30 research outputs found

    An immunoproteomic approach revealing peptides from Sporothrix brasiliensis that induce a cellular immune response in subcutaneous sporotrichosis

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    Sporothrix brasiliensis is the most virulent fungus of the Sporothrix complex and is the main species recovered in the sporotrichosis zoonotic hyperendemic area in Rio de Janeiro. A vaccine against S. brasiliensis could improve the current sporotrichosis situation. Here, we show 3 peptides from S. brasiliensis immunogenic proteins that have a higher likelihood for engaging MHC-class II molecules. We investigated the efficiency of the peptides as vaccines for preventing subcutaneous sporotrichosis. In this study, we observed a decrease in lesion diameters in peptide-immunized mice, showing that the peptides could induce a protective immune response against subcutaneous sporotrichosis. ZR8 peptide is from the GP70 protein, the main antigen of the Sporothrix complex, and was the best potential vaccine candidate by increasing CD4(+) T cells and higher levels of IFN-gamma, IL-17A and IL-1 beta characterizing a strong cellular immune response. This immune environment induced a higher number of neutrophils in lesions that are associated with fungus clearance. These results indicated that the ZR8 peptide induces a protective immune response against subcutaneous sporotrichosis and is a vaccine candidate against S. brasiliensis infection.FAPESPUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Clin & Toxicol Anal, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Chem, Dept Biochem, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Immunol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Biol Sci, Diadema, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Environm Chem & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Biol Sci, Diadema, BrazilFAPESP: 2016/04729-3Web of Scienc

    ScFv from antibody that mimics gp43 modulates the cellular and humoral immune responses during Experimental Paracoccidioidomycosis

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), caused by Paracoccidioides species is a prevalent systemic and progressive mycosis that occurs in Latin America. It is caused by Paracoccidioides species. Immunization with dendritic cells transfected with a plasmid encoding the scFv (pMAC/PS-scFv) that mimics the main antigen of P. brasiliensis (gp43) confers protection in experimental PCM. DCs link innate and adaptive immunity by recognizing invading pathogens and selecting the type of effector T cell to mediate the immune response. Here, we showed that DC-pMAC/PS-scFv induces the activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Moreover, our results demonstrated that BALB/c mice infected with P. brasiliensis and treated with DC-pMAC/PS-scFv showed the induction of specific IgG production against gp43 and IFN-γ, IL-12 and IL-4 cytokines. Analysis of regional lymph nodes revealed increases in the expression of clec7a, myd88, tlr2, gata3 and tbx21, which are involved in the immune response. Taken together, our results indicate that the scFv modulates the humoral and cellular immune responses and presents epitopes to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells

    Abordagem laboratorial no diagnóstico da Rinite alérgica e asma

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    A rinite alérgica e a asma são patologias que apresentam uma alta prevalência mundial. Os fatores exatos que levam ao desenvolvimento destas patologias não estão totalmente esclarecidos, porém se observa em ambas o envolvimento de uma resposta alérgica com aumento de anticorpos IgE e mediadores inflamatórios. O diagnóstico para rinite alérgica e asma é baseado na história clínica do paciente e os exames laboratoriais requisitados a seguir ficam a critério do médico. Neste trabalho foram demonstradas as vantagens e desvantagens dos principais exames laboratoriais: hemograma, VHS, determinação de leucotrienos, determinação de triptase, teste percutâneo, teste intradérmico, testes in vitro IgE e testes de provocação. Além disso, observou-se as considerações que devem ser feitas dependendo da peculiaridade do próprio paciente e uma breve comparação entre essas metodologias.Os fatores que levam a escolha das metodologias devem considerar não apenas história do paciente, mas custo do método, disponibilidade de equipamento e/ou profissional habilitado para realizá-lo e possíveis interferentes do paciente (uso de medicamentos, presença de outras patologias, entre outros). As perspectivas para o futuro incluem busca por novos marcadores mais específicos e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para os equipamentos diagnósticos

    TLR3 Is a Negative Regulator of Immune Responses Against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) comprise the best-characterized pattern-recognition receptor (PRR) family able to activate distinct immune responses depending on the receptor/adaptor set assembled. TLRs, such as TLR2, TLR4 and TLR9, and their signaling were shown to be important in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections. However, the role of the endosomal TLR3 in experimental paracoccidioidomycosys remains obscure. In vitro assays, macrophages of the bone marrow of WT or TLR3−/− mice were differentiated for evaluation of their microbicidal activity. In vivo assays, WT or TLR3−/− mice were infected intratracheally with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeasts for investigation of the lung response type induced. The cytotoxic activity of CD8+ T cells was assessed by cytotoxicity assay. To confirm the importance of CD8+ T cells in the control of infection in the absence of tlr3, a depletion assay of these cells was performed. Here, we show for the first time that TLR3 modulate the infection against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by dampening pro-inflammatory response, NO production, IFN+CD8+T, and IL-17+CD8+T cell activation and cytotoxic function, associated with granzyme B and perforin down regulation. As conclusion, we suggest that TLR3 could be used as an escape mechanism of the fungus in an experimental paracoccidioidomycosis

    Paracoccidioides brasilinsis-Induced Migration of Dendritic Cells and Subsequent T-Cell Activation in the Lung-Draining Lymph Nodes

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis is a mycotic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), that starts with inhalation of the fungus; thus, lung cells such as DC are part of the first line of defense against this microorganism. Migration of DC to the lymph nodes is the first step in initiating T cell responses. The mechanisms involved in resistance to Pb infection are poorly understood, but it is likely that DC play a pivotal role in the induction of effector T cells that control Pb infection. In this study, we showed that after Pb Infection, an important modification of lung DC receptor expression occurred. We observed an increased expression of CCR7 and CD103 on lung DC after infection, as well as MHC-II. After Pb infection, bone marrow-derived DC as well lung DC, migrate to lymph nodes. Migration of lung DC could represent an important mechanism of pathogenesis during PCM infection. In resume our data showed that Pb induced DC migration. Furthermore, we demonstrated that bone marrow-derived DC stimulated by Pb migrate to the lymph nodes and activate a T helper (Th) response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported data showing that Pb induces migration of DC and activate a T helper (Th) response

    Modulation, activation of Dentritic cells by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    A paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica, endêmica na América Latina, causada pelo fungo dimórfico térmico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), cujo principal componente antigênico é a glicoproteína de 43 kDa (gp43). Diferentes formas clínicas podem ser desenvolvidas e estão diretamente associadas com vários graus de depressão da resposta imune celular. Considerando a importância das células dendríticas na interação dos sistemas imune inato e adaptativo, e na ativação de células T \"naive\", no presente trabalho estudamos se células dendríticas interagem com leveduras de P. brasiliensis, assim como seu principal componente antigênico (gp43). Foi demonstrado pela primeira vez que células dendríticas poderiam ser infectadas por leveduras de P. brasiliensis, e esse fungo permaneceu viável após fagocitose. Analisamos por citometria de fluxo a expressão das moléculas de superfície observando diminuição significativa da expressão das moléculas de MHC-II, CD80 e CD54 em células dendríticas quando estas foram incubadas com leveduras da cepa Pb18 ou com gp43. Esse resultado mostrou que a ação do P. brasiliensis em células dendríticas poderia ser mediada pela gp43. Ao analisarmos a síntese de IL-12, observamos diminuição significativa desta interleucina, quando células dendríticas ativadas com LPS, foram cultivadas na presença de leveduras de P. brasiliensis ou gp43. Esses resultados sugerem que a gp43 pode afetar várias funções das células hospedeiras, indicando que esta inibição pode ser usada pelo P. brasiliensis para reduzir a eficiência da resposta imune, facilitando assim o estabelecimento da infecção primária indivíduos suscetíveis.Paracoccidioidomycosis, endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, where the major antigenic component is a glycoprotein of 43kDa (gp43). The infection can evolve to different clinical forms that are associated to various degrees of suppressed cell-mediated immunity. The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in P.brasiliensis infection has never been investigated. With the recognition that DCs are able to initiate response in naïve T cells and that they also participate in Th cell education the present study was undertaken to understand whether DCs interact with P. brasiliensis or gp43, as well as to elucidate possible mechanisms and consequences of this interaction. In the present report, it was demonstrated for the first time that DCs could be infected by P. brasiliensis and survive. Our results indicate that P. brasiliensis infection and purified gp43 lead to down-regulation of MHC-II and adhesion properties of immature DCs. The down-regulation was also observed in LPS-induced DCs maturation, where the expression of MHC-II, CD80, CD54 and CD40 were significantly inhibited in the presence of P. brasiliensis or gp43. These data show that the actions of P. brasiliensis on DCs could be mediated by gp43. In addition, an inhibition of IL-12 production by gp43 was observed in LPS-induced DC maturation. These results suggest that gp43 affects many functions of the host cells, indicating that this inhibition might be used by P. brasiliensis to reduce the effectiveness of the immune response, thus facilitating the establishment and fate of primary infection in susceptible host

    Interaction of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis with pulmonary dendritic cells induces IL-10 production and TLR2 expression: possible mechanisms of susceptibility

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    A resposta imune adaptativa do tipo Th1 é necessária para proteção contra P. Brasiliensis. Sabendo que células dendrítica são APCs eficientes na ativação da resposta imune mediada por células, investigamos o potencial dessas células em iniciar a resposta imune inata em camundongos suscetíveis (B10.A) e resistentes (A/J) a PCM. Inicialmente, observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A são mais fagocíticas quando comparadas com células de camundongos A/J. Além disso, observamos que a fagocitose na presença de laminarina foi inibida somente em células dendríticas pulmonares de animais B10.A. A produção de citocinas por células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos A/J mostrou baixa concentração de IL-10, IL-12 e TNF-α. Ao contrário, células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A produziram altas concentrações de TNF-α e IL-10, mas, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente inibida na presença de laminarina. Nós também observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos TLR-2KO foram deficientes na produção de IL-10. Além disso, a expressão gênica para TLR-2 aumentou após infecção em camundongos B10.A, mas não nos A/J. Posteriormente, observamos que a capacidade de células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos suscetíveis em induzir ativação de células T foi diminuída. De acordo com nossos resultados, sugerimos que P. brasiliensis induz células dendríticas regulatórias em camundongos suscetíveis, os quais promovem a produção de IL-10, contribuindo para a suscetibilidade de camundongos B10.A contra a infecção por P. brasiliensis.An adaptive Th1-type immune response is required for protection against P.brasiliensis. Knowing that DC are the most effective APCs for inducing cellmediated immune responses, it is thus important to investigate lung DC and their potential to initiate an immune response in mice susceptible and resistant to PCM. Initially, we observed that lung DC from susceptible mice were more phagocytic than cells from resistant mice and we observed that phagocytosis in the presence of laminarin was inhibited only in DC from susceptible mice. Cytokines produced by DC from resistant mice showed a low concentration of IL-10, IL-12 and TNF-α. In contrast, DC from susceptible mice produced a high concentration of TNF-α and IL-10, but IL-10 production was significantly inhibited in the presence of laminarin. We also observed that DC from TLR-2KO mice presented a defective production of IL-10. We found that the gene expression for TLR2 is increased after infection in B10.A, but not in A/J mice. Thus, the capacity of lung DC from susceptible mice in inducing T cell activation was decreased. In conclusion, our data suggest that P.brasiliensis induces regulatory DC in susceptible mice, which promotes IL-10 production contributing to the susceptibility of B10.A mice against P.brasiliensis infection

    Modulation, activation of Dentritic cells by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    A paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica, endêmica na América Latina, causada pelo fungo dimórfico térmico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), cujo principal componente antigênico é a glicoproteína de 43 kDa (gp43). Diferentes formas clínicas podem ser desenvolvidas e estão diretamente associadas com vários graus de depressão da resposta imune celular. Considerando a importância das células dendríticas na interação dos sistemas imune inato e adaptativo, e na ativação de células T \"naive\", no presente trabalho estudamos se células dendríticas interagem com leveduras de P. brasiliensis, assim como seu principal componente antigênico (gp43). Foi demonstrado pela primeira vez que células dendríticas poderiam ser infectadas por leveduras de P. brasiliensis, e esse fungo permaneceu viável após fagocitose. Analisamos por citometria de fluxo a expressão das moléculas de superfície observando diminuição significativa da expressão das moléculas de MHC-II, CD80 e CD54 em células dendríticas quando estas foram incubadas com leveduras da cepa Pb18 ou com gp43. Esse resultado mostrou que a ação do P. brasiliensis em células dendríticas poderia ser mediada pela gp43. Ao analisarmos a síntese de IL-12, observamos diminuição significativa desta interleucina, quando células dendríticas ativadas com LPS, foram cultivadas na presença de leveduras de P. brasiliensis ou gp43. Esses resultados sugerem que a gp43 pode afetar várias funções das células hospedeiras, indicando que esta inibição pode ser usada pelo P. brasiliensis para reduzir a eficiência da resposta imune, facilitando assim o estabelecimento da infecção primária indivíduos suscetíveis.Paracoccidioidomycosis, endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, where the major antigenic component is a glycoprotein of 43kDa (gp43). The infection can evolve to different clinical forms that are associated to various degrees of suppressed cell-mediated immunity. The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in P.brasiliensis infection has never been investigated. With the recognition that DCs are able to initiate response in naïve T cells and that they also participate in Th cell education the present study was undertaken to understand whether DCs interact with P. brasiliensis or gp43, as well as to elucidate possible mechanisms and consequences of this interaction. In the present report, it was demonstrated for the first time that DCs could be infected by P. brasiliensis and survive. Our results indicate that P. brasiliensis infection and purified gp43 lead to down-regulation of MHC-II and adhesion properties of immature DCs. The down-regulation was also observed in LPS-induced DCs maturation, where the expression of MHC-II, CD80, CD54 and CD40 were significantly inhibited in the presence of P. brasiliensis or gp43. These data show that the actions of P. brasiliensis on DCs could be mediated by gp43. In addition, an inhibition of IL-12 production by gp43 was observed in LPS-induced DC maturation. These results suggest that gp43 affects many functions of the host cells, indicating that this inhibition might be used by P. brasiliensis to reduce the effectiveness of the immune response, thus facilitating the establishment and fate of primary infection in susceptible host

    Interaction of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis with pulmonary dendritic cells induces IL-10 production and TLR2 expression: possible mechanisms of susceptibility

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    A resposta imune adaptativa do tipo Th1 é necessária para proteção contra P. Brasiliensis. Sabendo que células dendrítica são APCs eficientes na ativação da resposta imune mediada por células, investigamos o potencial dessas células em iniciar a resposta imune inata em camundongos suscetíveis (B10.A) e resistentes (A/J) a PCM. Inicialmente, observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A são mais fagocíticas quando comparadas com células de camundongos A/J. Além disso, observamos que a fagocitose na presença de laminarina foi inibida somente em células dendríticas pulmonares de animais B10.A. A produção de citocinas por células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos A/J mostrou baixa concentração de IL-10, IL-12 e TNF-α. Ao contrário, células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos B10.A produziram altas concentrações de TNF-α e IL-10, mas, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente inibida na presença de laminarina. Nós também observamos que células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos TLR-2KO foram deficientes na produção de IL-10. Além disso, a expressão gênica para TLR-2 aumentou após infecção em camundongos B10.A, mas não nos A/J. Posteriormente, observamos que a capacidade de células dendríticas pulmonares de camundongos suscetíveis em induzir ativação de células T foi diminuída. De acordo com nossos resultados, sugerimos que P. brasiliensis induz células dendríticas regulatórias em camundongos suscetíveis, os quais promovem a produção de IL-10, contribuindo para a suscetibilidade de camundongos B10.A contra a infecção por P. brasiliensis.An adaptive Th1-type immune response is required for protection against P.brasiliensis. Knowing that DC are the most effective APCs for inducing cellmediated immune responses, it is thus important to investigate lung DC and their potential to initiate an immune response in mice susceptible and resistant to PCM. Initially, we observed that lung DC from susceptible mice were more phagocytic than cells from resistant mice and we observed that phagocytosis in the presence of laminarin was inhibited only in DC from susceptible mice. Cytokines produced by DC from resistant mice showed a low concentration of IL-10, IL-12 and TNF-α. In contrast, DC from susceptible mice produced a high concentration of TNF-α and IL-10, but IL-10 production was significantly inhibited in the presence of laminarin. We also observed that DC from TLR-2KO mice presented a defective production of IL-10. We found that the gene expression for TLR2 is increased after infection in B10.A, but not in A/J mice. Thus, the capacity of lung DC from susceptible mice in inducing T cell activation was decreased. In conclusion, our data suggest that P.brasiliensis induces regulatory DC in susceptible mice, which promotes IL-10 production contributing to the susceptibility of B10.A mice against P.brasiliensis infection

    Modulation, activation of Dentritic cells by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    A paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica, endêmica na América Latina, causada pelo fungo dimórfico térmico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), cujo principal componente antigênico é a glicoproteína de 43 kDa (gp43). Diferentes formas clínicas podem ser desenvolvidas e estão diretamente associadas com vários graus de depressão da resposta imune celular. Considerando a importância das células dendríticas na interação dos sistemas imune inato e adaptativo, e na ativação de células T \"naive\", no presente trabalho estudamos se células dendríticas interagem com leveduras de P. brasiliensis, assim como seu principal componente antigênico (gp43). Foi demonstrado pela primeira vez que células dendríticas poderiam ser infectadas por leveduras de P. brasiliensis, e esse fungo permaneceu viável após fagocitose. Analisamos por citometria de fluxo a expressão das moléculas de superfície observando diminuição significativa da expressão das moléculas de MHC-II, CD80 e CD54 em células dendríticas quando estas foram incubadas com leveduras da cepa Pb18 ou com gp43. Esse resultado mostrou que a ação do P. brasiliensis em células dendríticas poderia ser mediada pela gp43. Ao analisarmos a síntese de IL-12, observamos diminuição significativa desta interleucina, quando células dendríticas ativadas com LPS, foram cultivadas na presença de leveduras de P. brasiliensis ou gp43. Esses resultados sugerem que a gp43 pode afetar várias funções das células hospedeiras, indicando que esta inibição pode ser usada pelo P. brasiliensis para reduzir a eficiência da resposta imune, facilitando assim o estabelecimento da infecção primária indivíduos suscetíveis.Paracoccidioidomycosis, endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, where the major antigenic component is a glycoprotein of 43kDa (gp43). The infection can evolve to different clinical forms that are associated to various degrees of suppressed cell-mediated immunity. The role of dendritic cells (DCs) in P.brasiliensis infection has never been investigated. With the recognition that DCs are able to initiate response in naïve T cells and that they also participate in Th cell education the present study was undertaken to understand whether DCs interact with P. brasiliensis or gp43, as well as to elucidate possible mechanisms and consequences of this interaction. In the present report, it was demonstrated for the first time that DCs could be infected by P. brasiliensis and survive. Our results indicate that P. brasiliensis infection and purified gp43 lead to down-regulation of MHC-II and adhesion properties of immature DCs. The down-regulation was also observed in LPS-induced DCs maturation, where the expression of MHC-II, CD80, CD54 and CD40 were significantly inhibited in the presence of P. brasiliensis or gp43. These data show that the actions of P. brasiliensis on DCs could be mediated by gp43. In addition, an inhibition of IL-12 production by gp43 was observed in LPS-induced DC maturation. These results suggest that gp43 affects many functions of the host cells, indicating that this inhibition might be used by P. brasiliensis to reduce the effectiveness of the immune response, thus facilitating the establishment and fate of primary infection in susceptible host