1,790 research outputs found

    Internships and the Assessment of Student Learning

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    The use of internships is a powerful learning tool that allow business students to make connections between their classroom experience and the world of work. If designed appropriately and positioned correctly in the curriculum, they can also be an ideal opportunity to conduct assurance of learning activities related to business school accreditation. This study reports on survey results relating to business schools’ use of internships in their assurance of learning efforts and describes one school’s successful attempt to use internships as the key platform for its well-developed assurance of learning program

    Performa Bangunan Yang Didesain Menurut Sni 1726-2002 Dan Sni 1726-2012 Pada Bangunan Beraturan 7- Dan 3-lantai Di Wilayah Surabaya Peta Gempa Indonesia

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    Gempa besar yang terjadi di Indonesia belakangan ini, mengakibatkan Perubahan pada peraturan gempa Indonesia dari SNI 1726-2002 menjadi SNI 1726-2012. Perubahan pada isi peraturan ini salah satunya mengenai besar respon spektrum desain dimana banyak wilayah menunjukan peningkatan, salah satunya di Surabaya. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimana kinerja bangunan yang direncanakan berdasarkan SNI 1726-2002 dan SNI 1726-2012 jika dianalisa dengan beban gempa riwayat waktu yang disesuaikan dengan respon spektrum sesuai SNI 1726-2012. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengevaluasi kinerja bangunan beton bertulang yang direncanakan berdasarkan SNI 1726-2002 pada sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus (SRPMK), menengah (SRPMM), dan biasa (SRPMB) dan berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012 dengan sistem SRPMK jika dianalisa dengan beban gempa riwayat waktu yang disesuaikan dengan respon spektrum sesuai SNI 1726-2012, dengan berbagai level gempa sesuai FEMA 356. Penelitian dilakukan pada bangunan beraturan 7 dan 3 lantai di wilayah Surabaya kelas tanah sedang. Kinerja bangunan diuji dengan analisis dinamis time history nonlinier menggunakan program SAP2000v.11. Hasil penelitian gedung 3 lantai menunjukan bangunan yang direncanakan tidak dapat bertahan saat diberikan beban gempa rencana SNI 1726-2012. Drift ratio bangunan 7-lantai untuk bangunan SRPMK yang didesain dengan SNI 1726-2002 dan SNI 1726-2012 menunjukan performa yang baik saat gempa menurut SNI 1726-2012 diberikan, sedangkan bangunan SRPMM dan SRPMB yang didesain dengan SNI 1726-2002 menujukan performa yang buruk karena kerusakan getas terjadi pada bagian kolom

    Dynamical fluctuations for semi-Markov processes

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    We develop an Onsager-Machlup-type theory for nonequilibrium semi-Markov processes. Our main result is an exact large time asymptotics for the joint probability of the occupation times and the currents in the system, establishing some generic large deviation structures. We discuss in detail how the nonequilibrium driving and the non-exponential waiting time distribution influence the occupation-current statistics. The violation of the Markov condition is reflected in the emergence of a new type of nonlocality in the fluctuations. Explicit solutions are obtained for some examples of driven random walks on the ring.Comment: Minor changes, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics


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    Abstract: The authority to withdraw, collect and distribute royalties from the Collective Management Institute and the National Collective Management Institute has a long tail, considering that the LMK in Indonesia itself (Multi LMK). The government ratified Government Regulation Number 56 of 2021 concerning Management of Song Copyright Royalties on March 30, 2021 in order to achieve efficiency in the collection, collection and distribution of royalties. The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out how the role of the National Collective Management Institute in optimizing the management of royalties for the use of creations and related rights products in the field of songs and music. The research method used is qualitative with the type of descriptive research, with the type of empirical juridical research with a focus on examining the rules or norms in the applicable positive law. In collecting data, this study used an observation and interview approach by going through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions

    Stress-Induced Out-of-Context Activation of Memory

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    An intensely stressful experience can itself activate memories that are unrelated to the stressful experience. This previously unknown property of stress could help explain how traumatic memories become pathological

    Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes Adaptively: Multidimensionality Matters!

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    As there is currently a marked increase in the use of both unidimensional (UCAT) and multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) in psychological and health measurement, the main aim of the present study is to assess the incremental value of using MCAT rather than separate UCATs for each dimension. Simulations are based on empirical data that could be considered typical for health measurement: a large number of dimensions (4), strong correlations among dimensions (.77-.87), and polytomously scored response data. Both variable- (SE <.316, SE <.387) and fixed-length conditions (total test length of 12, 20, or 32 items) are studied. The item parameters and variance–covariance matrix Φ are estimated with the multidimensional graded response model (GRM). Outcome variables include computerized adaptive test (CAT) length, root mean square error (RMSE), and bias. Both simulated and empirical latent trait distributions are used to sample vectors of true scores. MCATs were generally more efficient (in terms of test length) and more accurate (in terms of RMSE) than their UCAT counterparts. Absolute average bias was highest for variable-length UCATs with termination rule SE <.387. Test length of variable-length MCATs was on average 20% to 25% shorter than test length across separate UCATs. This study showed that there are clear advantages of using MCAT rather than UCAT in a setting typical for health measurement

    Stump sensibility in children with upper limb reduction deficiency

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    Objectives: To compare stump sensibility in children with upper limb reduction deficiency with sensibility of the unaffected arm and hand. In addition, to evaluate the associations between stump sensibility, stump length and activity level.Design: Cross-sectional study.Subjects: Children and young adults aged 6-25 years with upper limb reduction deficiency.Methods: Threshold of touch was measured with Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments, stereognosis was measured with the Shape-Texture Identification test and kinaesthesia and activity level was measured with the Child Amputee Prosthetics Project Functional Status Inventory and the Prosthetic Upper Extremity Functional Index.Results: A total of 31 children with upper limb reduction deficiency (mean age 15 years, 3 prosthesis wearers) were investigated. The threshold of touch of the stump circumference was lower (indicating higher sensibility) than of the unaffected arm (p=0.006), hand (p=0.004) and stump end-point (p=Conclusion: Threshold of touch, stereognosis and kinaesthesia of the affected sides were excellent. Threshold of touch of the stump circumference was lower (indicating higher sensibility) than of the unaffected arm and hand. High stump sensibility may clarify good functioning in the children without prostheses and contribute to prosthesis rejection.</p

    Geometrodynamics of Schwarzschild Black Holes

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    The curvature coordinates T,RT,R of a Schwarz\-schild spacetime are turned into canonical coordinates T(r),R(r)T(r), {\sf R}(r) on the phase space of spherically symmetric black holes. The entire dynamical content of the Hamiltonian theory is reduced to the constraints requiring that the momenta PT(r),PR(r)P_{T}(r), P_{\sf R}(r) vanish. What remains is a conjugate pair of canonical variables mm and pp whose values are the same on every embedding. The coordinate mm is the Schwarzschild mass, and the momentum pp the difference of parametrization times at right and left infinities. The Dirac constraint quantization in the new representation leads to the state functional Ψ(m;T,R]=Ψ(m)\Psi (m; T, {\sf R}] = \Psi (m) which describes an unchanging superposition of black holes with different masses. The new canonical variables may be employed in the study of collapsing matter systems.Comment: 44 pages, Latex file, UU-REL-94/3/