696 research outputs found

    Commercial Serological Tests for the Diagnosis of Active Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    An up-to-date systematic review and meta-analysis by Karen Steingart and colleagues confirms that commercially available serological tests do not provide an accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis

    Lower body weight in rats under hypobaric hypoxia exposure would lead to reduced right ventricular hypertrophy and Increased AMPK activation

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    Background: Both chronic hypoxia (CH) and long-term chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) exposure lead to right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH). Weight loss is an effective intervention to improve cardiac function and energy metabolism in cardiac hypertrophy. Likewise, caloric restriction (CR) also plays an important role in this cardioprotection through AMPK activation. We aimed to determine the influence of body weight (BW) on RVH, AMPK and related variables by comparing rats exposed to both hypoxic conditions. Methods: Sixty male adult rats were separated into two groups (n = 30 per group) according to their previous diet: a caloric restriction (CR) group and an ad libitum (AL) group. Rats in both groups were randomly assigned to 3 groups: a normoxic group (NX, n = 10), a CIH group (2 days hypoxia/2 days normoxia; n = 10) and a CH group (n = 10). The CR group was previously fed 10 g daily, and the other was fed ad libitum. Rats were exposed to simulated hypobaric hypoxia in a hypobaric chamber set to 428 Torr (the equivalent pressure to that at an altitude of 4,600 m above sea level) for 30 days. Measurements included body weight; hematocrit; serum insulin; glycemia; the degree of RVH (Fulton’s index and histology); and AMPK, mTOR, and PP2C expression levels in the right ventricle determined by western blotting. Results: A lower degree of RVH, higher AMPK activation, and no activation of mTOR were found in the CR groups exposed to hypobaric hypoxia compared to the AL groups (p < 0.05). Additionally, decreased glycemia and serum insulin levels were observed. Interestingly, PP2C expression showed an increase in the AL groups but not in the CR groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Maintaining a low weight before and during exposure to high-altitude hypoxia, during either CH or CIH, could prevent a major degree of RVH. This cardioprotection would likely be due to the activation of AMPK. Thus, body weight is a factor that might contribute to RVH at high altitudes.This study was supported by grants from projects GORE FIC Tarapacá BIP30477541-0 and Internal Project VRIIP0098

    Adventitial alterations are the main features in pulmonary artery remodeling due to long-term chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia in rats

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    Long-termchronic intermittent exposure to altitude hypoxia is a labor phenomenon requiring further research. Using a rat model, we examined whether this type of exposure differed from chronic exposure in terms of pulmonary artery remodeling and other features. Rats were subjected to chronic hypoxia (CH, = 9) and long-term intermittent hypoxia (CIH2x2; 2 days of hypoxia/2 days of normoxia, = 10) in a chamber (428 Torr, 4,600m of altitude) for 46 days and compared to rats under normoxia (NX, = 10). Body weight, hematocrit, and right ventricle ratio were measured. Pulmonary artery remodeling was assessed using confocal microscopy of tissues stained with a nuclear dye (DAPI) and CD11b antibody. Both hypoxic conditions exhibited increased hematocrit and hypertrophy of the right ventricle, tunica adventitia, and tunica media, with no changes in lumen size. The medial hypertrophy area (larger in CH) depicted a significant increase in smooth muscle cell number. Additionally, CIH2x2 increased the adventitial hypertrophy area, with an increased cellularity and a larger prevalence of clustered inflammatory cells. In conclusion, CIH2x2 elicitsmilder effects on pulmonary artery medial layermuscularization and subsequent right ventricular hypertrophy than CH. However, CIH2x2 induces greater and characteristic alterations of the adventitial layerThis work was funded by GORE-FNDR-BIP: 30125349-0, AECID Nº A/030023/10, and CYTED-ALTMEDFIS grant

    Ring-fused 2-pyridones effective against multidrug-resistant Gram-positive pathogens and synergistic with standard-of-care antibiotics

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    The alarming rise of multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria has precipitated a healthcare crisis, necessitating the development of new antimicrobial therapies. Here we describe a new class of antibiotics based on a ring-fused 2-pyridone backbone, which are active against vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), a serious threat as classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria. Ring-fused 2-pyridone antibiotics have bacteriostatic activity against actively dividing exponential phase enterococcal cells and bactericidal activity against nondividing stationary phase enterococcal cells. The molecular mechanism of drug-induced killing of stationary phase cells mimics aspects of fratricide observed in enterococcal biofilms, where both are mediated by the Atn autolysin and the GelE protease. In addition, combinations of sublethal concentrations of ring-fused 2-pyridones and standard-of-care antibiotics, such as vancomycin, were found to synergize to kill clinical strains of VRE. Furthermore, a broad range of antibiotic resistant Gram-positive pathogens, including those responsible for the increasing incidence of antibiotic resistant healthcare-associated infections, are susceptible to this new class of 2-pyridone antibiotics. Given the broad antibacterial activities of ring-fused 2-pyridone compounds against Gram-positive (GmP) bacteria we term these compounds GmPcides, which hold promise in combating the rising tide of antibiotic resistant Gram-positive pathogens

    Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETS) en el Perú: estado actual y retos futuros

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    A health technology (drug, vaccine, medical device, procedure) is submitted to a systematic evaluation procedure, called Health Technology Assessment (HTA). The HTA process involves analyzing the properties, benefits, risks and costs of a technology applied to health care, and issuing evidence-based information, linking research and its findings with decision-making in the field of health. Based on the recommendations obtained as a result of the HTA, decision-makers in the health sector choose to admit or reject the incorporation of new health technologies. In Peru, as in the rest of the world, the health technology assessment process has been implemented for approximately ten years, and there are institutions with experience in preparing reports with the results of the HTA. This article provides a general overview of HTA in the world, with special emphasis on their evolution and development in Peru.Una tecnología sanitaria (medicamento, vacuna, dispositivo médico, procedimiento) es sometida a un procedimiento sistemático de valorización, denominado evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS). El proceso de ETS conlleva analizar una tecnología aplicada a la atención sanitaria, y emitir información basada en evidencias, vinculando la investigación y sus hallazgos con la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la salud. En base a las recomendaciones obtenidas como resultado de la ETS, los encargados de decidir en el sector salud optan por admitir o rechazar la inclusión de nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito sanitario. En el Perú, al igual que en el resto del mundo, la ETS se ha implementado desde hace aproximadamente diez años, existiendo instituciones con experiencia en la elaboración de informes con los resultados de la ETS. El presente artículo brinda un panorama general de las ETS en el mundo, con especial énfasis en su evolución y desarrollo en el Perú

    Long-Term Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia Induces Glucose Transporter (GLUT4) Translocation Through AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) in the Soleus Muscle in Lean Rats

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    Background: In chronic hypoxia (CH) and short-term chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) exposure, glycemia and insulin levels decrease and insulin sensitivity increases, which can be explained by changes in glucose transport at skeletal muscles involving GLUT1, GLUT4, Akt, and AMPK, as well as GLUT4 translocation to cell membranes. However, during long-term CIH, there is no information regarding whether these changes occur similarly or differently than in other types of hypoxia exposure. This study evaluated the levels of AMPK and Akt and the location of GLUT4 in the soleus muscles of lean rats exposed to long-term CIH, CH, and normoxia (NX) and compared the findings.Methods: Thirty male adult rats were randomly assigned to three groups: a NX (760 Torr) group (n = 10), a CIH group (2 days hypoxia/2 days NX; n = 10) and a CH group (n = 10). Rats were exposed to hypoxia for 30 days in a hypobaric chamber set at 428 Torr (4,600 m). Feeding (10 g daily) and fasting times were accurately controlled. Measurements included food intake (every 4 days), weight, hematocrit, hemoglobin, glycemia, serum insulin (by ELISA), and insulin sensitivity at days 0 and 30. GLUT1, GLUT4, AMPK levels and Akt activation in rat soleus muscles were determined by western blot. GLUT4 translocation was measured with confocal microscopy at day 30.Results: (1) Weight loss and increases in hematocrit and hemoglobin were found in both hypoxic groups (p < 0.05). (2) A moderate decrease in glycemia and plasma insulin was found. (3) Insulin sensitivity was greater in the CIH group (p < 0.05). (4) There were no changes in GLUT1, GLUT4 levels or in Akt activation. (5) The level of activated AMPK was increased only in the CIH group (p < 0.05). (6) Increased GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane of soleus muscle cells was observed in the CIH group (p < 0.05).Conclusion: In lean rats experiencing long-term CIH, glycemia and insulin levels decrease and insulin sensitivity increases. Interestingly, there is no increase of GLUT1 or GLUT4 levels or in Akt activation. Therefore, cellular regulation of glucose seems to primarily involve GLUT4 translocation to the cell membrane in response to hypoxia-mediated AMPK activation

    International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force recommendations for systematic sampling and processing of brains from epileptic dogs and cats

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    Traditionally, histological investigations of the epileptic brain are required to identify epileptogenic brain lesions, to evaluate the impact of seizure activity, to search for mechanisms of drug-resistance and to look for comorbidities. For many instances, however, neuropathological studies fail to add substantial data on patients with complete clinical work-up. This may be due to sparse training in epilepsy pathology and or due to lack of neuropathological guidelines for companion animals. The protocols introduced herein shall facilitate systematic sampling and processing of epileptic brains and therefore increase the efficacy, reliability and reproducibility of morphological studies in animals suffering from seizures. Brain dissection protocols of two neuropathological centres with research focus in epilepsy have been optimised with regards to their diagnostic yield and accuracy, their practicability and their feasibility concerning clinical research requirements. The recommended guidelines allow for easy, standardised and ubiquitous collection of brain regions, relevant for seizure generation. Tissues harvested the prescribed way will increase the diagnostic efficacy and provide reliable material for scientific investigations