59 research outputs found
Effect of fungus Taphrina infection on birch (Betula pendula) xylem morphology and hydraulic conduction
Vee ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia õppekavalKäesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida Taphrina seene avaldatavat mõju kase
ksüleemi morfoloogiale ja hüdraulilisele juhtivusele. Taphrina seen on kottseente
hõimkonda kuuluv parasiitseen, hõimkonna tuntuim seen on Taphrina deformans –
virsikupuu lehti deformeeriv parasiitseen, mida on kõige rohkem uuritud, kuna see tekitab
majanduslikku kahju. Antud töös keskendutakse kaske kahjustavale parasiitseene liigile
Taphrina betula (kaseluudik), mis tekitab puuokstele visuaalselt nähtavaid kahjustusi –
Eesmärgi saavutamiseks koguti proove kahest kohast: Tähtvere pargist Tartu linnas ja linna
külje all Ihastes asuvalt Anne looduskaitsealalt. Töö käigus uuriti ksüleemitorude suurust
ja tihedust, erinevusi mõõdeti fotodelt mikroskoobi all. Selgus, et kontrollproovidel oli
ksüleemitorude diameeter suurem kui nakatunud proovidel, seda 9/13, ka oli nakatunud
proovidel ksüleemitorude tihedus suurem kui nakatumata proovidel.
Töö tulemustes jõuame järeldusele, et Taphrina seenparasiit avaldab mõju kase puidule,
mõjutades selle ksüleemitorude suurust ja tihedust. Sellest tulenevalt võib järeldada, et
taime hüdrauliline juhtivus on samuti mõjutatud, kuna see sõltub ksüleemitorudest ning
nende morfoloogiast, siiski hüdraulilise juhtivuse aspekt vajab tulevikus täiendavat
uurimist.The aim of this Master’s thesis was to research the influance of the Taphrina fungi on the
morphology and hydraulic conductivity of European white birch (Betula pendula). The
Taphrina is a fungal genus within the Ascomycota phylum, the most famous species of the
division is Taphrina deformans which is infamous of infecting peach trees and is most
studied because of economic damage it causes. This thesis focuses on the species Taphrina
betulina, which causes visible deformity in a woody plant known as Witch’s brooms.
To achieve the goal, samples were collected from two places: Tähtvere Park in Tartu and
the Anne Nature Reserv located in Ihaste near the City Tartu. During the study, the size
and density of xylem were examined. Differences were measured from photos made by
microscope. It turned out that the control samples had a larger xylem diameeter, 9 of 13
samples had larger diameeter, also infected samples had higher xylem density than noninfected
In the result of this thesis, we concluded that Taphrina betulina fungus affects the birch
wood, affecting the size and density of its xylem. Consequently, it can be concluded that
the hydraulic conductivity of the plant is also affected, since it depends on the xylem
morphology, however, the aspect of hydraulic conductivity needs further investigation
Text, context and performance: The lay institutions of Gagauz Orthodoxy.
The Gagauz are a minority living in the southern reaches of the Republic of Moldova. While adhering to the majority religion of Orthodox Christianity, their mother-tongue is a variety of Turkish, a fact that in conjunction with their cultural heritage has shaped their religious identity and transformed their religious practices. The aim of this thesis is to explore Gagauz religion from the perspective of lay religious practice. In doing so I take up the ongoing debate on 'folk' or 'popular' religion and aim to demonstrate how, in the case of the Gagauz, the academic category of 'folk religion' and the field of 'folk' religious practice are instrumental in the construction of Gagauz religious identity. This is explored on two levels. Firstly, on the level of the national political, clerical and academic discourse on the origins, ethno-genesis and religion of the Gagauz, and secondly, on the level of practice, examining how Church perspectives and lay agency operate at the micro-level during actual episodes of religious practice. The starting point of this research project is the 'texts' of Gagauz religion. Firstly, the way in which the 'texts' on Gagauz religion generated by scholarly, ecclesial and national political discourse instrumentalise religious identities in the construction of Gagauz national identity is discussed. This is followed by an exploration of how the 'primary texts' of Gagauz religious practice used in worship, healing and prayer shape religious consciousness on the ground. Both sets of 'texts' are explored within the wider social, historical and political contexts that underpin and define them. Finally, the role of 'performance' of the 'texts' in the creation, institutionalisation, and transmission of lay religious practice is considered. Each of these dimensions of text, context and performance highlight the role of language in the contested field of practice of 'folk religion' situated between the lay and 'official' institutions of Gagauz Orthodoxy
Frontal resistance coefficient of the buses with the different ventilation equipment
The article presents the results of the investigation of the influence of natural and mechanical ventilation in a passenger compartment and in a driver\u27s compartment on the air flow around the bus. The experimental research was carried out in aerodynamic tunnels. Based on the measurements, the air velocities distribution in the boundary layer was determined. Furthermore, the effect of natural ventilation of the interior space on the thickness of the air boundary layer was analysed. The results are presented in the form of distribution diagram and analytical dependencies. The aim of this research was to define the thickness of the boundary layer when the air flows through a vehicle model
Renovation of a building and its impact on air pollution
The main purpose of the research presented in this paper is to quantify the amount of carbon dioxide produced by a standard house with four occupants before and after rehabilitation measures. As expected, these retrofitting actions had a positive effect on energy consumption and, in consequence, the CO2 emissions decreased significantly. After applying thermal insulation, CO2 production values derived from heating of the building were reduced by 68 %. The replacement of electrical household appliances decreased CO2 emissions by 53 %. Also, based on experimental measurements we calculated CO2 production due to human breathing, for different types of activity. Subsequently, the yearly quantity of CO2 produced by breathing by a standard four-member family was calculated. Finally, we estimated the contribution of human breathing to the total household CO2 production
Energy efficiency of ventilation system in apartment buildings
The article shows impact of the location of apartments on the heat requirement of each type of apartment as well as the possibility of different savings of heat by using ventilation equipments including recuperative devices
Дослідження пристрою для повітророзподілу взаємодією зустрічних неспіввісних струмин у змінному режимі
The research deals with the solution of the relevant problem of increasing efficiency of air distribution by the interaction of counter non-coaxial jets for providing the standard parameters of the air in industrial premises. The mathematical model of air supply by the interaction of counter non-coaxial jets in these premises was improved. It was shown that to achieve maximum efficiency of air disctribution, it is necessary to supply the air by jets that attenuate rapidly even before entering the working area. We developed and explored the structure of the air distributor with the interaction of the counter non-coaxial jets, which provides intensive attenuation of velocity and excess temperature of the resulting airflow. The specific feature of this structure is the possibility to supply two non-coaxial inflowing jets.In this way, intensive mixing of inflowing jets with the surrounding air is provided and alternating mode is maintained. The graphic dependences were plotted and the theoretical dependences based on the conducted experimental studies were derived, which may be used in further engineering calculations. The authors developed and protected by the patent of Ukraine [12] the design of air distributor for the air supply by the interaction of the counter non-coaxial jets, as well as for supplying inflowing jets in the alternating mode. The cost-effectiveness of using the air distributor with the interaction of counter non-coaxial jets was shown, compared with alternative options, and specific indicators of the air distribution efficiency were given.Решена актуальная задача повышения эффективности воздухораспределения взаимодействием встречных несоосных струй для обеспечения нормируемых параметров воздуха в производственных помещениях. Показано, что для достижения максимальной эффективности воздухораспределения необходимо подавать воздух струями, интенсивно затухающими еще до входа в рабочую зону. Показана экономическая эффективность использования воздухораспределителя в сравнении с альтернативными вариантами, приведены удельные показатели эффективности воздухораспределенияВирішено актуальну задачу підвищення ефективності повітророзподілу взаємодією зустрічних неспіввісних струмин для забезпечення нормативних параметрів повітря у приміщеннях. Показано, що для досягнення максимальної ефективності повітророзподілу необхідно подавати повітря струминами, що інтенсивно затухають ще до входу в робочу зону. Показано економічну ефективність використання повітророзподільника порівняно з альтернативними варіантами, наведено питомі показники ефективності повітророзподіл
Paramedic educational program attrition accounts for significant loss of potential EMS workforce
OBJECTIVE: Recent concerns for the strength and stability of the emergency medical services (EMS) workforce have fueled interest in enhancing the entry of EMS clinicians into the workforce. However, the educational challenges associated with workforce entry remain unclear. Our objective was to evaluate the educational pathway of entry into the EMS workforce and to identify factors that lead to the loss of potential EMS clinicians.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional evaluation of all US paramedic educational programs, with enrolled students, in the 2019 Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions annual report survey. This data set includes detailed program characteristics and metrics including program attrition rate (leaving before completion), and certifying exam pass rates. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the association between high program attrition rates (\u3e30%) and program specific characteristics.
RESULTS: In 2019, 640 accredited programs met inclusion with 17,457 students enrolled in paramedic educational programs. Of these, 13,884 students successfully graduated (lost to attrition, 3,573/17,457 [21%]) and 12,002 passed the certifying exam on the third attempt (lost to unable to certify, 1,882/17,457 [11%]). High program attrition rates were associated with longer programs (\u3e12 months), small class sizes (\u3c12 \u3estudents), and regional locations.
CONCLUSIONS: Nearly 1 in 3 paramedic students were lost from the potentially available workforce either owing to attrition during the educational program or failure to certify after course completion. Attrition represented the largest loss, providing an avenue for future targeted research and interventions to improve EMS workforce stability
Забезпечення комфортного мікроклімату у класних кімнатах за умови необхідного повітрообміну
We performed comparative analysis of regulatory documents, which relate to ventilation of school premises and operate in European countries at present. We showed the essential difference of the recommended air exchange values. We assessed sanitary and hygienic conditions formed in classrooms at different efficiency of a ventilation system both by analytical calculations and by subjective monitoring of microclimate of experimental measurements conducted in school classrooms, when every pupil-participant performed an assessment of the internal environment in the form of a questionnaire. We measured carbonic acid gas contents emitted in a room and determined the required ventilation intensity in the evaluated school premises. We compared the multiplication factor of air exchange of the ventilation system determined in this way with the values obtained by analytical calculations carried out in accordance with current legislation and standards, which are active in Europe. We made calculations based on known analytical dependencies. We determined performance of the ventilation system of the classroom based on СО2 concentrations in internal and inflow air at various values of the multiplication factor of air exchange. It made possible to state that we can achieve the optimal microclimate parameters at air exchange of 30 m3/h per person.We presented the results of field studies and analytical calculations in the form of tables and visual graphic dependencies. The proposed research method makes it possible to increase accuracy and reliability of air quality control in classrooms by direct measurement of СО2 concentration in a serviced area of a room. The study results provide an opportunity to improve ventilation systems of school buildings. This creates prerequisites for obtaining a social effect due to an increase in labor and learning efficiencyПроведен сравнительный анализ нормативных документов, касающихся вентиляции школьных помещений, действующих сегодня европейских странах. Показано существенное отличие рекомендуемых значений воздухообмена. Оценка санитарно-гигиенических условий, формируемых в классных помещениях при разной производительности системы вентиляции, проводилась как путем аналитических расчетов, так и путем субъективного мониторинга микроклимата экспериментальных измерений, проводимых в школьных кабинетах и классах, во время которого каждый ученик-участник совершил оценку внутренней среды в форме анкеты. Было проведено измерение содержания углекислого газа, который выделялся в помещении и определено необходимую интенсивность вентиляции в оцениваемых школьных помещениях. Определенная таким образом кратность воздухообмена системы вентиляции сравнивалась с величинами, полученными путем аналитических расчетов, проводимых в соответствии с действующим законодательством и стандартами, действующими в странах Европы. Расчеты, проведенные на основании известных аналитических зависимостей, при которых производительность системы вентиляции классных помещений определялась на основании концентраций СО2 во внутреннем и приточном воздухе при различных значениях кратности воздухообмена, позволяют утверждать, что оптимальные параметры микроклимата достигаются при воздухообмене в размере 30 м3/ч на человека. Результаты натурных исследований и аналитических расчетов представлены в виде таблиц и наглядных графических зависимостей. Предложенная методика исследований позволяет повысить точность и достоверность контроля качества воздуха в классных комнатах за счет прямого измерения концентрации СО2 в обслуживаемой зоне помещения. Результаты исследований дают возможность совершенствования систем вентиляции школьных зданий. Это создает предпосылки для получения социального эффекта при повышении производительности труда и обученияПроведено порівняльний аналіз нормативних документів, які стосуються вентиляції шкільних приміщень, що діють сьогодні європейських країнах. Показано суттєву відмінність рекомендованих значень повітрообміну. Оцінка санітарно-гігієнічних умов, які формуються у класних приміщеннях при різній продуктивності системи вентиляції, проводилась як шляхом аналітичних розрахунків, так і шляхом суб’єктивного моніторингу мікроклімату експериментальних вимірювань, що проводились у шкільних кабінетах та класах, під час якого кожен учень-учасник здійснив оцінку внутрішнього середовища у формі анкети. Було проведено заміри вмісту вуглекислого газу, що виділявся в приміщенні, і визначено необхідну інтенсивність вентиляції в оцінюваних шкільних приміщеннях. Визначена таким чином кратність повітрообміну системи вентиляції порівнювалася з величинами, отриманими шляхом аналітичних розрахунків, що проводилися відповідно до чинного законодавства та стандартів, що діють в країнах Європи. Розрахунки, проведені на підставі відомих аналітичних залежностей, при яких продуктивність системи вентиляції класних приміщень визначалася на підставі концентрацій СО2 у внутрішньому та припливному повітрі при різних значеннях кратності повітрообміну дозволяють стверджувати, що оптимальні параметри мікроклімату досягаються при повітрообміні в розмірі 30 м3/год на особу. Результати натурних досліджень та аналітичних розрахунків представлено у вигляді таблиць і наочних графічних залежностей. Запропонована методика досліджень дозволяє підвищити точність та достовірність контролю якості повітря в класних кімнатах за рахунок прямого вимірювання концентрації СО2 в обслуговуваній зоні приміщення. Результати досліджень дають можливість вдосконалення систем вентиляції шкільних будівель. Це створює передумови для отримання соціального ефекту при підвищенні продуктивності праці та навчанн
Reducing Information Overload in Situated Visualization for Firefighting: A Human Factors Evaluation of User Interface Prototypes for Pre-Incident Planning
High profile structure fires, like the Grenfell Tower tragedy, have demonstrated that the quality of the information provided to firefighters arriving on the scene of an emergency is a matter of life or death. It has been suggested that access to structural information such as electronic building plans or unmanned aerial vehicle footage may bridge the information gap to help first responders build situation awareness at the incident scene. However, these technologies have not been fully evaluated from a human performance perspective. The use of pre-incident plans (PIPs), information captured systematically about a facility prior to an emergency, provides a way for firefighters to leverage data about a structure, increasing their efficiency and effectiveness in managing a fire and ultimately reducing fatalities and property damage. However, no standard interface configuration currently exists for presenting and displaying PIP information to firefighters digitally. This dissertation investigates the human factors implications associated with leveraging emerging technology in the form of 3D models and situated visualization techniques for displaying PIP information to fireground incident commanders. Through a series of mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) studies, this dissertation directly captures user requirements and human performance data from firefighters in the form of focus groups, field data, surveys, and user study data. Based on qualitative participant feedback and objective user study data, this series of studies evaluate the usability (efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction) of three different user interface configurations. This data serves as a foundation for standardizing the way PIP information is presented to first responders. Further recommendations are suggested for how to effectively present and display PIP information to better support fireground incident commanders operating in dangerous and unpredictable environments
Analiza intensywności wentylacji w biurach
The aim of the article is to establish the necessary air exchange rate in the room at the principe production carbon dioxide calculation and experiment. There was calculated CO2 produced by humans in the room. Ventilation rate was calculated by several methods and compared with the measured carbon dioxide production.Przedmiotem artykułu jest określenie niezbędnej ilości wymian powietrza w pomieszczeniu biurowym w odniesieniu do produkcji dwutlenku węgla na podstawie kalkulacji i badań w warunkach rzeczywistych. Dokonano pomiarów ilości CO2 wyprodukowanej przez ludzi w pomieszczeniu. Intensywność wentylacji oszacowano, posiłkując się kilkoma metodami i zestawiono ze zmierzoną ilością CO2
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