1,042 research outputs found

    Multimodal Image Analysis of Chronic Leukemic Lymphoproliferative Disorders and the Hypothesis of Ā»SingleĀ« and Ā»MultipleĀ« Programmed Stops in the Development of Typical and Atypical Forms of Leukemias and Lymphomas

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    The study consisted of morphometric analysis, assessment of the argyrophilic nucleolar organization region (AgNOR) characteristics, and image cytometry (ICM) in different tumor mass compartments: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) from patients with chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders. A total of 71895 cells were analyzed on SFORM PC (VAMSTEC, Zagreb). Correlation between morphometric, AgNOR and ICM characteristics revealed the cells with low proliferative activity to possess small, homogeneous AgNOR, with the majority of cells in the peak of DNA histogram. The cells with high proliferative activity had inhomogeneous AgNOR, mostly containing greater DNA content than peak cells, pathologic mitoses (DNA>4N), or the majority of cells were in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells with medium proliferative activity and annular AgNOR were in-between. Analysis of different tumor mass compartments showed that lymphatic cells with the affinity to accumulate in BM regularly exhibited low proliferative activity (a lower percentage of cells in SFC and highest percentage of cells in the peak of the G0/G1 phase). The cells in LN exhibited the characteristics of proliferative cells (an increased number of AgNOR, larger and more proliferative inhomogeneous AgNOR, and lowest percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase). The migration of cells from BM to LN and between lymph nodes occurred through PB (there were cells with low and high proliferative activity: a higher proportion of cells in SFC and at the same time in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle). Analysis of cell size and proliferative activity in different compartments of tumor mass revealed that the cells in BM and PB did not differ substantially according to size and proliferative activity, while an inverse pattern was observed between PB and LN. As small cells are inactive and larger cells more proliferative, the analysis quite unexpectedly showed the PB cells to be largest and most inactive, in contrast to LN where the cells were smallest and most active. The Ā»singleĀ« and Ā»multiple programmed stopsĀ« have been hypothesized in the development of typical forms of leukemias and lymphomas and atypical forms of subacute and subchronic leukemias. Differentiation impairment may occur at any stage, and different Ā»stopĀ« locations result in different morphology and affinity to accumulation in bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes

    Relations Between Dispositional Expressivity and Physiological Changes During Acute Positive and Negative Affect

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    The aim of the present study is to examine the relations between emotional expressivity measured by Berkeley Expressivity Questionnaire and physiological response in situations where positive and negative affects were induced. On 65 participants four physiological parameters, including finger pulse amplitude, heart rate, skin conductance level and amplitude of skin conductance response were measured. In situations in which negative affect was induced, individuals higher in negative expressivity showed higher skin conductance level, higher amplitude of skin conductance response and higher heart rate compared to individuals low on negative expressivity, whereas finger pulse amplitude did not differ between these two groups. The same results were obtained even when controlling for five factor personality traits and recorded participantsā€™ facial expression. In situation where a positive affect was induced, no differences in sympathetic responses between participants high and low in positive expressivity have been found. The results are explained in the context of Coactivation theory and possible consequences of the results on health outcomes are discussed

    Dinamičko ponaŔanje i dijagnostika brusnih vretena

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    U radu je dan pregled različitih tipova bruÅ”enja. Kako bruÅ”enje spada u jednu od najpreciznijih obrada, od velike važnosti je dobra dinamika brusnih vretena. PoÅ”to na vibracijsko ponaÅ”anje brusnih vretena utječe niz faktor, u ovom radu smo se odlučili provesti numeričku analizu različitih tipova uležiÅ”tenja motor-vretena. Na temelju računalne simulacije, koja je provedena u programskom paketu Catia V5R19, analizirane su prva aksijalna i prva fleksijska forma vibriranja osovine motor-vretena. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata doneseni su zaključci o utjecaju tipa uležiÅ”tenja na krutost sustava. Pored numeričke analize izvrÅ”ena su također i mjerena na istom motor-vretenu. Analizirani su rezultati mjerenja i uspoređeni s onim dobivenim računalnom simulacijom, te donesen je konačni zaključak o utjecaju tipa uležiÅ”tenja na krutost sustava. Kako bi obrada, općenito na alatnim strojevima pogonjenim motor-vretenom, bila Å”to preciznija, od velike važnosti je izbalansiranost motor-vretena. PoÅ”to se debalans mijenja s frekvencijom vrtnje motor-vretena, u radu je dan pregled nekih načina aktivnog rebalansiranja. Uz vrste rebalansiranja razmatrani su i zvučni senzori te on-line monitoring, koji danas postaje sve popularniji jer daje potpuni nadzor i kontrolu nad strojevima, a sve to možete pratiti on-line

    He or She, What Will It Be: Old WivesĶ“ Tales and Foetal Sex Prediction

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    Aim: A myriad of myths surround pregnancy, especially regarding the prediction of the sex of the infant. Some of these myths and old wives\u27 tales are, to this day, widespread among expectant parents. The objective of this study was to examine whether common pregnancy-related statements regarding foetal sex prediction vary between mothers of female and male infants. Methods: The questionnaire-based study was conducted from September 2017 to September 2018 at a well-baby nursery. Participants were mothers of infants (n = 350) admitted to the well-baby nursery with a singleton pregnancy and at > 36 weeks of gestation at birth. Results: We investigated a number of statements regarding foetal sex prediction. With the exception of one statement, there were no other differences between mothers of male and female infants. Pregnancy with a male foetus is associated with glossier hair during pregnancy. Women with female newborns reported glossier hair during pregnancy in 39.1% of cases, while women with male newborns reported the same in 45.0% of cases (P = 0.04). Conclusion: Old wives\u27 tales regarding sex prediction of the infant during pregnancy remain myths for a reason, with the possible exception of one statement regarding glossier hair and pregnancy with a male foetus. (Kardum* D, Kardum Ž, Nađ T, MĆ¼ller A. He or She, What Will It Be: Old WivesĶ“ Tales and Foetal Sex Prediction. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(1); 96-101


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    With the aim of preserving the Croatian national identity, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with 20 European and non-European countries, organizes, implements and finances (in full or in part) the special educational program Croatia Teaching broad. This specific form of education includes different dimensions: linguistic, historical, geographical, cultural, traditional, etc., and the mastering of content from the aforementioned areas contributes to the acquisition of knowledge about Croatia, the strengthening of language competences, a stronger connection with the homeland and the development of a sense of belonging to the Croatian people and culture. The research is focused on the comparison of Croatia's approach to teaching abroad and the challenges of its realization, with regard to the number and status of Croats, historical specificities, geographical proximity, multilingual environments, intercultural communication, etc. Analysis of the differences between the countries where this form of teaching is carried out, will result in proposals for modular guidelines that would alleviate the perceived shortcomings

    Prevalence of Progressive Periodontal Disease in the Population of Zagreb

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    EpidemioloÅ”ka ispitivanja parodontnih bolesti pokazuju da je potrebno ispitati čestoću posebnih oblika progresivnih parodontnih bolesti, juvenilnog i rapidno progresivnog parodontitisa. Te bolesti počinju u mladenačkoj dobi pa zato zahtijevaju rano prepoznavanje i prikladan tretman. Na uzorku od 1202 ispitanika populacije grada Zagreba, prihvatljivom za ovo istraživanje, ispitivali smo s pomoću CPITN-a čestoću juvenilnog i rapidno progresivnog parodontitisa, te usporedili odnos udjela progresivnih oblika parodontne destrukcije prema drugim vrstama parodontnih bolesti. Ispitanici su bili Å”kolska djeca, radnici i službenici svrstani u dobne skupine: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44 i > 55 godina. Za procjenu stanja parodonta primijenili smo CPITN koji čini srednji broj sekstanata ispitanika u kojih se javlja krvarenje iz gingivnoga sulkusa, zubni kamenac, te plići ili dublji parodontni džepovi. Dodatni kriteriji za procjenu tih oblika parodontitisa u mlađoj dobi bili su: jače izraženi upalni simptomi na gingivi, aktivni i dublji parodontni džepovi, te klimavost zuba. Statističkom obradom podataka, primjenom programa STATJOB-a dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju da prevalencija progresivnih parodontitisa na području grada Zagreba iznosi 4,1% (juvenilnog 0,6% i rapidnog 3,5%). Čestoća gingivitisa kao početnog oblika parodontne bolesti mnogo je veća i iznosi do 82% u mlađoj dobi, a čestoća parodontne bolesti u odraslih također je visoka i iznosi 80%. Ispitali smo i čestoću pojedinih stupnjeva parodontne destrukcije. Tako je postotak osoba s dubokim parodontnim džepovima u skupini s juvenilnim i rapidno progresivnim parodontitisom bio 87,7%, a u skupini s adultnim parodontitisom 9,5 %, Å”to upozorava na teži oblik parodontne destrukcije u skupini s juvenilnim i rapidno progresivnim parodontitisom. Primjena CPITN-a pokazala se je orijentacijskom metodom kojom smo dobili uvid u prevalenciju ispitivanih oblika parodontne destrukcije te upotrebe tretmana. Na taj smo način izdvojili iz populacije pojedinačne slučajeva progresivnih parodontitisa koji traže daljnje kliničke pretrage i terapiju.Epidemiological research of periodontal disease indicates the prevalence of special forms of progressive periodontal diseases, juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontitis. These diseases start in early adolescence, therefore need to be diagnosed early and adequately treated. We examined by CPITN the prevalence of juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontitis in 1202 subjects (who were adequate for our purpose). They were all residents of the city of Zagreb. Also we compared the relationship of progressive forms of periodontal destruction with some other forms of periodontal disease. The subjects were school children, workers and clerks, divided in to age groups 15- 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44, 45-54 and >55. For periodontal status evaluation we used the CPITN-community periodontal index of treatment requirements. The index consisted of the mean number of sextants of the population with sulcus bleeding, calculus, shallow and deep pockets. Additional criteria for evaluation of progressive forms of periodontal disease by use of CPITN was based upon more intensive inflammatory symptoms on the gingiva, active and deep periodontal pockets and removable dentures. After statistical analysis the results of the STATJOB programme revealed that the prevalence of progressive periodontitis in Zagreb was 4.1% ( 0.6% for the juvenile form and 3.5% for the rapid form). The incidence of gingivitis, the initial form of the periodontal disease, was much greater, in youngsters 82%, and the incidence of periodontal disease in adults was also high, 80%. Furthermore, the incidence of some forms of periodontal destruction was also tested. The percentage of subjects with deep periodontal pockets in juvenile and rapid periodontitis was 87.7%, and in adults periodontitis 9.5%, which indicates more severe forms of periodontal destruction in the group with juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontits. The use of CPITN was an orientational method that showed us the prevalence of the tested forms and the treatment needs. In this way we separated from the population cases with progressive periodontitis that need further clinical tests and adequate therapy

    ā€˜Two Croatiasā€™ at the finish line, not one of them a winner

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    Itā€™s no surprise to many that an economic crisis almost always bears the same unwanted children and Croatia, soon to be the 28th member of the European Union, is no exception. Xenophobia, prejudice, scape-goat mentality, nationalism, conservatism and other forms of collective grouping based on hate and intolerance towards ā€˜othersā€™, seem to find their way into a popular discourse when economic volatility translates to unemployment, lower wages, job insecurity and an overall decrease in living standards and purchasing power. Croatiaā€™s big celebration on July 1st, when it officially joins the EU, will therefore be an ambiguous, even an ironic affair. On the one hand, it will mark the fulfillment of a dream chased by the countryā€™s elites and shared by majority of its citizens since its independence in 1991, while on the other hand, it will come amidst a significant shift to the far-right in the thinking of ā€˜ordinary citizensā€™

    Have we Made Progress in the Treatment of Asthma?

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    Astma je složen respiratorni poremećaj koji karakterizira izražena heterogenost u pokretačima bolesti i individualnim reakcijama na terapiju. Identificirano je nekoliko fenotipa astme, svaki definiran jedinstvenom interakcijom između genetskih i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika, uključujući upalne, kliničke karakteristike povezane s pokretačem bolesti. Različiti endotipovi astme, temeljeni na upalnom odgovoru, nazvani T2-high (T2) i T2-low astmom, doveli su do razvoja bioloÅ”kih tretmana usmjerenih na različite upalne medijatore. U T2 astmi vodeće obilježje je poviÅ”ena razina eozinofila u krvi i sputum, ali i drugih markera kao Å”to su IgE u serumu, frakcija izdahnutoga duÅ”ičnog oksida i periostina. U kliničkoj praksi anti-IgE bioloÅ”ka terapija omalizumabom značajno je smanjila egzacerbacije astme. Dva različita humanizirana monoklonska antitijela anti-IL-5 (mepolizumab i reslizumab) te benralizumab (kao anti-IL-5RĪ±), značajno su smanjila rizik od egzacerbacija i poboljÅ”ala plućnu funkciju u usporedbi s placebom. Napredak u razumijevanju mehanizama T2-high (T2) i T2-low astme i biomarkera može pomoći u unapređivanju mogućnosti liječenja za mnoge pacijente s astmom koji ostaju nekontrolirani unatoč koriÅ”tenju postojeće terapije.Asthma is a complex respiratory disorder characterized by marked heterogeneity in individual patient disease triggers and response to therapy. Several asthma phenotypes have been identified, each defined by a unique interaction between genetic and environmental factors, including inflammatory, clinical and trigger-related characteristics. Different endotypes of asthma, based on the inflammatory pattern, may be regarded as T2-high (T2) or T2-low asthma, have led to the development of biological treatments targeting different inflammatory mediators. The hallmarks of T2 asthma are increased levels of blood and sputum eosinophils and other markers such as serum IgE, fractional exhaled nitric oxide and periostin. In clinical practice, omalizumab, an anti-IgE antibody biologic treatment, significantly reduced asthma exacerbations. Two different anti-IL-5 humanized monoclonal antibodies, mepolizumab, reslizumab and benralizumab as anti-IL-5RĪ±, significantly reduced the risk of exacerbations and improved lung function compared to placebo. Improving the understanding of T2-high and T2-low mechanisms and biomarkers may help to advance treatment options for many patients with asthma who remain uncontrolled despite the use of current standard of care

    Notion of Private Language in Wittgensteinā€™s Tractatus Logicoā€“Philosophicus and some Contemporary Linguistic Refutations

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    In this paper, the possibility of private language argument in Tractatus Logi- co-Philosophicus is analyzed. The concept of ā€˜language that only I could un- derstandā€ is connected to solipsism, or the impossibility to understand other peopleā€™s way of seeing the world. But all members of the same community are able to communicate using the same language, so this language is a general lan- guage, and there is no private language, just a private perception of the world. Contemporary linguistic theories of Chomsky and de Saussure are close to this interpretation of private language
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