190 research outputs found

    Supporting Learners Through Effective Communication: Student Teachers’ Communication Strategies to Address Learner Behaviour

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    Teachers’ communication skills are integral to classroom management skills. If teachers implement effective communication skills and appropriate communication strategies, they are more likely to support learner autonomy, engagement, self-concept, well-being, or responsibility and succeed in behaviour management. This study examines student teachers’ awareness and use of communication strategies to address common disruptive learner behaviours. Although the participants showed limited ability to support learners through communication, they were more likely to identify effective communication responses than to produce them themselves. The study unveils that student teachers in the last year of a graduate program cannot respond to disruptive behaviour without communication roadblocks. They need to develop communication strategies to address disruptions in the classroom, while supporting learner engagement, motivation, self-concept, and autonomy. These findings correspond with other research studies that show a lack of opportunities to develop communication skills during preservice teacher education

    Особливості визначення наявності крові в застарілих плямах методом тонкошарової вертикальної хроматографії

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    Due to the fact that the bloodstain pattern analysis takes the first place in the structure of the study of biological objects, the question of the study of blood patterns is relevant today. The main task (that will allow to solve the following, which puts the investigation before the experts), is to prove that these patterns, which are examined, contain blood, (regardless of their remoteness, attempts to destroy patterns of blood), find out its types or refute traces of blood. If the expert fails to prove the presence of blood, he must refuse to address the following issues. Otherwise, the expert may obtain results that will ultimately lead him to an erroneous conclusion. The article considers options for extraction of old blood stains in order to establish the presence of blood by the method of thin-layer vertical chromatography. This question is still relevant, as biological material can change under the influence of environmental factors and time and this can be an obstacle to establishing the fact of its presence on physical evidence, and also it can do harm to the quality of the study and the correctness of the conclusions, made as a result of the study. In order to select substances, that could provide rapid extraction of old blood stains, a study was performed using weak solutions of alkalis and acids and subsequent determination of the presence of blood by thin layer vertical chromatography. In immunological studies, there have been cases where blood crusts on non-hygroscopic surfaces under the influence of natural factors (such as high temperatures and direct sun rays) have not been extracted in saline and distilled water for several days. In addition, when using known blood samples in the reactions, the dependence of the saturation of the extracts on the age of the samples and the time of their extraction. These observations prompted researches in the sector of biological research and accounting of the Cherkasy NDEKTs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on methods for extracting old blood stains, which would allow to detect blood in the shortest possible time by the method of thin-layer vertical chromatography.Розглянуто варіанти екстрагування застарілих плям крові з метою визначити наявність крові методом тонкошарової вертикальної хроматографії. Це питання є актуальним, оскільки біологічний матеріал має здатність змінюватися під впливом чинників зовнішнього середовища й часу, що може стати на заваді виявленню його наявності на речовому доказі, а також якості проведеного дослідження та правильності зроблених у результаті дослідження висновків. Із метою добору речовин, які б могли забезпечити швидке екстрагування застарілих слідів крові, проведено дослідження з використанням слабких розчинів лугів і кислот та подальшим визначенням наявності крові методом тонкошарової вертикальної хрома-тографії

    Self-study activity with the use of information and communication technologies in the process of formation of the information and analytical competence of future border guard officers

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    The problem of formation of the information and analytical competence of future border guard officers with the use of information and communication technologies in their self-study activity is highlighted. The essence of the information and analytical competence is understood as a component of professional competence that reflects the readiness and ability of future border guard officers to apply information and analytical knowledge, their abilities, skills and personal qualities while processing information of various types and forms of presentation; ability to search for, evaluate, store, analyze, issue and disseminate important information in order to obtain qualitatively new knowledge necessary for decision-making in their professional activity. The structure of the information and analytical competence is the unity of four components, in particular, a value and motivational component, a cognitive and operative component, an activity component and a subjective one. The content of training is improved on the basis of the learner-oriented approach. The model that consists of organizational, practical and resultative blocks has been developed. The article deals with the issues of implementing the use of information and communication technologies in the course of foreign language training for future border guard officers as one of the pedagogical conditions of forming the information and analytical competence. The advantages of usage of new information and communication technologies in the self-study activity of cadets of higher military educational institutions is considered. The article highlights the importance of the self-study of future border guard officers in the process of formation of the information and analytical competence. The author states the main functions of the self-study activity in the course of foreign language learning. The teacher role in managing the self-study of cadets is stated. The advantages of usage of electronic textbooks are considered. The author presented interactive exercises and tasks from the electronic textbook. The lead-in is conducted to draw cadets’ attention to the topic of discussion. Different types of tasks before/while and after reading or watching the materials are performed. These tasks and exercises in their turn foster forming the information and analytical competence of future border guard officers. The implementation of self-study under the condition of introducing new information and communication technologies in the process of foreign language training contributes to the self-reliance formation of future border-guard officers, their activity and initiative in studies. The use of information and communication technologies in the self-study management provides control and self-control of independent cognitive activities, develops the creative orientation of cognitive activities of future border-guard officers, and motivates them to perform their tasks while processing foreign language sources in order to form their own assessment of processes and phenomena


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    The U.S.-Israel relationship has never existed in a vacuum; it has always been part of a broader regional strategy. Israel hoped the  45th president of the United States has ostensibly ended an eight- year deterioration of the U.S.-Israel relationship. He committed  himself to pro-Israeli positions, which was welcomed in Jerusalem.  However, Trump’s precise policy vis-à-vis Israel is likewise difficult to  define. He made problematic statements regarding the issue of  foreign aid to US allies, and declared that he would be neutral  regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel is still facing more questions than answers. Some are rooted in the uncertainty relating to the new US administration and the  implications of that change for Israel’s strategic environment, but  many are linked to the Israeli penchant for avoiding decisions that it  must make for itself. In the international arena, it is important to rebuild Israel’s status by relying not only on the Trump administration. Some Israeli politicians believe that Trump’s  unquestioning support means trouble for Israel. The Trumportunity is by no means a guarantee. The opportunity here is just that, an opportunity

    Student-centered teacher responses to student behavior in the classroom: A systematic review

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    IntroductionEffective communication skills are essential for successful behavior management in the classroom. Teachers who can respond proactively and in a student-centered manner can create a positive and productive learning environment. However, the empirical support for student-centered communication practices in behavior management is limited.MethodsTo address this gap, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify the characteristics of student-centered behavior management strategies that lead to lower behavior problems and increased student engagement. The review utilized a PRISMA protocol to ensure the rigor of the study selection process.ResultsFive main categories were identified that characterize student-centered behavior management responses. A table of 24 communication strategies was presented based on the findings of the review. The study also discussed the further impact of these strategies on student motivation, learning outcomes, responsibility, and interpersonal classroom climate.DiscussionThe findings of this study highlight the importance of effective communication skills in behavior management and provide valuable insights for teachers to improve their practice. By implementing these student-centered communication strategies, teachers can manage the classroom effectively, creating a more positive and productive learning environment and supporting students in achieving better learning outcomes

    Effect of Seven Newly Synthesized and Currently Available Oxime Cholinesterase Reactivators on Cyclosarin-Intoxicated Rats

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    Seven new oxime-based acetylcholinesterase reactivators were compared with three currently available ones (obidoxime, trimedoxime, HI-6) for their ability to lessen cholinesterase inhibition in blood and brain of cyclosarin-treated rats. Oximes were given at doses of 5% their LD50 along with 21 mg/kg atropine five min before the LD50 of cyclosarin (120 ug/kg) was administered. Blood and brain samples were collected 30 minutes later. The greatest difference between acetylcholinesterase inhibition in blood of cyclosarin-treated rats was found after administration of HI-6 (40%), compared to 22% for trimedoxime and 6% for obidoxime. Only two of the seven newly synthesized oximes had any effect (K203 at 7%, K156 at 5%). Effective oximes against cyclosarin-inhibited plasma butyrylcholinesterase were HI-6 (42%), trimedoxime (11%), and K156 (4%). The oximes were less effective in brain than in blood, with reactivation values for HI-6 30% against acetylcholinesterase and 10% against butyrylcholinesterase. Values for newly synthesized oximes were less than 10% for K206, K269 and K203

    Family as One of the Key Determinants of Media Education of Young School-age Children

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    The attitude of parents influences formation of children’s attitude to life. It is even more noticeable when speaking about media. The proposed contribution shows partial results of research carried out as a part of VEGA project No. 1/0913/15: Media literacy of young school-age children in the context of family and school cooperation. The character of the empirical research was diagnostic and quantitative-qualitative. The aim of the research was to examine media education performed in formal and non-formal ways among young schoolaged children in Slovakia. 28 schools from all over Slovakia were examined in the presented research. The contribution focuses mainly on findings from questionnaires given to parents and other focus groups, i.e. pupils


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    The risk analysis algorithms, which are offered by domestic scientists for Ukrainian farmers, are limited in use and are often obsolete. The situation in agriculture of Ukraine changes quickly enough –new agricultural machinery and new technologies appears, this requires a new management.At the same time, the use of approved decision support systems and risk analysis software systems tested in developed countries is not possible in Ukraine. This is due to the lack of accompanying information providing.The databases on factors influencing risk are absent both at the national level and at the regional level in Ukraine. Today, the creation of such databases does not solve the problem, as the necessary precondition of modern software systems for risk analysis is the availability of data covering significant time period.Thus, the problem of the development of algorithm for such an economic-mathematical model of information processing that would be able to work effectively under the condition of a lack of data on factors influencing risks needed for the effective use in the agricultural sector of Ukraine became a topical issue. The developed algorithm of the economic-mathematical model of the system of risk analysis involves the replenishment of the required amount of information by an expert in the field of agriculture and the subsequent automatic operation of the software complex.The factor of incompleteness of information complicates the work of decision support system, extends the time of information processing.In the course of the research it is suggested to use both the analytical approach and the simulation model for the formation of the algorithm. The appropriateness of choosing one or another method is determined by the availability of the required amount of reliable primary statistical information. Reducing the time of the task is facilitated by the formation of library working arrays, which is accumulated during the operation of the automatic risk analysis system.The pilot test of the suggested algorithm of the economic and mathematical model of the system for decision support and risk analysis for the cases of incomplete data on their parameters for Ukrainian farms, which grow grains and leguminous crops, allowed to get the first practical results. As a result of risk analysis the biggest risk for farms which grow grains and leguminous crops is identified, namely, the reduction of sales volumes, while the smallest risk, the impact of which was overestimated by scientists before, is a reduction in the price for products of these farms. Thus, the efficiency of the proposed algorithm of decision support system is proved.Алгоритмы анализа рисков, предложенные отечественным учеными для украинских агропроизводителей имеют ограниченное применение и, часто, являются морально устаревшими. А ситуация в сельском хозяйстве Украины изменяется достаточно быстро – приходят новая техника и новые технологии, которые требуют нового менеджмента, в частности, анализа рисков. В то же время, использование апробированных в развитых странах систем поддержки принятия решений и программных комплексов анализа рисков в Украине является невозможным. Это обусловлено отсутствием сопутствующего информационного обеспечения. Базы данных по факторам, которые влияют на риск в Украине отсутствуют как на общегосударственном, так и на региональном уровне. Создание сегодня таких баз данных не разрешает проблему, поскольку условием работы современных западных программных комплексов анализа рисков является наличие данных за значительные промежутки времени.В ходе исследования для формирования алгоритма предложено применять как аналитический подход, так и метод имитационного моделирования. Показателем целесообразности выбора того или другого метода является наличие необходимого объема достоверной первичной статистической информации.Пилотное испытание предложенного алгоритма экономико-математической модели системы поддержки принятия решений и анализа рисков при неполных данных по их параметрам для фермерских хозяйств Украины, которые выращивают зерновые и зернобобовые культуры, позволило получить первые практические результаты. В результате анализа рисков указано на наибольший риск для фермерских хозяйств, которые выращивают зерновые и зернобобовые культуры, а именно на уменьшение объемов реализации продукции, и на наименьший риск, влияние которого практиками к получению результатов анализа рисков преувеличивалось – это уменьшение цены на продукцию указанных фермерских хозяйств. Таким образом, доказана эффективность предложенного алгоритма системы поддержки принятия решений.Алгоритми аналізу ризиків, запропоновані вітчизняним вченими для українських агровиробників мають обмежене застосування і є, часто-густо, застарілими. А ситуація в сільському господарстві України змінюється досить швидко – приходять нова техніки і нові технології, які вимагають нового менеджменту, зокрема, аналізу ризиків.У той же час, використання апробованих в розвинених країнах систем підтримки прийняття рішень та програмних комплексів аналізу ризиків в Україні є неможливим. Це обумовлено відсутністю супроводжувального інформаційного забезпечення. Бази даних за факторами, що впливають на ризик, в Україні відсутні як на загальнодержавному рівні, так і на регіональному рівні. Створення сьогодні таких баз даних не вирішує проблеми, оскільки умовою роботи сучасних західних програмних комплексів аналізу ризиків є наявність даних за значні проміжки часу.Тому стала актуальною проблема розробки алгоритму  такої економіко-математичної моделі обробки  інформації, яка б могла ефективно працювати при умові нестачі даних по факторам впливу на ризики для використання в сільськогосподарській галузі України.Розроблений алгоритм економіко-математичної моделі системи аналізу ризиків передбачає поповнення потрібного обсягу інформації експертом в галузі сільського господарства і подальшу  автоматичну роботу програмного комплексу.Фактор неповноти інформації ускладнює роботу системи підтримки прийняття рішень, подовжує час обробки інформації.В ході дослідження для формування алгоритму запропоновано застосовувати як аналітичний підхід, так і метод імітаційного моделювання. Покажчиком доцільності вибору того чи іншого методу є наявність потрібного обсягу достовірної первинної статистичної інформації.Зменшення часу виконання задачі полегшується формуванням бібліотеки робочих масивів, яка накопичується під час роботи автоматичної системи аналізу ризиків.Пілотне випробування запропонованого алгоритму економіко-математичної моделі  системи підтримки прийняття рішень та аналізу ризиків за неповних даних по їх параметрах для фермерських господарств України, що вирощують зернові та зернобобові культури, дозволило отримати перші практичні результати.За результатами аналізу ризиків вказано на найбільший ризик для фермерських господарств, що вирощують зернові та зернобобові культури, а саме на зменшення обсягів реалізації продукції і на найменший ризик, вплив якого практиками до отримання результатів аналізу ризиків перебільшувався – це зменшення ціни на продукцію вказаних фермерських господарств.Таким чином, доведено ефективність запропонованого алгоритму системи підтримки прийняття рішень