1,991 research outputs found

    Resaltando la importancia de la educación matemática como un medio para aportar a la diversidad, a través de experiencias del aula inclusiva

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    Pretendemos dar a conocer la experiencia de aula llevada a cabo en el Colegio OEA de la ciudad de Bogotá, durante una pasantía con acuerdo de voluntades, establecido con la Licenciatura en educación básica con énfasis en Matemáticas, desarrollada en el trascurso del segundo semestre del año 2014, bajo el marco de la educación matemática inclusiva, en la cual se llevaron a cabo una serie de acompañamientos de aula en las horas de la clase de matemáticas y un apoyo extraescolar a la semana con el objetivo de ser un medio para darle un mejor acceso al estudiante con limitación visual al conocimiento de la matemática escolar pertinente a su grado

    Teaching english to children aged 2-6 years old.

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    En la actualidad, la formación de los alumnos de todas las instituciones (colegios, universidades e institutos) es una parte fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades que permitan la adquisición de conocimientos para trabajar a lo largo de todas las etapas de la vida. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar el trabajo realizado en relación con la enseñanza del inglés a niños menores de seis años. Se muestra cómo a través de las pequeñas palabras y el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa, los niños pueden desarrollar habilidades o destrezas comunicativas que facilitan el aprendizaje de esta nueva lengua. A través de este trabajo se identifican las dificultades que presentan los niños en la educación y se da a conocer el material didáctico y las habilidades implementadas que contribuyen al aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua. El proyecto se realizó con metodologías que permiten la enseñanza de vocabulario en inglés de todas las categorías (animales, frutas, objetos, negocios, etc.) que conducen a resultados positivos de aprendizaje.Currently, the training of students from all institutions (schools, universities, and institutes) is a fundamental part of the development of new skills that allow the acquisition of knowledge to work along all stages of life. This paper aims to present the work achieved regarding teaching English to children under six years old. It shows how through the small words and knowledge of the English language, children can develop skills or communication abilities that facilitate the learning of this new language. Through this work, the difficulties that children present in education are identified and the didactic material and implemented skills that contribute to the learning of English as a second language are made known. The project was carried out with methodologies that allow the teaching of English vocabulary of all categories (animals, fruit, objects, business, etc.) that lead to positive learning results.ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. THE COMPANY 1.1. HISTORY OF THE COMPANY 1.2. COMPANY DESCRIPTION: 1.2.1. CORPORATE NAME: ACES Sin Limites S.A.S. 1.2.2. LEGAL CONSTITUTION. 1.2.3. MISSION. 1.2.4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY CHAPTER 2: THE INTERNSHIP 2.1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM 2.2. OBJECTIVES OF THE INTERNSHIP 2.2.1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.2.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 2.3. ROLE OF THE TRAINEE AND FUNCTIONS TO BE PERFORMED 2.4. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES DURING THE INTERNSHIP PERIOD CHAPTER 3: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMPANY 3.1. ACHIEVEMENTS 3.2. SCOPE 3.3. LIMITATIONS CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GLOSSARY REFERENCES ANNEXES ANNEXES A ANNEXES B ANNEXES C ANNEXES D ANNEXES E ANNEXES F ANNEXES G ANNEXES H ANNEXES IPregradoLenguas Moderna

    Global and Regional Estimates of Violence Against Women: Prevalence and Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and Non-Partner Sexual Violence

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    Violence against women is a significant public health problem, as well as a fundamental violation of women's human rights.This report, developed by the World Health Organization, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the South African Medical Research Council presents the first global systematic review and synthesis of the body of scientific data on the prevalence of two forms of violence against women -- violence by an intimate partner (intimate partner violence) and sexual violence by someone other than a partner (nonpartner sexual violence). It shows, for the first time, aggregated global and regional prevalence estimates of these two forms of violence, generated using population data from all over the world that have been compiled in a systematic way. The report also details the effects of violence on women's physical, sexual and reproductive, and mental health.The findings are striking:* overall, 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. While there are many other forms of violence that women may be exposed to, this already represents a large proportion of the world's women;* most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, almost one third (30%) of all women who have been in a relationship have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner. In some regions, 38% of women have experienced intimate partner violence;* globally, as many as 38% of all murders of women are committed by intimate partners;* women who have been physically or sexually abused by their partners report higher rates of a number of important health problems. For example, they are 16% more likely to have a low-birth-weight baby. They are more than twice as likely to have an abortion, almost twice as likely to experience depression, and, in some regions, are 1.5 times more likely to acquire HIV, as compared to women who have not experienced partner violence;* globally, 7% of women have been sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner. There are fewer data available on the health effects of non-partner sexual violence. However, the evidence that does exist reveals that women who have experienced this form of violence are 2.3 times more likely to have alcohol use disorders and 2.6 times more likely to experience depression or anxiety.There is a clear need to scale up efforts across a range of sectors, both to prevent violence from happening in the first place and to provide necessary services for women experiencing violence

    Influencia del coaching como herramienta de gestión del talento humano en el nivel de satisfacción laboral de las tiendas Renzo Costa en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2015

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se elaboró con el propósito de determinar la influencia del coaching como herramienta de gestión del talento humano en el nivel de satisfacción laboral de las tiendas Renzo Costa en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2015. Se formula el problema: ¿Cómo influye el coaching como herramienta de gestión del talento humano, en el nivel de satisfacción laboral de las tiendas Renzo Costa en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2015?, considerando como hipótesis que el Coaching como herramienta de gestión del talento humano influye positivamente en la satisfacción laboral de las tiendas Renzo Costa en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2015. Se realizó una investigación a una población representada por los trabajadores de las tiendas Renzo Costa en la ciudad de Trujillo, en la muestra se consideró a los 6 trabajadores, 2 administrativos y 4 vendedores. A los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta para evaluar el nivel de satisfacción laboral y conocer la percepción de los mismos con respecto al coaching. Los resultados fueron presentados en cuadros estadísticos con números absolutos y porcentuales, los cuales han permitido demostrar que el coaching como herramienta de gestión del talento humano influye positivamente en el nivel de satisfacción laboral de todos los colaboradores quienes participaron del proceso de coaching de manera completa, a nivel individual y grupal, logrando aclarar sus objetivos dentro de la organización demostrando así que el coaching es una buena herramienta de gestión del talento humano.This research was developed in order to know how the influence of the management tool for human talent: coaching, influence the level of work satisfaction in the Renzo Costa stores in the city of Trujillo in 2015. The question is: How does the management tool for human talent coaching influence the level of work satisfaction in the Renzo Costa stores in the city of Trujillo in 2015? Hypothetically, considering the coaching in management tool for human talent as positive in the work satisfaction in the Renzo Costa stores in the city of Trujillo in 2015, in the sample is performed he considered at 6 workers, 2 administrative and 4 vendors. To whom they were given a survey to assess the level of job satisfaction and know the perception of them regarding coaching. The results were presented in statistical tables with absolute and percentage numbers, which have demonstrated that coaching as a management tool of human talent positively influences the level of job satisfaction of all employees who participated in the coaching process completely, individual and group level, achieving clarify its objectives within the organization demonstrating that coaching is a good tool for managing human talent.Tesi

    Importancia de las ventajas competitivas generadas por la calidad de la atención al cliente en “gasolinera de servicio UNO Estelí”, primer semestre 2017

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la importancia de las ventajas competitivas de “Gasolinera UNO Estelí”, primer semestre 2017, Con la aplicación de estrategias ayudarán a la gasolinera a establecer y mejorar la calidad de servicio del modo que estas les facilite el alcance de metas propuestas en la empresa. Para la recopilación de información y elaboración del marco teórico de esta investigación se citaron fuentes primarias como: libros, artículos, páginas web y como fuentes secundarias, se elaboraron encuestas dirigidas a los clientes que utilizan los servicios de Gasolinera UNO Estelí, con el fin de obtener información necesaria para la investigación, para conocer más de la empresa y de la marca que es el objeto de estudio. También se pudo observar que la falta de motivación al personal que se encarga de brindar atención al cliente, se refleja en ellos el bajo estado de ánimo, como resultado obtienen queja de los clientes por la atención no adecuada, que causa muchos disgustos de los clientes teniendo como resultado una baja afluencia en la Estación de Servicios Uno. Es importante analizar todos aquellos factores que intervienen en dicho comportamiento, para poder así corregir ciertos errores que impidan alcanzar los objetivos de la gasolinera UNO Estelí

    Acacia melanoxylon in Argentina: heartwood content and its relationship with site, growth and age of the trees

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    Aims of study: To characterize the wood of Acacia melanoxylon in relation to its potential use in the construction and furniture industry, here we determined the heartwood and sapwood content and distribution within the stem and analyzed their relationship with the growing site, age and growth rate of the trees. Finally, we predicted heartwood content by two easy-to-measure variables.Area of study: Buenos Aires, Argentina.Methods: 20 trees aged between 9 and 32 years were sampled in four sites. Axial sampling was carried out at four heights of the stem (base, breast height, and 30% and 50% of the total height), and the heartwood content (percentage and volume) and sapwood content (cm) determined.Results: The trees analyzed presented conical-shaped heartwood following the outline of the stem along all its commercial height. Within the stem, the highest volume of heartwood was observed at the basal region (53%) and up to 30% of total height, a feature observed in all the sites studied. The sapwood content was constant along the entire stem (2.18 cm). The age of the trees did not influence the heartwood content, whereas the environmental conditions provided by each site (heartwood/volume and heartwood/diameter growth positive ratios) did affect this feature.Research highlights: The absolute amount of heartwood was driven by growth rate, due to the forest structure of non-uniform age. The heartwood volume can be estimated through fitting linear equations (R2 0.78 - 0.89) with two easily measurable variables such as diameter at breast height and tree height

    Estrategias didácticas: dificultad o fortaleza en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el trabajo con fracciones algebraicas

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    El propósito de esta investigación es establecer las fortalezas y debilidades que traen consigo las diferentes estrategias que utilizan los docentes en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, con respecto a la formulación y desarrollo de operaciones con fracciones

    Proteolysis of Virulence Regulator Toxr is Associated with Entry of Vibrio Cholerae Into a Dormant State

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    Vibrio cholerae O1 is a natural inhabitant of aquatic environments and causes the diarrheal disease, cholera. Two of its primary virulence regulators, TcpP and ToxR, are localized in the inner membrane. TcpP is encoded on the Vibrio Pathogenicity Island (VPI), a horizontally acquired mobile genetic element, and functions primarily in virulence gene regulation. TcpP has been shown to undergo regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) in response to environmental conditions that are unfavorable for virulence gene expression. ToxR is encoded in the ancestral genome and is present in non-pathogenic strains of V. cholerae, indicating it has roles outside of the human host. In this study, we show that ToxR undergoes RIP in V. cholerae in response to nutrient limitation at alkaline pH, a condition that occurs during the stationary phase of growth. This process involves the site-2 protease RseP (YaeL), and is dependent upon the RpoE-mediated periplasmic stress response, as deletion mutants for the genes encoding these two proteins cannot proteolyze ToxR under nutrient limitation at alkaline pH. We determined that the loss of ToxR, genetically or by proteolysis, is associated with entry of V. cholerae into a dormant state in which the bacterium is normally found in the aquatic environment called viable but nonculturable (VBNC). Strains that can proteolyze ToxR, or do not encode it, lose culturability, experience a change in morphology associated with cells in VBNC, yet remain viable under nutrient limitation at alkaline pH. On the other hand, mutant strains that cannot proteolyze ToxR remain culturable and maintain the morphology of cells in an active state of growth. Overall, our findings provide a link between the proteolysis of a virulence regulator and the entry of a pathogen into an environmentally persistent state