86 research outputs found

    Charge-current correlation equalities for quantum systems far from equilibrium

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    We prove that a recently derived correlation equality between conserved charges and their associated conserved currents for quantum systems far from equilibrium [O.A. Castro-Alvaredo et al., Phys. Rev. X \textbf{6}, 041065 (2016)], is valid under more general conditions than assumed so far. Similar correlation identities, which in generalized Gibbs ensembles give rise to a current symmetry somewhat reminiscent of the Onsager relations, turn out to hold also in the absence of translation invariance, for lattice models, and in any space dimension, and to imply a symmetry of the non-equilibrium linear response functions.Comment: 6 pages, major revision with extension to non-translation invariant settin

    Quantum Non-Equilibrium Steady States Induced by Repeated Interactions

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    We study the steady state of a finite XX chain coupled at its boundaries to quantum reservoirs made of free spins that interact one after the other with the chain. The two-point correlations are calculated exactly and it is shown that the steady state is completely characterized by the magnetization profile and the associated current. Except at the boundary sites, the magnetization is given by the average of the reservoirs' magnetizations. The steady state current, proportional to the difference in the reservoirs' magnetizations, shows a non-monotonous behavior with respect to the system-reservoir coupling strength, with an optimal current state for a finite value of the coupling. Moreover, we show that the steady state can be described by a generalized Gibbs state.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Comparative study of the critical behavior in one-dimensional random and aperiodic environments

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    We consider cooperative processes (quantum spin chains and random walks) in one-dimensional fluctuating random and aperiodic environments characterized by fluctuating exponents omega>0. At the critical point the random and aperiodic systems scale essentially anisotropically in a similar fashion: length (L) and time (t) scales are related as t ~ log^{1/omega}. Also some critical exponents, characterizing the singularities of average quantities, are found to be universal functions of omega, whereas some others do depend on details of the distribution of the disorder. In the off-critical region there is an important difference between the two types of environments: in aperiodic systems there are no extra (Griffiths)-singularities.Comment: 13 pages RevTeX, 10 eps-figures include

    Fourier's law on a one-dimensional optical random lattice

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    We study the transport properties of a one-dimensional hard-core bosonic lattice gas coupled to two particle reservoirs at different chemical potentials which generate a current flow through the system. In particular, the influence of random fluctuations of the underlying lattice on the stationary-state properties is investigated. We show analytically that the steady-state density presents a linear profile. The local steady-state current obeys the Fourier law j=κ(τ)nj=-\kappa(\tau)\nabla n where τ\tau is a typical timescale of the lattice fluctuations and n\nabla n the density gradient imposed by the reservoirs.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Random and aperiodic quantum spin chains: A comparative study

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    According to the Harris-Luck criterion the relevance of a fluctuating interaction at the critical point is connected to the value of the fluctuation exponent omega. Here we consider different types of relevant fluctuations in the quantum Ising chain and investigate the universality class of the models. At the critical point the random and aperiodic systems behave similarly, due to the same type of extreme broad distribution of the energy scales at low energies. The critical exponents of some averaged quantities are found to be a universal function of omega, but some others do depend on other parameters of the distribution of the couplings. In the off-critical region there is an important difference between the two systems: there are no Griffiths singularities in aperiodic models.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps-figures include

    Exact Renormalization-Group Study of Aperiodic Ising Quantum Chains and Directed Walks

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    We consider the Ising model and the directed walk on two-dimensional layered lattices and show that the two problems are inherently related: The zero-field thermodynamical properties of the Ising model are contained in the spectrum of the transfer matrix of the directed walk. The critical properties of the two models are connected to the scaling behavior of the eigenvalue spectrum of the transfer matrix which is studied exactly through renormalization for different self-similar distributions of the couplings. The models show very rich bulk and surface critical behaviors with nonuniversal critical exponents, coupling-dependent anisotropic scaling, first-order surface transition, and stretched exponential critical correlations. It is shown that all the nonuniversal critical exponents obtained for the aperiodic Ising models satisfy scaling relations and can be expressed as functions of varying surface magnetic exponents.Comment: 22 pages, 8 eps-figures, uses RevTex and epsf, minor correction

    Work fluctuations in quantum spin chains

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    We study the work fluctuations of two types of finite quantum spin chains under the application of a time-dependent magnetic field in the context of the fluctuation relation and Jarzynski equality. The two types of quantum chains correspond to the integrable Ising quantum chain and the nonintegrable XX quantum chain in a longitudinal magnetic field. For several magnetic field protocols, the quantum Crooks and Jarzynski relations are numerically tested and fulfilled. As a more interesting situation, we consider the forcing regime where a periodic magnetic field is applied. In the Ising case we give an exact solution in terms of double-confluent Heun functions. We show that the fluctuations of the work performed by the external periodic drift are maximum at a frequency proportional to the amplitude of the field. In the nonintegrable case, we show that depending on the field frequency a sharp transition is observed between a Poisson-limit work distribution at high frequencies toward a normal work distribution at low frequencies.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Historical and interpretative aspects of quantum mechanics: a physicists' naive approach

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    Many theoretical predictions derived from quantum mechanics have been confirmed experimentally during the last 80 years. However, interpretative aspects have long been subject to debate. Among them, the question of the existence of hidden variables is still open. We review these questions, paying special attention to historical aspects, and argue that one may definitively exclude local realism on the basis of present experimental outcomes. Other interpretations of Quantum Mechanics are nevertheless not excluded.Comment: 30 page

    Lattice two-point functions and conformal invariance

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    A new realization of the conformal algebra is studied which mimics the behaviour of a statistical system on a discrete albeit infinite lattice. The two-point function is found from the requirement that it transforms covariantly under this realization. The result is in agreement with explicit lattice calculations of the (1+1)D(1+1)D Ising model and the dd-dimensional spherical model. A hard core is found which is not present in the continuum. For a semi-infinite lattice, profiles are also obtained.Comment: 5 pages, plain Tex with IOP macros, no figure

    Steps toward the foundations of statistical mechanics: in and out of equilibrium

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    The first part of the paper is devoted to the foundations, that is the mathematical and physical justification, of equilibrium statistical mechanics. It is a pedagogical attempt, mostly based on Khinchin’s presentation, which purpose is to clarify some aspects of the development of statistical mechanics. In the second part, we discuss some recent developments that appeared out of equilibrium, such as fluctuation theorem and Jarzynski equalit