137 research outputs found

    CLU, CR1 and PICALM genes associate with Alzheimer's-related senile plaques

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    Introduction APOE is the strongest risk gene for sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) so far. Recent genome wide association studies found links for sporadic AD with CLU and CR1 involved in AÎČ clearance, and PICALM affecting intracellular trafficking. Methods We investigated the associations of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) with the proposed risk genes and APOE, in the Tampere Autopsy Study (TASTY) series (603 cases), a sample of the general population (0 to 97 yrs), who died out-of-hospital. Results Age and the APOEΔ4 allele associated strongly with all phenotypes of SP, as expected. In age and APOEΔ4 adjusted analyses, compared to the most common homozygous genotype, burnt out SP were more common among carriers of the C-allele of CLU, whereas the T-allele of PICALM and C-allele of CR1 were linked with lower SP coverage. We found no significant associations between any of the genetic variants and NFT. Conclusions Marginal effects from CLU, CR1 and PICALM suggest that these genes have minimal effects on the development of AD lesions.BioMed Central Open acces

    Environmental Radiation Monitoring in Finland : Annual Report 2022

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    YHTEENVETO TĂ€mĂ€ raportti on yhteenveto ympĂ€ristön sĂ€teilyvalvonnan tuloksista Suomessa vuonna 2022. Tuloksia raporttiin ovat toimittaneet SĂ€teilyturvakeskuksen lisĂ€ksi Ilmatieteen laitos ulkoilman kokonaisbeeta-aktiivisuudesta. YmpĂ€ristön sĂ€teilyvalvontaohjelma sisĂ€ltÀÀ ulkoisen annosnopeuden jatkuvan ja automaattisen valvonnan, ulkoilman radioaktiivisten aineiden ja kokonaisbeeta-aktiivisuuden valvonnan sekĂ€ radioaktiivisen laskeuman, pinta- ja talousveden, jĂ€telietteen, maidon ja elintarvikkeiden radioaktiivisuuden sÀÀnnöllisen seurannan. LisĂ€ksi ohjelmaan sisĂ€ltyy ihmisen kehossa olevien radioaktiivisten aineiden seuranta sekĂ€ asuntojen sisĂ€ilman radonin seuranta. TĂ€mĂ€ raportti sisĂ€ltÀÀ myös yhteenvedot ItĂ€meren radioaktiivisuusvalvonnan tuloksista ja ympĂ€ristön sĂ€teilyvalvontaan kuuluvien osaohjelmien aihekohtaisista selvityksistĂ€. Vuoden 2022 tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ ympĂ€ristössĂ€ olevat keinotekoiset radioaktiiviset aineet ovat pÀÀosin perĂ€isin vuoden 1986 TĆĄernobylin onnettomuudesta ja ilmakehĂ€ssĂ€ 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla tehdyistĂ€ ydinkokeista. Keinotekoisten radioaktiivisten aineiden mÀÀrĂ€ ympĂ€ristössĂ€ vĂ€henee. Vuoden 2022 aikana neljĂ€ssĂ€ ulkoilmasta kerĂ€tyssĂ€ nĂ€ytteessĂ€ havaittiin vĂ€hĂ€isiĂ€ mÀÀriĂ€ muualta kuin TĆĄernobylin ydinlaitosonnettomuudesta perĂ€isin olevia keinotekoisia radioaktiivisia aineita. Havaittujen radioaktiivisten aineiden alkuperÀÀ ei voitu varmuudella selvittÀÀ. Vuoden aikana havaittujen keinotekoisten radioaktiivisten aineiden mÀÀrĂ€t ulkoilmassa olivat ÀÀrimmĂ€isen pieniĂ€ eikĂ€ niillĂ€ ole vaikutuksia ihmisten terveyteen. Ulkoinen sĂ€teilyn valvontaverkko toimi hyvin. Mittausasemien tuloksista kerĂ€ttiin ulkoisen sĂ€teilyn valvontatietojen hallintajĂ€rjestelmĂ€ USVAan yli 97 % kaikkien mittausasemien tuottamista mit-tauksista. Puuttuvat tiedot aiheutuivat laitehĂ€iriöistĂ€ tai tietoliikenneongelmista. Vuoden 2022 aikana valvontaverkon GM-anturit hĂ€lyttivĂ€t kerran syyn ollessa tekninen vika. Spektrometriverkon kautta ei tullut hĂ€lytyksiĂ€. Laskeuma- ja talousvesinĂ€ytteiden tritiumpitoisuudet olivat vĂ€lillĂ€ 1 – 3 Bq/l. Elintarvikkeista ei havaittu yli 600 Bq/kg ylittĂ€viĂ€ 137Cs:n aktiivisuuspitoisuuksia. TĂ€tĂ€ pitoisuutta ei suositella ylitettĂ€vĂ€ksi, kun saatetaan markkinoille luonnonvaraista riistaa, metsĂ€marjoja ja -sieniĂ€ sekĂ€ jĂ€rvikaloja. ItĂ€merestĂ€ kerĂ€tyissĂ€ nĂ€ytteissĂ€ nĂ€kyy edelleen TĆĄernobylin onnettomuudesta perĂ€isin oleva 137Cs. Kuten muissakin ympĂ€ristönĂ€ytteissĂ€, ItĂ€merestĂ€ kerĂ€ttyjen nĂ€ytteidenradioaktiivisuuspitoisuudet ovat laskussa. JĂ€telietteessĂ€ havaittiin TĆĄernobylin onnettomuudesta perĂ€isin olevaa 137Cs:a, luonnon radioaktiivisia aineita ja sairaalasta kĂ€ytettyjĂ€ radioaktiivisia aineita. Radionuklideja kĂ€yttĂ€vien sairaalojen syöpĂ€klinikoiden ja isotooppiosastojen potilaiden eritteet kulkeutuvat jĂ€tevesipuhdistamoon ja nĂ€kyvĂ€t siten jĂ€telietteissĂ€. YmpĂ€ristön keinotekoisten radioaktiivisten aineiden aiheuttama sĂ€teilyaltistus vuonna 2022 oli alle 0,02 mSv, mikĂ€ on pieni suomalaisten vuotuiseen keskimÀÀrĂ€iseen annokseen 5,9 mSv verrattuna. Vuoden 2022 tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ vuoden aikana ympĂ€ristöön ei tapahtunut sellaisia radioaktiivisten aineiden pÀÀstöjĂ€, joilla olisi haittavaikutuksia ihmisen terveydelle tai ympĂ€ristölle Suomessa. SisĂ€ilman radonin (222Rn) pÀÀasiallinen lĂ€hde on maaperĂ€n uraanipitoinen kiviaines. Korkeita radonpitoisuuksia esiintyy niissĂ€ rakennuksissa, joiden perustusrakenteet eivĂ€t ole riittĂ€vĂ€n tiiviitĂ€ estĂ€mÀÀn radonpitoisen maaperĂ€n huokosilman pÀÀsyn sisĂ€tiloihin. Tehokkaimmin radonia torjutaan rakennusvaiheen toimenpiteillĂ€, eli rakentamalla alapohjarakenteet tiiviiksi ja asentamalla lattialaatan alle radonputkisto. STUKin mittauksissa vuonna 2022 asuntomittausten radonpitoisuuden mediaani oli 109 Bq/m3 ja 15 % radonpitoisuuden vuosikeskiarvoista oli suurempi kuin viitearvo 300 Bq/m3. RadonrekisteristĂ€, johon tallennetaan STUKin tekemien asuntojen radonmittaustulokset, saadut pitoisuuksien tunnusluvut yliarvioivat kaikkien Suomen asuntojen radonpitoisuuksia, koska tunnettujen korkeiden radonpitoisuuksien alueilla asuntoja mitataan enemmĂ€n kuin matalien radonpitoisuuksien alueella. Suomalaisten keskimÀÀrĂ€isen vuotuisen sĂ€teilyannoksen mÀÀrittĂ€mistĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn STUKin julkaisussa STUK-A263 Suomalaisten keskimÀÀrĂ€inen efektiivinen annos vuonna 2018.SAMMANDRAG Denna rapport Ă€r ett sammandrag av övervakningen av strĂ„lning i miljön i Finland 2022. Resultaten i rapporten kommer förutom frĂ„n StrĂ„lsĂ€kerhetscentralen Ă€ven frĂ„n Meteorologiska Institutet som har övervakat den totala betaaktiviteten i utomhusluften. Programmet för övervakning av strĂ„lning i miljön omfattar fortlöpande automatisk övervakning av den externa dosraten, övervakning av radioaktiva Ă€mnen och den totala betaaktiviteten i utomhusluften samt regelbunden analys av radioaktivt nedfall och radioaktivitet i yt- och hushĂ„llsvatten, avloppsslam, mjölk och livsmedel. I programmet ingĂ„r dessutom uppföljning av radioaktiva Ă€mnen i mĂ€nniskokroppen och radon i inomhusluften i bostĂ€der. Denna rapport innehĂ„ller ocksĂ„ sammandrag av övervakningen av radioaktiviteten i Östersjön och sĂ€rskilda utredningar frĂ„n program gĂ€llande övervakningen av strĂ„lning i miljön. Resultaten för 2022 visar att de artificiella radioaktiva Ă€mnena i miljön hĂ€rrör frĂ€mst frĂ„n olyckan i Tjernobyl 1986 och frĂ„n kĂ€rnvapenprov i atmosfĂ€ren pĂ„ 1950- och 1960-talet. MĂ€ngden artificiella radioaktiva Ă€mnen i miljön minskar. Under 2022 kunde man i fyra prov observera smĂ„ mĂ€ngder artificiella radioaktiva Ă€mnen i utomhusluften som inte hĂ€rstammade frĂ„n kĂ€rnkraftsolyckan i Tjernobyl. De observerade radioaktiva Ă€mnenas ursprung kunde inte utredas med sĂ€kerhet. MĂ€ngderna artificiella radioaktiva Ă€mnen i uteluften som mĂ€ttes under Ă„ret var extremt smĂ„ och de har ingen som helst pĂ„verkan pĂ„ mĂ€nniskornas hĂ€lsa. ÖvervakningsnĂ€tverket för extern strĂ„lning fungerade bra. Av resultaten frĂ„n mĂ€tstationerna samlades över 97 procent av de mĂ€tningar som alla mĂ€tstationer producerade i övervakningssystemet för extern strĂ„lning, USVA. Orsaken till att data saknades var störningar i utrustningen eller datakommunikationsproblem. Under 2022 larmade övervakningsnĂ€tets GM-detektorer en gĂ„ng pĂ„ grund av ett tekniskt fel. SpektrometernĂ€tverket gav inga larm. Tritiumhalterna i nedfalls- och hushĂ„llsvattenproven var 1 – 3 Bq/l. I livsmedel observerades inga aktivitetskoncentrationer av 137Cs som överskred 600 Bq/kg. Det rekommenderas att inte överskrida denna halt nĂ€r vilt, skogsbĂ€r och skogssvamp samt insjöfisk slĂ€pps ut pĂ„ marknaden. I proverna som samlats in frĂ„n Östersjön syns fortfarande 137Cs som hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n olyckan i Tjernobyl. Liksom i andra miljöprover hĂ„ller radioaktivitetshalterna i prov som samlats in frĂ„n Östersjön pĂ„ att sjunka. I avloppsslam upptĂ€cktes 137Cs som hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n Tjernobyl, naturligt radioaktiva Ă€mnen och radioaktiva Ă€mnen som anvĂ€nts pĂ„ sjukhus. Avföring och urin frĂ„n patienter pĂ„ cancerkliniker och isotopavdelningar pĂ„ sjukhus som anvĂ€nder radionuklider hamnar pĂ„ avloppsreningsverket och syns dĂ€rför i avloppsslammet. StrĂ„lningsexponeringen frĂ„n artificiella radioaktiva Ă€mnen i miljön var 2022 under 0,02 mSv, vilket Ă€r lĂ„gt jĂ€mfört med den genomsnittliga strĂ„ldosen som finlĂ€ndarna fĂ„r under ett Ă„r, 5,9 mSv. Resultaten för 2022 visar att det under Ă„ret inte intrĂ€ffade nĂ„gra sĂ„dana utslĂ€pp av radioaktiva Ă€mnen i miljön som skulle ha haft nĂ„gra skadeverkningar pĂ„ mĂ€nniskors hĂ€lsa eller pĂ„ miljön i Finland. Radon (222Rn) i inomhusluften hĂ€rstammar oftast frĂ„n uranhaltigt stenmaterial i marken. Höga radonhalter förekommer i byggnader vars grundkonstruktion inte Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt tĂ€t för att förebygga att radonhaltig luft trĂ€nger in i huset. Det effektivaste sĂ€ttet att bekĂ€mpa radon Ă€r genom att vidta Ă„tgĂ€rder i byggnadsskedet och bygga ett tĂ€tt bottenbjĂ€lklag och montera ett radonrörverk under golvplattan. Vid STUKs mĂ€tningar 2022 var medianvĂ€rdet för radonhalten i bostĂ€der 109 Bq/m3 och 15 procent av Ă„rsmedeltalen för radonhalten var över referensvĂ€rdet 300 Bq/m3. Nyckeltalen för halterna som fĂ„tts frĂ„n radonregistret dit STUKs radonmĂ€tningsresultat för bostĂ€der sparas överskattar radonhalterna för alla bostĂ€der i Finland, eftersom det görs fler mĂ€tningar i bostĂ€der i sĂ„dana omrĂ„den dĂ€r man vet att radonhalten Ă€r hög Ă€n i omrĂ„den med lĂ„ga radonhalter. FaststĂ€llandet av finlĂ€ndarnas genomsnittliga Ă„rliga strĂ„ldos behandlas i STUK-publikationen STUK-A264 Den genomsnittliga effektiva dosen hos finlĂ€ndarna 2018SUMMARY This report is a summary of the results of environmental radiation monitoring in Finland in 2022. In addition to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, results to the report have been provided by the Finnish Meteorological Institute regarding the total beta emission activity of outdoor air. The environmental radiological monitoring programme includes the continuous and automatic monitoring of the external dose rate, monitoring of radioactive substances and total beta activity in outdoor air as well as the regular radioactivity analysis of radioactive fallout, surface and domestic water, sewage sludge, milk and food. The programme also includes the monitoring of radioactive substances found in the human body and monitoring of the radon in the indoor air of dwellings. This report also includes summaries of the results of the Baltic Sea radioactivity monitoring and topical investigations of the sub-programmes that are a part of environmental radiation monitoring. The 2022 results indicate that the artificial radioactive substances found in the environment are mostly from the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, and those in the atmosphere are from nuclear tests conducted in the 1950s and 1960s. The amount of artificial radioactive substances in the environment is decreasing. During 2022, four outdoor air samples detected minuscule amounts of artificial radioactive substances that originate from sources other than the Chernobyl nuclear facility disaster. The source of the radioactive substances detected could not be established with certainty. The amounts of the artificial radioactive substances detected in outdoor air during the year were extremely small, and they do not have any impact on human health. The external radiation monitoring network worked well. Of the measuring station results, more than 97% of the measurements produced at all measuring stations were collected in the external radiation monitoring data management system USVA. Any missing data was caused by equipment malfunctions or telecommunication problems. In 2022, the GM sensors in the monitoring network triggered an alarm, which was caused by a technical malfunction. No alarms came through the spectrometer network. The tritium concentrations in fallout and domestic water samples were in the 1 – 3 Bq/l range. In samples taken from foodstuffs, the 137Cs activity concentrations were found not to exceed 600 Bq/kg. It is a recommendation not to exceed this concentration when putting wild game, berries, mushroom and lake fish on the market. 137Cs originating from the Chernobyl disaster was observed in samples collected from the Baltic Sea. As in other samples collected from the environment, the radioactivity concentrations in samples collected from the Baltic Sea are decreasing. Sewage sludge was found to contain 137Cs originating from the Chernobyl disaster, natural radioactive substances and radioactive substances used at hospitals. Secretions from patients in the cancer clinics and isotope wards of hospitals using radionuclides migrate to wastewater treatment plants and are thus evident in sewage sludge. The radiation exposure caused by artificial radioactive substances in the environment was less than 0.02 in 2022, which is low compared to the average annual dose of 5.9 mSv in Finland. The 2022 results demonstrate that there were no releases of radioactive substances into the environment during the year that would have any detrimental impacts on human health or the environment in Finland. The primary source of radon (222Rn) in indoor air is the rock material containing uranium in the soil. High radon concentrations occur in buildings whose foundations are not sufficiently well-sealed to prevent the entry of radon-carrying soil air into the indoor spaces. Radon is most effectively prevented by measures taken at the construction stage, i.e. by building the base floor structures to be leak-tight and installing radon piping under the floor slab. In the measurements carried out by STUK in 2022, the median for radon concentration in residential measurements was 109 Bq/m3 and 15% of the annual averages for radon concentration were greater than the reference value of 300 Bq/m3. The concentration key figures available from the radon database, which stores the results of the radon measurement that STUK conducts on dwellings, overestimate the radon concentrations of all dwellings in Finland, because more measurements are carried out in areas of known high radon concentration than in areas of low radon concentration. The determination of the average annual radiation dose to Finns is discussed in STUK publication STUK-A263 Suomalaisten keskimÀÀrĂ€inen efektiivinen annos vuonna 2018 (Average effective dose of Finns in 2018)

    Local C-Reactive Protein Expression in Obliterative Lesions and the Bronchial Wall in Posttransplant Obliterative Bronchiolitis

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    The local immunoreactivity of C-reactive protein (CRP) was studied in a heterotopic porcine model of posttranplant obliterative bronchiolitis (OB). Bronchial allografts and control autografts were examined serially 2–28 days after subcutaneous transplantation. The autografts stayed patent. In the allografts, proliferation of inflammatory cells (P < .0001) and fibroblasts (P = .02) resulted in occlusion of the bronchial lumens (P < .01). Influx of CD4+ (P < .001) and CD8+ (P < .0001) cells demonstrated allograft immune response. CRP positivity simultaneously increased in the bronchial walls (P < .01), in macrophages, myofibroblasts, and endothelial cells. Local CRP was predictive of features characteristic of OB (R = 0.456–0.879, P < .05−P < .0001). Early obliterative lesions also showed CRP positivity, but not mature, collagen-rich obliterative plugs (P < .05). During OB development, CRP is localized in inflammatory cells, myofibroblasts and endothelial cells probably as a part of the local inflammatory response

    Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 (PCSK9) Gene Is a Risk Factor of Large-Vessel Atherosclerosis Stroke

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    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Genetic variation in proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) gene has been recently identified as an important determinant of plasma LDL-cholesterol and severity of coronary heart disease. We studied whether the PCSK9 gene is linked to the risk of ischemic stroke (IS) and with the development of intracranial atherosclerosis. METHODS/RESULTS: The pivotal E670G polymorphism, tagging an important haplotype of the PCSK9 gene, was genotyped in two independent studies. The Belgium Stroke Study included 237 middle aged (45-60) Belgian patients, with small-vessel occlusion (SVO) and large-vessel atherosclerosis stroke (LVA), and 326 gender and ethnicity matched controls (>60 yrs) without a history of stroke. In multivariate analysis the minor allele (G) carriers appeared as a significant predictor of LVA (OR = 3.52, 95% CI 1.25-9.85; p = 0.017). In a Finnish crossectional population based consecutive autopsy series of 604 males and females (mean age 62.5 years), G-allele carriers tended to have more severe allele copy number-dependent (p = 0.095) atherosclerosis in the circle of Willis and in its branches. CONCLUSION: Our findings in this unique combination of clinical and autopsy data, provide evidence that PCSK9 gene associates with the risk of LVA stroke subtype, and suggest that the risk is mediated by the severity of intracranial atherosclerosis.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    HLA and non-HLA genes and familial predisposition to autoimmune diseases in families with a child affected by type 1 diabetes

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    Genetic predisposition could be assumed to be causing clustering of autoimmunity in individuals and families. We tested whether HLA and non-HLA loci associate with such clustering of autoimmunity. We included 1,745 children with type 1 diabetes from the Finnish Pediatric Diabetes Register. Data on personal or family history of autoimmune diseases were collected with a structured questionnaire and, for a subset, with a detailed search for celiac disease and autoimmune thyroid disease. Children with multiple autoimmune diseases or with multiple affected first-or second-degree relatives were identified. We analysed type 1 diabetes related HLA class II haplotypes and genotyped 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) outside the HLA region. The HLA-DR4-DQ8 haplotype was associated with having type 1 diabetes only whereas the HLA-DR3-DQ2 haplotype was more common in children with multiple autoimmune diseases. Children with multiple autoimmune diseases showed nominal association with RGS1 (rs2816316), and children coming from an autoimmune family with rs11711054 (CCR3-CCR5). In multivariate analyses, the overall effect of non-HLA SNPs on both phenotypes was evident, associations with RGS1 and CCR3-CCR5 region were confirmed and additional associations were implicated: NRP1, FUT2, and CD69 for children with multiple autoimmune diseases. In conclusion, HLA-DR3-DQ2 haplotype and some non-HLA SNPs contribute to the clustering of autoimmune diseases in children with type 1 diabetes and in their families.Peer reviewe

    Haptoglobin Hp1 Variant Does Not Associate with Small Vessel Disease

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    Haptoglobin (Hp) is a plasma protein that binds free hemoglobin and protects tissues from oxidative damage. An Hp2 allele has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. On the other hand, recent studies have suggested that Hp1 allele increases risk to develop severe cerebral small vessel disease. We aimed to replicate this finding in a first-ever stroke patient cohort. Hp was genotyped by PCR and gel electrophoresis in the Helsinki Stroke Aging Memory Study in patients with DNA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) available (SAM; n = 316). Lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions (WML) classified by Fazekas grading from brain MRI were associated with Hp genotypes. As population controls, we used participants of Cardiovascular diseases—a sub study of Health 2000 Survey (n = 1417). In the SAM cohort, 63.0% of Hp1-1 carriers (n = 46), 52.5% of Hp1-2 carriers (n = 141) and 51.2% of Hp2-2 carriers (n = 129) had severe WML (p = 0.372). There was no difference in severe WMLs between Hp1-1 vs. Hp1-2 and Hp2-2 carriers (p = 0.201). In addition, 68.9% of Hp1-1 carriers (n = 45), 58.5% of Hp1-2 carriers (n = 135), and 61.8% of Hp2-2 carriers (n = 126) had one or more lacunar lesions (p = 0.472). There was no difference in the number of patients with at least one lacunar infarct between Hp1-1 vs. Hp1-2 and Hp2-2 groups (p = 0.322). Neither was there any difference when diabetic patients (type I and II) were examined separately. Hp1 allele is not associated with an increased risk for cerebral small vessel disease in a well-characterized Finnish stroke patient cohort

    Haptoglobin Hp1 Variant Does Not Associate with Small Vessel Disease

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    Haptoglobin (Hp) is a plasma protein that binds free hemoglobin and protects tissues from oxidative damage. An Hp2 allele has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. On the other hand, recent studies have suggested that Hp1 allele increases risk to develop severe cerebral small vessel disease. We aimed to replicate this finding in a first-ever stroke patient cohort. Hp was genotyped by PCR and gel electrophoresis in the Helsinki Stroke Aging Memory Study in patients with DNA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) available (SAM; n = 316). Lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions (WML) classified by Fazekas grading from brain MRI were associated with Hp genotypes. As population controls, we used participants of Cardiovascular diseases—a sub study of Health 2000 Survey (n = 1417). In the SAM cohort, 63.0% of Hp1-1 carriers (n = 46), 52.5% of Hp1-2 carriers (n = 141) and 51.2% of Hp2-2 carriers (n = 129) had severe WML (p = 0.372). There was no difference in severe WMLs between Hp1-1 vs. Hp1-2 and Hp2-2 carriers (p = 0.201). In addition, 68.9% of Hp1-1 carriers (n = 45), 58.5% of Hp1-2 carriers (n = 135), and 61.8% of Hp2-2 carriers (n = 126) had one or more lacunar lesions (p = 0.472). There was no difference in the number of patients with at least one lacunar infarct between Hp1-1 vs. Hp1-2 and Hp2-2 groups (p = 0.322). Neither was there any difference when diabetic patients (type I and II) were examined separately. Hp1 allele is not associated with an increased risk for cerebral small vessel disease in a well-characterized Finnish stroke patient cohort
