate. However, during the first three months of lactation the maximum amount of concentrate in the ration is 50 per cent. Lambs are normally weaned when they are three months old, which means that the ewe can be fed with 50 % per cent of concentrate during their whole lactation. Hexane extracted feeds (meal) are prohibited to use as a source of protein in organic production. The feeding ration must thereby be completed by protein feed that are approved by KRAV, such as rapeseed, peas, field beans and lupine. Intestinal parasites occur in lungs, abomasum, gut and liver in sheep. Parasite infections are mostly a problem for the lambs, ewes has normally developed immunity. However, the barbers' worm can cause sickness in ewes, especially during lambing or at other times when the ewe's condition is low. The ewe's immunity does not, however, mean that they're free om parasites. They can carry parasites that through their manure pass on to the pasture where they can affect the lambs. By letting different animals, for example cattle and sheep, graze the same pasture simultaneously or by using rotational grazing the risks for parasite infections can be decreased. Parasites are in most cases specific to one species. Nine farms in western Sweden participated in the study. The herd size varied between 30 and 140 ewes. The breeds were mostly crosses with Fine wool or Texel but also pure bred Gotlandsheep was used. The farms used different lambing seasons. The ewes were lambing from January until May and in September. Five of the herds had the ewes lambing in the winter, three in the spring, two in the summer and two in the autumn. The farms were visited five times a year during the project. Lambing time, number of lambs per ewe, lamb weights and lamb age at weaning were registered. Slaughter data were collected from the abbatoir. Results from 2002 and 2003 are shown as birth weight, weight at 110 days of age, age at slaughter, body conformation and fat content of the carcass. Parasite status in the herds and methods that were used to reduce the risks for parasite infections were studied. The frequency of parasites where registered with assistance from the Swedish Animal Health Association. Several farms let the sheep graze together with cattle or horses and/or rotate sheep and cattle for grazing. Despite this, six of the farms had sheep affected by the barbers' worm. Intestinal parasites are thereby a large problem in organic lamb production. To reduce the risks for infections that cause production losses it is important to take faecal samples from the ewes before the grazing period to find out the status of parasites in the herd. Except for the barbers worm, there also were some problems with lung worm, large liver fluke and giardia. It is important to have control over the lambs and weigh them once in a while during the grazing period. By weighing the lambs you can discover if the growth rate of the lambs has been reduced, which can be a sign of a parasite infection. In the last years, forages that contain condensed tannins, for example birdsfoot trefoil, been noticed as feed for ruminants. Condensed tannins reduce the risk for parasite infections. However, studies at RöbĂ€cksdalen, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, UmeĂ„, have not shown any effects of tannins on prevalence of parasite infections under Swedish conditions. Feeding rations for lactating ewes in 2003 were made for five herds in the study. The feeding rations were based on nutrient analyses of the forages and concentrates. Random bales of thilage that were used as feed were weighed to estimate the amount of silage offered to the animals. Feeding rations were compared to the nutrient requirements of lactating ewes. It was shown that the ewes on most of the farms had sufficient provisions of protein and energy. The most common concentrates were grain mixtures combined with a protein mixture. Today lambs are produced almost the whole year round. What production model that should be used should be based on the condition of the farm. In a production system with lambs born in the winter the lambs are raised intensively and the aim is to have them slaughtered before the grazing period starts. The ewes can then be used as nature conservators on semi-natural grasslands. Large amounts of pasture, both for ewes and lambs are needed, in a production model with spring born lambs. In a production system with summer born lambs the ewes can e grazing semi-natural grasslands in spring whereas they during summer and autumn during their late pregnancy and lactation have a demand for a high quality pasture. A production witlambs born in the autumn is based on the idea to let ewes graze regrowth pastures in the autumn during late pregnancy and lactation. After the grazing period the aim is to feed ewes and lambs with forages (silage) only. The lambs are raised extensively and are slaughtered inthe spring. Carcasses of lambs are judged after weight, form and content of fat in the body. The form is judged according to the five main classes of the EUROP-system, E, U, R, O and P that is omplemented with + and -. The content of fat is judged in the same way, with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and is complemented with + and -. The requirements to receive the extra KRAV supplement were in 2002 and 2003 a conformation class from E+ to O, fat content of 2-to 3 and a slaughter weight between 14 and 25,9 kg. In this study, results form lambs born 2002 and 2003 were presented. The results were presented separately for ewe and ram lambs, winter born, spring born and autumn born. Lambs that were born in autumn were only few in the study and it is hard to make any conclusions for that kind of production model. However, it is an interesting model that needs to be studied more extensively. To compare how the growth rate differed among farms growth rate was calculated from birth weight, slaughter weight and an expected dressing percentage oft 40 per cent. The daily growth rate varied between 145 and 339 g. The large difference is caused by the conditions on the farms and the aim of the production model. Low daily growth rates are also certainly caused by parasite infections. There are great opportunities to succeed with organic as well as conventional lamb production. The largest problem with lamb production is parasite infections of the lambs, even when methods have been used to reduce the risks for infections. You have to control the parasite status of the lambs by weighing and by taking faecal samples during the grazing periods. When choosing a model you should take into account the conditions of the farm including types of buildings and pastures.Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheterna att bedriva ekologisk lammproduktion samt var de största svĂ„righeterna i en sĂ„dan produktion fanns. Nio gĂ„rdar i vĂ€stra Sverige deltog i dokumentationen. En nulĂ€gesbeskrivning av lammproduktion, bĂ„de konventionell och ekologisk, i Sverige och i nĂ„gra andra lĂ€nder genomfördes. År 2003 fanns 210 000 vuxna fĂ„r i Sverige, varav 16 400 vuxna fĂ„r var anslutna till KRAV. Av de olika lĂ€nen var det VĂ€stra Götaland och Gotland som hade flest fĂ„r, 14 respektive 13 % av det totala antalet i landet. Det totala antalet och KRAV-godkĂ€nda fĂ„r har under senare Ă„r ökat medan det totala antalet och antalet KRAV-godkĂ€nda företag med fĂ„r minskat. År 2003 hade medelbesĂ€ttningen 27,7 vuxna fĂ„r medan den KRAV-anslutna medelbesĂ€ttningen hade 57,6 vuxna djur. Utfodring inom ekologisk lammproduktion skiljer sig inte sĂ„ mycket frĂ„n den konventionella. I ekologisk produktion utnyttjar man luftens kvĂ€ve genom att ha ett stort baljvĂ€xtinslag i vallen. Till tackor fĂ„r högst 40 % av det dagliga torrsubstansintaget i foderstaten utgöras av kraftfoder enligt KRAVs regler. Under de tre första mĂ„naderna under digivningen fĂ„r kraftfoderandelen höjas till 50 %. Lamm avvĂ€njs vanligtvis vid tre mĂ„naders Ă„lder vilket betyder att tackan under hela digivningen kan utfodras med 50 % kraftfoder. Numera fĂ„r inte hexanextraherade fodermedel anvĂ€ndas som proteinkĂ€lla i ekologisk produktion, vilket gör att mĂ„nga proteinfodermedel inte kan anvĂ€ndas. DĂ€rför mĂ„ste kravgodkĂ€nda kraftfodermedel sĂ„som raps, Ă€rter, Ă„kerböna eller lupin anvĂ€ndas. InĂ€lvsparasiter hos fĂ„r förekommer i lungor, löpmage, tarm och lever. Parasitangrepp Ă€r frĂ€mst ett problem hos lammen dĂ„ tackor i regel utvecklat immunitet. Stora magmasken Ă€r dock ett undantag, dĂ„ den Ă€ven kan orsaka sjukdom hos tackor i samband med lamning eller under annan tidpunkt dĂ„ de Ă€r i sĂ€mre kondition. DĂ„ tackorna Ă€r immuna betyder det inte att de Ă€r parasitfria. De kan bĂ€ra pĂ„ parasiter som via trĂ€cken kommer ut pĂ„ betet och sedan angriper lammen. Genom sambete och vĂ€xelbete med andra djurslag kan man minska riskerna för parasitangrepp. Parasiterna Ă€r i de flesta fall artspecifika, d v s angriper ett djurslag. Genom att de olika djurslagen betar varandras rator betar de varandras parasiter. Nio gĂ„rdar belĂ€gna i vĂ€stra Sverige ingick i studien. BesĂ€ttningsstorleken var mellan 30- 140 tackor vardera. Raserna var mestadels korningar med finull eller texel samt renrasiga gotlandsfĂ„r. Olika lamningstidpunkter tillĂ€mpades pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna. Tackorna lammade frĂ„n januari till maj samt i september. Fem av gĂ„rdarna hade vinterlammande tackor, tre vĂ„rlammande, tvĂ„ sommarlammande och tvĂ„ höstlammande. De resultat som redovisas för tvĂ„ Ă„r Ă€r lammens födelsevikt, vikt vid 110-dagars Ă„lder, Ă„lder vid slakt, slaktvikt, formklass, fettklass samt hur stor andel av lammen som klarade grĂ€nsen för mĂ€rkeskvalitet. Utöver slaktresultaten studerades Ă€ven hur parasitstatusen sĂ„g ut pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna och vad som gjordes för att minska risken för parasitangrepp. PĂ„ flertalet av gĂ„rdarna i studien tillĂ€mpades sambete och/eller vĂ€xelbete med nötkreatur och/eller hĂ€star. Trots detta var det pĂ„ sex av gĂ„rdarna som fĂ„ren fick angrepp av stora magmasken. InĂ€lvsparasiter Ă€r sĂ„ledes ett stort problem inom ekologisk lammproduktion. För att motverka risken för parasitangrepp med pĂ„följande produktionsförluster Ă€r det dĂ€rför viktigt att ta trĂ€ckprov pĂ„ tackor innan betesslĂ€ppning för att ta reda pĂ„ parasitstatusen i besĂ€ttningen. Förutom stora magmasken förekom Ă€ven enstaka problem med lungmask, stora leverflundran och giardia. Det Ă€r Ă€ven viktigt att ha lammen under uppsikt och vĂ€ga dem kontinuerligt under betessĂ€songen. Genom att vĂ€ga lammen kan man tidigt upptĂ€cka om tillvĂ€xten avtagit, dĂ„ detta kan vara tecken pĂ„ parasitangrepp. PĂ„ senare Ă„r har vĂ€xter innehĂ„llande kondenserade tanniner, exempelvis kĂ€ringtand, uppmĂ€rksammats som fodervĂ€xt. Kondenserade tanniner sĂ€gs minska risken för parasitangrepp. Studier vid RöbĂ€cksdalen har dock inte gett nĂ„gra resultat som visar att det gĂ€ller under svenska förhĂ„llanden. För fem av gĂ„rdarna i projektet berĂ€knades en foderstat till tackorna under digivningen 2003. Foderstaten baserades pĂ„ analyser av vall- och kraftfoder samt angiven kraftfodergiva frĂ„n lantbrukarna och stickprovsvĂ€gning av rundbalsensilaget som utfodrades. Foderstaterna jĂ€mfördes sedan med normen för digivande tackors nĂ€ringsbehov. PĂ„ de flesta gĂ„rdarna visade det sig att tackorna nĂ€ringsförsörjde sig tĂ€mligen vĂ€l betrĂ€ffande energi- och protein. Vanligaste kraftfodret var spannmĂ„lsblandning i kombination med nĂ„gon proteinmix. Lamm produceras i stort sett under hela Ă„ret. GĂ„rdens förutsĂ€ttningar bör avgöra vilken produktionsmodell som vĂ€ljs. Vid vinterlamning föds lammen upp intensivt och mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen Ă€r att de skall slaktas före betesslĂ€ppning. Tackor utan lamm kan dĂ„ med fördel beta naturbetesmark. Produktion av vĂ„rlamm krĂ€ver stora betesarealer för bĂ„de tackor och lamm. Vid sommarlamning kan tackor beta naturbeten under vĂ„ren, medan de under resterande del av betesperioden krĂ€ver ett nĂ€ringsrikt Ă„kermarksbete. Vid höstlamning fĂ„r tackorna beta Ă„tevĂ€xtbete under hösten. Efter installning utfodras enbart grovfoder till bĂ„de tackor och lamm. Lammen föds dĂ„ upp mer extensivt och gĂ„r till slakt under vĂ„ren. Vid slakt bedöms lammens slaktkropp efter vikt, formklass och fettansĂ€ttning. Formen bedöms enligt EUROP-systemets fem huvudklasser, E, U, R, O och P som kompletteras med + och -. Slaktkroppens fettinnehĂ„ll bedöms pĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt med klasserna 1, 2, 3, 4 och 5 som kompletteras med + och -. KvalitetsgrĂ€nserna för att erhĂ„lla KRAV-tillĂ€gget var mellan Ă„r 2002 och 2004 formklass E+ till O, fettgrupp 2- till 3 och en slaktvikt mellan 14-25,9 kg. I studien bearbetades slaktresultaten för lamm födda Ă„r 2002 och 2003. Resultaten Ă€r uppdelade för bagglamm respektive tacklamm samt vinterfödda, vĂ„rfödda respektive höstfödda lamm. DĂ„ antalet höstfödda lamm i studien var relativt fĂ„ Ă€r det svĂ„rt att dra nĂ„gra slutsatser av den produktionsformen Det Ă€r dock en intressant uppfödningsmodell dĂ€r mer studier skulle behövas. För att jĂ€mföra hur tillvĂ€xten skiljde sig mellan de olika gĂ„rdarna berĂ€knades tillvĂ€xten frĂ„n födsel till slakt fram med hjĂ€lp av födelsevikt, slaktvikt och ett uppskattat slaktutbyte pĂ„ 40 %. Den dagliga tillvĂ€xten varierade mellan 145 och 339 g. Den stora skillnaden i tillvĂ€xt beror pĂ„ gĂ„rdens förutsĂ€ttningar och vilket mĂ„l med produktionen besĂ€ttningarna hade. LĂ„g tillvĂ€xt beror sĂ€kerligen Ă€ven pĂ„ parasitangrepp. FörutsĂ€ttningar finns att lyckas lika bra med ekologisk som med konventionell lammproduktion. Vad som kan stĂ€lla till problem Ă€r att lammen i vissa fall kan drabbas av parasitinfektion trots att Ă„tgĂ€rder vidtagits för att förhindra detta. Man mĂ„ste vara uppmĂ€rksam pĂ„ lammens parasitstatus genom regelbunden vĂ€gning av lammen och trĂ€ckprovstagning under betessĂ€songen. Vid valet av produktionsmodell bör man utgĂ„ frĂ„n gĂ„rdens förutsĂ€ttningar, vilken typ av byggnader som finns samt vilken sorts beten man har

    If everything goes down : the organization of the Swedish food preparedness and the forest's contribution from a capacity perspective

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur organiseringen av den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen ser ut. Bakgrunden till detta Ă€r att Sverige för första gĂ„ngen sedan början av 2000-talet har pĂ„börjat Ă„teruppbyggnaden av ett civilt försvar, dĂ€r livsmedelsberedskapen Ă€r en aspekt att ta hĂ€nsyn till. Vidare Ă€r syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka vad denna organisering innebĂ€r för problem och möjligheter i arbetet med livsmedelsberedskap – nĂ„got som granskas utifrĂ„n ett kapacitetsperspektiv. Historiskt sett har skogen varit en viktig resurs vid livsmedelskriser, och i med den lĂ„ga sjĂ€lvförsörjningsgrad vi har idag i Sverige Ă€r det Ă€ven relevant att se pĂ„ hur denna inhemska och alternativa livsmedelsresurs uppfattas av aktörerna. Detta har lett till att jag har följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur har man idag organiserat den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen och hur kan man förstĂ„ denna organisering kring livsmedelsberedskap utifrĂ„n kapacitetsteori? Vilka problem och möjligheter uppstĂ„r i denna organisering? Hur tĂ€nker aktörerna kring skogen som livsmedelsresurs, och hur kan detta förstĂ„s utifrĂ„n kapacitetsteori? Insamling av material till uppsatsens bakgrund har byggt pĂ„ en litteraturstudie för att beskriva den kontext den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen befinner sig i. För att samla in min empiri har jag intervjuat fjorton informanter frĂ„n elva aktörer som arbetar med livsmedelsberedskap eller skogsfrĂ„gor: tvĂ„ pĂ„ lokal respektive regional nivĂ„ och sju pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„. Av dessa aktörer har tio varit offentliga aktörer och en frĂ„n den ideella sektorn. Min analysmetod och mitt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till mitt material har byggt pĂ„ Carol Bacchis ramverk What’s the problem represented to be?, dĂ€r jag förhĂ„llit mig kritiskt till den valda teorin och min empiri för att undersöka hur organiseringen ser ut och vilka eventuella möjligheter och hinder som finns i organiseringen. Studien har visat att organiseringen av den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen ska utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n Krisberedskapsförordningen (SFS 2015:1052), geografiskt omrĂ„desansvar samt att myndigheternas övergripande uppgift ska överensstĂ€mma i kristid och vid höjd beredskap sĂ„vĂ€l som i fredstid. I verkligheten rĂ„der en otydlighet om vilken aktör som ansvarar över vad. Studien har visat att en viktig del av organiseringen och planeringen av beredskap Ă€r samverkan. Hinder och möjligheter som identifierats har frĂ€mst varit politiska processer, resurstillgĂ„ngar och förmĂ„gan att engagera andra. Aktörernas arbete med skogliga livsmedelsresurser har varit begrĂ€nsat, vilket bland annat kan förklaras med rĂ„dande normer, vĂ€rderingar och avsaknad av kunskap om dessa resurser.The purpose of this paper is to examine what the organization of Swedish food preparedness looks like. The reason for this is that Sweden has begun the reconstruction of civil defence for the first time since the early 2000s, where food preparedness is one of the components. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate which problems and opportunities this organization leads to - which is done from a capacity theory perspective. Historically, food from the forest has been an important contribution to the diet in times of famine or crisis. With the currently low level of self-sufficiency in Sweden it is also relevant to see how the agents view this native and alternativet resource. This has led to the following research questions: How is the Swedish food preparedness organized today, and how can you understand this organization concerning food preparedness based on capacity theory? What problems and opportunities arise in this organization? How do the agents think about the forest as a potential food resource, and how can this be understood based on capacity theory? The collecting of materials has been based on a literature study to describe the background and context of Swedish food security. In order to gather empirical facts I have interviewed fourteen informants from eleven agents: two agents on each local and regional level, and seven on national level. Out of these agents, ten have been public actors and one from the non-profit sector. My analysis method and my approach to my material have been based on Carol Bacchi’s What's the problem represented to be? where I have had a critical approach to capacity theory and my empirical material, in order to investigate how food preparedness is organized, and which possibilities and obstacles that exists in this organization. The study has shown that the organization of Swedish food preparedness is based on the Crisis Preparedness Ordinance (SFS 2015: 1052), geographical area responsibility and that the duties of the authorities should correspond during a crisis as well as at high preparedness as well as in peacetime. In reality there is an ambiguity about which agent is responsible for what. The study has also shown that an important part of the organization and planning of preparedness is collaboration between both authorities and private agents. The obstacles and opportunities identified have uppermost been political processes, resources and assets, and the ability to engage others. The stakeholders' work with forest food resources has been limited, which can be explained by current norms, values and a lack of knowledge about these resources
