49 research outputs found


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    Anak-anak pada usianya kegiatannya tidak hanya bermain saja, anak usia dini tentu perlu mendapatkan pendidikan walaupun diusia nya yang masih anak-anak. Hal tersebut agar memunculkan rangsangan untuk mereka siap belajar. Anak-anak dalam masa pertumbuhannya tentu belajar banyak hal, oleh karena itu Pendidikan merupakan bentuk manajemen yang berorientasi pada arah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan si anak. Sejak usia dini, anak-anak hanya dapat diajarkan dasar-dasar bahasa Inggris dan diajarkan melalui permainan yang ditargetkan. Melalui permainan yang ditargetkan, anak-anak dapat belajar banyak hal. Desain instruksional merupakan bagian integral dari beberapa komponen pembelajaran yang saling berinteraksi, berhubungan, dan bergantung satu sama lain untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang ditentukan. Pembelajaran di ikuti dengan komponen meliputi anak atau siswa, pedidik, silabus, materi ajar, alat pendukung belajar, sumber studi, proses pelajaran, akomodasi, zona, dan arah pembelajaran. Bagian ini harus disiapkan bersama dengan tutorial yang akan disempurnakan


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    This study examines the effect of the product, price perception, location, marketing, store atmosphere, and visual merchandising on impulse buying behavior. The Okemart Minimarket, one of Palembang's minimarkets, is the subject of this research. An early poll was conducted at the start of the study, which revealed that visual merchandising did not influence impulse buying behavior. The participants in this study were all Palembang City residents who had shopped at the Okemart Minimarket at least twice in the previous six months. In this study, non-probability purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 207 respondents using an electronic questionnaire. The data was gathered, collected, and analyzed using SmartPLS software and the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. This study used a one-tailed statistical test with a significance level of 0.05. The findings of this study showed that impulse buying behavior is influenced by price perception, store atmosphere, and visual merchandising, but not by product, location, and promotion. The managerial implications of this study offer several recommendations and bring new ideas to the Okemart Minimarket, including a focus on product resiliency, parking lot extension, and other promotional activities to boost impulse buying inside the store. Keywords: Impulse Buying Behavior, Marketing Mix, Okemart Minimarket Palembang, Store Atmosphere, Visual Merchandising. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh produk, persepsi harga, lokasi, pemasaran, suasana toko, dan visual merchandising terhadap perilaku impulse buying. Minimarket Okemart, salah satu minimarket Palembang, menjadi subjek penelitian ini. Jajak pendapat awal dilakukan pada awal penelitian, yang mengungkapkan bahwa visual merchandising tidak mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian tidak terencana. Responden penelitian ini adalah seluruh warga Kota Palembang yang telah berbelanja di Minimarket Okemart setidaknya dua kali dalam enam bulan sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-probability purposive sampling untuk memilih sampel sebanyak 207 responden yang memenuhi kriteria dengan menggunakan kuesioner elektronik. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan perangkat lunak SmartPLS dengan pendekatan Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik satu arah dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku impulse buying dipengaruhi oleh persepsi harga, suasana toko, dan visual merchandising, tetapi tidak oleh produk, lokasi, dan promosi. Implikasi manajerial dari penelitian ini menawarkan beberapa rekomendasi dan membawa ide-ide baru ke Minimarket Okemart, termasuk fokus pada ketahanan produk, perluasan tempat parkir, dan kegiatan promosi lainnya untuk meningkatkan pembelian impulsif di dalam toko. Kata Kunci: Atmosfer toko, Bauran pemasaran, Minimarket Okemart Palembang, Perilaku pembelian tidak terencana, Visual merchandising


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    The study was based on the issue faced by the agricultural sector in Tangerang Regency which is the conversion of irrigated land. This conversion occurred due to increased population growth and economic development in Tangerang Regency, as the buffer zone of Special Capital Region of Jakarta. This issue led to the shrinkage of irrigated land area and endangerment of food security in Tangerang Regency, which acted as one of the national granary. The purpose of this study was to formulate a strategy for the protection of sustainable food crop agricultural land in Tangerang Regency. A review of Regional Regulation (Perda) No.13, 2011 on Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) of Tangerang Regency was carried out to achieve that purpose. Methods used in this study were the analytical overlay model and descriptive analysis in which the formulation of protection strategy was performed using the SWOT analysis model. The results showed that there was a potential reclamation of irrigated land area into non-irrigated land or conversion of 23,755.19 ha irrigated land area in Tangerang Regency. The results of SWOT analysis which is to identify internal and external factors, several strategies could be formulated, among others was doing protection against agricultural land conversion through the implementation control of RTRW.Keywords: conversion of irrigated land, strategy for protection of food crop agricultural land, regional spatial planning (RTRW) ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pada permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh sektor pertanian di Kabupaten Tangerang berupa alih fungsi lahan sawah irigasi. Alih fungsi ini terjadi karena adanya pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkembangan ekonomi di wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang sebagai wilayah penyangga Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. Akibatnya adalah berdampak pada berkurangnya lahan sawah irigasi dan terancamnya ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Tangerang yang berperan sebagai lumbung padi nasional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan strategi perlindungan lahan pertanian tanaman pangan berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Tangerang. Tinjauan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) No.13, 2011 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Tangerang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model overlay analitis dan analisis deskriptif di mana perumusan strategi perlindungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada potensi reklamasi lahan sawah irigasi menjadi lahan non-irigasi atau konversi lahan sawah irigasi seluas 23.755,19 ha di Kabupaten Tangerang. Hasil analisis SWOT yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal, beberapa strategi dapat dirumuskan, antara lain melakukan perlindungan terhadap konversi lahan pertanian melalui pengendalian pelaksanaan RTRW.Kata kunci: konversi lahan beririgasi, strategi perlindungan lahan pertanian tanaman pangan, perencanaan tata ruang wilayah (RTRW

    The body as place of learning: reflections from the experiences of a drama group formed by mature adults

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    Partindo de reflexões sobre o lugar do corpo na sociedade, neste artigo é apresentado um estudo investigativo e descritivo sobre a relação entre a educação do corpo e a experiência teatral de 15 adultos na maturidade, entre setembro e dezembro de 2010. Avaliamos a influência de atividades que evidenciam o corpo em diferentes aspectos da vida desses indivíduos, utilizando-se o método etnográfico da observação participante e a técnica qualitativa grupo focal. Foram entrevistadas 13 mulheres e 2 homens, cujas idades variaram entre 60 e 85 anos. A maioria concluiu o ensino superior (65%); os demais se dividiram entre ensino médio e primário. Para analisar os depoimentos, optamos pela construção do discurso do sujeito coletivo e verificamos que essas atividades, que valorizam a expressão corporal, contribuem para o exercício da criatividade, estimulam o trabalho cooperativo, permitem a ampliação da rede de suporte social e favorecem a aprendizagem no seu sentido amplo.Based on the discussion about the position of the body within society, this work presents an exploratory study concerning the relationship between the education of the body and the experiences of a drama group formed by 15 mature adults, during the period from September to December, 2010. We investigated the influence of activities which highlight the body on different aspects of these individuals' life by using the ethnographic method for participative observation and the focus group qualitative technique. 13 women and 2 men, whose ages ranged between 60 and 85 years, were interviewed. Most of them had completed Higher Education (65%), having the others completed high school and elementary school. The recorded statements were analyzed through the construction of the collective subject discourse and we could conclude that the activities which put the body in evidence contribute to creativity, encourage cooperative work, allow for the expansion of social network and favour the learning process in its broader sense

    La Evasión del impuesto a la venta del arroz pilado en la comercialización por las empresas molineras y su incidencia en el desarrollo socio-económico en la provincia de San Martin. Periodo 2013

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    This thesis has as main objective to determine the factors causing tax evasion Sale of milled rice. Given that tax evasion is a serious state for waiver providing the necessary revenue to finance public spending. The more evasion exists, the less chance the state to cover their essential expenses. Also evasion has perverse effects on the market economy , as is a form of unfair competition , because the act of economic agents will not guided by their efficiency , but by the varying performance of the obligations tax. The preservation of democratic governance in countries like Peru, is urgently address the serious structural problems relating to social issues such as access to education, health, and poverty alleviation. However, there is an undeniable reality, which is the limitation of tax revenues. Faced with this harsh landscape, it is up to the Peruvian Tax Administration develop an action priority: strive to raise ever greater extent tribute generating marketing milled rice. That is, directly combat tax evasion in order to reduce it to a point where the gap between the amount of potential collection and effective collection resulting insignificant. Moreover, the informal economy is the existence of economic activities taking place without the knowledge and, therefore, the control of tax authorities. The high degree of informality, reflected in the high levels of tax evasion, they represent a major loss of resources for the treasury. Actions and strategies that the Peruvian Tax Administration has implemented since 2002, with the establishment of the withholding system, perceptions and detractions, intended to close these gaps failure to tax the sale of milled rice (MVI). The strategy to combat tax evasion requires a social and political legitimacy. Indeed, in a democratic society, taxes are set by laws emanating from the will of the people, expressed through their legitimate representatives. Therefore, the fight against tax evasion can not be understood otherwise than that of giving effect to the expressed will of the people as well. The process of legitimation and "awareness" of the fight against tax evasion must start from the fact that citizens are convinced that this is a problem for all and that tax evasion involves a reduction in the financial resources of the state, reducing their actions to adequately provide public goods and services. Getting to know with any degree of certainty the level of tax evasion in a country is useful for all Tax Administration. Thus we can approach this issue in various ways, so that it can complement and corroborate the results obtained with standard methodologies known. Actions and strategies the A simple way is to ask the taxpayers themselves what they think is the extent of tax evasion. This measure has been implemented due to high informality and tax evasion that exists in the marketing of milled rice. The most common way of evading the tax is the use of vouchers and reference guides and fake suppliers of nonexistent people. This tax evasion, informal constant mills, left at a disadvantage to existing and formal mills, and also requires evade.Through this study showed lack in oversight of the Tax Administration in Marketing milled rice ; which generates tax evasion Sale Milled Rice ( MVI ) .La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal determinar los factores que causan la evasión del Impuesto a la Venta del Arroz Pilado. Teniendo en cuenta que la evasión tributaria constituye para el Estado una grave renuncia a proveerse de los ingresos fiscales necesarios para el financiamiento del gasto público. Cuanta más evasión exista, menores serán las posibilidades del Estado de cubrir sus gastos esenciales. Asimismo, la evasión presenta efectos perversos sobre la economía de mercado, en cuanto supone una forma de competencia desleal, debido a que el actuar de los agentes económicos no estará orientado por su grado de eficiencia, sino por el mayor o menor cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias. La preservación de la gobernabilidad democrática en países como el Perú, supone enfrentar con urgencia los graves problemas estructurales referidos a los temas sociales como el acceso a la educación, la salud, y la superación de la pobreza. Sin embargo, existe una realidad incontrastable, que es la limitación de los ingresos tributarios. Ante este duro panorama, le corresponde a la Administración Tributaria Peruana desarrollar prioritariamente una acción: esforzarse por recaudar cada vez en mayor medida el tributo que genera la comercialización del arroz pilado. Es decir, combatir frontalmente la evasión tributaria a fin de reducirla hasta un punto en que la brecha entre el monto de la recaudación potencial y la recaudación efectiva resulte poco significativa. Por otra parte, la economía informal supone la existencia de actividades económicas que se desarrollan al margen del conocimiento y, por lo tanto, del control de las autoridades tributarias. El alto grado de informalidad, reflejada en los elevados niveles de evasión fiscal, pues representan una importante pérdida de recursos para el fisco. Las acciones y estrategias que la Administración Tributaria Peruana ha implementado desde el año 2002, con el establecimiento de los sistemas de retenciones, percepciones y detracciones, pretenden cerrar estas brechas de incumplimiento en el Impuesto a la Venta del Arroz Pilado (IVAP). La estrategia para combatir la evasión fiscal requiere de una legitimación social y política. En efecto, en una sociedad democrática, los tributos se establecen mediante leyes que emanan de la voluntad de los ciudadanos, manifestada a través de sus legítimos representantes. Por tanto, la lucha contra la evasión tributaria no puede entenderse de otra forma que no sea la de dar vigencia a la voluntad popular así manifestada. El proceso de legitimación y de “concientización” del combate a la evasión fiscal debe partir del hecho que los ciudadanos estén convencidos que éste es un problema de todos y que la evasión tributaria implica una reducción en las disponibilidades financieras del Estado, disminuyendo su accionar para proveer adecuadamente los bienes y servicios públicos. Llegar a conocer con algún grado de certeza el nivel de evasión tributaria de un país es útil para toda Administración Tributaria. Así, nos podemos aproximar a este tema por diversos caminos, de tal forma que se pueda complementar y corroborar los resultados obtenidos con las metodologías estándares que se conocen. Un camino sencillo es preguntar a los propios contribuyentes cuál creen ellos que es la magnitud de la evasión tributaria. Esta medida ha sido aplicada debido a la alta informalidad y evasión de impuestos que existe en la comercialización del arroz pilado. La forma más común de evadir el impuesto es la utilización de comprobantes y guías de remisión de personas inexistentes y falsos proveedores. Esta evasión de impuestos, constante en los molinos informales, deja en desventaja a los molinos antiguos y formales, y los obliga también a evadir. A través de este estudio se demostró la carencia en la fiscalización de la Administración Tributaria, en la comercialización del arroz pilado; lo cual genera la evasión del Impuesto a la Venta del Arroz Pilado (IVAP).Tesi

    Visual Lateralization in Wild Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in Response to Stimuli with Different Degrees of Familiarity

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    Background: Apart from findings on both functional and motor asymmetries in captive aquatic mammals, only few studies have focused on lateralized behaviour of these species in the wild. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study we focused on lateralized visual behaviour by presenting wild striped dolphins with objects of different degrees of familiarity (fish, ball, toy). Surveys were conducted in the Gulf of Taranto, the northern Ionian Sea portion delimited by the Italian regions of Calabria, Basilicata and Apulia. After sighting striped dolphins from a research vessel, different stimuli were presented in a random order by a telescopic bar connected to the prow of the boat. The preferential use of the right/left monocular viewing during inspection of the stimuli was analysed. Conclusion: Results clearly showed a monocular viewing preference with respect to the type of the stimulus employed. Due to the complete decussation of the optical nerves in dolphin brain our results reflected a different specialization of brain hemispheres for visual scanning processes confirming that in this species different stimuli evoked different patterns of eye use. A preferential use of the right eye (left hemisphere) during visual inspection of unfamiliar targets was observed supporting the hypothesis that, in dolphins, the organization of the functional neural structures which reflected cerebral asymmetries for visual object recognition could have been subjected to a deviation from the evolutionary line of mos


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    Kurang memadainya kualitas anggota DPR memperparah ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap wakil rakyat. Terlebih DPR berperan sebagai pembentuk pedoman kebijakan pelaksanaan dan kebijakan teknis serta berbagai fungsi lainnya. Kaitannya dengan Hukum Islam, penulis menggunakan fiqh siya>sah sebagai teori analisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana kinerja anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat tahun 2009-2019 ditinjau dari fiqh siya>sah. Secara metodologis, penelitian ini diklasifikasikan dalam penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini merupakan sumber data sekunder berupa dokumentasi terkait kinerja anggota DPR, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan dokumen atau literatur lainnya yang relevan dengan kajian peneliti. Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif literal sebagai metode pengumpulan data dan analisis isi sebagai metode analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja anggota DPR pada tahun 2009-2019 belum dapat dikatakan cukup baik. Berdasarkan temuan peneliti, mekanisme pencalonan bacaleg yang kurang memperhatikan kualifikasi sumber daya manusia turut banyak berperan atas kegagalan DPR tersebut. Sekalipun peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia anggota DPR tidak menjamin keberhasilan kinerjanya, namun setidaknya dapat mengurangi penyebab buruknya pertanggungjawaban lembaga DPR terhadap fungsi, wewenang, dan tugasnya. Bahkan dalam fiqh siya>sah suatu jabatan dalam kepemimpinan yang menggunakan prinsip-prinsip Islam diduduki oleh masyarakat berdasarkan kemampuannya sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya. Dengan demikian peneliti menyarankan agar pengaturan tentang pencalonan anggota DPR lebih memperhatikan kualitas bacaleg yang akan diajukan serta memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mengenal figur calon wakilnya

    As ações do PRODETUR/ NE e suas implicações para o desenvolvimento do turismo na Paraíba

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    Monografia (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Excelência em Turismo, 2008.O estudo analisa as ações do PRODETUR no Estado da Paraíba. Para tanto, foram levantadas, através dos relatórios do Banco do Nordeste e do Tribunal de Contas da União, todas as ações realizadas pelo programa em sua primeira fase, também foi estabelecido contato com a coordenadora do PRODETUR/ PB com o intuito de saber se o programa já havia efetuado alguma ação em sua segunda fase na Paraíba. Foram obtidas informações que permitiram analisar as reais intenções do programa, assim como de que modo o programa pretende auxiliar no desenvolvimento turístico do estado em questão realizando inclusive comparação entre os investimentos destinados a Paraíba e aos outros estados beneficiados. Verificou-se que, apesar do programa possuir um discurso de inclusão e favorecimento da população mais pobre, atua mais como um concentrador de investimentos nas regiões nordestinas mais desenvolvidas turística e economicamente. Destaca-se também a razão da necessidade de intervenção do Estado no mercado, assim como os principais instrumentos utilizados pelo Governo para intervir no mercado turístico e questionasse o turismo como instrumento de desenvolvimento.This study examines the actions of PRODETUR in the state of Paraíba. For this purpose information was collected in reports of Banco do Nordeste and Tribunal de Contas da União, dealing with actions by the program in its first phase. It was also established contact with the coordinator of PRODETUR / PB to understand the actions of this program in the second phase. Information was collected which allowed us to analyze the real intentions of the program, and how the program is intended to assist in the development of tourism in the state of Paraíba performing also comparison of investments to Paraíba and other states benefited. It was found that although the program has a speech of inclusion and favors the poor, serves as a tool for investments in more developed parts of the Northwest. We also discuss the reason for the need of state interference in the market, as the main instruments used by the government to interfere in the tourist market and questioned tourism as a tool for development