9 research outputs found

    The Nursing Care And Education Plan For A Child With Epidermolysis Bullosa (A Case Report)

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    EB is a chronic disease, some types of which may have morbidity and mortality. That is why the patients must receive multidisciplinary care in case any complications arise. Families must be informed about the disease, about home care and receive genetic counselling. The importance of genetic counselling cannot be stressed enough, since both M.C. and his younger brother were diagnosed with EB. If the family had received genetic counselling, this tragic situation could have been prevented. Home care education for the families of EB patients is also of great importance. Relatives of the patient must also be educated about wound care, infection control, patient nutrition and physical treatment. They must also be educated about how to use the medications and about bandaging, dressing, Vaseline bandages, antiseptics, bathing procedures, and the use of antibiotic cream ointment. It was obvious, therefore, that the nursing care given at home enhanced both the patient’s and the family’s quality of life

    Cases of exposure to abuse of adolescents having training in vocational training centersMesleki eğitim merkezinde eğitim alan gençlerin işyerinde istismara uğrama durumları

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    It was aimed to assess frequency and affecting factors of abuse of adolescents in workplaces attending the vocational training center. The study was carried out between May-June 2014 with 109 adolescents attending the vocational training center and having agreed to participate in the study. Data obtained with questionnaire form were evaluated with number, percentage and chi-square tests. It was determined that 80.7% of adolescents participating in the study were male, 48.6% were in 14-17 age average, and 88.1% were secondary school graduates. It was also determined that 61.5% of adolescents had intermediate income, 65.1% had social insurance, and 93.5% were pleased with working as an apprentice. It was detected that 38.5% of adolescents participating in the study were exposed to emotional abuse, 14.7% to physical abuse, and 2.8% to sexual abuse in their workplaces. It was determined within those exposed to emotional abuse that 38% of these were humiliated in front of others, 26.9% were treated with swear-yelling. It was determined within those exposed to physical abuse that 37.5% of these were exposed to physical abuse as throwing a punch. While there was no statistical significance between exposure to physical and emotional abuse and age of adolescents (p˃0.05), a statistical significance was found with their genders (p˂0.05). It was determined that male apprentices were exposed to both physical and emotional abuse more. At the end of the study, it was detected that adolescents working as apprentices were exposed to emotional abuse more; and measures should be taken for prevention of exposure of these adolescents being in adolescence period which is a unsteady period in terms of psychological health. Özet Bu çalışmada, mesleki eğitim merkezine devam eden gençlerin iş yerinde istismara uğrama sıklığı ve etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Araştırma; mesleki eğitim merkezine devam eden ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 109 genç ile Mayıs - Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında yapıldı. Anket formu ile elde edilen veriler sayı, yüzdelik ve ki-kare testleri ile değerlendirildi. Araştırmaya katılan gençlerin %80.7 sinin erkek, %48.6’sının 14-17 yaş aralığında, %88.1’inin ortaokul mezunu oldukları belirlendi. Gençlerin %61.5’inin orta seviyede gelire sahip olduğu, %65.1’inin sosyal güvencesinin olduğu ve %93.5’inin çırak olarak çalışmaktan memnun oldukları belirlendi. Araştırmaya katılan gençlerin %38.5’inin çalıştıkları işyerlerinde duygusal istismar, %14.7’sinin fiziksel ve %2.8’inin cinsel istismara maruz kaldıkları saptandı. Duygusal istismara uğrayanların %38’inin başkasının yanında küçük düşürüldüğü, %26.9’unun küfür-bağırma ile muamele gördüğü belirlendi. Fiziksel istismara maruz kalanların %37.5’inin yumruk atılması şeklinde fiziksel istismara maruz kaldıkları belirlendi. Gençlerin fiziksel ve duygusal istismara uğrama durumları ile yaş arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık yok iken (p˃0.05) cinsiyetleri ile arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık (p˂0.05) bulundu. Erkek çırakların hem fiziksel hem de duygusal istismara daha çok maruz kaldıkları belirlendi. Çalışma sonucunda genel olarak çırak olarak çalışan gençlerin daha çok duygusal istismara maruz kaldıkları saptanmış olup ruh sağlığı açısından çalkantılı olan ergenlik dönemindeki bu gençlerin istismara uğratılmaması için önlemler alınmalıdır

    Neonatal intensive care unit nurses’ levels of information regarding therapeutic positions to be applied to preterm newborns

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    Giriş: Preterm yenidoğanların yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde (YYBÜ) yoğun stres yaşadıkları ilk günlerde gelişimsel bakımlarında tüm sistemlerinin optimal düzeyde fonksiyonelliğinin sağlanması için çok özel pozisyonlarda yatırılmaları gereklidir. YYBÜ’de pozisyon yönetiminin temel amacı; bebeklerin tedavi/bakım girişimlerinin neden olduğu ağrı/acıdan ve çevreden kaynaklanan stresörlerden etkilenmesini azaltmak, aynı zamanda postürlerini koruyarak stresle baş etmeyi sağlamalarını kolaylaştırmaktır. Bu çalışma Türkiye’de yenidoğan yoğun bakım hemşirelerin preterm yenidoğanlara uygulanacak terapötik pozisyonlar hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerini belirlemek amacı ile planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma Şanlıurfa ilinde YYBÜ’de görev yapan ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 52 yenidoğan hemşiresi ile Eylül-Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında kesitsel ve tanımlayıcı tipte yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin %57,7’si intrauterin dönemde fetüsün fizyolojik fleksiyon pozisyonda bulunduğunu belirtirken; hemşirelerin sadece %11,5’i YYBÜ’ndeki preterm bebeklere uygulanabilecek terapötik pozisyonların prone, supine ve yan yatış pozisyonları olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Hemşireler YYBÜ’nde preterm bebeklere doğru pozisyon vermenin yararları olarak bebeklerin stresle başetmelerini yükselttiği (%32,7), baş ve ekstremitelerin dış hat oryantasyonu kolaylaştırdığını (%28,8) belirtmişlerdir. Pretermlere yanlış pozisyon vermenin zararlarını olarak ise en çok motor ve davranışsal bozukluklara (%32,7) ve kalıcı postür bozukluklarına (%26,9) neden olduğunu belirtilmiştir. Amerikan Pediatri Akademisi’nin (APA) önerisi ile preterm bebeklerin yoğun bakım ünitesinde (YBÜ) yattığı sürece verilecek pozisyona, hemşirelerin %44,2’si prone pozisyonu; taburcu olduktan sonra ise ani bebek ölümü sendromu (ABÖS) riskinin önlenmesi için verilecek pozisyona, hemşirelerin %25’i supine pozisyonu cevabını vermişlerdir. YYBÜ hemşirelerinin %67,3’ü preterm bebeklerin çevresel stresörlere en fazla duyarlı oldukları dönemin YYBÜ’ndeki ilk günler olduğu ve %61,5’i ise preterm bebeklerin gelişimleri için vücutlarının desteklenmesi gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir. Sonuç: YYBÜ’nde çalışan hemşirelerin, preterm yenidoğanların YBÜ’nde ve taburculuk sonrasında uygulanabilecek terapötik pozisyonlar hakkında bilgileri arttırılmalıdır.Introduction: In order to provide optimal functionality of all the systems in the developmental care in the first days when they experience a great amount of stress in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), preterm newborns should be laid down in rather special positions. The basic aims of position management in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are to alleviate the pain/ache caused by the treatment/care interventions, minimise the effects of stressors resulting from the environmental factors and facilitate their coping with stress by preserving their postures. This study was planned to assess neonatal intensive care unit nurses’ levels of information regarding therapeutic positions to be applied to preterm newborns. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out with 52 neonatal nurses who worked in NICU in the city of Şanlıurfa and who accepted to participate in the study between September and December 2012 and also is a cross-sectional and descriptive study. Results: While 57.7% of the nurses who participated in the study stated that the fetus was in physiological flexion position in intrauterine period, only 11.5% of them stated that prone, supine and sidelying position are the therapeutic positions that could be applied to preterm babies in the NICU. As for the benefits of creating the correct position for the preterm babies in NICU the nurses stated that it increased the baby’s conditions for dealing with stress (32.7%) and made external line-orientation easier (28.8%). As for the damages of positioning the preterm incorrectly, they stated that it caused motor and behavioural disorders (32.7%) and permanent posture disorders (26.9%). 44.2% of the Nurses stated that during their stay in the intensive care units babies should be in the prone position as recommended by the American Paediatrics Academy (AAP) and 25% of them stated that they should be in the supine position to prevent the risk of sudden infant mortality syndrome after being discharged from the hospital. 67.3% of NICU nurses stated that the period which preterm babies were most reactive to environmental stressors was the first days in NICU whereas 61.5% stated that their bodies should be supported for preterm babies’ development. Conclusions: Nurses working in NICU should be informed regarding the therapeutic positions to be applied in the intensive care unit and after the discharge to support the development process of the preterm neonatal

    Non-pharmacological strategies used to reduce procedural pain in infants by nurses at family health centres

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    WOS:000402866300014PubMed:28585588Objective: To determine the methods used by nurses working in family health centres to decrease pain during medical procedures in infants. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted at family health centres in the county town of Bandirma, and city centres of Karaman and Gaziantep, Turkey, in September and October 2015, and comprised nurses. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire. SPSS 15 was used for data analysis. Results: Of the 144 participants, 71(49.3%) were aged 31-40 years, 74(51.4%) had a bachelor's degree, and 76(52.8%) had worked in a family health centre for 1-5 years. It was observed that 91(63.3%) nurses used contact/massage for decreasing the pain during vaccinations and 72(50.3%) used skin-to-skin contact during heel lance. A statistically significant difference was found between the level of education and use of non-pharmacological methods (p<0.05). Conclusion: Nurses used different non-pharmacologic methods during invasive procedures

    Comparison of the effectiveness of three different methods in decreasing pain during venipuncture in children: ball squeezing, balloon inflating and distraction cards

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    WOS:000385024500026PubMed:27112434Aims and objectives. This study aimed to investigate three different distraction methods (squeezing a soft ball, balloon inflation and distraction cards) on pain and anxiety relief in children during phlebotomy. Background. Needle-requiring medical procedures such as venipuncture, phlebotomy and intramuscular injections are common and significant sources of pain for children, and these cause anxiety, distress and fear. Design. This study was a prospective, randomised controlled trial. Methods. The sample consisted of children (n = 120) who required blood tests. Data were obtained through face-to-face interviews with the children, their parents and the observer before and after the procedure. The children's pain levels were assessed and reported by the parents and observers, and the children themselves who self-reported using Wong-Baker FACES. The children's anxiety levels were also assessed using the Children's Fear Scale. Results. One hundred and twenty children (mean age: 9.64 +/- 2.07 years) were included. No difference was found between the groups in the self-, parent-and observer-reported procedural pain levels (p = 0.446, p = 0.467, p = 0.318 respectively). Furthermore, no significant differences were observed between the groups in procedural child anxiety levels according to the parents and observer (p = 0.323, p = 0.144 respectively). Conclusion. Pain and anxiety relief was seen in the three methods used during phlebotomy; however, no statistically significant difference was observed. Relevance to clinical practice. This study contributes to the literature on nonpharmacologic pain relief methods during phlebotomy in children

    Evaluation of Ocular Surface Health in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Objectives: To evaluate ocular surface health in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and to investigate the tendency of these patients toward dry eyes. Materials and Methods: Fifty patients who underwent polysomnography and were diagnosed with OSAS and 50 normal control subjects were compared with respect to ocular surface disease index (OSDI), Schirmer I test and tear film break-up time (TBUT) values. Results: Patients were grouped as mild (n=15, 30%), moderate (n=15, 30%) and severe (n=20, 40%) according to apnea-hypopnea index values. The right eyes of patients were included in both groups. OSDI values were as follows: control group, 18.7±8.5; mild OSAS group, 40.2±2.8; moderate OSAS group, 48.5±2.2 and severe OSAS group, 62.7±2.3 (p<0.001). TBUT values were as follows: control group, 12.3±4.9; mild OSAS group, 8.2±4.7; moderate OSAS group, 5.8±2.1 and severe OSAS group, 4.2±3.7 (p<0.001). Schirmer values were as follows: control group, 18±6.1 mm; mild OSAS group, 12.9±6.7 mm; moderate OSAS group, 8.5±5.2 mm and severe OSAS group, 7.9±4.7 mm (p<0.001). Conclusion: Patients with OSAS seem to have a tendency toward dry eyes. Clinicians should be aware of dry eye development in these patient

    Cryogenic X-ray crystallographic studies of biomacromolecules at Turkish Light Source “Turkish DeLight”

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    X-ray crystallography is a robust and powerful structural biology technique that provides high-resolution atomic structures of biomacromolecules. Scientists use this technique to unravel mechanistic and structural details of biological macromolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, protein complexes, protein-nucleic acid complexes, or large biological compartments). Since its inception, single-crystal cryocrystallography has never been performed in Türkiye due to the lack of a single-crystal X-ray diffractometer. The X-ray diffraction facility recently established at the University of Health Sciences, İstanbul, Türkiye will enable Turkish and international researchers to easily perform high-resolution structural analysis of biomacromolecules from single crystals. Here, we describe the technical and practical outlook of a state-of-the-art home-source X-ray, using lysozyme as a model protein. The methods and practice described in this article can be applied to any biological sample for structural studies. Therefore, this article will be a valuable practical guide from sample preparation to data analysis

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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