160 research outputs found

    Działalność biskupa stanisławowskiego Grzegorza Chomyszyna w latach dwóch wojen światowych. Analiza porównawcza

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    The article’s primary purpose is to present the fate of the Greek Catholic clergyman Hryhoriy Khomyshyn (1867–1945) during the two most important military conflicts of the twentieth century. At the outbreak of World War I, he had already been bishop of Stanyslaviv for a decade, trying to introduce changes in the functioning of the Greek Catholic Church and advocating its Latinization. During World War II, he was arrested several times by the Russian and German occupiers. He died in December 1945 due to brutal interrogations in Lukyanivska Prison.Główny cel artykułu stanowi przedstawienie losów greckokatolickiego duchownego Grzegorza Chomyszyna w czasie trwania dwóch najważniejszych konfliktów zbrojnych XX w. W chwili wybuchu I wojny światowej od dekady był już biskupem stanisławowskim, starając się wprowadzić zmiany w funkcjonowaniu Cerkwi greckokatolickiej i opowiadając się za jej latynizacją. Podczas II wojny światowej został kilkakrotnie aresztowany przez okupantów rosyjskich i niemieckich. Zmarł w grudniu 1945 r. wskutek brutalnych przesłuchań w więzieniu łukianowskim

    Periplasmic Cleavage and Modification of the 1-Phosphate Group of Helicobacter Pylori Lipid A

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    Pathogenic bacteria modify the lipid A portion of their lipopolysaccharide to help evade the host innate immune response. Modification of the negatively charged phosphate groups of lipid A aids in resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides targeting the bacterial cell surface. The lipid A of Helicobacter pylori contains a phosphoethanolamine (pEtN) unit directly linked to the 1-position of the disaccharide backbone. This is in contrast to the pEtN units found in other pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria, which are attached to the lipid A phosphate group to form a pyrophosphate linkage. This study describes two enzymes involved in the periplasmic modification of the 1-phosphate group of H. pylori lipid A. By using an in vitro assay system, we demonstrate the presence of lipid A 1-phosphatase activity in membranes of H. pylori. In an attempt to identify genes encoding possible lipid A phosphatases, we cloned four putative orthologs of Escherichia coli pgpB, the phosphatidylglycerol-phosphate phosphatase, from H. pylori 26695. One of these orthologs, Hp0021, is the structural gene for the lipid A 1-phosphatase and is required for removal of the 1-phosphate group from mature lipid A in an in vitro assay system. Heterologous expression of Hp0021 in E. coli resulted in the highly selective removal of the 1-phosphate group from E. coli lipid A, as demonstrated by mass spectrometry. We also identified the structural gene for the H. pylori lipid A pEtN transferase (Hp0022). Mass spectrometric analysis of the lipid A isolated from E. coli expressing Hp0021 and Hp0022 shows the addition of a single pEtN group at the 1-position, confirming that Hp0022 is responsible for the addition of a pEtN unit at the 1-position in H. pylori lipid A. In summary, we demonstrate that modification of the 1-phosphate group of H. pylori lipid A requires two enzymatic steps

    Atypowa postać zespołu tako-tsubo związanego z migotaniem przedsionków w zespole Wolffa-Parkinsona-White’a powikłanego nagłym zatrzymaniem krążenia: trudności diagnostyczne

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    Atypical form of tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is associated with regional wall motion abnormalities in basal and/or middle segments or only middle segments with sparing of apical segments or apical and basal segments. We described a case of47-year-old female with atypical form of TTC due to fast atrial fibrillation that converted into ventricular fibrillation in WPW syndrome. The echocardiogram made after direct current cardioversion revealed decreased left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF 35%) with akinesis of inferior and posterior walls and anterior part of interventricular septum in the middle and the basal segments with hyperkinesis of apical segments. The biochemistry blood samples revealed elevated both troponin T— 0.35 ng/mL and NT-proBNP — 3550 pg/mL plasma level. The ECG showed sinus rhythm 62 bpm, shortened PQ interval 100 ms, widened QRS duration — 115 ms with delta wave, prolonged QT interval — 520 ms, QS in leads: II, III, aVF. NegativeT waves in leads: I, aVL and positive, symmetrical T waves in leads V1–V6. The coronarography revealed normal coronaryarteries. The control echocardiography after 10 days showed normal LVEF 70%, without any wall motion abnormalities. TTC was recognised based on: history of sudden stress situation before, ischaemic ECG changes, positive markers of myocardial injury, transient segmental wall motion abnormalities and normal coronary arteries. The ablation of right postero-septal accessory pathway was successfully performed

    Helicobacter pylori versus the Host: Remodeling of the Bacterial Outer Membrane Is Required for Survival in the Gastric Mucosa

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    Modification of bacterial surface structures, such as the lipid A portion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is used by many pathogenic bacteria to help evade the host innate immune response. Helicobacter pylori, a gram-negative bacterium capable of chronic colonization of the human stomach, modifies its lipid A by removal of phosphate groups from the 1- and 4′-positions of the lipid A backbone. In this study, we identify the enzyme responsible for dephosphorylation of the lipid A 4′-phosphate group in H. pylori, Jhp1487 (LpxF). To ascertain the role these modifications play in the pathogenesis of H. pylori, we created mutants in lpxE (1-phosphatase), lpxF (4′-phosphatase) and a double lpxE/F mutant. Analysis of lipid A isolated from lpxE and lpxF mutants revealed lipid A species with a 1 or 4′-phosphate group, respectively while the double lpxE/F mutant revealed a bis-phosphorylated lipid A. Mutants lacking lpxE, lpxF, or lpxE/F show a 16, 360 and 1020 fold increase in sensitivity to the cationic antimicrobial peptide polymyxin B, respectively. Moreover, a similar loss of resistance is seen against a variety of CAMPs found in the human body including LL37, β-defensin 2, and P-113. Using a fluorescent derivative of polymyxin we demonstrate that, unlike wild type bacteria, polymyxin readily associates with the lpxE/F mutant. Presumably, the increase in the negative charge of H. pylori LPS allows for binding of the peptide to the bacterial surface. Interestingly, the action of LpxE and LpxF was shown to decrease recognition of Helicobacter LPS by the innate immune receptor, Toll-like Receptor 4. Furthermore, lpxE/F mutants were unable to colonize the gastric mucosa of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6J tlr4 -/- mice when compared to wild type H. pylori. Our results demonstrate that dephosphorylation of the lipid A domain of H. pylori LPS by LpxE and LpxF is key to its ability to colonize a mammalian host

    The Sources and Environmental Influence of Free Radicals

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    Wolne rodniki odgrywają istotną rolę w funkcjonowaniu żywych organizmów. Biorą one udział w regulowaniu metabolizmu, oczyszczaniu, przekazywaniu sygnałów i wspomaganiu systemu odpornościowego. Mogą być także przyczyną wielu schorzeń, takich jak nowotwory, miażdżyca czy różnego rodzaju stany zapalne. Wolne rodniki powstają w wyniku procesów metabolicznych, ale również pod wpływem czynników zewnętrznych, np. pożarów. W artykule zostały omówione zewnętrzne źródła powstawania wolnych rodników i sposoby ochrony przed ich szkodliwym działaniem.The article describes the sources of reactive forms of oxygen and nitrogen, especially considering the external sources. The special attention has been paid to their influence on firefighters health who, because of their profession, are especially exposed to so called oxidative stress. Further, the author presents ways of fighting the reactive forms of oxygen and nitrogen using antioxidative compounds