39 research outputs found

    Fizikalno modeliranje skrućivanja taline u loncu s argonskim miješanjem

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    The paper presents results of bath behaviour in the ladle model investigation during its gas argon bubbling realised by one or two stir elements situated in the ladle bottom. The study was performed with use of physical modelling method on a scale model 1 to 10. Development of homogenisation processes after start of bubbling was evaluated on the basis of electrical conductivity and temperature change, which were measured at three points of the ladle volume by conductivity and temperature sensors. Executed works were realised for conditions of 180 tons steel ladles.Fizikalno modeliranje skrućivanja taline u loncu s argonskim miješanjem. Članak rad prikazuje rezultate eksperimentalnog istraživanja ponašanja taline u modelu lonca s miješanjem pomoću mjehurića argona dovedenog kroz jedan ili dva mješača na dnu lonca. Istraživanje je provedeno koristeći metodu fizikalnog modeliranja na modelu u mjerilu 1 : 10. Tijek skrućivanja (homogenizacije) nakon početka upuštanja mjehurića procjenjivan je temeljem promjena električne vodljivosti i temperature, mjerenjima pomoću senzora vodljivosti i temeprature na tri točke unutar volumena lonca. Eksperiment je proveden za uvjete lonca od 180 tona

    Evaluation of the chemical composition and microcleanliness of the steel samples from the heavy forging ingot

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    The paper presents new results obtained from the evaluation of the chemical composition, microcleanliness and structure of the 90-ton heavy ingot cast in two successive heats, in which the content of Cu and Ni was intentionally modified in order to assess the degree of mutual mixing of the two heats in the ingot volume during the steel casting and solidification. For determination of chemical composition, spectral analysis and LECO were used. Microcleanliness evaluation was carried out on a Hitachi microanalytical complex equipped with the energy-dispersive spectrometer Vantage. To assess the composition of oxide non-metallic inclusions ternary diagrams were used. Structure of the basic steel matrix was induced by etching. The evaluation showed that in the casting of two successive heats, a certain degree of inhomogeneity of chemical composition, especially in the lower part of the ingot can be assumed in case of different composition. A greater segregation of sulphur in the central top part of the ingot was also detected. However, microcleanliness of the entire ingot is in general very good with low proportions of non-metallic inclusions.Web of Science5841167116

    Physical modelling of degassing process by blowing of inert gas

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    This paper deals with the possibilities of using physical modelling to study the degassing of metal melt during its treatment in the refining ladle. The method of inert gas blowing, so-called refining gas, presents the most common operational technology for the elimination of impurities from molten metal, e.g. for decreasing or removing the hydrogen content from liquid aluminium. This refining process presents the system of gas-liquid and its efficiency depends on the creation of fine bubbles with a high interphase surface, uniform distribution, long period of its effect in the melt, and mostly on the uniform arrangement of bubbles into the whole volume of the refining ladle. Physical modelling represents the basic method of modelling and it makes it possible to obtain information about the course of refining processes. On the basis of obtained results, it is possible to predict the behaviour of the real system during different changes in the process. The experimental part focuses on the evaluation of methodical laboratory experiments aimed at the proposal and testing of the developed methods of degassing during physical modelling. The results obtained on the basis of laboratory experiments realized on the specific physical model were discussed.Web of Science63299298

    Research and development of the solidification of slab ingots from special tool steels

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    The paper describes the research and development of casting and solidification of slab ingots from special tool steels by means of numerical modelling using the finite element method. The pre-processing, processing and post-processing phases of numerical modelling are outlined. Also, problems with determining the thermophysical properties of materials and heat transfer between the individual parts of the casting system are discussed. Based on the type of grade of tool steel, the risk of final porosity is predicted. The results allowed to improve the production technology of slab ingots, and also to verify the ratio, the chamfer and the external/internal shape of the wall of the new designed slab ingots.Web of Science6231458145


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    Thermo-physical and thermodynamic properties of metallic systems represent some of the most important data that allows to describe their behaviour under strictly specified conditions. These data are the basic, input data for simulative programs, which can model this behaviour and they can be applied to real conditions. Method of direct thermal analysis is the one of the methods of enabling to obtain such data. This paper deals with application of this method on particular sample of pure standard material. The experimental laboratory system for thermal analysis Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter was used for experimental measurements. This paper is studying the influence of experimental conditions on the obtained temperature of phase transformations and on shift of phase transformation temperatures with respect to the monitored experimental conditions, accuracy and credibility of the measured data. Acquired values of this data could be significantly influenced by experimental conditions, size (mass) of samples, purity of inert atmosphere and also by regimes of controlled heating and cooling rates.Właściwości fizyczne i termodynamiczne układów metalicznych stanowią jedne z najważniejszych danych, które pozwalają opisać ich zachowanie w ściśle określonych warunkach. Dane te są podstawowymi danymi wejściowymi dla programu, który może symulować model tych zachowań i które mogą być zastosowane do rzeczywistych warunków. Metoda prostej (bezpośredniej) analizy termicznej jest jedną z metod pozwalających na uzyskanie takich danych. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy zastosowania tej metody, w szczególności próbki czystego materiału standardowego. Do pomiarów eksperymentalnych było używane urządzenie dla analizy termicznej Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter. W artykule analizowano wpływ warunków doświadczalnych na uzyskane temperatury przemian fazowych oraz na zmiany temperatur przemian fazowych z uwzględnieniem monitorowanych warunków doświadczalnych, dokładności i wiarygodności danych pomiarowych. Warunki doświadczalne, wielkości (masa) próbek, czystość atmosfery obojętnej, a przedziały kontrolowanej szybkości ogrzewania i chłodzenia mogą w znaczący sposób wpływać na otrzymane wartości tych danych.Web of Science6042871286

    Physical modelling of tundish slag entrainment under various technological conditions

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    This paper deals with the issue of physical modelling of vortexes creation and tundish slag entrainment over the mouth of the nozzle into the individual casting strands. Proper physical model is equivalent to the operational continuous casting machine No. 2 in TRINECKE ZELEZARN, a.s. Physical modelling methodology and simulated operational conditions are shortly described. Physical modelling was used for the evaluation of current conditions of steel casting at the application of different impact pads in the tundish. Further, laboratory measurement on the physical model aiming the determination of exact critical periods of vortexes creation and study of the slag entrainment as a consequence of changes in surface level during the tundish refilling to standard level were realised. The obtained results were analysed and discussed.Web of Science6231471146

    Physical and numerical modelling of a non-stationary steel flow through a subentry shroud with an inner metering nozzle

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    The paper presents new knowledge about physical and numerical modelling of a non-stationary steel flow into a mould through a subentry shroud with an inner, pressed metering nozzle. The physical and numerical modelling was realized under the conditions of the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. A special type of the subentry shroud is used during continuous casting of steel in Tøinecké `elezárny, a.s. During continuous casting of steel, two unfavourable phenomena were observed. In the first case, it was not possible to increase the casting speed, though the diameter of the metering nozzle was extended. In the second case, a fluctuation of the casting speed among individual casting strands was detected. These two problems did not allow an improvement of the performance of the casting machine. Therefore, the physical and numerical modelling was performed. Attention was focused on the verification of the effect of the inner diameter of the nozzle body and internal diameter of the metering nozzle on the resulting volume flow rates. Four diameters of the metering nozzle – (16; 17; 17.5; 18) mm – were tested. The physical modelling was done on a 1 : 1 model constructed from Plexiglas. The numerical modelling was realized in the ANSYS FLUENT software. On the basis of the results of the modelling study and in cooperation with the VESUVIUS company, a new type of the profile of the subentry shroud with a metering nozzle was designed. The first experimental results in the steel plant led to an increase in the productivity of the continuous-casting machine.Web of Science47681480

    Prediction of qualitative parameters of slab steel ingot using numerical modelling

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    The paper describes the verification of casting and solidification of heavy slab ingot weighing 40 t from tool steel by means of numerical modelling with use of a finite element method. The pre-processing, processing and post-processing phases of numerical modelling are outlined. Also, the problems with determination of the thermodynamic properties of materials and with determination of the heat transfer between the individual parts of the casting system are discussed. The final porosity, macrosegregation and the risk of cracks were predicted. The results allowed us to use the slab ingot instead of the conventional heavy steel ingot and to improve the ratio, the chamfer and the external shape of the wall of the new design of the slab ingot.Web of Science55339839

    Numerical modelling of macrosegregation in heavy steel ingot

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    The paper presents new knowledge and experience from numerical modelling of macrosegregation in heavy steel ingot using ProCAST software. The main aim of numerical modelling realized under the conditions of the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry and Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre at VSB-TU Ostrava is the optimization of the production of heavy steel ingots produced in V´ITKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Input parameters of computation were determined by the real conditions of parallel experimental casting of a 90-ton steel ingot. The input data were also verified by thermal analysis and thermography measurement. The numerical results of macrosegregation were compared with the chemical analysis evaluated in a real ingot section. According to the comparison, attention will be focused next on determination of the effect of boundary conditions of filling and solidification of the ingot on the size of macrosegregation.Web of Science58117717

    Evaluation of influence of briquetted synthetic slags on slag regime and process of steel desulphurization

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    This paper presents the industrial results of evaluation of efficiency of synthetic slags during the treatment of steel at the equipment of the secondary metallurgy under conditions of the steel plant VÍTKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. The aim of the heats was to assess the influence of the briquetted and sintered synthetic slags based on Al2O3 aiming the course of the steel desulphurization and slag regime during the production and treatment of steel grade 42CrMo4 with the technology EAF→LF→ VD. Within the plant experiments, basic parameters influencing the steel desulphurization and slag regime were monitored: desulphurization degree, basicity, content of easily reducible oxides, proportion of CaO/Al2O3 and Mannesmann’s index. Obtained results allowed to compare the steel desulphurization and to evaluate the slag regime. It was proved that the synthetic slag presenting the briquetted mixture of secondary corundum raw materials can adequately replace the synthetic slag created from the sintered mixture of natural raw materials.W pracy tej przedstawiono przemysłowe wyniki oceny efektywności zastosowania żużli syntetycznych podczas obróbki pozapiecowej stali w zakładzie VÍTKOVlCE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Celem badań był a ocena wpływu brykietówanych i spiekanych żużli syntetycznych opartych na AI2O3 - na przebieg odsiarczania stali i żużla podczas produkcji i obróbki stali 42CrMo4. zgodnie z technologią EAF → LF → VD. Podczas eksperymentów w zakładzie, monitorowano podstawowe parametry wpływające na odsiarczania stali i żużla: stopień odsiarczania, zasadowość, zawartość tlenków łatwo redukowałnych, stosunek CaO/Al2O3 oraz indeks Mannesniann’a. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na porównanie stopnia odsiarczania stali w kontekście zastosowanych żużli. Wykazano, że syntetyczny żużel składający się z brykietowanej mieszaniny wtórnego korundu, może zastąpić syntetyczny żużel otrzymywany ze spieku mieszaniny surowców naturalnych.Web of Science59281380