178 research outputs found

    Two-sided asymmetric subduction; implications for tectonomagmatic and metallogenic evolution of the Lut Block, Eastern Iran

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    West directed subduction zones show common characteristics, such as low structural elevation, deep trench, steep slab and a conjugate back-arc basin that are opposite to those of the east directed subduction zones. The tectonomagmatic and metallogenic setting of the Lut Block is still a matter of debate and several hypotheses have been put forward. Despite some authors denying the influence of the operation of Benioff planes, the majority propose that it occurred beneath the Afghan Block, while others consider that oceanic lithosphere was dragged under the Lut Block. Cu-Au porphyry deposits seem to occur in an island arc geotectonic setting during the middle Eocene while Mo-bearing deposits are coincident with the crustal thickening during Oligocene. We introduce new trace element and isotope geochemical data for granitoids and structural evidences testifying the two-sided asymmetric subduction beneath both Afghan and Lut Blocks, with different rates of consumption of oceanic lithosphere

    Report of Pteromalus bifoveolatus (Hym.: Pteromalidae) from Iran

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    Assessing of Preparedness for Disasters and Crisis in Centers of Trauma and Accidents of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 2016

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    Background and aims: Natural and technologic disasters and accidents have great influence on people's lifestyle and their health. Main object of hospitals is providing fast and timely health care to reduce mortality and complications by the disaster. The aim of this study is to evaluate preparedness crisis and disasters in centers of trauma of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The present descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in three hospitals (A,B,C) of Kermanshah university of medical sciences, Iran, 2016. Data were collected using a self-administered checklist and questioner through observation and interview. The checklist included 220 yes/no questions in 10 domains of emergency (30 questions), admission (24 questions), evacuation and transfer (30 questions), traffic (15 questions), communication (16 questions), security (17 questions), education (17 questions), support (28 questions), human workforce (21 questions), and leadership and management (22 items). Scores 0 and 1 were given to “No” and “Yes” choices, respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS and descriptive statistics. Results: Overall, the relative mean of disaster preparedness in the study hospitals A, B and C was 99.1, 43.4and 84.7, respectively. Generally, the average readiness score for all hospitals was 75. The most and lowest preparedness was related to the management and traffic domains. Conclusion: According to the results, preparedness of hospitals was in the suitable level. Officials of medical centers have the necessary programs and educations in all areas of disaster preparedness for quick response and timely in hospitals

    Evaluation of physiological screening techniques for drought-resistant breeding of durum wheat genotypes in Iran

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    This paper summarizes the results of a project aimed to evaluate the use of physiological traits (such as canopy temperature and chlorophyll content) in determining drought tolerance of durum wheat genotypes under a variety of environmental conditions. Six durum wheat genotypes were planted in rainfed and supplementary irrigation conditions in Gachsaran of Iran for two years (2007 to 2009). Five drought tolerance indices including stress susceptibility index (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI), tolerance index (TOL), mean productivity (MP) and geometric mean productivity (GMP) were calculated. Canopy temperature depression (CTD) and chlorophyll content (CHL) was used to estimate crop yield and to rank genotypes. CTD and CHL were measured at three stages from emergence of 50% of inflorescence (Zadoks Growth Scale54) to watery ripe stage (ZGS71). Genotypes G5 (OUASERL-1) and G6 (Stj//Bcr/LKS41CD94) were superior genotypes for both environments with high PC1 and low PC2 in biplot analysis. The results of genotypes CTD in ZGS69 stage and CHL in grain filling stage had high significant differences. The significant and positive correlation of MP, SSI, STI, CHL and CTD showed that these indices were more effective in identifying high yielding genotypes under both conditions and the result showed that CTD and CHL played important roles to search for the physiological basis of grain yield of wheat and CTD and CHL can successfully be used as a selection criterions in breeding programs.Key words: Canopy temperature, chlorophyll content, drought stress, durum wheat

    The close relationship between the Golgi trafficking machinery and protein glycosylation

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    La glicosilazione è la più comune modifica post-traduzionale delle proteine; media la loro corretta piegatura e stabilità, nonché il loro trasporto attraverso il trasporto secretorio. I cambiamenti nei glicani legati all'N e all'O sono stati associati a molteplici condizioni patologiche tra cui disturbi congeniti della glicosilazione, malattie infiammatorie e cancro. La glicosilazione della glicoproteina al Golgi coinvolge l'azione coordinata di centinaia di glicosiltransferasi e glicosidasi, che vengono mantenute nella posizione corretta attraverso il traffico di vescicole retrograde tra le cisterne di Golgi. In questa recensione, descriviamo il macchinario molecolare coinvolto nel traffico di vescicole e nel tethering presso l'apparato di Golgi e gli effetti delle mutazioni nel contesto della biosintesi dei glicani e delle malattie umane.Glycosylation is the most common post-translational modification of proteins; it mediates their correct folding and stability, as well as their transport through the secretory transport. Changes in N- and O-linked glycans have been associated with multiple pathological conditions including congenital disorders of glycosylation, inflammatory diseases and cancer. Glycoprotein glycosylation at the Golgi involves the coordinated action of hundreds of glycosyltransferases and glycosidases, which are maintained at the correct location through retrograde vesicle trafficking between Golgi cisternae. In this review, we describe the molecular machinery involved in vesicle trafficking and tethering at the Golgi apparatus and the effects of mutations in the context of glycan biosynthesis and human diseases

    Petrography, geochemistry and tectonic significance of the Mahoor granitoids (Lut Block, Eastern Iran)

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    The Mahoor granitoids are Cu–Zn-bearing porphyries that outcrop in the central part of the Lut Block, about 135 km south-west of Nehbandan (eastern Iran). These granitoids occur mainly as dykes and stocks that intrude Eocene volcanics. Petrographically, all the studied intrusives display porphyritic textures with mm-sized phenocrysts, most commonly of plagioclase and hornblende, embedded in a fine-grained groundmass with variable amounts of plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene, quartz and opaques. Hydrothermal alteration affected these granitoids, as revealed by the common occurrence of sericite, chlorite, sphene/leucoxene, epidote and calcite. Chemical classification criteria show that the intrusives may be named as gabbrodiorites, diorites, monzodiorites and tonalites. Major element geochemistry reveals that all the studied lithologies are typically metaluminous (A/CNK ≤ 0.94) and, in addition, suggest, that they constitute a suite belonging to the high-K calc-alkaline series. Magnetic susceptibility (1485 × 10-5 SI) together with mineralogical and geochemical features show that they belong to magnetite granitoid series (I-type). In primitive mantle-normalized trace element spiderdiagrams, the analysed samples display strong enrichment in LILE compared to HFSE (15.5 ≤ RbN/YN ≤ 45.9), accompanied by negative anomalies of Nb, Ta and Ti. REE chondrite-normalized plots show slight to moderate LREE enrichment (4.9 ≤ LaN/LuN ≤ 8.4) and negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* ratios vary from 0.65 to 0.88). Tectonic characteristics also indicate that the study area is emplaced in a volcanic arc setting. The whole set of geochemical data suggest that the Mahoor granitoids are co-genetic, belong to the calc-alkaline series and have been originated in an active continental margin setting. Sulfide mineralizations (pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) related to these granitoids are common and occur both disseminated and as hydrothermal veins, indicating a high mineralization potential for this area

    Oncogenic roles of GOLPH3 in the physiopathology of cancer

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    Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3), un effettore del fosfatidilinositolo 4-fosfato [PI (4) P] al Golgi, è necessaria per il mantenimento della struttura del nastro del Golgi, il traffico di vescicole e la glicosilazione del Golgi. GOLPH3 è stato convalidato come oncoproteina combinando la genomica integrativa con l'analisi clinopatologiche e funzionali. È spesso amplificato in diversi tipi di tumori solidi tra cui melanoma, cancro ai polmoni, cancro al seno, glioma e cancro del colon-retto. La sovraespressione di GOLPH3 è correlata a una prognosi infausta in più tipi di tumore, compreso il 52% dei tumori al seno e dal 41% al 53% del glioblastoma. I ruoli di GOLPH3 nella tumorigenesi possono essere correlati a diverse attività cellulari, tra cui: (i) regolazione del traffico dal Golgi alla membrana plasmatica e contributo a fenotipi secretori maligni; (ii) controllare l'internalizzazione e il riciclaggio di molecole di segnalazione chiave o aumentare la glicosilazione delle glicoproteine ​​rilevanti per il cancro; e (iii) influenzare la risposta al danno al DNA e il mantenimento della stabilità genomica. Qui riassumiamo le attuali conoscenze sui percorsi oncogeni che coinvolgono GOLPH3 nel cancro umano, l'influenza di GOLPH3 sul metabolismo del tumore e sullo stroma circostante e il suo possibile ruolo nella formazione di metastasi tumorali.Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3), a Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate [PI(4)P] effector at the Golgi, is required for Golgi ribbon structure maintenance, vesicle trafficking and Golgi glycosylation. GOLPH3 has been validated as an oncoprotein through combining integrative genomics with clinopathological and functional analyses. It is frequently amplified in several solid tumor types including melanoma, lung cancer, breast cancer, glioma, and colorectal cancer. Overexpression of GOLPH3 correlates with poor prognosis in multiple tumor types including 52% of breast cancers and 41% to 53% of glioblastoma. Roles of GOLPH3 in tumorigenesis may correlate with several cellular activities including: (i) regulating Golgi-to-plasma membrane trafficking and contributing to malignant secretory phenotypes; (ii) controlling the internalization and recycling of key signaling molecules or increasing the glycosylation of cancer relevant glycoproteins; and (iii) influencing the DNA damage response and maintenance of genomic stability. Here we summarize current knowledge on the oncogenic pathways involving GOLPH3 in human cancer, GOLPH3 influence on tumor metabolism and surrounding stroma, and its possible role in tumor metastasis formation

    Aortic dissection simulation models for clinical support: fluid-structure interaction vs. rigid wall models

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    BACKGROUND: The management and prognosis of aortic dissection (AD) is often challenging and the use of personalised computational models is being explored as a tool to improve clinical outcome. Including vessel wall motion in such simulations can provide more realistic and potentially accurate results, but requires significant additional computational resources, as well as expertise. With clinical translation as the final aim, trade-offs between complexity, speed and accuracy are inevitable. The present study explores whether modelling wall motion is worth the additional expense in the case of AD, by carrying out fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations based on a sample patient case. METHODS: Patient-specific anatomical details were extracted from computed tomography images to provide the fluid domain, from which the vessel wall was extrapolated. Two-way fluid-structure interaction simulations were performed, with coupled Windkessel boundary conditions and hyperelastic wall properties. The blood was modelled using the Carreau-Yasuda viscosity model and turbulence was accounted for via a shear stress transport model. A simulation without wall motion (rigid wall) was carried out for comparison purposes. RESULTS: The displacement of the vessel wall was comparable to reports from imaging studies in terms of intimal flap motion and contraction of the true lumen. Analysis of the haemodynamics around the proximal and distal false lumen in the FSI model showed complex flow structures caused by the expansion and contraction of the vessel wall. These flow patterns led to significantly different predictions of wall shear stress, particularly its oscillatory component, which were not captured by the rigid wall model. CONCLUSIONS: Through comparison with imaging data, the results of the present study indicate that the fluid-structure interaction methodology employed herein is appropriate for simulations of aortic dissection. Regions of high wall shear stress were not significantly altered by the wall motion, however, certain collocated regions of low and oscillatory wall shear stress which may be critical for disease progression were only identified in the FSI simulation. We conclude that, if patient-tailored simulations of aortic dissection are to be used as an interventional planning tool, then the additional complexity, expertise and computational expense required to model wall motion is indeed justified

    Geochronology, Isotope Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Tertiary Granitoids from Eastern Iran

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    Os granitóides sub-vulcânicos da zona de Chah-Shaljami fazem parte da faixa vulcânico-plutónica cenozóica do Bloco de Lut (Irão central-oriental). Tratam-se de quartzo-monzonitos, granodioritos e monzodioritos que, de acordo com a geoquímica de elementos maiores e vestigiais, são co-genéticos e têm características de rochas calco-alcalinas ricas de potássio a shoshoníticas, de ambiente de arco vulcânico. Numa amostra de quartzo-monzonito foi obtida uma idade Rb-Sr (rocha total - minerais) de 33.6±1 Ma; visto que esta amostra está praticamente livre de efeitos de alteração e que o arrefecimento foi provavelmente rápido, a idade de ~34 Ma deve corresponder à instalação magmática. Excepto em duas amostras, os valores iniciais de 87Sr/86Sr e εNd nos granitóides estudados estão concentrados nos intervalos de 0.7047 a 0.7051 e de +1.9 a +2.7, respectivamente, o que é consistente com uma fonte em cunha mantélica supra-subducção e indica que não houve contribuição crustal significativa na diversificação magmática; contudo, uma amostra tem (87Sr/86Sr)i superior e εNdt inferior, revelando que, ocasionalmente, a assimilação de rochas crustais também contribuiu para a variação geoquímica; uma outra amostra, fortemente afectada por alteração hidrotermal, afasta-se do grupo principal somente pelo relativamente elevado valor de (87Sr/86Sr)i, sugerindo que o processo hidrotermal envolveu fluidos crustais.Chah-Shaljami sub-volcanic granitoids belong to the Cenozoic volcanic-plutonic belt within the Lut Block (central eastern Iran). These intrusive rocks are mostly quartz monzonites, granodiorites and monzodiorites. Major and trace element geochemical evidence reveals that they are co-genetic and that they have features typical of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic rocks from a volcanic arc setting. A Rb-Sr whole rock-mineral age of 33.6±1 Ma was obtained in a quartz monzonite sample; taking into account that this sample was almost unaffected by alteration and that cooling was probably fast, the ~34 Ma date is interpreted as the intrusion age. With the exception of two samples, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd values of the studied granitoids are clustered in the restricted ranges from 0.7047 to 0.7051 and from +1.9 to +2.7, respectively, which fits into a supra-subduction mantle wedge source for the parental melts and indicates that, in general, crustal contribution for magma diversification was not relevant; however, one sample shows higher (87Sr/86Sr)i and lower εNdt, revealing that, occasionally, crustal rock assimilation also contributed to the geochemical variation; one other sample, strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, departs from the main group only by higher (87Sr/86Sr)i, suggesting that its alteration involved crustal fluids
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