10 research outputs found
The positioning performance of low-cost GNSS receivers in the Precise Point Positioning method
Satellite-based positioning, which started being developed in the mid-1960s for military purposes, is now used in almost every area. For the studies single and/or double frequency receivers are used. The cost of a receiver and antenna couple that have capable of high coordinate accuracies ranges from 15000. With the production of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) receivers, the cost of satellite-based location determination decreases to approximately one in 10 for the civilian user compared to the operations performed with geodetic receivers and antennas. However, although these receivers collect data in multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and frequencies, the accuracy of the coordinate values estimated is not as high as geodetic receivers and antennas. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an accuracy study to obtain information about which studies can be used in. In this study, measurements were made at the UZEL point located on the roof of the Yıldız Technical University Geomatics Engineering Department by using the ZED-F9P-02B OEM multi GNSS receiver and ANN-MB L1/L2 multi-band GNSS patch antenna. The performance of the test results has been examined by comparing the results from CSRS(Canadian Spatial Reference System)-PPP with the coordinates of the UZEL point. As a result of the comparison, the difference between the coordinate determined with collected 3.5 hr data and the coordinates of the UZEL point has been determined as – 1.4 cm, 2.8 cm, and 9.3 cm in the East, North, and Height directions, respectivel
İntranazal oksitosinin güvenilirlik değerlendirmesi sırasındaki etkileri: bağlam önemlidir.
Social domain of human life is thought to be regulated majorly by the factors present in the immediate surroundings. Aside from environmental factors, as one of the agents connecting neurochemical mechanisms and social processes, the neuropeptide oxytocin is also suggested to be involved in social cognition and prosocial behavior including approach and trust. Thus, the current study is conducted towards understanding the effects of intranasally administered oxytocin on pupil dilation and on trustworthiness evaluation during two different social cognitive tasks that differ only with respect to situational context. We used computer generated faces as stimuli from the Trustworthiness Data Set 2 which contains faces manipulated on the axis of facial trustworthiness in three levels (trustworthy, neutral, and untrustworthy). Additionally, we managed to collect task evoked pupil diameter changes during subjective evaluation of trustworthiness tasks. In order to prevent any sex-dependent effects of oxytocin, only heterosexual male participants were invited to participate in the study. The findings revealed that intranasal oxytocin indeed exerts its effects in a task-dependent manner. While the same faces were rated as being more trustworthy in approach task, they were rated as being less trustworthy in trust task under the influence of oxytocin. Aside from that, participants in the oxytocin group were faster at judging the trustworthiness levels of the faces in both approach and trust task. In terms of pupil dilation, there was a significant but subtle difference between the placebo and oxytocin groups. The current study is a facilitator towards understanding the situation variant nature of oxytocin and it enables us to conduct more refined theories about the social effects of oxytocin in humans.M.S. - Master of Scienc
A Complication in Hypospadias Surgery Due to Anchoring Suture
The complication rates are still 1–90% both in proximal and distal hypospadias regardless of the surgeon’s experience and the usage of most developed techniques. The literature survey revealed few complications of glans penis including meatal stenosis, prolapsus and retraction. Despite our literature survey, we could not find any article concerning the permanent scar tissue at the dorsal part of glans following hypospadias surgeries. A new complication can be added to these, concerning glans which is the formation of postoperative scar tissue as a reaction to suture material used in traction, stent anchoring or both. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate four cases which had glanular scar due to traction suture following the surgical procedures for hypospadias repair
Warfarin-Induced Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis And Scin Necrosis
Oral antikoagülanlar venöz ve arteryal embolileri önlemede ve tedavisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan ajanlardır. Doku nekrozu ve lökositoklastik vaskülit (LV) warfarine bağlı cilt reaksiyonlarındandır. Biz burada warfarin kullanırken ortaya çıkan LV olgusunu sunduk. Altmış bir yaşında erkek hasta, kronik obstruktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH), kalp yetmezliği tanısı ile takip edilen ve 5 ay önce pulmoner emboli tanısı alan ve warfarin kullanan hasta son 2 haftadır artan nefes darlığı, öksürük, balgam çıkarma şikayetleri ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenesinde ayaklarında yer yer makülopapüler döküntüleri vardı. Hastanın takipte ayaklarında makülopapüler döküntüleri arttı ve ödemi gelişti, alt eksremitelerinde nekroze görünümler ve sırtında makülopapüler döküntüler ortaya çıktı. Warfarine bağlı cilt nekrozu ön planda düşünülen hastanın coumadini kesildi. Cleaxan tedavisine geçildi. Hastaya cilt biopsisi yapıldı. LV ile uyumlu olarak değerlendirildi. Kolşisin ve prednol 40 mg başlandı. Hastanın bilateral bacaklarındaki ve sırtındaki lezyonlarda belirgin gerileme izlendi. Sonuç olarak, warfarin kullanan hastalarda yeni gelişen cilt bulguları dikkatlice değerlendirilmeli ve warfarinin potansiyel yan etkileri göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.Oral anticoagulants are commonly used to prevent and treat venous and arterial embolism.Warfarin induced skin reactions include tissue necrosis and leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LV). Warfarin-induced LV case is presented here. 61 years old male patient. He has been followed-up for the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiac failure. He had been diagnosed as pulmonary embolism and started to use warfarin 5 months ago and admitted to hospital with the complaints of progressive dyspnea, cough, and phlegm in the last 2 weeks. According to the physical examination, he had sporadic maculopapular rash. Maculopapular rash increased in his feet during follow-up, and edema developed. After a while, necrosis signs in lower extremities and maculopapular rash in his back were occurred. Main diagnosis was considered as warfarin-induced skin necrosis, and coumadin was ceased. Low molecular weight heparine treatment was initiated. According to skin biopsy, it was compatible with LV. Colchicine, prednol 40 mg were initiated. Significant lesion improvement was observed on the bilateral legs and back of the patient. In conclusion, New skin signs should be evaluated carefully and potential side effects should be considered in the patients on warfarin
Hipospadiyas Cerrahisinde Askı Dikişine Bağlı Gelişen Komplikasyon
Proksimal ve distal hipospadiyas onarımlarında cerrahın deneyimi ve kullanılan tekniklerdeki gelişmeye karşın komplikasyon oranı hala %1-90 arasında değişmektedir. Literatüre bakıldığında; glans penis ile ilgili meatal darlık, prolapsus ve retraksiyonu içeren az sayıda komplikasyondan söz edilmiştir. Yapılan taramada; hipospadiyas cerrahisi sonrasında tanımlanmış glansın dorsal kısmı ile ilgili herhangi bir yayına rastlanmadı. Glansda askı, stentin tesbitlenmesi ya da her ikisinin kullanımı nedeni ile glansdan geçilen rekraksiyon dikişine bağlı gelişen ameliyat sonrası skar bu komplikasyonlara eklebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; hipospadiyas cerrahisi sırasında kullanılan askı dikişine bağlı glansda skar gelişen dört hastanın sunulmasıdır.The complication rates are still 1-90% both in proximal and distal hypospadias regardless of the surgeon’s experience and the usage of most developed techniques. The literature survey revealed few complications of glans penis including meatal stenosis, prolapsus and retraction. Despite our literature survey, we could not find any article concerning the permanent scar tissue at the dorsal part of glans following hypospadias surgeries. A new complication can be added to these, concerning glans which is the formation of postoperative scar tissue as a reaction to suture material used in traction, stent anchoring or both. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate four cases which had glanular scar due to traction suture following the surgical proce- dures for hypospadias repair
1950-1970 yılları arası İsmet Paşa Mahallesi gece hayatı kültürü
Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2014.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Ünsal, Mehmet Süha