12 research outputs found

    Earthquake loss assessment study for Zeytinburnu district

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    İstanbul'da gerçekleşmesi beklenen depreme, en iyi şekilde hazırlanmak için afetin hangi bölgeleri, hangi tipteki yapıları en çok etkileyeceği ve bu afetin nasıl bir ekonomik bilanço çıkaracağını afet olmadan önce tahmin etmek gerekmektedir. Bu mekanizma dünya üzerinde deprem için sıklıkla kullanılmakta ve tatmin edici sonuçlar vermektedir. Hasar tahmini için en önemli bileşen, ilgili bölgedeki tüm olası senaryoları uygulayabilecek ve bu senaryoların ilgili bölge yapıları üzerindeki etkilerinin görülmesini sağlayacak ve bu etkilerin azaltılması için gerekli güçlendirmeleri önerecek bir yazılımlar bütünüdür. Çalışmanın amacı, İstanbul için deprem nedeniyle olası mevcut ve güncellenen riskleri ortaya koymak ve karar vericilere riski ortadan kaldırmak ya da azaltmak için geliştirecekleri zarar azaltma stratejilerinde yardımcı olabilecek güncellenen veri ve yöntemlere göre kendini yenileyebilen bir yazılım geliştirmektir. HAZUS ve MAEviz Amerika’da ulusal düzeyde kullanılan programlardır ve doğal afetlerin insan yaşamına uzun dönem sosyal ve ekonomik etkilerini azaltmada etkin bir rol oynamaktadırlar. Çalışma kapsamında geliştirilen HAZTURK adlı yazılım da bu sistemler gibi depremin toplum üzerindeki fiziksel, sosyal ve ekonomik sonuçlarını tahmin ve analiz eder. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan uygulamada pilot bölge olarak Zeytinburnu ilçesi seçilmiş ve mevcut bina verileri kullanılarak deprem hasar analizi yapılmıştır. Oluşturulan envanterin hasar görebilirlikleri (kırılganlık) saha çalışmaları ile parametrik kırılganlık metodu kullanılarak belirlenmiş ve oluşturulan hasar tahmin yazılımı kullanılarak tüm bina verilerine ait olası deprem sonrası yapısal ve ekonomik kayıplar belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Deprem hasar tahmini, coğrafi bilgi sistemleri, afet yönetimi, risk yönetimi. After the 1999 earthquakes hit Kocaeli and Düzce, several seismic loss assessment studies were performed for the city of Istanbul; many of them were carried out by the most important academicians in Turkey. However, due to the rapid changes in the exposed inventory of the city, those studies were losing accuracy. This paper presents a seismic loss assessment system that can easily reanalyze earthquake scenarios including updates in the exposed inventory. This software can be used by the government decision makers and disaster management agencies. In the analysis described in this paper, the inventory data for the Zeytinburnu District is updated and visualized by using the rapid visual screening of buildings. Results from a loss assessment for the Zeytinburnu District are presented and compared with the results from previous studies. The loss assessment analysis for this study provide estimates of building damage, retrofit cost and economic loss. The increasing interest in computer-based seismic risk and loss assessment systems imposes new research requirements on the earthquake engineering community. Such systems are being used for the important purposes of disaster response planning and formulating risk reduction policies. Their accuracy and reliability are therefore fundamental to the success of these mitigation measures. The ingredients of seismic loss assessment are hazard, vulnerability or fragility, inventory and integrated visualization (losses). Assessment of the effects of such an earthquake in Istanbul to the buildings, substructures and transportation networks will help excessively in the preparation stage before the disaster. It is obvious that the expected earthquake for the Istanbul will cause inescapable and irreversible consequences for human life and economy of the country. That is why, it should be estimated that which regions will be affected more, which structures will have more damage, and what will be the economic losses after the disaster, to be prepared as good as possible to the expected earthquake. This kind of estimation will help on preparedness for the earthquake, mitigation, early and rapid response stages after the disaster, and recovery phases of the disaster management progress. This estimation methodology is being used on all over the world and giving very convincing results on earthquake cases. The most important component for the loss estimation is a kind of software that can realize all possible earthquake scenarios for the region of interest and provide the results of the affects of those scenarios on the region and offer reinforcements to mitigate the consequences of the disaster. This study based on MAEViz, a multipurpose risk assessment tool recognized by FEMA and supported by NSF in the United States and HAZUS, FEMA's multi-hazard risk assessment tool. This new tool for Turkey comprehensively addresses all aspects of risk assessment and provides "out of the box" analysis. In this study, Zeytinburnu district was chosen as the pilot region and following the development of the system, applied for the Istanbul. The goal of this study is to introduce the current and updated risks because of the earthquake possibility in Istanbul and help the decision makers by developing a living system which, can be updated as the inventory of the region of interest and the methodology for the loss assessment updates itself. By this way it can help the decision makers on eliminating or reducing the risks. In the loss assessment process, the accuracy of the estimation is directly connected to the accuracy and the correctness of the inventory. That is why; the inventory for such an assessment study must be accurate and current. For this study, the damage and losses to be assessed can be listed for the buildings. The first step of the study was to establish an up-to-date and accurate dataset for a region like Istanbul having an outdated and limited data on buildings and perform loss estimation over the established inventory. That is why the Zeytinburnu district was chosen as the pilot study region. The fragilities of this inventory were determined by field surveying and the parametrized fragility method. Loss estimation on the building and utility network data were made using HAZTURK, the developed loss estimation software to determine the post-earthquake structural damage and economic losses. The most important aspect of the software is to enable all possible earthquake scenarios to be analyzed having tools and menus in Turkish. HAZTURK is specifically designed to meet the needs of practitioners and researchers in Turkey with a user-friendly system. Keywords: Earthquake loss assessment, geographic information systems, disaster management, risk management.

    GNSS station design for global climate change monitoring in Antarctica: ınstallation of TUR1 and TUR2 GNSS stations on Horseshoe Island in Antarctica During The 4th Turkish Antarctic Science Expedition

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    Son yıllarda uzay tabanlı konumlama sistemleri, GNSS Meteorolojisi ve GNSS Reflektometresi teknikleri kullanılarak gözlemlenen atmosferik su buharı, deniz, buz ve kar seviyeleri gibi önemli parametrelerle küresel iklim değişikliğinin izlenmesinde etkili bir destekleyici araç haline gelmiştir. Küresel ölçekte tüm bölgelerden daha hızlı ısınan Antarktika'da iklim değişikliğini incelemek, gelecekteki iklim değişikliğini daha doğru tahmin etmek için çok önemlidir. Dünya'nın iklim değişikliği etkilerinin izlenebilmesi amacıyla, 118Y322 No’lu TÜBİTAK projesi kapsamında GNSS Meteorolojisi ve GNSS Reflektometresi teknikleri ile 24 Şubat 2020 tarihinden itibaren Antarktika’da atmosferik su buharı değişimleri, kar derinliği ve buz kalınlığı değişimleri gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Troposfer ve Deniz Seviyesi Gözlem İstasyonu (TUR1) ile Troposfer ve Kar / Buz Seviyesi Gözlem İstasyonunun (TUR2) tasarım çalışmaları ve 4. Ulusal Antarktika Bilim Seferi’nde Antarktika Horseshoe Adası’na kurulum aşamaları anlatılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar, meteorolojik koşullar, şebekeden bağımsız ve batarya ile bütünleşik enerji sisteminin en sağlıklı şekilde güneş ve rüzgâr enerjisinden beslenmesi ve bölgede oluşabilecek buzul oluşumu ve kayaç parçalanması gibi jeolojik parametreler de göz önüne alınarak yapılmıştır.In recent years, space-based positioning systems have become an effective supporting tool for monitoring global climate change by important parameters such as atmospheric water vapor, sea, ice and snow levels observed by using GNSS Meteorology and GNSS Reflectometry techniques. Studying climate change in Antarctica, which is warming faster than all of the regions on a global scale, is very important to predict future climate change more accurately. In order to monitor climate change effects of the Earth, tropospheric water vapor variations, snow depth and ice thickness changes have been observing in Antarctica since 24 February 2020 by means of GNSS Meteorology and GNSS Reflectometry techniques within the scope of the TUBITAK Project No. 118Y322 In this study, designing studies of Troposphere and Sea Level Observation Station (TUR1) and Troposphere and Snow / Ice Level Observation Station (TUR2) and installation steps to Horseshoe Island in Antarctica during the 4th National Antarctic Science Expedition are explained. These studies was carried out by taking into account the meteorological conditions, the healthiest feeding of the off grid battery integrated energy system from solar and wind energy and geological parameters such as glacial formation and rock fragmentation that may occur in the region

    I.T.U. Campus Disaster Information System; Constitution Of The Emergency Management Based Object Model And Construction Of The Related Queries

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003Bu çalışmada, Türkiye Afet Bilgi Sistemi Obje Kataloğu (TABİS-OK) ve ilişkisel veritabanı modeli kullanılarak İ.T.Ü. Ayazağa Kampüsüne yönelik bir Afet Yönetimi Bazlı Veritabanı ve bu veritabanının bağlı olduğu Afet Yönetimi Obje Modeli oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan bu veritabanı, İstanbul’da olması muhtemel bir afet halinde Ayazağa Kampüsünde yapılacak, arama kurtarma, hasar tespit, onarım ve iyileştirme çalışmalarının planlı, hızlı ve etkin bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesinde bir altyapı ve veri kataloğu olarak kullanımak için yapılandırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda oluşturulan Afet Yönetimi Obje Modeli, gelecekte oluşturulacak kampüs bazlı afet yönetimi amaçlı veritabanları ve bilgi sistemleri için bir kaynak teşkil etmektedir. Obje modeli TABİS-OK’nun Afet Yönetimi Obje Alanları kısmında yapılan bir kampüse yönelik obje eleme ve eklemesi şeklinde oluşturulmuştur. Bir kampüste olabilecek ve olamayacak objeler ve öznitelikleri araştırılmış ve sonuçlar veritabanının optimizasyonunda kullanılmıştır. Çalışma veritabanı tasarım kuralları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve girilen örnek verilerle istenen sorgulamalar ve sorgulama sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar farklı işletim sistemleri ve ortamlarda yapılan aynı sorgulamalarla karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçların tutarlılık sağladığı ve veritabanının platformdan bağımsız çalıştığı görülmüştür.In this study using Turkey Disaster Information System Object Catalog (TABİS-OK) and relational database model, an Emergency Management Object Model, devoted to İ.T.Ü. Ayazağa Campus and an Emergency Management Database related to the Emergency Management Object Model are constituted. The database is constituted to be used as an infrastructure and a data catalog in search and rescue, loss determination, and restoration works on a probable disaster that may occur in İstanbul. At the same time, the constituted Emergency Management Model is an open source for the campus based emergency management databases and information systems. The object model is created by using the Emergency Management Object Fields part of the TABİS-OK. The creation process is done by eliminating and adding of the objects devoted to the campus. The objects and the attributeswhich can not be placed or must be placed in a campus are searched and the results were used in the optimization process of the database. The study realized in the scope of the relational database design rules and the desired queries and the query results were determined. The query results are compared with the same queries which were done on the different operating systems, interfaces, platforms and on the network. And it is seemed that all of the results are consistent and the database works free from the platform where it is being ran.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Use of social media as a volunteered geographic data and the gazetteer production from social media data

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    Gelişen web ve akıllı mobil teknolojileri ile sosyal medya platformları yaygınlaşmıştır. Son 10 yılda bu platformlardaki aktif kullanıcı sayısının artması veri üretimine de yansımıştır. Sosyal medya platformları aracılığı ile üretilen mekansal veri doğrudan ya da dolaylı kullanımlarla afet yönetimi, pazarlama, politika gibi geniş çerçevede katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu veri geleneksek gönüllü coğrafi bilgi projelerinde üretilen verinin aksine yapılandırılmamış ve çoğunlukla belirli bir amaç için projelendirilmeden üretilen karma bir veridir. Bu nedenle veri üzerinde çalışılacak konuya göre metin analizleri ile filtreleme yapmanın yanında verinin mekansal tarafını ele almak için coğrafi etiketleme ve referanslama konusunda ön işleme yapmayı gerektirmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı, gönüllü coğrafi bilginin bir alt başlığı olan sosyal medya verilerinin mekansal veri olarak kullanımını değerlendirerek, metinlerden coğrafi bilgi çıkarımı yaklaşımlarını tanıtmaktadır. Coğrafi ayrıştırmada ihtiyaç duyulan coğrafya sözlüğü üretimi için bir metodoloji sunmaktadır. Sunulan metodoloji İstanbul ve Londra için üretilen tweetlerde test edilmiş ve ilgi noktalarının tespitinde özellikle bina bazında temsil edilen alanlar için başarı sağlamıştır. Bu çalışma, doğal dilden bağımsız ve coğrafi tekrarlılığa dayalı coğrafi veri elde etme metodolojisi ile literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır.Social media platforms became widespread thanks to the developments in web and smart mobile technologies. Produced data volume has tremendously increased with the growing number of active users in these platforms in the last decade. Spatial data generated through social media platforms, that is in-/directly produced, contribute to diverse topics such as disaster management, marketing, and policy. This data, unlike the general voluntary geographic information, is unstructured and undirected for a project or for a specific purpose. Therefore, it requires pre-processing and filtering for text analysis according to the subject to be studied, and evaluation for direct or indirect spatial data for geospatial analysis. The aim of this article is to introduce and discuss the use of social media data as a subtitle of voluntary geographic information over geo-parsing approaches. This article also presents a methodology for the production of a gazetteer, which is required for geo-parsing techniques. The proposed methodology in this study is tested with the tweets generated within Istanbul and London areas and it is succeeded especially in the detection of point of interest that is representing the buildings. This study contributes to the literature of geographic data retrieval with the methodology, which is independent of natural language and based on the geographic data repetitiveness

    Determination of building age for Istanbul buildings to be used for the earthquake damage analysis according to structural codes by using aerial and satellite images in GIS

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    Istanbul is located in one of the most active seismic zones in the world. Since Istanbul is the industrial, commercial, cultural and educational center of Turkey, it attracts ongoing migration from all over Turkey. However, those migrations caused unplanned construction and those unplanned constructions led to the formation of vulnerable and undocumented building stock in Istanbul. Many scientific studies estimated that Istanbul is expecting a major earthquake and the expected damage to the structures will be extensive. Therefore, there have been a lot of building damage estimations for the possible Istanbul earthquake to recommended precautions and to be prepared. A major disadvantage of Istanbul case is the lack of knowledge for the absolute number of buildings and the ages of those buildings. Up to now, many studies for Istanbul used the building dataset of Istanbul with the number starting from 1.1 to 1.5 million without the absolute age information. To make a correct or reliable earthquake damage estimation, a building database that contains at least building age, construction type and number of floors is required in most of the earthquake loss assessment software. This paper aims to determine the buildings of Istanbul and the age of them, according to structural codes for the earthquake zones by using aerial and satellite images of Istanbul. The classification should be based on the regulation so as to minimize the age classes and maximize the accuracy. First building regulations in Turkey came into force in 1940 in order to determine essential conditions for the realization of functional, safe and disaster-resistant building design in Turkey. Last updated building code regulations have come into force in 2007 in Turkey. It was also important to investigate the proper building detection method for the aim of this study, and it was determined as the manual digitization. In this study, the buildings of Istanbul and the age of them are determined for every single building, by digitizing the selected aerial and satellite images of Istanbul based on the official structural codes in Turkey. Thus, first the exact number and location of buildings in Istanbul and every single buildings age were determined. The results were also validated with two separate studies of Istanbul for different periods of times. By this way, earthquake damage analysis for the Istanbul buildings can be run for the real building data of Istanbul with any earthquake loss assessment software.WOS:000392302700024Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Science Citation Index ExpandedQ2 - Q3ArticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRŞubat2017YÖK - 2016-1

    Determination of Road Functionality for Küçükçekmece District Following a Scenario Earthquake for Istanbul

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    Istanbul has been affected by earthquakes throughout its history. The most recent earthquake to shake Istanbul was on August 17 1999, along the North Anatolian Fault, 12 km southeast of the Izmit Province, with a magnitude of 7.4. Following the 1999 Izmit earthquake, the earthquake risk in Istanbul started to draw attention and many scientific studies were conducted on the potential earthquake risk in this city. Based on these studies, predictions are that Istanbul is going to face a major earthquake in the near future and this will cause severe damage to the built environment. It is estimated that the damage caused by the anticipated earthquake will be extensive as a consequence of Istanbul’s low quality building stock of Istanbul. The buildings that have the possibility of being damaged cause debris around them. If roadside buildings collapsed during the earthquake, the scattered parts of the buildings could cause roads to lose their functionality. Not only building damage but also transportation damage analysis is necessary to use risk mitigation studies and decisions, being that experiences showed that the functionality of transportation structure effects post-earthquake emergency response and recovery operation seriously. This study aims to reveal a method for road functionality in Küçükçekçekmece following a potential Istanbul Earthquake by using building collapse direction and bridge damage

    Citizens’ Spatial Footprint on Twitter—Anomaly, Trend and Bias Investigation in Istanbul

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    Social media (SM) can be an invaluable resource in terms of understanding and managing the effects of catastrophic disasters. In order to use SM platforms for public participatory (PP) mapping of emergency management activities, a bias investigation should be undertaken with regard to the data related to the study area (urban, regional or national, etc.) to determine the spatial data dynamics. Thus, such determinations can be made on how SM can be used and interpreted in terms of PP. In this study, the city of Istanbul was chosen for social media data research area, as it is one of the most crowded cities in the world and expecting a major earthquake. The methodology for the data investigation is: 1. Obtain data and engage sampling, 2. Identify the representation and temporal biases in the data and normalize it in response to representation bias, 3. Identify general anomalies and spatial anomalies, 4. Manipulate the trend of the dataset with the discretization of anomalies and 5. Examine the spatiotemporal bias. Using this bias investigation methodology, citizen footprint dynamics in the city were determined and reference maps (most likely regional anomaly maps, representation maps, time-space bias maps, etc.) were produced. The outcomes of the study can be summarized in four steps. First, highly active users generate the majority of the data and removing this data as a general approach within a pseudo-cleaning process means concealing a large amount of data. Second, data normalization in terms of activity levels, changes the anomaly outcome resulting from diverse representation levels of users. Third, spatiotemporally normalized data present strong spatial anomaly tendency in some parts of the central area. Fourth, trend data is dense in the central area and the spatiotemporal bias assessments show the data density varies in terms of the time of day, day of week and season of the year. The methodology proposed in this study can be used to extract the unbiased daily routines of the social media data of the regions for the normal days and this can be referred for the emergency or unexpected event cases to detect the change or impacts

    Offshore wind farm site selection using interval rough numbers based Best Worst Method and MARCOS

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    Over the past 20 years, the development of offshore wind farms has become increasingly important across the world. One of the most crucial reasons for that is offshore wind turbines have higher average speeds than those onshore, producing more electricity. In this study, a new hybrid approach integrating Interval Rough Numbers (IRNs) into Best-Worst Method (BWM) and Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) is introduced for multi-criteria intelligent decision support to choose the best offshore wind farm site in a Turkey’s coastal area. Four alternatives in the Aegean Sea are considered based on a range of criteria. The results show the viability of the proposed approach which yields Bozcaada as the appropriate site, when compared to and validated using the other multi-criteria decision-making techniques from the literature, including IRN based MABAC, WASPAS, and MAIRCA