46 research outputs found

    A Long-Run Dynamic Analysis of FDI, Growth and Oil Export in GCC Countries: An Evidence from VECM Model

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    This study investigates a long-run dynamic relationship of GDP, crude oil export and FDI inflows in GCC countries; The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait. The methodology adopted is based on Error Correction Model (VECM) which involves 195 stationary balanced observations over the period 2000-2010. Two major objectives were tested, which are; Impulse response function and Variance Decomposition method. The empirical analysis shows that a shock of FDI inflows will cause a parallel negative influence on the oil export and GDP.  As well as FDI inflows are highly linked to GDP compared to oil export.


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    The advent of genetically altered seed has had a revolutionary effect on the cotton, soybean, and corn seed industries. The basic premise for the use of these seed are to reduce costs through lower applications of chemicals and savings on trips through the field, thus, lowering production costs. Seed companies, however, charge a premium and a fee for use of the seed. This paper compares the costs associated with conventional and roundup ready soybeans. Data were collected from the ACost of Production@ survey of Mississippi producers that is administered by Mississippi State University through the National Agricultural Statistics Service. The survey is a random sample of producers fields that allows for a derivation of the cost of production for each field. The study suggests that while costs reductions can be achieved, the cost savings are offset by the technology fees. The study is based on limited data and points to the need for continued research on the long-run profitability of genetically altered seed to the soybean producers of Mississippi.soybeans, genetically altered seed, roundup ready, costs of production, Production Economics,

    Studi Penafsiran Ikhlas Dalam Lathaif Isyarat

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    Ikhlas merupakan kesucian hati dalam beribadah atau beramal untuk menuju kepada Allah. Ikhlas adalah suasana kewajiban yang mencerminkan motivasi bathin kearah beribadah kepada Allah dan kearah membersihkan  hati dari kecenderungan untuk melakukan perbuatan yang tidak menuju kepada Allah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotik bayaniyah melalui studi terhadap ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan ikhlas. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggali makna-makna yang mendekati bahkan yang tepat untuk menemukan hakikat makna ikhlas. Beberapa literatur tafsir digunakan untuk mendukung penulisan ini. Penelitian ini juga menelaah bagaimana penafsiran Imam Al-Qusyairi tentang ikhlas dalam tafsir Lathaif Isyarat dan bagaimana relevansi ikhlas dalam kehidupan menurut Imam Al-Qusyairi dalam tafsir Lathaif Isyarat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research), dan analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif analitis. Hasilnya adalah; Ikhlas dalam tafsir Lathaif Isyarat ialah mengarahkan segala orientasi ketaatan kepada Penunggalan Al-Haq, yakni penjernihan perbuatan dari campuran semua makhluk yang terjauhkan dari unsur penyekutuan atau kemusyrikan dan juga pemeliharaan sikap dari pengaruh-pengaruh hawa nafsu, kemudian Relevansi ikhlas dalam kehidupan menurut Imam Al-Qusyairi adalah dalam menjalankan suatu ibadah ataupun perbuatan tidaklah cukup dengan hanya ikhlas beribadah karena Allah semata, tetapi juga harus menjauhi hal-hal kemusyrikan dan orang-orang yang musyrik

    The Impact of key Macroeconomic factors on Economic Growth of Bangladesh: a VAR Co-integration Analysis

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    This study analyzes the impact of key macroeconomic factors on economic growth of Bangladesh from the period of 1988 to 2012.The key macroeconomic factors studied are market capitalization, foreign direct investment and real interest rate. This study also examines the long run and short run relationship between the economic growth and capital market, foreign direct investment, and real interest rate by using vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The VAR results suggest that the market capitalization, foreign direct investment and real interest rate have impact on economic growth in the long run, but in short run it does not have any predictable behavior. The variance decomposition results also conclude the same result as VAR model. All variables have the long run effects on economic growth but it does not have in short run, and the effects increases with time. Based on the finding, this study suggests that the government should come out with the appropriate macroeconomic plan and policy to draw more inward foreign direct investment, increase market capitalization and stabilize real interest rate in order to faster the economic growth in future. As finding of this study shows that these factors do not have significant impact on economic growth in Bangladesh in the short ru

    Climate Change Effects On Aquaculture Production Performance In Malaysia: An Environmental Performance Analysis

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    This study identifies the effects of climate variability as an environmental pressure on aquaculture production in Malaysia. Using Malmquist index approach, the analyses were applied to brackish-water ponds and cage aquaculture sectors in six states in Malaysia from 1993 to 2013. The Dynamic Malmquist Data Envelopment Analysis results had reflected that environmental technical change is the main factor behind the improvement of environmental performance index in pond production while the relative eco-efficiency is the major influencing factor in environmental performance index in cage aquaculture. Moreover, Pahang is the most efficient states in environmental aspects and technical support of brackish-water aquaculture ponds and cage activities, while Selangor is the least efficient state in aquaculture activities and under high climate change risks

    Biophysical Vulnerability Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Aquaculture Sector Development in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    This study is an assessment of the impact of climate change on the biophysical vulnerability of aquaculture production in Sarawak. The relationship between change in risk factors with the total aquaculture production and farmer’s income is identified. It utilizes data from the survey done on 249 aquaculture farmers in Sarawak, as well as secondary data gathered from various government reports. The multiple linear regressions results verify that the mean minimum temperature has a positive significant effect on freshwater ponds, while relative humidity has a negative significant effect on brackish water ponds. The total aquaculture area has a positive significant effect on brackish water ponds and cages. The results are further supported by the bivariate Spearman’s rho correlation results, which show that the increasing number of climate change events will decrease the aquaculture production and income of aquaculture farmers. It is found that water quality disturbance is the main biophysical vulnerability aspect of the aquaculture sector in Sarawak due to the impact of climate change. The impact of climate change through biophysical changes affects the water quality and poses a considerable challenge to small aquaculture farmers in Sarawak. Various adaptation strategies are urgently needed to mitigate the possible outcome of climate change risks in future

    Pro-environmental behavior and public understanding of climate change

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    The aim of this article is to examine whether awareness, knowledge and risk perception of climate change have significant influence on attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour. The study found that awareness, knowledge and risk perception of climate change positively influence the formation of favourable attitudes future action climate change. In addition, this paper also found mediated relationship through attitudes between awareness, knowledge, risk perception and pro-environmental behaviour. The paper argues that people are more likely to accept pro-environmental behaviours only if they have sufficient understanding of the adverse impacts of no action. This study offers decision makers field data to formulate relevant environmental policies and strategies in Malaysia

    Socio-Economic Vulnerability To Climate Change: Impact Assessment On Aquaculture Farmers In Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Since the past two decades, the climate projection has revealed the occurrence of climate change by the extreme warming trends of the mean surface temperature. Malaysia has experienced the highest mean surface temperature in 1997 and 1998 and the frequent El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. These scenarios have influence to the abnormal patterns of precipitation and also increase the droughts, storms and floods in some areas and states including Sarawak. Besides the physical and financial drivers, climate is a major driver that enhances the aquaculture sector growth and sustainability. The variability of temperature, air humidity and total rainfall in Sarawak shows negative signs to aquaculture production in both ponds and cages systems. Moreover, the climate change also degrades the water source quality for aquaculture activities such as rivers and water spring where the problems of water stratification and decrease of dissolved oxygen affects aquaculture activities. These problems have contributed to major loss of production and increase in the socio-economic and income vulnerability among farmers. The small scale or individual farmers are among the highest vulnerable to climate change. With the low assets-owned, they are unable to cope with the impacts with their income falling below the national poverty line. Thus, this study attempts to assess the consequences of climate change to aquaculture farmers in Sarawak based on environment and poverty linkages as well as vulnerability and adaptation framework. The impacts and implication of climate change and the strategies by the farmers in coping with the impacts will be discussed further in this paper

    Effect of short-term bee bread on testicular cell development and testosterone level in male Sprague Dawley rats

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    Bee bread has been widely traditionally used for male fertility enrichment although limited scientific data are available on its effectiveness. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of bee bread on testicular cell development and testosterone level in male Sprague Dawley rats. In this study, 24 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were selected and divided equally into four treatment groups (n = 6/group) which were Control (C: 0 g of bee bread/kg body weight), Treatment 1 (T1: 1 g of bee bread /kg body weight), Treatment 2 (T2: 2 g of bee bread /kg body weight) and Treatment 3 (T3: 3 g of bee bread /kg body weight). The bee bread was administered daily and orally according to the designated treatment groups using oral gavage for 28 days. After 28 days of treatment, rats were euthanised and testicular cell development and testosterone level were measured. Results showed that rats in the T2 group had thicker (P<0.05) seminiferous tubular diameter (STD) than the control group and higher (P<0.05) seminiferous epithelial height (SEH) compared to C and T1 groups. The testosterone level in the T1, T2 and T3 groups was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared to control. In conclusion, this study suggests that supplemented with 2 g of bee bread per kg body weight is likely to give a positive effect by improving testicular cells development and testosterone level in male Sprague Dawley rats