367 research outputs found

    Acoustic modal analysis of a full-scale annular combustor

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    An acoustic modal decomposition of the measured pressure field in a full scale annular combustor installed in a ducted test rig is described. The modal analysis, utilizing a least squares optimization routine, is facilitated by the assumption of randomly occurring pressure disturbances which generate equal amplitude clockwise and counter-clockwise pressure waves, and the assumption of statistical independence between modes. These assumptions are fully justified by the measured cross spectral phases between the various measurement points. The resultant modal decomposition indicates that higher order modes compose the dominant portion of the combustor pressure spectrum in the range of frequencies of interest in core noise studies. A second major finding is that, over the frequency range of interest, each individual mode which is present exists in virtual isolation over significant portions of the spectrum. Finally, a comparison between the present results and a limited amount of data obtained in an operating turbofan engine with the same combustor is made. The comparison is sufficiently favorable to warrant the conclusion that the structure of the combustor pressure field is preserved between the component facility and the engine

    Core noise measurements from a small, general aviation turbofan engine

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    As part of a program to investigate combustor and other core noises, simultaneous measurements of internal fluctuating pressure and far field noise were made with a JT15D turbofan engine. Acoustic waveguide probes, located in the engine at the combustor, at the turbine exit and in the core nozzle wall, were used to measure internal fluctuating pressures. Low frequency acoustic power determined at the core nozzle exit corresponds in level to the far field acoustic power at engine speeds below 65% of maximum, the approach condition. At engine speeds above 65% of maximum, the jet noise dominates in the far field, greatly exceeding that of the core. From coherence measurements, it is shown that the combustor is the dominant source of the low frequency core noise. The results obtained from the JT15D engine were compared with those obtained previously from a YF102 engine, both engines having reverse flow annular combustors and being in the same size class

    Combustor fluctuating pressure measurements in engine and in a component test facility: A preliminary comparison

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    In a program to investigate combustor noise, measurements were made with a YF-102 engine of combustor internal fluctuating pressure and far field noise. The relationship of far field noise to engine internal measurement was ascertained. The relationships between combustor internal measurements obtained in an engine and those obtained in a component test facility were established by using a YF-102 combustor, instrumented identically with that used in the engine tests. The combustor was operated in a component test facility over a range of conditions encompassing engine operation. A comparison of the directly measured spectra at corresponding locations in the two tests showed significant differences. The results of two point signal analyses within each combustor, were similar for both tests, indicating that the internal dynamics of the combustor as an acoustic source are preserved in a component test facility

    Noise tests on an externally blown flap with the engine in front of the wing

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    Noise tests were conducted with a nozzle exhausting over a small scale model of an externally blown flap (EBF) lift-augmentation system, with exhaust impingement on the wing leading edge. Two series of tests were conducted: with wing leading edge inside the nozzle; and with leading edge set back from the nozzle exit plane 1 diameter on the jet axis. The results indicated no significant differences in spectral shape, level, or directivity pattern. Static lift and thrust tests were conducted on the same model indicated considerable flow attachment on both configurations, with slightly greater attachment and turning for the wing outside the nozzle. Finally, a comparison with engine-above- and engine-below-the-wing EBF's tested by previous investigators shows the acoustic performance of the configurations tested for this report to lie between the other two

    Acoustical modal analysis of the pressure field in the tailpipe of a turbofan engine

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    The results of a modal analysis of the pressure field in the tailpipe of a turbofan engine are presented. Modal amplitudes, at the tailpipe inlet and exit, are presented, as a function of frequency, for several operating conditions. The modal amplitudes were obtained using an optimization routine to obtain a best fit between measured cross spectra and an analytical expression for the cross spectra between pressures at circumferentially spaced locations. The measured pressure field was decomposed into a set of five modal amplitudes corresponding to the (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0), and (4,0) modes. The analysis was limited to frequencies below 1500 Hz where higher order modes are cutoff. The results of the analysis showed that at low frequencies, up to the cuton frequency of the (1,0) mode, the (0,0) mode (plane wave) dominated the pressure field. The frequency range from the cuton of the (1,0) mode to the cuton of the (2,0) mode was dominated by the (1,0) mode. The (2,0) mode dominated from its cuton frequency to the upper limit of the analysis, i.e., 1500 Hz. The contribution of modes other than the dominant mode was usually small

    Measurement of far field combustion noise from a turbofan engine using coherence functions

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    Coherence measurements between fluctuating pressure in the combustor of a YF-102 turbofan engine and far-field acoustic pressure were made. The results indicated that a coherent relationship between the combustor pressure and far-field existed only at frequencies below 250 Hz, with the peak occurring near 125 Hz. The coherence functions and the far-field spectra were used to compute the combustor-associated far-field noise in terms of spectra, directivity, and acoustic power, over a range of engine operating conditions. The acoustic results so measured were compared with results obtained by conventional methods, as well as with various semiempirical predictions schemes. Examination of the directivity patterns indicated a peak in the combustion noise near 120 deg (relative to the inlet axis)

    Acoustic tests of a 15.2 centimeter-diameter potential flow convergent nozzle

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    An experimental investigation of the jet noise radiated to the far field from a 15.2-cm-diam potential flow convergent nozzle has been conducted. Tests were made with unheated airflow over a range of subsonic nozzle exhaust velocities from 62 to 310m/sec. Mean and turbulent velocity measurements in the flow field of the nozzle exhaust indicated no apparent flow anomalies. Acoustic measurements yielded data uncontaminated by internal and/or background noise to velocities as low as 152m/sec. Finally, no significantly different acoustic characteristics between the potential flow nozzle and simple convergent nozzles were found

    Identification and measurement of combustion noise from a turbofan engine using correlation and coherence techniques

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    Fluctuating pressure measurements within the combustor and tailpipe of a turbofan engine are made simultaneously with far field acoustic measurements. The pressure measurements within the engine are accomplished with cooled semi-infinite waveguide probes utilizing conventional condenser microphones as the transducers. The measurements are taken over a broad range of engine operating conditions and for 16 far field microphone positions between 10 deg and 160 deg relative to the engine inlet axis. Correlation and coherence techniques are used to determine the relative phase and amplitude relationships between the internal pressures and far field acoustic pressures. The results indicate that the combustor is a low frequency source region for acoustic propagation through the tailpipe and out to the far field. Specifically, it is found that the relation between source pressure and the resulting sound pressure involves a 180 deg phase shift. The latter result is obtained by Fourier transforming the cross correlation function between the source pressure and acoustic pressure after removing the propagation delay time. Further, it is found that the transfer function between the source pressure and acoustic pressure has a magnitude approximately proportional to frequency squared. These results are shown to be consistent with a model using a modified source term in Lighthill's turbulence stress tensor, wherein the fluctuating Reynolds stresses are replaced with the pressure fluctuations due to fluctuating entropy

    Core noise measurements on a YF-102 turbofan engine

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    Core noise from a YF-102 high bypass ratio turbofan engine was investigated through the use of simultaneous measurements of internal fluctuating pressures and far field noise. Acoustic waveguide probes, located in the engine at the compressor exit, in the combustor, at the turbine exit, and in the core nozzle, were employed to measure internal fluctuating pressures. Spectra showed that the internal signals were free of tones, except at high frequency where machinery noise was present. Data obtained over a wide range of engine conditions suggest that below 60% of maximum fan speed the low frequency core noise contributes significantly to the far field noise

    Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs

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    Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) are non-interactive proof systems with short (i.e., independent of the size of the witness) and efficiently verifiable proofs. They elegantly resolve the juxtaposition of individual privacy and public trust, by providing an efficient way of demonstrating knowledge of secret information without actually revealing it. To this day, zk-SNARKs are widely deployed all over the planet and are used to keep alive a system worth billion of euros, namely the cryptocurrency Zcash. However, all current SNARKs implementations rely on so-called pre-quantum assumptions and, for this reason, are not expected to withstand cryptanalitic efforts over the next few decades. In this work, we introduce a new zk-SNARK that can be instantiated from lattice-based assumptions, and which is thus believed to be post-quantum secure. We provide a generalization in the spirit of Gennaro et al. (Eurocrypt'13) to the SNARK of Danezis et al. (Asiacrypt'14) that is based on Square Span Programs (SSP) and relies on weaker computational assumptions. We focus on designated-verifier proofs and propose a protocol in which a proof consists of just 5 LWE encodings. We provide a concrete choice of parameters, showing that our construction is practically instantiable