25 research outputs found

    Requirement of the Dynein-Adaptor Spindly for Mitotic and Post-Mitotic Functions in Drosophila

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    Spindly was originally identified as a specific regulator of Dynein activity at the kinetochore. In early prometaphase, Spindly recruits the Dynein/Dynactin complex, promoting the establishment of stable kinetochore-microtubule interactions and progression into anaphase. While details of Spindly function in mitosis have been worked out in cultured human cells and in the C. elegans zygote, the function of Spindly within the context of an organism has not yet been addressed. Here, we present loss- and gain-of-function studies of Spindly using transgenic RNAi in Drosophila. Knock-down of Spindly in the female germ line results in mitotic arrest during embryonic cleavage divisions. We investigated the requirements of Spindly protein domains for its localisation and function, and found that the carboxy-terminal region controls Spindly localisation in a cell-type specific manner. Overexpression of Spindly in the female germ line is embryonic lethal and results in altered egg morphology. To determine whether Spindly plays a role in post-mitotic cells, we altered Spindly protein levels in migrating cells and found that ovarian border cell migration is sensitive to the levels of Spindly protein. Our study uncovers novel functions of Spindly and a differential, functional requirement for its carboxy-terminal region in Drosophila

    Targeting the microenvironment in the treatment of arteriovenous malformations

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    Extracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are regarded as rare diseases and are prone to complications such as pain, bleeding, relentless growth, and high volume of shunted blood. Due to the high vascular pressure endothelial cells of AVMs are exposed to mechanical stress. To control symptoms and lesion growth pharmacological treatment strategies are urgently needed in addition to surgery and interventional radiology. AVM cells were isolated from three patients and exposed to cyclic mechanical stretching for 24 h. Thalidomide and bevacizumab, both VEGF inhibitors, were tested for their ability to prevent the formation of circular networks and proliferation of CD31+ endothelial AVM cells. Furthermore, the effect of thalidomide and bevacizumab on stretched endothelial AVM cells was evaluated. In response to mechanical stress, VEGF gene and protein expression increased in patient AVM endothelial cells. Thalidomide and bevacizumab reduced endothelial AVM cell proliferation. Bevacizumab inhibited circular network formation of endothelial AVM cells and lowered VEGF gene and protein expression, even though the cells were exposed to mechanical stress. With promising in vitro results, bevacizumab was used to treat three patients with unresectable AVMs or to prevent regrowth after incomplete resection. Bevacizumab controlled bleeding, pulsation, and pain over the follow up of eight months with no patient-reported side effects. Overall, mechanical stress increases VEGF expression in the microenvironment of AVM cells. The monoclonal VEGF antibody bevacizumab alleviates this effect, prevents circular network formation and proliferation of AVM endothelial cells in vitro. The clinical application of bevacizumab in AVM treatment demonstrates effective symptom control with no side effects

    The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems

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    Graphs are by nature unifying abstractions that can leverage interconnectedness to represent, explore, predict, and explain real- and digital-world phenomena. Although real users and consumers of graph instances and graph workloads understand these abstractions, future problems will require new abstractions and systems. What needs to happen in the next decade for big graph processing to continue to succeed?Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, collaboration between the large-scale systems and data management communities, work started at the Dagstuhl Seminar 19491 on Big Graph Processing Systems, to be published in the Communications of the AC

    Phase II study evaluating consolidation whole abdominal intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in patients with advanced ovarian cancer stage FIGO III - The OVAR-IMRT-02 Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prognosis for patients with advanced FIGO stage III epithelial ovarian cancer remains poor despite the aggressive standard treatment, consisting of maximal cytoreductive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. The median time to recurrence is less than 2 years, with a 5-years survival rate of -20-25%. Recurrences of the disease occur mostly intraperitoneally.</p> <p>Ovarian cancer is a radiosensitive tumor, so that the use of whole abdominal radiotherapy (WAR) as a consolidation therapy would appear to be a logical strategy. WAR used to be the standard treatment after surgery before the chemotherapy era; however, it has been almost totally excluded from the treatment of ovarian cancer during the past decade because of its high toxicity. Modern intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has the potential of sparing organs at risk like kidneys, liver, and bone marrow while still adequately covering the peritoneal cavity with a homogenous dose.</p> <p>Our previous phase I study showed for the first time the clinical feasibility of intensity-modulated WAR and pointed out promising results concerning treatment tolerance. The current phase-II study succeeds to the phase-I study to further evaluate the toxicity of this new treatment.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>The OVAR-IMRT-02 study is a single-center one arm phase-II trial. Thirty seven patients with optimally debulked ovarian cancer stage FIGO III having a complete remission after chemotherapy will be treated with intensity-modulated WAR as a consolidation therapy.</p> <p>A total dose of 30 Gy in 20 fractions of 1.5 Gy will be applied to the entire peritoneal cavity including the liver surface and the pelvic and para-aortic node regions. Organ at risk are kidneys, liver (except the 1 cm-outer border), heart, vertebral bodies and pelvic bones.</p> <p>Primary endpoint is tolerability; secondary objectives are toxicity, quality of life, progression-free and overall survival.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Intensity-modulated WAR provides a new promising option in the consolidation treatment of ovarian carcinoma in patients with a complete pathologic remission after adjuvant chemotherapy. Further consequent studies will be needed to enable firm conclusions regarding the value of consolidation radiotherapy within the multimodal treatment of advanced ovarian cancer.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov: <a href="http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01180504">NCT01180504</a></p

    The signal peptide of the mouse mammary tumor virus Rem protein is released from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and accumulates in nucleoli.

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    N-terminal signal sequences mediate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) targeting and insertion of nascent secretory and membrane proteins and are, in most cases, cleaved off by signal peptidase. The mouse mammary tumor virus envelope protein and its alternative splice variant Rem have an unusually long signal sequence, which contains a nuclear localization signal. Although the envelope protein is targeted to the ER, inserted, and glycosylated, Rem has been described as a nuclear protein. Rem as well as a truncated version identical to the cleaved signal sequence have been shown to function as nuclear export factors for intron-containing transcripts. Using transiently transfected cells, we found that Rem is targeted to the ER, where the C-terminal portion is translocated and glycosylated. The signal sequence is cleaved off and accumulates in nucleoli. In a cell-free in vitro system, the generation of the Rem signal peptide depends on the presence of microsomal membranes. In vitro and in cells, the signal peptide initially accumulates in the membrane and is subsequently released into the cytosol. This release does not depend on processing by signal peptide peptidase, an intramembrane cleaving protease that can mediate the liberation of signal peptide fragments from the ER membrane. Our study suggests a novel pathway by which a signal peptide can be released from the ER membrane to fulfill a post-targeting function in a different compartment

    The Crumbs_C isoform of Drosophila

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    Drosophila Crumbs (Crb) is a key regulator of epithelial polarity and fulfils a plethora of other functions, such as growth regulation, morphogenesis of photoreceptor cells and prevention of retinal degeneration. This raises the question how a single gene regulates such diverse functions, which in mammals are controlled by three different paralogs. Here, we show that in Drosophila different Crb protein isoforms are differentially expressed as a result of alternative splicing. All isoforms are transmembrane proteins that differ by just one EGF-like repeat in their extracellular portion. Unlike Crb_A, which is expressed in most embryonic epithelia from early stages onward, Crb_C is expressed later and only in a subset of embryonic epithelia. Flies specifically lacking Crb_C are homozygous viable and fertile. Strikingly, these flies undergo light-dependent photoreceptor degeneration despite the fact that the other isoforms are expressed and properly localised at the stalk membrane. This allele now provides an ideal possibility to further unravel the molecular mechanisms by which Drosophila crb protects photoreceptor cells from the detrimental consequences of light-induced cell stress

    N-Methylation of isoDGR Peptides: Discovery of a Selective α5β1-Integrin Ligand as a Potent Tumor Imaging Agent

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    Specific targeting of the integrin subtype α5β1 possesses high potential in cancer diagnosis and therapy. Through sequential N-methylation, we successfully converted the biselective α5β1/αvβ6 peptide c(phg- isoDGR-k) into a potent peptidic RGD binding α5β1 subtype selective ligand c(phg- isoDGR-( NMe)k). Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and molecular modeling clarified the molecular basis of its improved selectivity profile. To demonstrate its potential in vivo, c(phg- isoDGR-( NMe)k) was trimerized with the chelator TRAP and used as a positron-emission tomography tracer for monitoring α5β1 integrin expression in a M21 mouse xenograft

    Selective Targeting of Integrin αvβ8 by a Highly Active Cyclic Peptide

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    Integrins play important roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes. Among the RGD-recognizing integrin subtypes, the αvβ8 receptor is emerging as an attractive target due to its involvement in various illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases, viral infections and cancer. However, its functions have, so far, not been investigated in living subjects, mainly because of the lack of a selective αvβ8 ligand. Here we report the design and potential medical application of a cyclic octapeptide as the first highly selective small-molecule ligand for αvβ8. Remarkably, this compound displays low nanomolar αvβ8 binding affinity and a strong discriminating power of at least two orders of magnitude versus other RGD-recognizing integrins. Peptide functionalization with fluorescent or radioactive labels enables the selective imaging of αvβ8-positive cells and tissues. This new probe will pave the way for detailed characterization of the distinct (patho)physiological role of this relatively unexplored integrin, providing a basis to fully exploit the potential of αvβ8 as a target for molecular diagnostics and personalized therapy regimens