195 research outputs found


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    PT. The Nusantara Surya Sakti branch, Ende, is engaged in two business fields, namely trading, and services. which includes Nusa Surya Cipta (NSC) which is engaged in financing and cash guaranteed by BPKB Motor and Nusantara Surya Sakti (NSS) which serves the purchase of motorbikes and motorbikes. In the field of cash financing with BPKB Motor (Honda, Yamaha, or Kawazaki) guarantees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the system and procedures for granting credit with a motorcycle BPKB guarantee at PT Nusantara Sakti Branch Ende in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The method used by the author in this research is descriptive qualitative, which is an article that describes the actual situation regarding the System and Procedure of Credit Provision with the BPKB Guarantee Agency. Nusantara Surya Sakti Ende Branch. The results of this study are systems and procedures for granting credit with a motorcycle BPKB guarantee at PT. Nusantara Surya Sakti Branch Ende which researchers found is part of the procedure for granting credit with collateral. BPKB has complied with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), but credit is still lacking, even though there is still a shortage of credit. The system used often experiences network errors/interferences, human errors are caused by employees who experience fatigue and lack of concentration. The analysis has applied 5C (Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Condition) especially Capacity (ability) and Condition (economic condition


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of contribution and effectiveness of market retribution on the local revenue of Ende Regency in the Regional Revenue Agency of Ende Regency from 2015-2017. The data analysis used is quantitative descriptive analysis, by calculating and explaining the level of contribution and effectiveness of market fees to the local revenue of Ende district. As for the population in this study is the target data and the realization of Market Levies and Local Revenue in Ende Regency. This study uses a sample, namely the target data and the realization of Market Levies and Local Revenue in Ende Regency 2015-2017. The results of this study are for the contribution of market retribution to the local revenue of Ende Regency in 2015-2017, it can be concluded that the results are still below 2% or still very less in accordance with the contribution criteria table. This criterion refers to the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 690,900-327 of 1996 which stipulates that if the percentage yield is 0.00% - 10%, the category is very poor. Whereas for the level of effectiveness of the market levies of Ende Regency in 20152016 it is categorized as very effective, while in 2017 it is categorized as less effective, this refers to the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No.690,900-327 of 1996 which regulates that if the percentage is> 100% it is categorized as very effective. , meanwhile, if the percentage is> 60% - 80% it is categorized as less effective


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Saenam Kecamatan Miomaffo Barat Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) faktor-faktor  yang mempengaruhi produksi bawang putih lokal, (2) Efisiensi penggunaan faktor produksi pada usahatani bawang putih lokal, didekati dengan menggunakan  analisis fungsi produksi stohastic Frontier Cobb – Douglas. Hasil pendugaan terhadap faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi usahatani bawang putih lokal menyimpulkan bahwa faktor produksi  luas lahan, benih, pupuk organik, tenaga kerja tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap usahatani bawang putih lokal dengan nilai coefficient masing-masing sebesar 0,666, -0,559, 0.381, -0.129. Apabilia ditelisik lebih jauh maka,  faktor luas lahan dan tenaga kerja memiliki 0>EP<1. Sedangkan faktor benih  dan pupuk organik memiliki EP<0.Nilai Efisiensi Teknis sebesar 0,96 sehingga usahatani ini efisien secara teknis. Nilai Efisiensi Alokatif untuk variabel luas lahan, benih dan pupuk tidak efisien karena < 1. Sedangkan variabel tenaga kerja sudah efisien secara alokatif karena  dengan nilai 1,931. Nilai Efisiensi Ekonomi  dari usahatani bawang putih lokal sebesar -0.490, hal ini menunjukan bahwa usahatani bawang putih lokal di Desa Saenam tidak efisien secara ekonomi. Perlu dilakukan peninjauan lebih mendalam mengenai harga dari bawang putih lokal,sehingga dapat mengetahui pendapatan untuk usahatani bawang putih lokal. Kata kunci: Bawang Putih Lokal, Faktor Produksi, Efisiensi teknis, alokatif, ekonomi.   ABSTRACT This research was conducted in Saenam Village, West Miomaffo District, North Central Timor Regency. This study aims to determine (1) the factors that affect local garlic production, (2) Efficiency of the use of production factors in local garlic farming, approached by using the analysis of the Cobb-Douglas Frontier stohastic production function. The results of the estimation of the factors that influence the local garlic farming concluded that the factors of production of land area, seeds, organic fertilizer, labor did not significantly affect the local garlic farming with each coefficient value of 0.666, -0.559, 0.381, -0.129.If is further investigated then, the area of ​​land and labor has 0> EP <1. Whereas the seeds and organic fertilizer factor have EP <0. The value of technical efficiency is 0.96.Value Allocative efficiency values ​​for land area, seed and fertilizer variables are not efficient because <1.While the workforce variable is allocatively efficient because with a value of 1,931. The Economic Efficiency Value of local garlic farming is -0.490, this shows that local garlic farming in Saenam Village is economically inefficient. A more in-depth look at the price of local garlic is needed, so that you can find out the income for local garlic farming. Keywords: Local Garlic, Production Factors, Technical, Price, and Economic Efficiencie

    Promjene hematokrita i biokemijskog profila u serumu sahival i križanaca sahival × džersej goveda u tropskom okolišu.

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    A study was conducted on the biochemical constituents of pure Sahiwal and Jersey × Sahiwal crossbred animals in tropical conditions. Six animals were selected from each category of Sahiwal heifers, Sahiwal cows and Jersey × Sahiwal crossbred cows. The biochemical constituents of the above animals were recorded during the experimental period of 21 days. The haematocrit values (%) of Sahiwal heifers, Sahiwal cows and Jersey × Sahiwal cows were ranged from 29.17 ± 1.22 to 68.00 ± 1.06, 31.00 ± 1.46 to 67.00 ± 1.06 and 31.17 ± 1.17 to 75.83 ± 0.59, respectively. A non-significant difference was observed in haematocrit values of Sahiwal heifers and cows, whereas a significant (P<0.01) variation was recorded for Jersey × Sahiwal crossbred cows. The serum glucose, urea and creatinine levels (mg/dL) of Sahiwal heifers, Sahiwal cows and Jersey × Sahiwal cows ranged from 61.90 ± 1.34 to 97.32 ± 0.63, 58.61 ± 1.20 to 96.90 ± 0.65 and 59.26 ± 0.58 to 113.33 ± 0.71, 11.72 ± 0.94 to 47.21 ± 0.64, 11.70 ± 0.65 to 45.44 ± 0.42 and 14.00 ± 0.58 to 63.99 ± 0.41 and 1.25 ± 0.07 to 9.81 ± 0.13, 1.29 ± 0.09 to 9.90 ± 0.17 and 1.43 ± 0.10 to 16.18 ± 0.15, respectively. The average serum glucose values were significantly (P<0.01) different among all the experimental animals during adaptability. The serum calcium and phosphorous levels (mg/dL) of Sahiwal heifers, Sahiwal cows and Jersey × Sahiwal cows ranged from 10.59 ± 0.29 to 27.17 ± 0.29, 10.84 ± 0.27 to 26.61 ± 0.46 and 10.45 ± 0.33 to 36.76 ± 0.71, 5.85 ± 0.05 to 18.91 ± 0.21, 5.94 ± 0.08 to 18.87 ± 0.12 and 5.88 ± 0.10 to 20.80 ± 0.13, respectively. A nonsignificant difference was observed in serum calcium and phosphorous levels for Sahiwal heifers and Sahiwal cows, whereas a significant (P<0.01) variation was recorded for Jersey × Sahiwal crossbred cows in relation to adaptability. The present study concludes that haematocrit, glucose, urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphorouslevels of the Sahiwal cows were significantly (P<0.01) higher during the first three days of the experimental period and later declined to the normal range of the species. In the case of Jersey × Sahiwal crossbred cows, higher levels of haematocrit and the above serum constituents were observed for a period of six days, which later declined to reach the normal range of the species in tropical environments.U radu su istraženi biokemijski pokazatelji u čistokrvnih sahival i križanih sahival × džersej goveda uzgajanih u tropskim uvjetima. Po šest životinja odabrano je iz skupina sahival junica, sahival krava i krava križanaca sahival × džersej. U istraženih životinja utvrđeni su biokemijski pokazatelji tijekom razdoblja od 21 dan. Vrijednosti hematokrita (%) kod sahival junica kretale su se u granicama od 29,17 ± 1,22 do 68,00 ± 1,06, kod sahival krava od 31,00 ± 1,46 do 67,00 ± 1,06, a kod krava križanaca sahival x džersej od 31,17 ± 1,17 do 75,83 ± 0,59. Razlike u vrijednostima hematokrita između sahival junica i krava nisu bile statistički značajne, dok su razlike u odnosu krave - križanke bile statistički značajne (P<0,01). Razine glukoze, ureje i kreatinina u serumu (mg/dL) kretale su se kod sahival junica u granicama od 61,90 ± 1,34 do 97,32 ± 0,63; od 58,61 ± 1,20 do 96,90 ± 0,65; od 59,26 ± 0,58 do 113,33 ± 0,71, kod sahival krava od 11,72 ± 0,94 do 47,21 ± 0,64; od 11,70 ± 0,65 do 45,44 ± 0,42; od 14,00 ± 0,58 do 63,99 ± 0,41 te kod krava križanki od 1,25 ± 0,07 do 9,81 ± 0,13; od 1,29 ± 0,09 do 9,90 ± 0,17 i od 1,43 ± 0,10 do 16,18 ± 0,15. Prosječne vrijednosti glukoze u serumu bile su statistički značajno (P<0,01) različite između svih istraživanih skupina tijekom razdoblja prilagodbe. Razine kalcija (mg/dL) u serumu junica kretale su se od 10,59 ± 0,29 do 27,17 ± 0,29, u serumu krava od 10,84 ± 0,27 do 26,61 ± 0,46 te u serumu križanki od 10,45 ± 0,33 do 36,76 ± 0,71. Razine fosfora (mg/dL) u serumu junica bile su od 5,85 ± 0,05 do 18,91 ± 0,21, u serumu krava od 5,94 ± 0,08 do 18,87 ± 0,12 te u serumu križanki od 5,88 ± 0,10 do 20,80 ± 0,13. Razlike u razinama kalcija i fosfora između sahival junica i krava nisu bile statistički značajne dok su statistički značajne (P<0,01) varijacije utvrđene kod sahival × džersej križanki u odnosu na prilagodbu. Provedenim istraživanjem može se zaključiti da su razine hematokrita, glukoze, ureje, kreatinina, kalcija i fosfora kod sahival krava bile statistički značajno (P<0,01) povišene tijekom prva tri dana istraživanog razdoblja, a nakon toga su se snizile u granice normalne za vrstu. U slučaju krava križanki sahival × džersej, više razine hematokrita i drugih serumskih pokazatelja utvrđene su tijekom razdoblja od šest dana nakon čega su snižene do graničnih vrijednosti normalnih za vrstu uzgajanu u tropskom okolišu

    Epifil: a dynamic model of infection and disease in lymphatic filariasis

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    The lack of a quantitative framework that describes the dynamic relationships between infection and morbidity has constrained efforts aimed at the community-level control of lymphatic filariasis. In this paper, we describe the development and validation of EPIFIL, a dynamic model of filariasis infection intensity and chronic disease. Infection dynamics are modeled using the well established immigration-death formulation, incorporating the acquisition of immunity to infective larvae over time. The dynamics of disease (lymphodema and hydrocele) are modeled as a catalytic function of a variety of factors, including worm load and the impact of immunopathological responses. The model was parameterized using age-stratified data collected from a Bancroftian filariasis endemic area in Pondicherry in southern India. The fitted parameters suggest that a relatively simple model including only acquired immunity to infection and irreversible progression to disease can satisfactorily explain the observed infection and disease patterns. Disease progression is assumed to be a consequence of worm induced damage and to occur at a high rate for hydrocele and a low rate for lymphodema. This suggests that immunopathology involvement may not be a necessary component of observed age-disease profiles. These findings support a central role for worm burden in the initiation and progression of chronic filarial disease

    Studying accelerated cardiovascular ageing in Russian adults through a novel deep-learning ECG biomarker [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Background: A non-invasive, easy-to-access marker of accelerated cardiac ageing would provide novel insights into the mechanisms and aetiology of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as contribute to risk stratification of those who have not had a heart or circulatory event. Our hypothesis is that differences between an ECG-predicted and chronologic age of participants (δage) would reflect accelerated or decelerated cardiovascular ageing. Methods: A convolutional neural network model trained on over 700,000 ECGs from the Mayo Clinic in the U.S.A was used to predict the age of 4,542 participants in the Know Your Heart study conducted in two cities in Russia (2015-2018). Thereafter, δage was used in linear regression models to assess associations with known CVD risk factors and markers of cardiac abnormalities. / Results: The biomarker δage (mean: +5.32 years) was strongly and positively associated with established risk factors for CVD: blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), total cholesterol and smoking. Additionally, δage had strong independent positive associations with markers of structural cardiac abnormalities: N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), high sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) and pulse wave velocity, a valid marker of vascular ageing. / Conclusion: The difference between the ECG-age obtained from a convolutional neural network and chronologic age (δage) contains information about the level of exposure of an individual to established CVD risk factors and to markers of cardiac damage in a way that is consistent with it being a biomarker of accelerated cardiovascular (vascular) ageing. Further research is needed to explore whether these associations are seen in populations with different risks of CVD events, and to better understand the underlying mechanisms involved

    The Disconnect Between the Guidelines, the Appropriate Use Criteria, and Reimbursement Coverage Decisions The Ultimate Dilemma

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    Recently, the American College of Cardiology Foundation in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society published appropriate use criteria (AUC) for implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy. These criteria were developed to critically review clinical situations that may warrant implantation of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator or cardiac resynchronization therapy device, and were based on a synthesis of practice guidelines and practical experience from a diverse group of clinicians. When the AUC was drafted, the writing committee recognized that some of the scenarios that were deemed “appropriate” or “may be appropriate” were discordant with the clinical requirements of many payers, including the Medicare National Coverage Determination (NCD). To charge Medicare for a procedure that is not covered by the NCD may be construed as fraud. Discordance between the guidelines, the AUC, and the NCD places clinicians in the difficult dilemma of trying to do the “right thing” for their patients, while recognizing that the “right thing” may not be covered by the payer or insurer. This commentary addresses these issues. Options for reconciling this disconnect are discussed, and recommendations to help clinicians provide the best care for their patients are offered

    Abnormal ECG Findings in Athletes: Clinical Evaluation and Considerations.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation with electrocardiography is normal practice for most sporting bodies. Awareness about sudden cardiac death in athletes and recognizing how screening can help identify vulnerable athletes have empowered different sporting disciplines to invest in the wellbeing of their athletes. RECENT FINDINGS: Discerning physiological electrical alterations due to athletic training from those representing cardiac pathology may be challenging. The mode of investigation of affected athletes is dependent on the electrical anomaly and the disease(s) in question. This review will highlight specific pathological ECG patterns that warrant assessment and surveillance, together with an in-depth review of the recommended algorithm for evaluation

    External validation of a deep learning electrocardiogram algorithm to detect ventricular dysfunction

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    Objective - To validate a novel artificial-intelligence electrocardiogram algorithm (AI-ECG) to detect left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) in an external population. Background - LVSD, even when asymptomatic, confers increased morbidity and mortality. We recently derived AI-ECG to detect LVSD using ECGs based on a large sample of patients treated at the Mayo Clinic. Methods - We performed an external validation study with subjects from the Know Your Heart Study, a cross-sectional study of adults aged 35–69 years residing in two cities in Russia, who had undergone both ECG and transthoracic echocardiography. LVSD was defined as left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35%. We assessed the performance of the AI-ECG to identify LVSD in this distinct patient population. Results - Among 4277 subjects in this external population-based validation study, 0.6% had LVSD (compared to 7.8% of the original clinical derivation study). The overall performance of the AI-ECG to detect LVSD was robust with an area under the receiver operating curve of 0.82. When using the LVSD probability cut-off of 0.256 from the original derivation study, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in this population were 26.9%, 97.4%, 97.0%, respectively. Other probability cut-offs were analysed for different sensitivity values. Conclusions - The AI-ECG detected LVSD with robust test performance in a population that was very different from that used to develop the algorithm. Population-specific cut-offs may be necessary for clinical implementation. Differences in population characteristics, ECG and echocardiographic data quality may affect test performance