16 research outputs found

    Niveau De Contamination Du Poivron (Capsicum L., 1753) Par Les Pesticides

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    The study was done on two species of peppers capsicumannuum and capsicum fructescens. It concerned ninety samples of these two species, collected during three countrysides in two localities of Cîte d’Ivoire (Bouake and Dabou). These samples were handled by means of a liquid-phase leading chromatograph SHIMADZU with the aim of determining the residues of pesticides. The observed results revealed a contamination of both species : capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens, indeed, six residues of pesticides (chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, carbendazim, maneb, dimethoate and lambdacyaholothrine) were detected in these two species distributed in four families of pesticides (organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethrinoïds). The analysis showed that pyrethrinoïdes with respective proportions of 76,17% and 75,95% in capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens were the most important ; followed organophosphate with respective proportions of 10,93% and 20,04% in capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens.The study also showed that the concentrations of residues of pesticides detected in the edible part (pericarp ) peppers are appreciably equal those found in the part inedible(pulp). However, the residues of pesticides detected in peppers of both localities have all average concentrations lower than the standards established by the Codex Alimentarius

    Implementing Preventive Chemotherapy through an Integrated National Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program in Mali

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    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of chronic infections that affect the poorest group of the populations in the world. There are currently five major NTDs targeted through mass drug treatment in the affected communities. The drug delivery can be integrated to deliver different drug packages as these NTDs often overlap in distribution. Mali is endemic with all five major NTDs. The integrated national NTD control program was implemented through the primary health care system using the community health center workers and the community drug distributors aiming at long-term sustainability. After a pilot start in three regions in 2007 without prior examples to follow on integrated mass drug administration, treatment for the five targeted NTDs was gradually scaled up and reached all endemic districts by 2009, and annual drug coverage in the targeted population has since been maintained at a high level for each of the five NTDs. Around 10 million people received one or more drug treatments each year since 2009. The country is on the way to meet the national objectives of elimination or control of these diseases. The successes and lessons learned in Mali are valuable assets to other countries looking to start similar programs

    Pronostic maternel et périnatal de l'éclampsie à l'hÎpital de Tombouctou au Mali

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    LÂŽĂ©clampsie reprĂ©sente lÂŽune des principales causes de dĂ©cĂšs maternels dans le monde. Notre objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer le pronostic maternel et pĂ©rinatal de lÂŽĂ©clampsie Ă  lÂŽhĂŽpital de Tombouctou, Mali. LÂŽĂ©tude a Ă©tĂ© descriptive, rĂ©trospective du 1er janvier 2013 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2017, incluant les cas dÂŽĂ©clampsies survenues au cours de la grossesse ou lÂŽaccouchement Ă  lÂŽhĂŽpital de Tombouctou. Nous avons retrouvĂ© 116 cas sur 4951 accouchements soit un taux dÂŽincidence de 2,3%. Il sÂŽagissait essentiellement de femmes de moins de 26 ans (85,3%), primipare (81%), admise en moyenne 8 heures aprĂšs la premiĂšre crise. La cĂ©sarienne Ă©tait pratiquĂ©e dans 77,6% des cas. Le Sulfate de magnĂ©sium a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© dans 75% des cas. Les lĂ©talitĂ©s maternelle et pĂ©rinatale Ă©taient respectivement Ă  4,3% et 21,5%. Le facteur de mauvais pronostic maternel Ă©tait un score Glasgow ≀ 8 Ă  lÂŽadmission (p: 0,004). Les facteurs de mauvais pronostic pĂ©rinatal Ă©taient la rĂ©sidence hors de la ville de Tombouctou (p: 0,000), lÂŽabsence de consultation prĂ©natale (p: 0,020) et lÂŽaccouchement par voie basse (p: 0,012). Ainsi, lÂŽamĂ©lioration du pronostic maternel et pĂ©rinatal nĂ©cessite un suivi correct des grossesses, la rĂ©duction des retards dans lÂŽaccĂšs Ă  des soins adĂ©quats

    Le traitement conservateur mĂ©dical de la fistule Ɠsotracheale

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    Les fistules ƓsotrachĂ©ales reprĂ©sentent une entitĂ© pathologique caractĂ©risĂ©e par la prĂ©sence d'une communication anormale entre l'arbre trachĂ©al et l'Ɠsophage. A travers un cas clinique de fistule ƓsotrachĂ©ale suite Ă  l'ingestion d'un corps Ă©tranger, nous abordions l'aspect Ă©tiopathogĂ©nique, Ă©valuer notre principe thĂ©rapeutique et faire une revue de la littĂ©rature. Il s'agit d'un patient de 15ans admis pour dysphagie Ă©voluant depuis deux mois suite Ă  l'ingestion d'un corps Ă©tranger Ă  type de morceau d'os. L'Ɠsophagoscopie sous anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale a permis l'extraction du corps Ă©tranger. Le Transit Oeso-gastro-duodĂ©nal (TOGD) en post-opĂ©ratoire a objectivĂ© l'orifice fistulaire siĂ©geant au niveau de C7. L'absence de l'orifice fistulaire a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e Ă  J30 post-endoscopie au TOGD de contrĂŽle. Le traitement mĂ©dical est une alternative thĂ©rapeutique de la fistule ƓsotrachĂ©ale et doit ĂȘtre basĂ© sur des critĂšres bien dĂ©finis