592 research outputs found

    Topic and Tone in Perelandra and “The Naked Seed” as Revelatory of Lewis the Man

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    “The Lass of Aughrim” – Love, Tragedy, and the Power of the Past

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    The traditional Irish ballad “The Lass of Aughrim” appears in James Joyce’s short story “The Dead” and provides both significance to the unfolding of the story itself, as well as insight into the frailty of human relationships and the human condition. The song, while appearing only briefly in the story, is the point at which the story drastically shifts. “The Lass of Aughrim” is central to the development of Gretta Conroy as a character, to an understanding of the complexity of Gabriel and Gretta’s marriage, and to the tension present in the “The Dead” which allows the story to communicate powerful and relatable truth. As Joyce said, the dead have a “wayward and flickering existence” that never truly fades

    In the Hands of the Reader

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    “In the Hands of the Reader” is an analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat” integrating the views of Michael Jay Lewis in his article “Contingency, Narrative, Fiction: Vogler, Brenkman, Poe.” “The Black Cat” is a narrative penned by a man reflecting on his life as he awaits his own death. As the narrator is mentally unstable and therefore unreliable, the reader is brought into the story to interpret the truth or falsehood of the narrator’s story. Lewis is accurate in his strong acknowledgment of the unreliability of the narrator, yet he fails to address in-depth the reason for this unreliability, the narrator’s unstable mental state. In Lewis’ overemphasis of Poe’s role within rather than above his story, he detracts from the influence of the narrator and the interpretation of the reader. Overall though, Michael Lewis’ interpretation of Poe’s “The Black Cat” is fairly strong and allows the reader to interpret the narrator’s account in new and insightful ways

    The Presentation of Postmodern Sexuality in Short Fiction

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    Shifting norms in twentieth century western society, coupled with emerging postmodern thought in the 1960s, radically changed the ways in which people viewed sexuality, gender roles, and the institutions of marriage and the family. The literature of the postmodern era, namely short fiction, also reflects such ideological shifts. Literature is a powerful communicator of the human condition as well as a crucial means for reflecting the customs, beliefs, and norms of a society at the time of its writing. Such evolving differences as were occurring in the realm of sexuality came to be represented in postmodern literature. This thesis aims to further probe the nature of the connection between postmodern literature and sexual codes

    Can high intensity workloads be simulated at moderate intensities by reduced breathing frequency?

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    Objectives: This study was designed to investigate whether reduced breathing frequency during moderate intensity exercise produces similar metabolic responses as during exercise with spontaneous breathing at higher absolute intensity.Methods: Eight healthy male subjects performed a constant load test with reduced breathing frequency at 10 breaths per minute to exhaustion (B10) at the peak power output obtained during the incremental test with RBF (peak power output increased every two minutes for 30 W). The subjects then performed a constant load test with the spontaneous breathing to exhaustion (SB) at peak power output obtained during the incremental test with spontaneous breathing. Results: Respiratory parameters (VE, PETO2, PETCO2), metabolic parameters (Vo2, Vco2) and oxygen saturation (SaO2) were measured during both constant load tests. Capillary blood samples were taken before and every minute during both constant load tests in order to measure lactate concentration ([LA-]) and parameters of capillary blood gases and acid base status (Po2, Pco2, pH). Regardless of the type of comparison (the data obtained at the defined time or maximum and minimum values during the exercise), there were significant differences between SB and B10 in all respiratory parameters, metabolic parameters and SaO2 (p ≤ 0.01 and 0.05). There were significantly lower [LA-] and Pco2 during B10, when compared to SB (p≤0.01). However, there were no significant differences in pH during the exercise between different breathing conditions. Conclusion: It can be concluded that reduced breathing frequency during exercise at lower absolute intensity did not produce similar conditions as during the exercise with spontaneous breathing at higher absolute intensity

    Obrasci frekvencije disanja tijekom submaksimalnog i maksimalnog plivanjakraulom s ventilom za disanje i bez njega

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    VALVE The purpose of the present study was to ascertain the effect of a respiratory valve (RV) and tubes during three different swimming tests (submaximal and maximal 200m front crawl swim and front crawl swimming to exhaustion) on a breathing frequency, selected biomechanical parameters such as stroke rate and number of breaths, and parameters of blood acid-base status and blood lactate concentration. Twelve former competitive male swimmers performed each swimming test twice: first, with an RV, and second, without an RV. Swimming with an RV induced a slower maximal 200m front crawl swim and shorter front crawl swimming to exhaustion in comparison with swimming without an RV. Furthermore, patterns of the breathing frequency during the submaximal and maximal swimming tests also differed between swimming with an RV and swimming without an RV. Significant differences of [LA-] after maximal 200m front crawl swimming between swimming with an RV and swimming without an RV (p≤0.05) were found. Significant differences in [LA-] and [HCO3-] after swimming to exhaustion between swimming with an RV and swim-ming without an RV (p≤0.01 and p≤0.05, respectively) were also found. Therefore, it may be concluded that when an RV is used for measuring respiratory parameters during swimming, a different pattern of breathing (comparing to swimming without an RV) may occur.Uvod Precizna mjerenja primitka kisika i respiratornih parametara tijekom plivanja vrhunac su istraživanja uspješnosti u plivanju. U cilju poboljšanja valjanosti testiranja, Toussaint i suradnici (1987) razvili su respiratorni ventil i cijevi (RV), specifično oblikovan za mjerenje primitka kisika i respiratornih parametara tijekom plivanja. Ipak, utvrđivanje stupnja odgovarajuće valjanosti mjerenja disanja tijekom plivanja s korištenjem ventila u usporedbi s normalnim disanjem tijekom plivanja zahtijeva daljnja istraživanja. Disanje tijekom plivanja kraulom, prsnog plivanja i delfinom sinkronizirano je sa zaveslajima. Štoviše, frekvencija disanja (Bf) mora odgovarati frekvenciji zaveslaja. Upotreba ventila omogućuje plivaču da diše slobodno i bez prekida, tj. plivač ne mora pribjegavati posebnoj mehanici disanja koja se inače mora primijeniti pri specifičnom plivačkom zaveslaju i frekvenciji zaveslaja. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi učinak korištenja respiratornog ventila na frekvenciju disanja, odabrane biomehaničke parametre, kao što su frekvencija zaveslaja i broj udisaja, parametre acidobaznog statusa krvi te koncentraciju laktata u krvi tijekom tri različita plivačka testa (submaksimalnog i maksimalnog pčivanja kraulom na 200 metara te testa plivanja kraulom do iscrpljenja pri zadanoj, prethodno utvrđenoj brzini). Metode Dvanaest nekadašnjih natjecatelja plivača (dob: 24 ± 3 godine, visina: 181,3 ± 9 cm, masa: 77,4 ± 13 kg) dobrovoljno je pristalo sudjelovati u istraživanju. Na početku su ispitanici dvaput otplivali 200 metara kraul maksimalnom brzinom, najprije s respiratornim ventilom, a u drugom pokušaju bez ventila. Zatim su plivači otplivali 200 metara kraul s ventilom i bez njega. Brzine su prethodno zadane na razinu od 90% maksimalne brzine postignute u testu 200 metara kraul, zasebno s respiratornim ventilom i bez njega. Konačno, plivači su otplivali (čak uz određivanje tempa) kraul do iscrpljenja, sa i bez ventila. Test plivanja do iscrpljenja uključivao je zadanu, prethodno određenu brzinu koja je predstavljala 110% tempa korištenog u testu 200 metara kraul, najprije s respiratornim ventilom, a zatim bez njega. Tijekom plivačkih testova s respiratornim ventilom, frekvencija disanja mjerena je kontinuirano (breath by breath), korištenjem prijenosnog sustava izmjene plinova (Metamax 2, Cortex, Ger-many). Tijekom plivačkih testova bez respiratornog ventila, broj udisaja tijekom preplivane dionice od 25 metara određen je uz pomoć snimljenih videovrpca. Izmjereni krvni parametri uključivali su koncentraciju laktata ([LA-]) i parametre acidobaznog statusa - Pco2, parcijalni tlak kisika u krvi (Po2), pH i koncentraciju bikarbonatnih iona ([HCO3-]) prije početka svakog testa i tijekom prvih 30 do 45 se-kunda nakon plivačkih testova. Rezultati, rasprava i zaključak Plivanje s ventilom uzrokovalo je nižu brzinu u maksimalnom testu 200 metara kraul (1,28 ± 0,1 m/s) u odnosu na veću brzinu (1,38 ± 0,1 m/s; p<0,01) u plivanju bez ventila. Isto tako, korištenje ventila rezultiralo je kraćom dionicom (114 ± 17 m; p<0,05) plivanja kraulom do iscrpljenja u odnosu na veću udaljenost prijeđenu u plivanju bez venti-la (129 ± 18 m; p<0,05). Nadalje, obrasci frekvencije disanja tijekom submaksimalnih i maksimalnih plivačkih testova također su se razlikovali između plivanja s respiratornim ventilom i bez njega. U plivanju s respiratornim ventilom, ispitanici su povećavali frekvenciju disanja u skladu s povećanim metaboličkim zahtjevima za učestalijim udisajima nametnutim visokim intenzitetom plivanja (maksimalni ili blizu maksimalnog). Nasuprot tome, plivanje bez ventila uzrokovalo je gotovo nepromijenjenu frekvenciju disanja tijekom plivačkih testova. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da se pri korištenju ventila za mjerenje respiratornih parametara tijekom plivanja može pojaviti drugačiji obrazac disanja (u usporedbi s plivanjem bez ventila). Sljedeći krvni testovi ([LA-], [HCO3-], pH, Po2 i Pco2) su primijenjeni da bi se utvrdilo jesu li različiti obrasci disanja (ukoliko su nađeni) rezultirali tako-đer i razlikom u odabranim fiziološkim parametri-ma. Nađene su značajne razlike [LA-] nakon maksimalnog testa 200 metara kraul između plivanja s ventilom (12,7 ± 2,4 mmol/l) i plivanja bez ventila (14,3 ± 2,1 mmol/l; p≤0.05), kao i razlike u [LA-] i [HCO3-] nakon plivanja do iscrpljenja između pli-vanja s ventilom ([LA-] = 9,9 ± 1,5 mmol/l; [HCO3-] = 18 ± 2 mmol/l) i plivanja bez ventila ([LA-] = 12,6 ± 2,8 mmol/l; [HCO3-] = 16 ± 2 mmol/l) (p≤0,01 i p≤0,.05, prema redoslijedu)
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