505 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia

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    The article investigates the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia. A wide variety of approaches to study the problems and prospects of economic integration and the current dispute on the role of integration processes in the regional economic development determined the complexity in the review of the concepts «integration» and «integration activities» in order to form objective conditions to analyse the integration activity of business structures in the Russian regions. The monitoring of the current legal system of the Russian Federation carried out in the area of statistics and compiling statistical databases on mergers and acquisitions showed the absence of formal executive authority dealing with the compiling collections of information on the integration activity at the regional level. In this connection, the data of Russian information and analytical agencies made the information base of the research. As research tools, we used methods of the analysis of structural changes, methods of the analysis of economic differentiation and concentration, methods of non-parametric statistics. The article shows the close relationship between the social and economic development of the subjects of Russia and integrated business structures functioning on its territory. An investigation of the integration activity structure and dynamics in the subjects of the Russian Federation based on statistical data for the period from 2003 to 2012 has revealed the increasing heterogeneity of the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia. The hypothesis of a substantial divergence of the mergers and acquisitions of corporate structures in Russian regions has been confirmed by high values of the Gini coefficient, the Herfindahl index and the decile coefficient of differentiation. The research results are of practical importance, since they can be used to improve the existing federal programs aimed at evening-out disproportions in the social and economic development of Russian regions. The qualitative infrastructure formation of the merger and acquisition market and the development of regional policies in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian regions can be possible on the basis of the analysis presented

    The myth of the urban peasant

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    This paper explores, the ‘myth of the urban peasant’, the widespread belief that urban Russian households are surviving the collapse of employment and money incomes by turning to subsistence agriculture. On the basis of the analysis of official and survey data the paper shows that although many urban households grow food in their garden plots, those with low money incomes are the least likely to do so, while subsistence production is a complement rather than an alternative to paid employment. Moreover, those who do grow their own food work long hours for very little return, spending no less of their money income on buying food than do those who grow nothing. The implication is that dacha use is a leisure activity of the better-off rather than a survival strategy of the poor. Regional data suggests that urban agricultural production persists in those regions in which commercial agriculture and monetised relations are least developed which, it is surmised, retain memories of past shortages


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    Abstract: New media can become a forum for someone who wants to disseminate information just with one delivery  to all levels of society simultaneously. This new media is called social media. Dissemination of information through social media is carried out by the SMB Telkom National Admission, which uses Instagram with @smbtelkom account name. The aim of this study is to find out how much the influence of the motive has on the satisfaction of followers of @smbtelkom's Instagram account. In this study, quantitative research methods are used. The population in this study is the followers of @smbtelkom Instgram account. The sample amounted to 100 people using random sampling techniques. The results of this study are that there is a motive effect on satisfaction of Instagram @smbtelkom account followers by 63.9%. In the Motive variable, the most influential sub variable is Information Motive with a percentage of 84.6%. Likewise with the Satisfaction variable, the most influential sub variable is Information Satisfaction with a percentage of 84.0%

    A role for vasopressin and oxytocin in parental behavior of the male Sprague-Dawley rat

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    Paternal behavior, though infrequent in many mammalian species, can be induced under laboratory conditions through manipulation of either hormonal or environmental states. Rodent studies of parental behavior have implicated similarities for males and females in not only the actual behavioral repertoire, but also the brain mechanisms governing the set of behaviors in both sexes. The current project investigated changes in oxytocin and vasopressin in the hypothalamus of paternal male rats. We found that paternal behavior, which was readily induced through sensitization (chronic pup exposure), was significantly correlated with increasing oxytocin and vasopressin immunoreactivity within the paraventricular nucleus. Further, corticosterone levels were assessed as a measure of stress and were found to be significantly increased in the pup-exposed group, but uncorrelated to the change in neurohormone immunoreactivity. These findings indicate that the increase in neurohormone immunoreactivity occurred in concert with paternal behavior rather than as a result of a stressful experience

    Технологія здачі бухгалтерської звітності в електронній формі для користувачів економічних програм «1С»

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    Здійснено опис технології подання в електронному вигляді регламентованих бухгалтерських звітів до державних органів контролю. Використання запропонованої методики дозволяє автоматично перевіряти економічні показники та здавати документи у значно коротший термінDescription of technology of presentation in the electronic form of the regulated accountings reports for the establishments of control. Using of this method allows automatically to check economic indicators and hand over documents in more short tim