2,868 research outputs found

    Admission predictors for success in a mathematics graduate program

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    There are many factors that can influence the outcome for students in a mathematics PhD program: bachelor's GPA (BGPA), bachelor's major, GRE scores, gender, Under-Represented Minority (URM) status, institution tier, etc. Are these variables equally important predictors of a student's likelihood of succeeding in a math PhD program? In this paper, we present and analyze admission data of students from different groups entering a math PhD program at a southern California university. We observe that some factors correlate with success in the PhD program (defined as obtaining a PhD degree within a time-limit). According to our analysis, GRE scores correlate with success, but interestingly, the verbal part of the GRE score has a higher predictive power compared to the quantitative part. Further, we observe that undergraduate student GPA does not correlate with success (there is even a slight negative slope in the relationship between GPA and the probability of success). This counterintuitive observation is explained once undergraduate institutions are separated by tiers: students from "higher tiers" have undergone a more rigorous training program; they on average have a slightly lower GPA but run a slightly higher probability to succeed. Finally, a gender gap is observed in the probability to succeed with female students having a lower probability to finish with a PhD despite the same undergraduate performance, compared to males. This gap is reversed if we only consider foreign graduate students. It is our hope that this study will encourage other universities to perform similar analyses, in order to design better admission and retention strategies for Math PhD programs.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Detailed Analysis of the Travel Patterns of Rail Users in Sydney

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    Rail is a critical transport mode for travel in large cities, especially for journeys to and from the CBD. Analysis of travel surveys commonly report aggregate statistics such as mode shares by purpose. These aggregate statistics provide an overview of the level of rail usage, however much more detailed analysis is needed to answer questions such as: • Do the access mode shares to rail vary by distance from the CBD? • What proportion of the total journey distance is by rail? • What proportion of people travel to their nearest station? • How far are people travelling to access their rail station? • What proportion of people who use rail for their outward journeys from home also use rail for their return journey? • Do people use the same mode for access for their outward journey as their egress mode for the return journey? This paper analyses data from the Sydney Household Travel Survey to answer the above questions for rail users in Sydney. Rather than just looking at single estimates the analysis will look at distributions recognising that people have a variety of travel patterns

    Nonlinear optics of fibre event horizons

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    The nonlinear interaction of light in an optical fibre can mimic the physics at an event horizon. This analogue arises when a weak probe wave is unable to pass through an intense soliton, despite propagating at a different velocity. To date, these dynamics have been described in the time domain in terms of a soliton-induced refractive index barrier that modifies the velocity of the probe. Here, we complete the physical description of fibre-optic event horizons by presenting a full frequency-domain description in terms of cascaded four-wave mixing between discrete single-frequency fields, and experimentally demonstrate signature frequency shifts using continuous wave lasers. Our description is confirmed by the remarkable agreement with experiments performed in the continuum limit, reached using ultrafast lasers. We anticipate that clarifying the description of fibre event horizons will significantly impact on the description of horizon dynamics and soliton interactions in photonics and other systems.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    XPS and XMCD study of Fe3O4/GaAs interface

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    Ultrathin Fe oxide films of various thicknesses prepared by post-growth oxidation on GaAs(100) surface have been investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The XPS confirms that the surfaces of the oxide are Fe3O4 rather than Fe2O3. XAS and XMCD measurements indicate the presence of nsulating Fe divalent oxide phases (FeO) beneath the surface Fe-3 O-4 layer with the sample thickness above 4 mn. This FeO might act as a barrier for the spin injection into the GaAs

    The relative effect of particles and turbulence on acoustic scattering from deep sea hydrothermal vent plumes revisited

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (2017): 1446–1458, doi:10.1121/1.4974828.The relative importance of suspended particles and turbulence as backscattering mechanisms within a hydrothermal plume located on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge is determined by comparing acoustic backscatter measured by the Cabled Observatory Vent Imaging Sonar (COVIS) with model calculations based on in situ samples of particles suspended within the plume. Analysis of plume samples yields estimates of the mass concentration and size distribution of particles, which are used to quantify their contribution to acoustic backscatter. The result shows negligible effects of plume particles on acoustic backscatter within the initial 10-m rise of the plume. This suggests turbulence-induced temperature fluctuations are the dominant backscattering mechanism within lower levels of the plume. Furthermore, inversion of the observed acoustic backscatter for the standard deviation of temperature within the plume yields a reasonable match with the in situ temperature measurements made by a conductivity-temperature-depth instrument. This finding shows that turbulence-induced temperature fluctuations are the dominant backscattering mechanism and demonstrates the potential of using acoustic backscatter as a remote-sensing tool to measure the temperature variability within a hydrothermal plume.We thank the National Science Foundation for support (NSF Award Nos. OCE-0824612 and OCE-1234163 to APL-UW; NSF Award Nos. OCE-0825088 and OCE-1234141 to Rutgers)

    A Calibrated Method of Massage Therapy Decreases Systolic Blood Pressure Concomitant With Changes in Heart Rate Variability in Male Rats.

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    ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to develop a method for applying calibrated manual massage pressures by using commonly available, inexpensive sphygmomanometer parts and validate the use of this approach as a quantitative method of applying massage therapy to rodents.MethodsMassage pressures were monitored by using a modified neonatal blood pressure (BP) cuff attached to an aneroid gauge. Lightly anesthetized rats were stroked on the ventral abdomen for 5 minutes at pressures of 20 mm Hg and 40 mm Hg. Blood pressure was monitored noninvasively for 20 minutes following massage therapy at 5-minute intervals. Interexaminer reliability was assessed by applying 20 mm Hg and 40 mm Hg pressures to a digital scale in the presence or absence of the pressure gauge.ResultsWith the use of this method, we observed good interexaminer reliability, with intraclass coefficients of 0.989 versus 0.624 in blinded controls. In Long-Evans rats, systolic BP dropped by an average of 9.86% ± 0.27% following application of 40 mm Hg massage pressure. Similar effects were seen following 20 mm Hg pressure (6.52% ± 1.7%), although latency to effect was greater than at 40 mm Hg. Sprague-Dawley rats behaved similarly to Long-Evans rats. Low-frequency/high-frequency ratio, a widely-used index of autonomic tone in cardiovascular regulation, showed a significant increase within 5 minutes after 40 mm Hg massage pressure was applied.ConclusionsThe calibrated massage method was shown to be a reproducible method for applying massage pressures in rodents and lowering BP

    Combining Model Checking and Discrete-Event Supervisor Synthesis

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    We present an approach to facilitate the design of provably correct concurrent systems by recasting recent work that uses discrete-event supervisor synthesis to automatically generate concurrency control code in Promela and combine it with model checking in Spin. This approach consists of the possibly repeated execution of three steps: manual preparation, automatic synthesis, and semi-automatic analysis. Given a concurrent Promela program C devoid of any concurrency control and an informal specification E_in , the preparation step is assumed to yield a formal specification E of the allowed system behaviours and two versions of C: C_e to identify the specification-relevant events in C and enable supervisor synthesis, and C_e,a to introduce “checkable redundancy” and used during the analysis step to locate bugs in: the specification formalization E, the event markup in C_e, or the implementation of the synthesis. The result is supervised Promela code C_sup that is more likely to be correct with respect to E and E_in. The approach is illustrated with an example. A prototype tool implementing the approach is described

    Synergistic up-regulation of CXCL10 by virus and IFN Îł in human airway epithelial cells.

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    Airway epithelial cells are the first line of defense against viral infections and are instrumental in coordinating the inflammatory response. In this study, we demonstrate the synergistic stimulation of CXCL10 mRNA and protein, a key chemokine responsible for the early immune response to viral infection, following treatment of airway epithelial cells with IFN Îł and influenza virus. The synergism also occurred when the cells were treated with IFN Îł and a viral replication mimicker (dsRNA) both in vitro and in vivo. Despite the requirement of type I interferon (IFNAR) signaling in dsRNA-induced CXCL10, the synergism was independent of the IFNAR pathway since it wasn't affected by the addition of a neutralizing IFNAR antibody or the complete lack of IFNAR expression. Furthermore, the same synergistic effect was also observed when a CXCL10 promoter reporter was examined. Although the responsive promoter region contains both ISRE and NFÎşB sites, western blot analysis indicated that the combined treatment of IFN Îł and dsRNA significantly augmented NFÎşB but not STAT1 activation as compared to the single treatment. Therefore, we conclude that IFN Îł and dsRNA act in concert to potentiate CXCL10 expression in airway epithelial cells via an NFÎşB-dependent but IFNAR-STAT independent pathway and it is at least partly regulated at the transcriptional level

    Sampling of conformational ensemble for virtual screening using molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analysis

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    Aim: Molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analysis are well-established approaches to generate receptor conformational ensembles (RCEs) for ligand docking and virtual screening. Here, we report new fast molecular dynamics-based and normal mode analysis-based protocols combined with conformational pocket classifications to efficiently generate RCEs. Materials \& methods: We assessed our protocols on two well-characterized protein targets showing local active site flexibility, dihydrofolate reductase and large collective movements, CDK2. The performance of the RCEs was validated by distinguishing known ligands of dihydrofolate reductase and CDK2 among a dataset of diverse chemical decoys. Results \& discussion: Our results show that different simulation protocols can be efficient for generation of RCEs depending on different kind of protein flexibility
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