78 research outputs found

    Relationship between fear of COVID-19 and premenstrual syndrome in Turkish university students

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    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has been reported to be related to psychological distress. The COVID-19 pandemic has globally caused heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and fear. There is no sufficient evidence regarding the impact of the fear of COVID-19 on PMS and related symptoms. Therefore, this study examined the association of the fear of COVID-19 with PMS among Turkish university students. The sample of this cross-sectional study consisted of 829 Turkish university students. Data were collected online using the Questionnaire Form, the Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS), and the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCoV-19S). The prevalence of PMS was 73 percent. The most common symptoms were fatigue, irritability, appetite changes, and depression. Participants had a moderate fear of COVID-19 (mean FCoV-19S: 20.48 +/- 5.96). Most participants stated that the pandemic did not affect the menstrual cycle length (72.5 percent) and bleeding (79.6 percent). Participants who noted that the pandemic impacted the length of their menstrual cycles and bleeding had a significantly higher mean FCoV-19S score than those who did not (p = .000). Moreover, FCoV-19S scores were positively correlated with PMS scores, PMS-related discomfort, and dysmenorrhea VAS scores (p < .001). This study revealed that the fear of COVID-19 affected PMS and menstrual cycle-related symptoms in Turkish university students

    Tied Survival Times In Survival Analysis

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    Survival analysis is generally defined as a set of methods for analyzing data where the outcome variable is the time until the occurrence of an event of interest. One of the methods commonly used in the survival analysis is Cox regresion model which is used to determine the factors that impact on survival times. Cox regression model has assumptions. One of them is proportional hazards assumption and the another one is there is no tied data between event times. However, in real applications, tied event times are commonly observed and Cox's partial likelihood function needs to be modified to handle ties. It is well known methods that the Exact method, Breslow method, Efron method and Discrete method for handling tied event times. Firstly, the methods are analysed during the study, Breslow, Efron and Exact methods, which is applied on a stomach canser data set (there is tied data between event times) It was decided that Cox regression with Exact Method is the best model. Than this methods is applied Acute Myocardial Infarction data set which has no tied data between event times and it is found the same resuts at all methods

    The Turkish Adaptation of the COVID‑19 Perinatal Perception Questionnaire: Validity and Reliability Study

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    Objective: Women during the perinatal period are more vulnerable to environmental stressors. However, there is no Turkish scale that evaluates the perinatal perception of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) pandemic-related stressors. This methodological study aimed to adapt the COVID‑19 Perinatal Perception Questionnaire (COVID-19-PPQ) to Turkish. Methods: The sample consisted of 150 pregnant women and 150 postpartum women in Turkey. Data were collected using an individual information form, pregnancy scale and postpartum scale of the COVID-19-PPQ, the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV- 19S), and the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). Validity was assessed with language, content, and construct validity. Cronbach’s alpha, equivalent-form reliability, and item analysis were used for reliability. Results: The pregnancy scale fits well with eight items, while the postpartum scale fits well with ten items. Each scale has a three-factor structure. Moreover, the scales have acceptable fit index values, confirming the model. The pregnancy scale has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.85, while the subscales “risk of infection,” “contact,” and “future” have Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.74, 0.65, and 0.87, respectively. The postpartum scale has a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.81, while the subscales “first postpartum week,” “COVID-19 measures,” and “fear for infection” have Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.84, 0.84, and 0.90, respectively. Significant correlations between the pregnancy scale, the FCV-19S (r=0.459, p<0.001), the postpartum scale and the EPDS (r=0.166, p=0.042) scores indicate that the scale is reliable. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the COVID-19-PPQ is valid and reliable for Turkish pregnant and postpartum women

    The Physiological Mechanisms of Effect of Vitamins and Amino Acids on Tendon and Muscle Healing: A Systematic Review

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    © 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.To evaluate the current literature via systematic review to ascertain whether amino acids/vitamins provide any influence on musculotendinous healing and if so, by which physiological mechanisms. Methods: EBSCO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase Classic/Embase, and MEDLINE were searched using terms including "vitamins," "amino acids," "healing," "muscle," and "tendon." The primary search had 479 citations, of which 466 were excluded predominantly due to nonrandomized design. Randomized human and animal studies investigating all supplement types/forms of administration were included. Critical appraisal of internal validity was assessed using the Cochrane risk of Bias Tool or the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation Risk of Bias Tool for human and animal studies, respectively. Two reviewers performed duel data extraction. Results: Twelve studies met criteria for inclusion: eight examined tendon healing and four examined muscle healing. All studies used animal models, except two human trials using a combined integrator. Narrative synthesis was performed via content analysis of demonstrated statistically significant effects and thematic analysis of proposed physiological mechanisms of intervention. Vitamin C/taurine demonstrated indirect effects on tendon healing through antioxidant activity. Vitamin A/glycine showed direct effects on extracellular matrix tissue synthesis. Vitamin E shows an antiproliferative influence on collagen deposition. Leucine directly influences signaling pathways to promote muscle protein synthesis. Discussion: Preliminary evidence exists, demonstrating that vitamins and amino acids may facilitate multilevel changes in musculotendinous healing; however, recommendations on clinical utility should be made with caution. All animal studies and one human study showed high risk of bias with moderate interobserver agreement (k = 0.46). Currently, there is limited evidence to support the use of vitamins and amino acids for musculotendinous injury. Both high-quality animal experimentation of the proposed mechanisms confirming the physiological influence of supplementation and human studies evaluating effects on tissue morphology and biochemistry are required before practical application.Peer reviewe

    Non-classical forms of pemphigus: pemphigus herpetiformis, IgA pemphigus, paraneoplastic pemphigus and IgG/IgA pemphigus

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    The pemphigus group comprises the autoimmune intraepidermal blistering diseases classically divided into two major types: pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceous. Pemphigus herpetiformis, IgA pemphigus, paraneoplastic pemphigus and IgG/IgA pemphigus are rarer forms that present some clinical, histological and immunopathological characteristics that are different from the classical types. These are reviewed in this article. Future research may help definitively to locate the position of these forms in the pemphigus group, especially with regard to pemphigus herpetiformis and the IgG/ IgA pemphigus.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Dermatology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Dermatology and Pathology DepartmentsUNIFESP, EPM, Dermatology DepartmentUNIFESP, EPM, Dermatology and Pathology DepartmentsSciEL

    How does kinetic friction depend on the contact surface area of a solid?

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    This essay studies the friction phenomenon to answer the question: “how does kinetic friction depend on the contact surface area of a solid?” The object of research, kinetic friction, has been modified from the sole term “friction” to narrow down the scope of investigation and get accurate results about the factor investigated. Since it is a mechanical subject and it is rather practical to build a setup, an experimental approach is chosen to investigate the topic. The experiment is done in several steps by changing the setup which is a block released from an inclined plane. The angle, distance and mass of the solid is changed for blocks with five different surface areas and the acceleration is measured. Depending on the theoretical correlations between the kinetic friction and the distance, mass and angle of the position of the solid, data for five different surface areas have been obtained. According to data and graphs, it is seen that, there is no significant relationship between the surface area and the kinetic friction. My hypothesis is concluded to be wrong, however, theoretical works are in coherence with the result of the experiment. Thus, the experiment is done without major errors and the aim is attained

    Post-conflict memorialization in Turkey and the role of civil society

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    Bu tezin temel amacı, Türkiye'deki sivil toplum kuruluşlarının çatışma sonrası hafızalaştırma uygulamalarını incelemek ve analiz etmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki beş sivil toplum kuruluşunu özellikle hafızalaştırma alanındaki çalışmalarına odaklanmaktadır. Teorik olarak bu çalışma, beş sivil toplum örgütünün bellek çalışmaları sonucunda oluşturdukları arşivlerin rollerini, potansiyellerini ve kısıtlamalarını daha iyi anlamak için Foucaultcu ve Agambenci ‘arşiv’ kavramlarını birleştirmektedir. Bu çalışmada Foucault'nun ‘karşı-hafıza’ ve ‘karşı-arşiv’ kavramları ile Agamben'in teorik açılımlarının, izleme, belgeleme ve bağımsız arşiv oluşturma çabalarının çözümlenmesinde kullanılmasının uygun olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Kolektif hatırlama ve hafızaya ilişkin geniş kapsamlı teorik kavramsallaştırmalar ve çatışma sonrası toplumlarda geçmişle hesaplaşmaya ilişkin geniş kapsamlı literatür de seçilmiş sivil toplum kuruluşlarının hafızalaştırma ve arşivleme uygulamalarını analiz etme girişimini güçlendirmektedir. Metodolojik olarak, bu tez nitel araştırma metodolojisi üzerine inşa edilmiştir ve iki farklı araştırma yöntemi kategorisi kullanır. Birincil veri oluşturma yöntemleri, katılımcı gözlem ve derinlemesine görüşmedir. İkincil araştırma yöntemi, birincil yöntemlerle toplanan verileri değerlendirmek ve seçilen kurumların yazılı materyallerinin anlamlı yapısını ve organizasyonunu anlamak için kullanılan içerik analizidir. Bu sayede tez, “Hafızalaştırma alanında kimler çalışıyor?”, “Sivil toplum kuruluşlarının hafızalaştırma alanında çalışmaları nelerdir?”, “Hangi yöntemlerle çalışıyorlar?”, “Hafızalaştırma sürecinde hangi malzemeler üretiliyor?”, “Arşivleri nasıl oluşturuyor ve saklıyorlar?”, “Sivil toplum kuruluşlarının hafızalaştırmadaki amaçları nelerdir ve çalışmalarına hangi anlamları yüklerler?”, “Hafızalaştırmanın beklenen sonuçları nelerdir?”, “Farklı sivil toplum kuruluşları hafızalaştırma çalışmaları sırasında nasıl işbirliği yapıyor?” gibi birçok alt soruya cevap bulmayı amaçlamaktadır.The main aim of this thesis is to examine and analyze the post-conflict memorialization practices by civil society organizations in Turkey. In accordance with this purpose, this study examines five civil society organizations in Turkey by focusing especially on their works in the field of memorialization. Theoretically this study combines Foucauldian and Agambenian concepts of ‘archive’ in order to better understand the roles, potentials and constraints of archives created by five civil society organization as a result of their memory works. It is argued in this study that Foucault’s concepts of ‘counter-memory’ and ‘counter-archive’ and Agamben’s theoretical expansions are appropriate to use for analyzing the efforts of monitoring, documenting, and creating independent archives. Wide-ranging theoretical conceptualizations regarding collective remembering and memory, and far-going literature on coming to terms with the past in post-conflict societies are also amplifies the attempt to analyze the memorialization and archival practices of selected civil society organizations. Methodologically, this thesis is built upon the qualitative research methodology and employs two different categories of research methods. The primary methods of data generation are participant observation and in-depth interviewing. Secondary research method is content analysis used to evaluate the data collected through the primary methods and understand the meaningful structure and organization of the written materials of the selected institutions. In this way, thesis aims to find answer to several sub-questions such as: “Who works in the field of memorialization?”, “What are the works of civil society organizations in the field of memorialization?”, “Which methods do they use?”, “Which materials are produced in memorialization process?”, “How do they create and protect archives?”, “What are the aims of civil society organizations in memorialization and how do they attribute meaning to their works?”, “What are the expected results of memorialization?”, “How do different civil society institutions cooperate while working on memorialization?