36 research outputs found

    Distributional records of Ross Sea (Antarctica) Tanaidacea from museum samples stored in the collections of the Italian National Antarctic Museum (MNA) and the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

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    Here we present distributional records for Tanaidacea specimens collected during several Antarctic expeditions to the Ross Sea: the Italian PNRA expeditions (“V”, 1989/1990; “XI”, 1995/1996; “XIV”, 1998/1999; “XIX”, 2003/2004; “XXV”, 2009/2010) and the New Zealand historical (New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, NZOI, 1958-1961) and recent (“TAN0402 BIOROSS” voyage, 2004 and “TAN0802 IPY-CAML Oceans Survey 20/20” voyage, 2008) expeditions. Tanaidaceans were obtained from bottom samples collected at depths ranging from 16 to 3543 m by using a variety of sampling gears. On the whole, this contribution reports distributional data for a total of 2953 individuals belonging to 33 genera and 50 species. All vouchers are permanently stored in the Italian National Antarctic Museum collection (MNA), Section of Genoa (Italy) and at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA Invertebrate Collection), Wellington (New Zealand).The tanaidaceans were collected during different Italian and New Zealand research expeditions to the Ross Sea funded by the Italian National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) and the New Zealand Government, the Ministry for Primary Industries (formerly the Ministry of Fisheries) and the Ocean Survey 20/20 CAML Advisory Group, listed below: Italian PNRA Project 3.2.1 (Oceanography) (“V” expedition, 1989/1990, R/V “Malippo”). Italian PNRA Project 2a and 2d.2 (Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean) (“XI” expedition, 1995/1996, R/V “Italica”). Italian PNRA Project 2b.3 (Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean) (“XIV” expedition, 1998/1999, R/V “Malippo”). Italian PNRA Project Program 2002/8.6 (“The costal ecosystem of Victoria Land coast: distribution and structure along the latitudinal gradient”) (“XIX” expedition, 2003/2004, R/V “Italica” 2004). Italian PNRA Project 2006/08.01 (“The coastal ecosystem of Terra Nova Bay” in the Latitudinal Gradient Program (LGP)) (“XXV” expedition, 2009/2010). The Ross Sea Endeavour surveys (1958-59 and 1959-60, HMNZS “Endeavour II” and 1960–1961, “Endeavour III”) conducted by the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute (NZOI, now NIWA) – founded by the New Zealand government. New Zealand BIOROSS voyage (TAN0402, 2004, R/V “Tangaroa”) – funded by NIWA and the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries (formerly the Ministry of Fisheries). New Zealand IPY-CAML voyage (TAN0802, 2008, R/V “Tangaroa”) – Census of Antarctic Marine Life programme – funded by the Government of New Zealand and administered by the Ocean Survey 20/20 CAML Advisor Group (Land Information New Zealand and the Ministry of Fisheries, Antarctica New Zealand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and NIWA). We would like to acknowledge the Italian National Antarctic Program (PNRA) for funding and logistic support of the scientific expeditions. The TAN0402 BIOROSS” voyage (2004) was undertaken by the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research and financed by the former New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries. The “TAN0802 IPY-CAML Oceans Survey 20/20” voyage (2008) was funded by the New Zealand Government under the New Zealand International Polar Year Census of Antarctic Marine Life Project. We gratefully acknowledge project governance provided by the Ministry of Fisheries Science Team and the Ocean Survey 20/20 CAML Advisory Group (Land Information New Zealand, Ministry for Primary Industries (Fisheries), Antarctica New Zealand, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research)

    Bait-attending amphipods of the Tonga Trench and depth-stratified population structure in the scavenging amphipod Hirondellea dubia Dahl, 1959

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    Background The hadal zone encompasses the deepest parts of the world’s ocean trenches from depths of ∌6,000–11,000 m. The communities observed at these depths are dominated by scavenging amphipods that rapidly intercept and consume carrion as it falls to the deepest parts of the trenches. New samples collected in the Tonga Trench provide an opportunity to compare the amphipod assemblages and the population structure of a dominant species, Hirondellea dubia Dahl, 1959, between trenches and with earlier data presented for the Tonga Trench, and other trenches in the South Pacific. Methods Over 3,600 individual scavenging amphipods across 10 species were collected in seven baited traps at two sites; in the Horizon Deep site, the deepest part of the Tonga Trench (10,800 m) and a site directly up-slope at the trench edge (6,250 m). The composition of the bait-attending amphipods is described and a morphometric analysis of H. dubia examines the bathymetric distribution of the different life stages encountered. Results The amphipod assemblage was more diverse than previously reported, seven species were recorded for the first time from the Tonga Trench. The species diversity was highest at the shallower depth, with H. dubia the only species captured at the deepest site. At the same time, the abundance of amphipods collected at 10,800 m was around sevenfold higher than at the shallower site. H. dubia showed clear ontogenetic vertical structuring, with juveniles dominant at the shallow site and adults dominant at the deep site. The amphipods of the deeper site were always larger at comparable life stage. Discussion The numbers of species encountered in the Tonga Trench is less than reported from the New Hebrides and Kermadec trenches, and six species encountered are shared across trenches. These findings support the previous suggestion that the fauna of the New Hebrides, Tonga and Kermadec Trenches may represent a single biogeographic province. The ontogenetic shift in H. dubia between the two Tonga Trench sites supports the hypothesis of interspecific competition at the shallower bathymetric range of the species, and the presence of competitive physiological advantages that allow the adults at the trench axis to exploit the more labile organic material that reaches the bottom of the trench

    Dancing for Food in the Deep Sea: Bacterial Farming by a New Species of Yeti Crab

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    Vent and seep animals harness chemosynthetic energy to thrive far from the sun's energy. While symbiont-derived energy fuels many taxa, vent crustaceans have remained an enigma; these shrimps, crabs, and barnacles possess a phylogenetically distinct group of chemosynthetic bacterial epibionts, yet the role of these bacteria has remained unclear. We test whether a new species of Yeti crab, which we describe as Kiwa puravida n. sp, farms the epibiotic bacteria that it grows on its chelipeds (claws), chelipeds that the crab waves in fluid escaping from a deep-sea methane seep. Lipid and isotope analyses provide evidence that epibiotic bacteria are the crab's main food source and K. puravida n. sp. has highly-modified setae (hairs) on its 3rd maxilliped (a mouth appendage) which it uses to harvest these bacteria. The Δ- and γ- proteobacteria that this methane-seep species farms are closely related to hydrothermal-vent decapod epibionts. We hypothesize that this species waves its arm in reducing fluid to increase the productivity of its epibionts by removing boundary layers which may otherwise limit carbon fixation. The discovery of this new species, only the second within a family described in 2005, stresses how much remains undiscovered on our continental margins

    The Magnitude of Global Marine Species Diversity

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    Background: The question of how many marine species exist is important because it provides a metric for how much we do and do not know about life in the oceans. We have compiled the first register of the marine species of the world and used this baseline to estimate how many more species, partitioned among all major eukaryotic groups, may be discovered. Results: There are ∌226,000 eukaryotic marine species described. More species were described in the past decade (∌20,000) than in any previous one. The number of authors describing new species has been increasing at a faster rate than the number of new species described in the past six decades. We report that there are ∌170,000 synonyms, that 58,000–72,000 species are collected but not yet described, and that 482,000–741,000 more species have yet to be sampled. Molecular methods may add tens of thousands of cryptic species. Thus, there may be 0.7–1.0 million marine species. Past rates of description of new species indicate there may be 0.5 ± 0.2 million marine species. On average 37% (median 31%) of species in over 100 recent field studies around the world might be new to science. Conclusions: Currently, between one-third and two-thirds of marine species may be undescribed, and previous estimates of there being well over one million marine species appear highly unlikely. More species than ever before are being described annually by an increasing number of authors. If the current trend continues, most species will be discovered this century


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    Key to the species of the genus <i>Nicippe</i> <p> 1. Urosome 1 distodorsally without process............................................................. <i>N. buchi</i></p> <p>- urosome 1 distodorsally bearing process................................................................... 2</p> <p> 2. Urosome 1 mid-dorsally bidentate at distal margin.................................................... <i>N. tumida</i></p> <p>- urosome 1 distodorsally armed with a single tooth............................................................ 3</p> <p> 3. Pereonites 1 and 7 the widest, pereonites 2–6 shorter, subequal; uropod 3 peduncle with unarmed distodorsal lobe................................................................................................ <b> <i>N. rogeri</i> sp. nov.</b> </p> <p> - pereonites 1–4 subequal, shorter than 5–7 with segment 5 the longest, uropod 3 peduncle with 3 pointed distodorsal process........................................................................................... <i>N. unidentata</i></p>Published as part of <i>Lörz, Anne-Nina & Schnabel, Kareen, 2015, A new amphipod Nicippe rogeri sp. nov. (Crustacea, Pardaliscidae) from New Zealand's deep sea in Zootaxa 3995 (1)</i>, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3995.1.11, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/243013">http://zenodo.org/record/243013</a&gt

    A new amphipod Nicippe rogeri sp. nov. (Crustacea, Pardaliscidae) from New Zealand's deep sea

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    Lörz, Anne-Nina, Schnabel, Kareen (2015): A new amphipod Nicippe rogeri sp. nov. (Crustacea, Pardaliscidae) from New Zealand's deep sea. Zootaxa 3995 (1), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3995.1.1

    Nicippe rogeri Lörz & Schnabel, 2015, sp. nov.

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    <i>Nicippe rogeri</i> sp. nov. <p>(FigS 1–3)</p> <p> <b>Material examined: Holotype</b> - female (NIWA 8314), 11.3 mm, 43.507– 43.510 °S, 178.648– 178.635°E, St. V361, 340– 345 m, Agassiz Trawl, 0 6 September 1989.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> <i>Nicippe rogeri</i> sp. nov. is dedicated to Roger Bamber, in acknowledgement of his dedication to the taxonomy and systematics of marine arthropods. It is with thanks from NIWA in Wellington, New Zealand, to him for his help in identifying our holdings of tanaids and pycnogonids and providing taxonomic training to staff at the NIWA Invertebrate Collection. We highly appreciate his pleasant company, as mentor and friend, and on fieldtrips such as Moreton Bay.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Head without any trace of eyes or ommatidea; with short rostrum; lateral cephalic lobe not acute. Pereon segments 2–6 subequal in length, slightly shorter than segment 1; segment 7 longest, about 1.5 times length of previous segment. Pleon segments 1–3 subequal in length. Epimeral plates 2–3 posteroventrally subquadrate. Urosomite 1–3 subequal in length (U1: U2: U 3 = 1.0: 0.8: 1.2). Urosomite 1 with a strong pointed tooth extending beyond the posterior segmental margin; small pointed process ventrally at insertion of uropod 1. Urosomites 2–3 smooth, without dorsal teeth.</p> <p>Antenna 1 slightly longer than antenna 2; peduncular articles 1: 2: 3 lengths proportions are 1: 0.6: 0.3; accessory flagellum 3-articulate. Antenna 2 peduncular article 3 about twice as wide as article 4; articles 4–5 subequal in length. Labrum wider than long, medially excavated with right lobe longer than left one.</p> <p>Both mandibles with a sharp incisor with projecting tooth posteriorly; left lacinia mobilis wide, with dentate cutting edge, on the right mandible spine-like; mandibular palp 3-articulate, article 3 same length though thinner than article 2, article 2–3 with long setae on ventral margin. Maxilla 1 outer plate with seven apical spine-teeth, the lateral one strongest and longest; palp 2-articulate, second article expanded distally, with apical row of short spinelike setae; inner plate small with one apical seta. Maxilla 2 lobes subequal in length, with row of setae on medial margin; both lobes with long apical plumose setae. Maxilliped inner lobes narrow and pointed with long apical setae; outer plate slender, extending up the distal margin of palp article 1, with setae along medial margin; palp long, robust, article 2 longest and widest, densely covered with setae posteromarginally; article 4 slender with serrate inner margin.</p> <p>Coxal plates 2–4 nearly as wide as long, the remaining are distinctly wider than long, not much overlapping. Gnathopod 1 coxa with rounded anterior projecting lobe; basis expanded distally, anterior margin widened and flat, posterior margin with a few scattered setae; ischium triangular, subequal in length to merus; carpus with wide, rounded ventrally projecting lobe, with long setae posteromarginally; propodus about as wide as carpus, tapering distally, straight palm with long setae; dactylus slender, slightly curved. Gnathopod 2 coxa rounded, nearly subquadrate; compared to that of gnathopod 1, propodus and dactylus of similar shape, subequal in length.</p> <p>Pereopods 3–4 similar in shape and length; coxa 3–4 subequal to coxa 2; basis slender, anterior margin straight, posterior margin weakly convex; ischium small with anteromarginal notch; merus expanded distally, anterodistal angle subacute and drawn out; carpus as wide as merus, anterior margin of carpus convex, posterior margin straight; propodus slender, about 0.5 x width of carpus; dactylus long, just over half as long as propodus, slender and weakly curved.</p> <p>Pereopod 5 much shorter than 6 but of similar shape; pereopod 7 longest, slightly surpassing ends of all uropods. Pereopod 5 coxa bilobate, anterior lobe stronger and slightly longer; basis posterior margin slightly convex, posteroventral corner subquadrate anterodistally lobate; ischium shortest with anteromarginal notch; merus: carpus: propodus relative lengths = 1: 0.7: 0.9; dactylus slender and straight, longer than on pereopods 3–4, 0.75 the length of propodus.</p> <p>Pereopod 6 coxa shallowly bilobate, both lobes alike; basis more than 0.1 times longer compared to pereopod 5, subequal to peraeopod 7 basis; merus: carpus: propodus relative lengths = 1.0: 0.8: 1.2; dactylus as for pereopod 5, 0.5 times the length of propodus.</p> <p>Pereopod 7 coxa slightly shorter than peraeopod 6 coxa, slightly tapering posteriorly; basis distally tapering, posterior margin convex, anterodistally lobate; merus: carpus: propodus relative lengths = 1: 1.1: 1.4.</p> <p>Pleopod rami each with more than 25 articles.</p> <p>Uropod 1 peduncle slightly longer than rami, distolateral peduncular tooth very strong; outer ramus somewhat longer than inner ramus; medial rami margins bordered with relatively long spine-like setae, with stout spine at tip of both rami. Uropod 2 of similar shape as uropod 1, but both peduncle and rami shorter than on preceding appendage; distolateral peduncular tooth about half the length of that on uropod 1, situated rather dorsally; rami subequal with long spine-like setae. Uropod 3 peduncle with lobate, unarmed ridge dorsally; rami subequal in length; medial margins of both rami with very few short setae.</p> <p>Telson deeply cleft (almost down to the base) with straight margins of incision, with very few setae laterally on both sides; apex of each telson lobe incised, lateral part of apex slightly longer than medial part.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> So far only known from the central Chatham Rise, New Zealand, 340– 345 m.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> <i>Nicippe rogeri</i> sp. nov. can easily be distinguished from its congeners <i>N. buchi</i> and <i>N. tumida</i> by showing a distinct and strong dorsodistal tooth on urosomite 1 (unarmed in <i>N. buchi</i> and with small bidentate process in <i>N. tumida</i>). <i>N. unidentata</i> and <i>N. rogeri</i> sp. nov. share a single strong distodorsal tooth on urosomite 1, but they can be separated by uropod 3 peduncle with three dorsoapical teeth in <i>N. unidentata</i>. The pereonites 1–4 are subequal in length and the distal pereonites of <i>N. rogeri</i> sp. nov. are comparably longer. Pereonite 5 is the longest in <i>N. unidentata</i> (pereonite 1 is distinctly longer than pereonites 2–6, pereonite 7 is longest in <i>N. rogeri</i> sp. nov.).</p>Published as part of <i>Lörz, Anne-Nina & Schnabel, Kareen, 2015, A new amphipod Nicippe rogeri sp. nov. (Crustacea, Pardaliscidae) from New Zealand's deep sea in Zootaxa 3995 (1)</i>, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3995.1.11, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/243013">http://zenodo.org/record/243013</a&gt

    Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac 2005

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    Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005 Kiwaidae Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005: 712. Diagnosis. Body elongate, symmetrical. Carapace smooth, without striae. Rostrum well developed, triangular. Cervical grooves clearly distinct; either side of mesogastric region with small, sharply defined pit. Abdominal somites smooth, anterolateral margin of abdominal somite 2 without anterolaterally directed spine with median transverse suture and longitudinal suture in the posterior half of telson. Sternite 3 strongly produced anteriorly to an acute point. Eyes strongly reduced, soft, not calcified, movable, unpigmented. Basal antennular article unarmed. Antennal peduncle consisting of 5 articles; acicle absent. Mandibular cutting edge chitinous, strongly serrated along its length. Maxilliped 1 with well-developed epipod; exopod flagellum not annulated. Cheliped (pereopod 1) with dense corneous spinules along distal portion of occlusal margin. Pereopod 5 inserted below sternite 7, insertion not visible ventrally. Maxilliped 3 to pereopod 4 each with 2 arthrobranchs (vestigial on maxilliped 3). Pereopod 5 without arthrobranch. Pleurobranchs absent. Male pleopods 1–5 present. Type genus. Kiwa Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005, by monotypy. Composition. Kiwa Macpherson, Jones & Segonzac, 2005.Published as part of Schnabel, Kareen E. & Ahyong, Shane T., 2010, A new classification of the Chirostyloidea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), pp. 56-64 in Zootaxa 2687 (1) on page 59, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2687.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/530128

    Chirostylidae Ortmann 1892

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    Chirostylidae Ortmann, 1892 (Fig. 2C–F, I–L) DiptycinĂ©s A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894: 296, 312; 1897: 116 [vernacular name, unavailable]. Diptyciens A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894: 299. — Bouvier, 1896: 312 [vernacular name, unavailable]. Diptycinae Bouvier, 1896: 312. — A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1899: 71, 87; 1900: 350. Chirostylidae Ortmann, 1892: 244. Uroptychidae Alcock, 1901: 236, 278. Diagnosis. Carapace surface smooth, tuberculate or spinose but without transverse striae, posterolateral margin not distinctly defined or greatly inflated; rostrum variously shaped; supraocular spines absent. Anterolateral margin of abdominal somite 2 without prominent, anterolaterally directed spine. Sternite 3 not strongly produced anteriorly. Eyes well developed. Basal antennular article with distolateral spines. Antennal peduncle consisting of 5 articles; acicle present or absent. Mandibular cutting edge calcified, strongly serrated along its length. Maxilliped 1 without epipod; exopod flagellum present or absent, not annulated. Maxilliped 3 to pereopod 4 each with 2 arthrobranchs (well-developed or vestigial on maxilliped 3). Pereopod 5 with 1 arthrobranch only. Pereopods 2–4 with pleurobranch. Male pleopods 1 and 2 present. Male pleopods 3–5 vestigial or absent. Type genus. Chirostylus Ortmann, 1892, by original designation. Composition. Chirostylus Ortmann, 1892, Gastroptychus Caullery, 1896, Hapaloptyx Stebbing, 1920, Uroptychodes Baba, 2004, Uroptychus Henderson, 1888. Remarks. Pleopods 3–5 are absent in most male chirostylids, but are vestigial in some species of Gastroptychus (e.g., G. rogeri Baba, 2000, and G. investigatoris (Alcock & Anderson, 1899), K. Baba, pers. com.; AM P53251, G. rogeri).Published as part of Schnabel, Kareen E. & Ahyong, Shane T., 2010, A new classification of the Chirostyloidea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), pp. 56-64 in Zootaxa 2687 (1) on page 58, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2687.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/530128

    Eumunididae Milne-Edwards & Bouvier 1900

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    Eumunididae A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1900, stat. nov. (Fig. 1, 2A, B, G, H) Eumunidiens A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894: 299, 308, 312. — Bouvier, 1896: 312. — A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1897: 8, 116 [vernacular name, unavailable]. Eumunidae A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1900: 364. Diagnosis. Carapace cordiform, elongate, with transverse striae; posterolateral margin entire, not excavated; rostrum spiniform, flanked by mesial and usually also lateral supraocular spines; lateral supraocular spine well developed (Eumunida), minute or obsolete (Pseudomunida). Cervical groove distinct. Basal article of ocular peduncle obscured in dorsal view by rostral and supraocular spines. Anterolateral margin of abdominal somite 2 with prominent anterolaterally directed spine. Sternite 3 anterior margin transversely sinuous or irregular, not strongly produced anteriorly. Eyes well developed. Basal antennular article unarmed. Antennal peduncle consisting of 5 articles; acicle present. Mandibular cutting edge calcified, tridentate, with tooth at either end and single median tooth. Maxilliped 1 with well-developed epipod; exopod flagellum annulated in distal portion. Maxilliped 3 to pereopod 4 each with 2 arthrobranchs (vestigial on maxilliped 3). Pereopod 5 with 1 arthrobranch only. Pereopods 2–4 with pleurobranch. Male pleopod 1 absent. Male pleopod 2 vestigial or absent. Male pleopods 3–5 present or absent. Type genus. Eumunida Smith, 1883, by monotypy. Composition. Eumunida Smith, 1883, Pseudomunida Haig, 1979. Remarks. The Eumunidiens group of A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1894, was used in the vernacular sense and as such is an informal name and not available under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (see Ng et al. 2008 for discussion of vernacular names as used by A. Milne-Edwards and Bouvier). However, A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier (1900), regarding Eumunida as belonging to a Tribe within the Diptycinae, used the Latinized form, Eumunidae, and thus validated the name. Eumunidae has not since been used. In now recognising a separate family, Eumunididae, for Eumunida and Pseudomunida, we attribute authorship to A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier (1900).Published as part of Schnabel, Kareen E. & Ahyong, Shane T., 2010, A new classification of the Chirostyloidea (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), pp. 56-64 in Zootaxa 2687 (1) on pages 58-59, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2687.1.4, http://zenodo.org/record/530128