Prevalence of Progressive Periodontal Disease in the Population of Zagreb


Epidemiološka ispitivanja parodontnih bolesti pokazuju da je potrebno ispitati čestoću posebnih oblika progresivnih parodontnih bolesti, juvenilnog i rapidno progresivnog parodontitisa. Te bolesti počinju u mladenačkoj dobi pa zato zahtijevaju rano prepoznavanje i prikladan tretman. Na uzorku od 1202 ispitanika populacije grada Zagreba, prihvatljivom za ovo istraživanje, ispitivali smo s pomoću CPITN-a čestoću juvenilnog i rapidno progresivnog parodontitisa, te usporedili odnos udjela progresivnih oblika parodontne destrukcije prema drugim vrstama parodontnih bolesti. Ispitanici su bili školska djeca, radnici i službenici svrstani u dobne skupine: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44 i > 55 godina. Za procjenu stanja parodonta primijenili smo CPITN koji čini srednji broj sekstanata ispitanika u kojih se javlja krvarenje iz gingivnoga sulkusa, zubni kamenac, te plići ili dublji parodontni džepovi. Dodatni kriteriji za procjenu tih oblika parodontitisa u mlađoj dobi bili su: jače izraženi upalni simptomi na gingivi, aktivni i dublji parodontni džepovi, te klimavost zuba. Statističkom obradom podataka, primjenom programa STATJOB-a dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju da prevalencija progresivnih parodontitisa na području grada Zagreba iznosi 4,1% (juvenilnog 0,6% i rapidnog 3,5%). Čestoća gingivitisa kao početnog oblika parodontne bolesti mnogo je veća i iznosi do 82% u mlađoj dobi, a čestoća parodontne bolesti u odraslih također je visoka i iznosi 80%. Ispitali smo i čestoću pojedinih stupnjeva parodontne destrukcije. Tako je postotak osoba s dubokim parodontnim džepovima u skupini s juvenilnim i rapidno progresivnim parodontitisom bio 87,7%, a u skupini s adultnim parodontitisom 9,5 %, što upozorava na teži oblik parodontne destrukcije u skupini s juvenilnim i rapidno progresivnim parodontitisom. Primjena CPITN-a pokazala se je orijentacijskom metodom kojom smo dobili uvid u prevalenciju ispitivanih oblika parodontne destrukcije te upotrebe tretmana. Na taj smo način izdvojili iz populacije pojedinačne slučajeva progresivnih parodontitisa koji traže daljnje kliničke pretrage i terapiju.Epidemiological research of periodontal disease indicates the prevalence of special forms of progressive periodontal diseases, juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontitis. These diseases start in early adolescence, therefore need to be diagnosed early and adequately treated. We examined by CPITN the prevalence of juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontitis in 1202 subjects (who were adequate for our purpose). They were all residents of the city of Zagreb. Also we compared the relationship of progressive forms of periodontal destruction with some other forms of periodontal disease. The subjects were school children, workers and clerks, divided in to age groups 15- 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44, 45-54 and >55. For periodontal status evaluation we used the CPITN-community periodontal index of treatment requirements. The index consisted of the mean number of sextants of the population with sulcus bleeding, calculus, shallow and deep pockets. Additional criteria for evaluation of progressive forms of periodontal disease by use of CPITN was based upon more intensive inflammatory symptoms on the gingiva, active and deep periodontal pockets and removable dentures. After statistical analysis the results of the STATJOB programme revealed that the prevalence of progressive periodontitis in Zagreb was 4.1% ( 0.6% for the juvenile form and 3.5% for the rapid form). The incidence of gingivitis, the initial form of the periodontal disease, was much greater, in youngsters 82%, and the incidence of periodontal disease in adults was also high, 80%. Furthermore, the incidence of some forms of periodontal destruction was also tested. The percentage of subjects with deep periodontal pockets in juvenile and rapid periodontitis was 87.7%, and in adults periodontitis 9.5%, which indicates more severe forms of periodontal destruction in the group with juvenile and rapidly progressive periodontits. The use of CPITN was an orientational method that showed us the prevalence of the tested forms and the treatment needs. In this way we separated from the population cases with progressive periodontitis that need further clinical tests and adequate therapy

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