95 research outputs found

    Assessment of cardiac ultrasonography in predicting outcome in adult cardiac arrest

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    Objective: A prospective follow-up study to evaluate the ability of cardiac ultrasonography performed by emergency physicians to predict resuscitation outcome in adult cardiac arrest patients. METHODS: Ultrasonographic examination of the subxiphoid cardiac area was made immediately on presentation to the emergency department with pulseless cardiac arrest. Sonographic cardiac activity was defined as any detected motion within the heart including the atria, ventricles or valves. Successful resuscitation was defined as any of: return of spontaneous circulation for ≥ 20 min; return of breathing; palpable pulse; measurable blood pressure. RESULTS: The study enrolled 149 patients over an 18-month period. The presence of sonographic cardiac activity at the beginning of resuscitation was significantly associated with a successful outcome (19/27 [70.4%] versus 55/122 [45.1%] patients without cardiac activity at the beginning of resuscitation). CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasono -graphic detection of cardiac activity may be useful in determining prognosis during cardiac arrest. Further studies are needed to elucidate the predictive value of ultrasonography in cardiac arrest patients. © 2012 Field House Publishing LLP

    Phenytoin intoxication with no symptoms correlated with serum drug level: a case study

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    In high-dose intake of phenytoin, which is used frequently to treatepilepsy, nystagmus, diplopia, nausea-vomiting, lethargy, confusion, seizure, and coma can be observed. In recent studies on phenytoin intoxication, in which seizure and coma were observed in drug levels greater than 50 ug/mL. The serum phenytoin level of apatient, who consumed approximately 100 pcs of 100 mg phenytoin tablets in an effort to commit suicide, and who had no pathological finding in her neurologic examination, was 124 ug/mL. High drug level and the absence of toxic effect (or the absence of toxic effect correlated with the drug level) indicates that cytochrome P450 is functioning, but there can be a mutation in the MDR1 gene. In our case study, we report on phenytoin intoxication in a patient having a high level of phenytoin but no symptoms correlated with serum drug level, as supported by the findings in the literature.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Depressive realism in relation to judgment of control and future life events and a test of the hopelessness theory of depression

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX187431 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Arşiv Belgeleri Işığında Türk-Sovyet İlişkilerinde Doğu Türkistan’ın Bağımsızlık Faaliyetleri (1933-1934)

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    Doğu T&uuml;rkistan, B&uuml;y&uuml;k T&uuml;rkistan&rsquo;ın sınırları i&ccedil;inde yer alan bir toprak par&ccedil;asıdır. B&uuml;y&uuml;k T&uuml;rkistan ifadesi ile Batı ve Doğu T&uuml;rkistan birliği kast edilmektedir. B&uuml;y&uuml;k T&uuml;rkistan&rsquo;da 100 milyonu aşkın T&uuml;rk n&uuml;fusu yaşamaktadır. Bu b&ouml;lge, T&uuml;rk milletinin anayurdu olmasının yanı sıra eski bir k&uuml;lt&uuml;r ve medeniyet merkezi olarak da karşımıza &ccedil;ıkmaktadır. Doğu T&uuml;rkistan isminin 19. y&uuml;zyıl başlarından itibaren kullanılmaya başlandığı g&ouml;r&uuml;lmektedir. Bu d&ouml;nemde B&uuml;y&uuml;k T&uuml;rkistan&rsquo;ın batısını Rusya, doğusunu da &Ccedil;in işgal etmişti. Bununla birlikte Doğu T&uuml;rkistan her zaman Rusya&rsquo;nın ilgisini &ccedil;ekmeye devam etmiştir. Aynı zamanda Doğu T&uuml;rkistan&rsquo;daki gelişmeler T&uuml;rk- Sovyet ilişkilerinde de &ouml;nemli bir rol oynamıştır. Rusya&rsquo;nın etkisiyle her ne kadar T&uuml;rk basını konuyu yakından takip etse de fazlaca yoruma yer verilmemiştir. Hatta, Yaş T&uuml;rkistan Dergisi&rsquo;nin &uuml;lkeye girişi yasaklanmıştır. &Ccedil;alışmamızda konu ile ilgili olayları kendi koşulları i&ccedil;inde ve olduğu gibi tanımlamaya &ccedil;alışan tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Buna g&ouml;re, Cumhuriyet Arşivi&rsquo;ne ait belgeler, basın ve tetkik eserlerden toplanan bilgiler zaman ve mek&acirc;n &ccedil;er&ccedil;evesinde b&uuml;t&uuml;nleştirilerek yorumlanmıştır.East Turkestan is a piece of land located within the borders of the Great Turkestan. The expression of Great Turkestan means the unity of West and East Turkestan. More than 100 million Turks live in Greater Turkestan. This region is also confronted as a center of culture and civilization, as well as being the motherland of the Turkish nation. It is seen that the name of East Turkistan started to be used from the beginning of the 19th century. In this period, the western part of Great Turkistan occupied Russia and the eastern part of China. East Turkestan, however, has always continued to attract the attention of Russia. At the same time, developments in East Turkestan played an important role in Turkish-Soviet relations. Although the Turkish press closely followed the issue, no comment was given due to the influence&nbsp;of Russia. Moreover, entry of Age Turkestan Magazine into the country was prohibited. In our study, we used a screening model that tried to identify events related to the subject as if they were within their own conditions. According to this, Documents belonging to Republic Archives and information collected from press and works is integrated and interpreted in consideration of time and space.</p