38 research outputs found


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    We presented a clinical case of dual-energy computed tomography in a patient with urolithiasis. Was performed a complex evaluation of the specific parameters obtained in dual-energy computed tomography: dual-energy ratio, dual-energy difference, dual-energy index, Z effective and the chemical composition of the urinary stone in a patient in vivo to determine the tactics of surgical treatment and metaphylaxis.Представлено клиническое наблюдение применения двухэнергетической компьютерной томографии (ДЭКТ) у пациента с мочекаменной болезнью. Проведена комплексная оценка специфических показателей, полученных при ДЭКТ: двухэнергетическое отношение, двухэнергетическая разность, двухэнергетический индекс, эффективный атомный номер (Zeff), а также определен физико-химический состав мочевого камня у пациента в предоперационном периоде для выбора оптимального хирургического пособия и метафилактики

    The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C279 in 2006

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    The quasar 3C279 was the target of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign from January through April 2006, including an optical-IR-radio monitoring campaign by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) collaboration. In this paper we focus on the results of the WEBT campaign. The source exhibited substantial variability of optical flux and spectral shape, with a characteristic time scale of a few days. The variability patterns throughout the optical BVRI bands were very closely correlated with each other. In intriguing contrast to other (in particular, BL Lac type) blazars, we find a lag of shorter- behind longer-wavelength variability throughout the RVB ranges, with a time delay increasing with increasing frequency. Spectral hardening during flares appears delayed with respect to a rising optical flux. This, in combination with the very steep IR-optical continuum spectral index of ~ 1.5 - 2.0, may indicate a highly oblique magnetic field configuration near the base of the jet. An alternative explanation through a slow (time scale of several days) acceleration mechanism would require an unusually low magnetic field of < 0.2 G, about an order of magnitude lower than inferred from previous analyses of simultaneous SEDs of 3C279 and other FSRQs with similar properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Preparation of polyclonal and monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies against morphine-specific immunoglobulins

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    The preparation and study of anti-idiotypic (secondary) antibodies (Ab2) against monoclonal primary antibodies (Ab1) specific to biologically active molecules with a known structure is of great scientific and practical importance. Due to partial antigenic similarity of Ab2 and the initial antigen structures, these antibodies can be the basis of the vaccine, if the antigen usage is not possible, or is limited by law. In particular, one may create Ab2-based preparations, designed for immunization, in order to prevent and treat the drug addiction. The value of Ab2 properties increases even more if Ab1, used to obtain them, recognize different parts of the antigen molecule, which makes it possible to obtain second-generation antibodies with a wide range of specificity. In this work, the morphine-like polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 were obtained. In each case, as the first-generation immunoglobulins for immunization, we used two murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to different morphine derivatives: 3K11 antibodies to 3-0-carboxymethyl (CMM) and 2-p-carboxyphenylazomethyl (FAM) derivatives, as well as 6G1 antibodies to 6-hemisuccinyl derivative (GSM). After immunization of the horse with Ab1 and development of immune response, three pools of specific polyclonal antibodies were isolated from the animal blood serum: horse anti-species antibodies to the total mouse immunoglobulins (HAM); horse anti-idiotypic antibodies against 3K11 antibodies (HAM-K11), and against 6G1 antibodies (HAM-G1). In parallel, immunization of mice with 3K11 and 6G1 antibodies and fusion of obtained lymphocytes with Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cells by the Milstein-Köhler method resulted in three producers of anti-idiotypic antibodies: a clone producing mouse monoclonal Ab2 specific for mAb-6G1 (AIG1), as well as clones producing anti-mAb-3K11 antibodies (AI-K11A and AI-K11B). The physico-chemical and antigenic properties of all the Ab2 obtained were characterized. It was shown that the horse anti-idiotypic immunoglobulins not only belong to different classes, but are also polyvalent, while all monoclonal Ab2 obtained are represented by IgM immunoglobulins, being also strictly specific to the corresponding first-generation antibodies. Subsequently, the morphine-like properties of the first domestic polyclonal and monoclonal Ab2 obtained in the work will be investigated in a cellular model. Likewise, we shall study their ability to induce Ab3 as well as morphine-specific Ab1

    Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis

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    A huge multiwavelength campaign targeting the blazar AO 0235+164 was organized by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) in 2003-2005 to study the variability properties of the source. Monitoring observations were carried out at cm and mm wavelengths, and in the near-IR and optical bands, while three pointings by the XMM-Newton satellite provided information on the X-ray and UV emission. We present the data acquired during the second observing season, 2004-2005, by 27 radio-to-optical telescopes. They reveal an increased near-IR and optical activity with respect to the previous season. Increased variability is also found at the higher radio frequencies, down to 15 GHz, but not at the lower ones. The radio (and optical) outburst predicted to peak around February-March 2004 on the basis of the previously observed 5-6 yr quasi-periodicity did not occur. The analysis of the optical light curves reveals now a longer characteristic time scale of 8 yr, which is also present in the radio data. The spectral energy distributions corresponding to the XMM-Newton observations performed during the WEBT campaign are compared with those pertaining to previous pointings of X-ray satellites. Bright, soft X-ray spectra can be described in terms of an extra component, which appears also when the source is faint through a hard UV spectrum and a curvature of the X-ray spectrum. Finally, there might be a correlation between the X-ray and optical bright states with a long time delay of about 5 yr, which would require a geometrical interpretation.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures (8 included in the text and 2 PNG files), in press for A&

    Topical decongestants in combination therapy of acute respiratory infections in children (a literature review)

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    Acute respiratory infections are a serious public health problem due to very high incidence and a serious economic burden. They account for about 90% of all infectious diseases and 70% of childhood diseases. About ¼ of the total health care costs are associated with the diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory infections. Though the disease is often moderate and has a good prognosis, it can significantly affect the well-being of children and interfere with their activities of daily living. [1-2]. In most cases (about 95%), acute respiratory infections are caused by a variety of viruses - influenza and parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, enterovirus, with the total number of etiological serotypes exceeding180. [1] The significant incidence of acute respiratory infection (ARI) is conditioned by several factors: high susceptibility of children (especially young children), variety of pathogens, as well as air-borne transmission and high contagiousness. [3

    Особенности циркуляционных процессов над Грузией при развитии экстремальных условий погоды

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    საქართველოში 2008 წლის ექსტრემალურად ცივი იანვრისა და ცხელი აგვისტოს თვეების ცირკულაციური ინდექსების ΔF, Fx , Fy გამოყენებით ჩატარებული ანალიზის შედეგად დადგენილია საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე ტემპერატურული ანომალიების ჩამოყალიბების განმაპირობებელი ფართომასშტაბური ცირკულაციის კომპლექსური პირობები, ასევე ამ ანომალიების ტრენდული ხასიათის რაოდენობრივ მნიშვნელობათა კავშირი ცირკულაციის ინდექსების დინამიკასთან.On the basis of analysis of monthly circulation indexes ΔF, Fx , Fy during the extremely cold January and extremely hot August of 2008, the complex conditions for the large-scale circulation processes causing the temperature anomalies on the territory of Georgia are established, as well as the relation of numerical values of this anomalies with the dynamics of circulation indexes.На основе анализа с использованием циркуляционных индексов ΔF, Fx , Fy , характеризующих экстремально холодный январь и экстремально теплйи август 2008 года в Грузии, установлены комплексные условия, определяющие формирование температурных аномалий на территории Грузии, а также связь между численными значениями трендовых характеристик этих аномалий с динамикой циркуляционных индексов

    აღმოსავლეთის ძლიერი ქარები კოლხეთის დაბლობზე, როგორც ციმბირის ანტიციკლონის ამიერკავკასიაზე ზემოქმედების ინდიკატორი

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    გაანალიზებულია ქ.ქუთაისში დეკემბერი-მარტის თვეებში ძლიერი ქარების (V≥20 მ/წმ) საშუალო და მაქსიმალური სიჩქარეებისა და განმეორადობის შემთხვევები 1946-2005 წწ პერიოდში. დადგენილია ბოლო 15-წლიან პერიოდში სიჩქარის მაქსიმუმების საშუალოების კლების ტენდენცია, აგრეთვე ძლიერი ქარების საშუალო მნიშვნელობების შემცირება. აღნიშნული ტენდენცია მკაფიოდ ვლინდება 1970-იანი წლების შემდეგ. ძლიერი ქარით დღეთა განმეორა-დობაში კანონზომიერება არ დაიკვირვება.Cases of strong winds (V≥20 m/s) at Kutaisi in December-March during the period of 1946-2005 are analyzed. Mean and maximum wind speeds are examined along with the recurrence of windy days. A tendency towards the decrease of averaged maxima of wind velocity for the last 15 years is revealed, as well as the decline in the mean velocity of high winds. This tendency is being manifested since the beginning of 1970-es. Any features in the variability of windy days are not established.Проанализированы случаи сильных (V≥20 м/с) восточных ветров в Кутаиси в декабре –марте за период 1946-2005 гг. Рас-смотрены средние и максимальные скорости ветра и повторяемость дней с этими ветрами. Установлена тенденция умень-шения средних максимумов скорости ветра за последний 15-летний период, а также ослабление средних скоростей сильных ветров. Указанная тенденция проявляется начиная с 1970-х годов. В повторяемости дней с сильными ветрами закономерно-сти не установлено