33 research outputs found

    Information Efficiency of Central Europe Stock Exchanges (in Czech)

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    The authors use a variance ratio test to test the weak form of market efficiency as regards capital markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and in the United States. Market efficiency was tested using weekly and monthly values of relevant market indices in a period from 1993 until August 2004. The main results of the research show that (1) the weak form of the efficient market hypothesis could not be rejected for Central European capital markets; (2) market efficiency was observed over time on all the observed markets; (3) the Central European capital markets converged to the U.S. capital market (in terms of the weak form of market efficiency).market efficiency, market index, PX-50, variance ratio test

    Lower Badenian deposits on the locality Zaječí hora

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    Lower Badenian deposits was newly outcropped on the locality Zaječí hora (Brno city). Sedimentological and paleontological study of the succession recognised two facies associations. The lower one was formed by the Lower Badenian clastic deposits known locally as „Brno sands“. The upper one is formed by the Lower Badenian offshore clays known as „Tegel“.  The Neogene beds were covered by Quaternary loess loam.  Lower Badenian succession is interpeted as progradation of the Gilbert-type delta foreset into  relatively deep basin followed by the final flooding of the area by the open sea. The position of the locality close to a steep basin margins was prone to reflect role of local factors influencing the depositional processes and conditions. Lower Badenian deposits was newly outcropped on the locality Zaječí hora (Brno city). Sedimentological and paleontological study of the succession recognised two facies associations. The lower one was formed by the Lower Badenian clastic deposits known locally as „Brno sands“. The upper one is formed by the Lower Badenian offshore clays known as „Tegel“.  The Neogene beds were covered by Quaternary loess loam.  Lower Badenian succession is interpeted as progradation of the Gilbert-type delta foreset into  relatively deep basin followed by the final flooding of the area by the open sea. The position of the locality close to a steep basin margins was prone to reflect role of local factors influencing the depositional processes and conditions.&nbsp

    Paleoenvironment during the Lower Badenian along the northern margin of Brno city (the Diviš district)

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    Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area. Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area

    Destitution benefits as an instrument keep of social exclusion of residens in Czech Republic.

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    katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 disketa; rozsah: 108 s., , 36 s. přílohThe goal of my bachelor thesis consists in characterization of present status of help to citizens with the lowest income which should help them to eliminate their dependence on the social-security-benefit system. The system, in fact, tries to eliminate poverty trap, or in other words to eliminate creation of dependence on social security benefits. Secondly, the thesis describes problematic parts of material shortage, which should not act just as income compensation. The social help should correlate with activity of a client of the social-security-benefit system. Thereby I would like to refer to higher efficiency of the new system. The crux of my bachelor work is an analysis of social security benefits and social security benefits in material shortage, and analysis of efficiency factors.Cíl bakalářské práce spočívá v charakterizování současného stavu pomoci občanům s nejnižšími příjmy, který jim má pomáhat dostat se ze závislosti na sociální síti. Tento systém se snaží odstraňovat past chudoby, neboli eliminovat vytváření závislosti na sociálních dávkách. Dále pak popisuje problematická místa systému hmotné nouze, která by již neměla vystupovat jako pouhá náhrada příjmu. Sociální pomoc by se měla více odvíjet od aktivity klientů sociálních dávek. Tímto jsem chtěl poukázat na vyšší efektivitu nového systému. Těžištěm práce je analýza dávek sociální potřebnosti a dávek pomoci v hmotné nouzi a zhodnocení vybraných faktorů efektivnosti

    Gravimetrické základny na území České republiky

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    Centrační prvky při tíhových měřeních

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