118 research outputs found

    Bacteroides fragilis outer membrane vesicles preferentially activate innate immune receptors compared to their parent bacteria

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    The release of bacterial membrane vesicles (BMVs) has become recognized as a key mechanism used by both pathogenic and commensal bacteria to activate innate immune responses in the host and mediate immunity. Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by Gram-negative bacteria can harbor various immunogenic cargo that includes proteins, nucleic acids and peptidoglycan, and the composition of OMVs strongly influences their ability to activate host innate immune receptors. Although various Gram-negative pathogens can produce OMVs that are enriched in immunogenic cargo compared to their parent bacteria, the ability of OMVs produced by commensal organisms to be enriched with immunostimulatory contents is only recently becoming known. In this study, we investigated the cargo associated with OMVs produced by the intestinal commensal Bacteroides fragilis and determined their ability to activate host innate immune receptors. Analysis of B. fragilis OMVs revealed that they packaged various biological cargo including proteins, DNA, RNA, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and peptidoglycan, and that this cargo could be enriched in OMVs compared to their parent bacteria. We visualized the entry of B. fragilis OMVs into intestinal epithelial cells, in addition to the ability of B. fragilis OMVs to transport bacterial RNA and peptidoglycan cargo into Caco-2 epithelial cells. Using HEK-Blue reporter cell lines, we identified that B. fragilis OMVs could activate host Toll-like receptors (TLR)-2, TLR4, TLR7 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 (NOD1), whereas B. fragilis bacteria could only induce the activation of TLR2. Overall, our data demonstrates that B. fragilis OMVs activate a broader range of host innate immune receptors compared to their parent bacteria due to their enrichment of biological cargo and their ability to transport this cargo directly into host epithelial cells. These findings indicate that the secretion of OMVs by B. fragilis may facilitate immune crosstalk with host epithelial cells at the gastrointestinal surface and suggests that OMVs produced by commensal bacteria may preferentially activate host innate immune receptors at the mucosal gastrointestinal tract

    Enhanced M1 Macrophage Polarization in Human Helicobacter pylori-Associated Atrophic Gastritis and in Vaccinated Mice

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    Background: Infection with Helicobacter pylori triggers a chronic gastric inflammation that can progress to atrophy and gastric adenocarcinoma. Polarization of macrophages is a characteristic of both cancer and infection, and may promote progression or resolution of disease. However, the role of macrophages and their polarization during H. pylori infection has not been well defined. Methodology/Principal Findings: By using a mouse model of infection and gastric biopsies from 29 individuals, we have analyzed macrophage recruitment and polarization during H. pylori infection by flow cytometry and real-time PCR. We found a sequential recruitment of neutrophils, eosinophils and macrophages to the gastric mucosa of infected mice. Gene expression analysis of stomach tissue and sorted macrophages revealed that gastric macrophages were polarized to M1 after H. pylori infection, and this process was substantially accelerated by prior vaccination. Human H. pylori infection was characterized by a mixed M1/M2 polarization of macrophages. However, in H. pylori-associated atrophic gastritis, the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase was markedly increased compared to uncomplicated gastritis, indicative of an enhanced M1 macrophage polarization in this pre-malignant lesion. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that vaccination of mice against H. pylori amplifies M1 polarization of gastric macrophages, and that a similar enhanced M1 polarization is present in human H. pylori-induced atrophic gastritis

    Large-scale production of extracellular vesicles: Report on the “massivEVs” ISEV workshop

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) large-scale production is a crucial point for the translation of EVs from discovery to application of EV-based products. In October 2021, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), along with support by the FET-OPEN projects, “The Extracellular Vesicle Foundry” (evFOUNDRY) and “Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailor-made nanomaterials” (VES4US), organized a workshop entitled “massivEVs” to discuss the potential challenges for translation of EV-based products. This report gives an overview of the topics discussed during “massivEVs”, the most important points raised, and the points of consensus reached after discussion among academia and industry representatives. Overall, the review of the existing EV manufacturing, upscaling challenges and directions for their resolution highlighted in the workshop painted an optimistic future for the expanding EV field

    A Novel Animal Model of Borrelia recurrentis Louse-Borne Relapsing Fever Borreliosis Using Immunodeficient Mice

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    Louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) borreliosis is caused by Borrelia recurrentis, and it is a deadly although treatable disease that is endemic in the Horn of Africa but has epidemic potential. Research on LBRF has been severely hampered because successful infection with B. recurrentis has been achieved only in primates (i.e., not in other laboratory or domestic animals). Here, we present the first non-primate animal model of LBRF, using SCID (-B, -T cells) and SCID BEIGE (-B, -T, -NK cells) immunocompromised mice. These animals were infected with B. recurrentis A11 or A17, or with B. duttonii 1120K3 as controls. B. recurrentis caused a relatively mild but persistent infection in SCID and SCID BEIGE mice, but did not proliferate in NUDE (-T) and BALB/c (wild-type) mice. B. duttonii was infectious but not lethal in all animals. These findings demonstrate that the immune response can limit relapsing fever even in the absence of humoral defense mechanisms. To study the significance of phagocytic cells in this context, we induced systemic depletion of such cells in the experimental mice by injecting them with clodronate liposomes, which resulted in uncontrolled B. duttonii growth and a one-hundred-fold increase in B. recurrentis titers in blood. This observation highlights the role of macrophages and other phagocytes in controlling relapsing fever infection. B. recurrentis evolved from B. duttonii to become a primate-specific pathogen that has lost the ability to infect immunocompetent rodents, probably through genetic degeneration. Here, we describe a novel animal model of B. recurrentis based on B- and T-cell-deficient mice, which we believe will be very valuable in future research on LBRF. Our study also reveals the importance of B-cells and phagocytes in controlling relapsing fever infection

    Helicobacter pylori Infection of Gastrointestinal Epithelial Cells in vitro Induces Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration through an NF-κB-Dependent Pathway

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    The role of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium is currently not well established. These cells can be recruited in response to inflammation due to epithelial damage, home, and participate in tissue repair. In addition, in the case of tissue repair failure, these cells could transform and be at the origin of carcinomas. However, the chemoattractant molecules responsible for MSC recruitment and migration in response to epithelial damage, and particularly to Helicobacter pylori infection, remain unknown although the role of some chemokines has been suggested. This work aimed to get insight into the mechanisms of mouse MSC migration during in vitro infection of mouse gastrointestinal epithelial cells by H. pylori. Using a cell culture insert system, we showed that infection of gastrointestinal epithelial cells by different H. pylori strains is able to stimulate the migration of MSC. This mechanism involves the secretion by infected epithelial cells of multiple cytokines, with a major role of TNFα, mainly via a Nuclear Factor-kappa B-dependent pathway. This study provides the first evidence of the role of H. pylori infection in MSC migration and paves the way to a better understanding of the role of bone marrow-derived stem cells in gastric pathophysiology and carcinogenesis

    Multiple Peptidoglycan Modification Networks Modulate Helicobacter pylori's Cell Shape, Motility, and Colonization Potential

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    Helical cell shape of the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori has been suggested to promote virulence through viscosity-dependent enhancement of swimming velocity. However, H. pylori csd1 mutants, which are curved but lack helical twist, show normal velocity in viscous polymer solutions and the reason for their deficiency in stomach colonization has remained unclear. Characterization of new rod shaped mutants identified Csd4, a DL-carboxypeptidase of peptidoglycan (PG) tripeptide monomers and Csd5, a putative scaffolding protein. Morphological and biochemical studies indicated Csd4 tripeptide cleavage and Csd1 crosslinking relaxation modify the PG sacculus through independent networks that coordinately generate helical shape. csd4 mutants show attenuation of stomach colonization, but no change in proinflammatory cytokine induction, despite four-fold higher levels of Nod1-agonist tripeptides in the PG sacculus. Motility analysis of similarly shaped mutants bearing distinct alterations in PG modifications revealed deficits associated with shape, but only in gel-like media and not viscous solutions. As gastric mucus displays viscoelastic gel-like properties, our results suggest enhanced penetration of the mucus barrier underlies the fitness advantage conferred by H. pylori's characteristic shape

    Effects of Helicobacter suis γ-glutamyl transpeptidase on lymphocytes: modulation by glutamine and glutathione supplementation and outer membrane vesicles as a putative delivery route of the enzyme

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    Helicobacter (H.) suis colonizes the stomach of the majority of pigs as well as a minority of humans worldwide. Infection causes chronic inflammation in the stomach of the host, however without an effective clearance of the bacteria. Currently, no information is available about possible mechanisms H. suis utilizes to interfere with the host immune response. This study describes the effect on various lymphocytes of the γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) from H. suis. Compared to whole cell lysate from wild-type H. suis, lysate from a H. suis ggt mutant strain showed a decrease of the capacity to inhibit Jurkat T cell proliferation. Incubation of Jurkat T cells with recombinantly expressed H. suis GGT resulted in an impaired proliferation, and cell death was shown to be involved. A similar but more pronounced inhibitory effect was also seen on primary murine CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and CD19+ B cells. Supplementation with known GGT substrates was able to modulate the observed effects. Glutamine restored normal proliferation of the cells, whereas supplementation with reduced glutathione strengthened the H. suis GGT-mediated inhibition of proliferation. H. suis GGT treatment abolished secretion of IL-4 and IL-17 by CD4+ T cells, without affecting secretion of IFN-γ. Finally, H. suis outer membrane vesicles (OMV) were identified as a possible delivery route of H. suis GGT to lymphocytes residing in the deeper mucosal layers. Thus far, this study is the first to report that the effects on lymphocytes of this enzyme, not only important for H. suis metabolism but also for that of other Helicobacter species, depend on the degradation of two specific substrates: glutamine and reduced glutatione. This will provide new insights into the pathogenic mechanisms of H. suis infection in particular and infection with gastric helicobacters in general

    A Commensal Helicobacter sp. of the Rodent Intestinal Flora Activates TLR2 and NOD1 Responses in Epithelial Cells

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    Helicobacter spp. represent a proportionately small but significant component of the normal intestinal microflora of animal hosts. Several of these intestinal Helicobacter spp. are known to induce colitis in mouse models, yet the mechanisms by which these bacteria induce intestinal inflammation are poorly understood. To address this question, we performed in vitro co-culture experiments with mouse and human epithelial cell lines stimulated with a selection of Helicobacter spp., including known pathogenic species as well as ones for which the pathogenic potential is less clear. Strikingly, a member of the normal microflora of rodents, Helicobacter muridarum, was found to be a particularly strong inducer of CXC chemokine (Cxcl1/KC, Cxcl2/MIP-2) responses in a murine intestinal epithelial cell line. Time-course studies revealed a biphasic pattern of chemokine responses in these cells, with H. muridarum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mediating early (24–48 h) responses and live bacteria seeming to provoke later (48–72 h) responses. H. muridarum LPS per se was shown to induce CXC chemokine production in HEK293 cells stably expressing Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), but not in those expressing TLR4. In contrast, live H. muridarum bacteria were able to induce NF-κB reporter activity and CXC chemokine responses in TLR2–deficient HEK293 and in AGS epithelial cells. These responses were attenuated by transient transfection with a dominant negative construct to NOD1, and by stable expression of NOD1 siRNA, respectively. Thus, the data suggest that both TLR2 and NOD1 may be involved in innate immune sensing of H. muridarum by epithelial cells. This work identifies H. muridarum as a commensal bacterium with pathogenic potential and underscores the potential roles of ill-defined members of the normal flora in the initiation of inflammation in animal hosts. We suggest that H. muridarum may act as a confounding factor in colitis model studies in rodents

    XIAP Regulates Cytosol-Specific Innate Immunity to Listeria Infection

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    The inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family has been implicated in immune regulation, but the mechanisms by which IAP proteins contribute to immunity are incompletely understood. We show here that X-linked IAP (XIAP) is required for innate immune control of Listeria monocytogenes infection. Mice deficient in XIAP had a higher bacterial burden 48 h after infection than wild-type littermates, and exhibited substantially decreased survival. XIAP enhanced NF-κB activation upon L. monocytogenes infection of activated macrophages, and prolonged phosphorylation of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) specifically in response to cytosolic bacteria. Additionally, XIAP promoted maximal production of pro-inflammatory cytokines upon bacterial infection in vitro or in vivo, or in response to combined treatment with NOD2 and TLR2 ligands. Together, our data suggest that XIAP regulates innate immune responses to L. monocytogenes infection by potentiating synergy between Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLRs) through activation of JNK- and NF-κB–dependent signaling