76 research outputs found

    Study of Rapid-Regression Liquefying Hybrid Rocket Fuels

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    A report describes experiments directed toward the development of paraffin-based hybrid rocket fuels that burn at regression rates greater than those of conventional hybrid rocket fuels like hydroxyl-terminated butadiene. The basic approach followed in this development is to use materials such that a hydrodynamically unstable liquid layer forms on the melting surface of a burning fuel body. Entrainment of droplets from the liquid/gas interface can substantially increase the rate of fuel mass transfer, leading to surface regression faster than can be achieved using conventional fuels. The higher regression rate eliminates the need for the complex multi-port grain structures of conventional solid rocket fuels, making it possible to obtain acceptable performance from single-port structures. The high-regression-rate fuels contain no toxic or otherwise hazardous components and can be shipped commercially as non-hazardous commodities. Among the experiments performed on these fuels were scale-up tests using gaseous oxygen. The data from these tests were found to agree with data from small-scale, low-pressure and low-mass-flux laboratory tests and to confirm the expectation that these fuels would burn at high regression rates, chamber pressures, and mass fluxes representative of full-scale rocket motors

    Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase with her-2 targeted antibody pertuzumab (Omnitarg®, 2C4) in breast cancer cells

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    Pertuzumab (Omnitarg®, 2C4) is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeted to extracellular region of HER-2. Previous results proved the inhibitory effect of Pertuzumab on the survival of breast cancer cells via MAPK and Akt pathway. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates multiple cellular processes including growth, differentiation, adhesion, motility and apoptosis. Here, we aimed to investigate the effects of Pertuzumab on ligand activated total FAK expression and phosphorylation in the HER-2 overexpressing BT-474 breast cancer cell line. Heregulin was used for ligand activation. We have found that FAK expression and phosphorylation were inhibited in with Pertuzumab in breast cancer cells

    Genetic and environmental influence on thyroid gland volume and thickness of thyroid isthmus: a twin study.

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    Objectives Decreased thyroid volume has been related to increased prevalence of thyroid cancer.Subjects and methods One hundred and fourteen Hungarian adult twin pairs (69 monozygotic, 45 dizygotic) with or without known thyroid disorders underwent thyroid ultrasound. Thickness of the thyroid isthmus was measured at the thickest portion of the gland in the midline using electronic calipers at the time of scanning. Volume of the thyroid lobe was computed according to the following formula: thyroid height*width*depth*correction factor (0.63).Results Age-, sex-, body mass index- and smoking-adjusted heritability of the thickness of thyroid isthmus was 50% (95% confidence interval [CI], 35 to 66%). Neither left nor right thyroid volume showed additive genetic effects, but shared environments were 68% (95% CI, 48 to 80%) and 79% (95% CI, 72 to 87%), respectively. Magnitudes of monozygotic and dizygotic co-twin correlations were not substantially impacted by the correction of covariates of body mass index and smoking. Unshared environmental effects showed a moderate influence on dependent parameters (24-50%).Conclusions Our analysis support that familial factors are important for thyroid measures in a general twin population. A larger sample size is needed to show whether this is because of common environmental (e.g. intrauterine effects, regional nutrition habits, iodine supply) or genetic effects

    High Performance Hybrid Upper Stage Motor

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    Effect of Paraffin-LDPE Blended Fuel on the Hybrid Rocket Motor

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    Design and Development of a 100km Nitrous Oxide/Paraffin Hybrid Rocket Vehicle

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