288,303 research outputs found


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    A musical work of art in music classes affects the development of age appropriate music aesthetic criteria, music taste and the acquisition of knowledge of particular music literature. A work of art also functions as a means for developing different elements of musical hearing such as sharpening hearing perception, practising hearing concentration, and learning basic music terminology, such as atmosphere, tempo, dynamics, musical form and different music performers. At the moment of listening to and experiencing music in class, music is considered a work of art, but when its elements are discussed and analysed, the work of art becomes the means of learning about music. As the outcomes of learning need to be evaluated, musical work of art also becomes a means of evaluation. This research tries to establish whether there are differences in opinions among primary school teachers towards evaluation in music class regarding years of teaching experience and whether there are any differences in opinions among primary school teachers towards evaluation in music class regarding their level of education. The obtained results show that there is no statistically significant difference in opinions among primary education class teachers towards evaluation in general, nor according to the teachers’ level of education. The participants show preference for numerical evaluation, which in turn opens new questions related to the teachers’ musical competence in teaching practice and their permanent training in the field of school docimology.Glazbeno umjetničko djelo u nastavi glazbe djeluje na razvijanje estetskih kriterija u području glazbe, glazbenog ukusa i stvaranje fundusa poznavanja određenog dijela glazbene literature, primjerenog uzrastu. Ono je ujedno i sredstvo razvijanja različitih elemenata glazbenog sluha kao što je izoštravanje slušne percepcije, vježbanje slušne koncentracije, upoznavanje s temeljnim glazbenim pojmovima kao što su ugođaj, tempo, dinamika, glazbeni oblik i razni izvodilački sastavi. U trenutku slušanja i doživljavanja glazbe u samoj nastavi glazba je umjetničko djelo, ali u trenutku razgovora i analize sastavnica istog umjetničko djelo postaje sredstvo učenja o glazbi. Kako ishode učenja treba evaluirati, umjetničko djelo u nastavi glazbe time postaje sredstvo evaluacije. Istraživanje koje je provedeno bavi se pitanjem postoje li razlike među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju u predmetu Glazbena kultura s obzirom na godine poučavanja i postoje li razlike među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju u predmetu Glazbena kultura s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja. Rezultati koji su dobiveni otkrivaju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju niti statistički značajna razlika među učiteljima razredne nastave u mišljenjima prema ocjenjivanju obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja. Ispitanici su skloniji brojčanom ocjenjivanju što otvara pitanja vezana uz glazbene kompetencije učitelja u nastavnoj praksi i njihovog permanentnog usavršavanja u području školske dokimologije

    Proton strangeness form factors in (4,1) clustering configurations

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    We reexamine a recent result within a nonrelativistic constituent quark model (NRCQM) which maintains that the uuds\bar s component in the proton has its uuds subsystem in P state, with its \bar s in S state (configuration I). When the result are corrected, contrary to the previous result, we find that all the empirical signs of the form factors data can be described by the lowest-lying uuds\bar s configuration with \bar s in P state that has its uuds subsystem in SS state (configuration II). Further, it is also found that the removal of the center-of-mass (CM) motion of the clusters will enhance the contributions of the transition current considerably. We also show that a reasonable description of the existing form factors data can be obtained with a very small probability P_{s\bar s}=0.025% for the uuds\bar s component. We further see that the agreement of our prediction with the data for G_A^s at low-q^2 region can be markedly improved by a small admixture of configuration I. It is also found that by not removing CM motion, P_{s\bar s} would be overestimated by about a factor of four in the case when transition dominates over direct currents. Then, we also study the consequence of a recent estimate reached from analyzing the existing data on quark distributions that P_{s\bar s} lies between 2.4-2.9% which would lead to a large size for the five-quark (5q) system, as well as a small bump in both G^s_E+\eta G^s_M and G^s_E in the region of q^2 =< 0.1 GeV^2.Comment: Prepared for The Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 2011 in Seoul, South Korea, 22-26 August 201

    Zadaci i mogućnosti mljekarstva kao industrije

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    Iako je mljekarstvo doseglo stupanj industrije, ne smijemo ga šablonski uspoređivati s ostalom industrijom, pa ni s prehrambenom. Mljekarstvo kao industrija zauzima posebno mjesto, jer radi pod posebnim uvjetima i okolnostima

    Podcar City Washington, MTI Report S-13-03

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    On October 23-25, 2013, the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) co-presented a two-and-one-half day conference offering insights, strategies, and opportunities for cities to develop personal rapid transit (PRT) systems in their jurisdictions. These PRT systems are also known as automated guideway transit (AGT) or “podcars.” They are small driverless cars (4-6 passengers) that operate on an automated guideway system. Typically, they are used to transport passengers for first- and last- mile trips, such as between a transit station and an airport. However, they may be used for longer distances within or between neighborhoods or commerce centers. The International Institute of Sustainable Transportation (INIST) was the primary producer for the conference. Along with MTI, other co-producers included the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Swedish Transportation Administration, George Mason University, Advanced Transit Association (ATRA), and Kompass. Sponsors included Encitra, Lea+Elliott, and Citizens for PRT

    Kozmopolitizam kao diskurs i izvedba: pogled s poluperiferije

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    The paper offers a critical reading of recent literature on cosmopolitanism, from a perspective theoretically informed by Bourdieu and shaped by the experiential and intellectual context of southeast Europe as the semiperiphery. Several blind spots are identified, the most important one being insufficient self-reflection on the part of major contributors, resulting in unintended celebration of what is routinely available to only some parts of the globe and some social strata, and a concomitant devaluation of other humans and their less fortunate lifeworlds. Instead, it is argued, cosmopolitanism should be conceptualized as an embedded category, as a specific discourse and performance deployed by definite actors, addressing a particular audience, and within historically, culturally and politically determined social settings. Seen in this light, it is not necessarily morally laudable and entails its own exclusions and injustices.U članku se nudi kritičko iščitavanje novije literature o kozmopolitizmu, iz perspektive teorijski nadahnute Bourdieuom i oblikovane iskustvenim i intelektualnim kontekstom jugoistočne Europe kao poluperiferije. Identificira se nekoliko slijepih mrlja, od kojih je najvažnija nedostatna samorefleksija glavnih sudionika u raspravi o kozmopolitizmu, što rezultira nenamjeravanim slavljenjem onoga što je uobičajeno dostupno samo nekim dijelovima svijeta i samo nekim društvenim slojevima, kao i pratećom devalvacijom drugih ljudi i njihovih manje sretnih životnih svjetova. Umjesto toga, teza je ovoga rada da bi se kozmopolitizam trebao konceptualizirati kao usidrena kategorija, kao specifičan diskurs i izvedba koju uvijek provode određeni akteri, obraćajući se određenoj publici i unutar neke povijesno, kulturno i politički uvjetovane društvene sredine. Tako viđen, on prestaje biti nečim neizostavno moralno pohvalnim i podrazumijeva vlastita isključivanja i nepravde

    Kozmopolitizam kao diskurs i izvedba: pogled s poluperiferije

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    The paper offers a critical reading of recent literature on cosmopolitanism, from a perspective theoretically informed by Bourdieu and shaped by the experiential and intellectual context of southeast Europe as the semiperiphery. Several blind spots are identified, the most important one being insufficient self-reflection on the part of major contributors, resulting in unintended celebration of what is routinely available to only some parts of the globe and some social strata, and a concomitant devaluation of other humans and their less fortunate lifeworlds. Instead, it is argued, cosmopolitanism should be conceptualized as an embedded category, as a specific discourse and performance deployed by definite actors, addressing a particular audience, and within historically, culturally and politically determined social settings. Seen in this light, it is not necessarily morally laudable and entails its own exclusions and injustices.U članku se nudi kritičko iščitavanje novije literature o kozmopolitizmu, iz perspektive teorijski nadahnute Bourdieuom i oblikovane iskustvenim i intelektualnim kontekstom jugoistočne Europe kao poluperiferije. Identificira se nekoliko slijepih mrlja, od kojih je najvažnija nedostatna samorefleksija glavnih sudionika u raspravi o kozmopolitizmu, što rezultira nenamjeravanim slavljenjem onoga što je uobičajeno dostupno samo nekim dijelovima svijeta i samo nekim društvenim slojevima, kao i pratećom devalvacijom drugih ljudi i njihovih manje sretnih životnih svjetova. Umjesto toga, teza je ovoga rada da bi se kozmopolitizam trebao konceptualizirati kao usidrena kategorija, kao specifičan diskurs i izvedba koju uvijek provode određeni akteri, obraćajući se određenoj publici i unutar neke povijesno, kulturno i politički uvjetovane društvene sredine. Tako viđen, on prestaje biti nečim neizostavno moralno pohvalnim i podrazumijeva vlastita isključivanja i nepravde

    Banke kao mjesta počinjenja kaznenih djela razbojništva

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    Banka je financijska institucija koja je od Hrvatske narodne banke dobila odobrenje za rad i koja je osnovana kao dioničko društvo sa sjedištem u Republici Hrvatskoj.1 Dakle, sukladno Zakonu o trgovačkim društvima, banke su organizirane kao dionička društva, te imaju svoje podružnice, poslovnice i ispostave. Sjedišta banaka (centrale) uglavnom se nalaze u velikim gradovima, dok se podružnice nalaze u manjim centrima (županijskim ili općinskim). Poslovnice su razmještene u gradovima i selima, prema tržišnoj orijentaciji banaka; dok se ispostave nalaze na graničnim prijelazima, u trgovačkim centrima, zračnim lukama i si. te u pravilu predstavljaju manje prostore s ograničenim poslovanjem. Banke su poslovne sredine u kojima osnovni vid poslovanja pretpostavlja skup ra¬zličitih transakcija s gotovim novcem i vrijednostima, dragocjenostima te vrijednosnim papirima. Prema tome, kako je u bankama novac primarno manipulativno sredstvo u procesu novčarskih transakcija (uplata/isplata, konverzija, mjenjački poslovi, krediti i si.), postale su zanimljive različitim kriminalnim krugovima koji žele na lak način doći do koristi. S obzirom na te činjenice, banke su postale mjesta kaznenih djela razbojništava, kao najčešćeg oblika kaznenog djela u novčarskim institucijama

    Children`s fears

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    Strah je jedna od četiri primarne emocije. Predstavlja urođeni obrambeni mehanizam kojim se osoba štiti od različitih potencijalnih opasnosti, a izražava se na fizičkoj, kognitivnoj i bihevioralnoj razini. Na fizičkoj se razini manifestira bržim otkucajima srca, crvenilom, pojačanim disanjem i znojenjem, napetošću mišića i sl. Na kognitivnoj se razini može manifestirati u obliku zaboravljivosti, problema s koncentracijom, negativnih misli, samokritičnosti itd. Na bihevioralnoj razini manifestira se kao plakanje i vrištanje, drhtanje zubi i usana, mucanje, sisanje palca i sl. Strah se javlja tijekom druge polovine prve godine, a prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima mlađa djeca i djevojčice doživljavaju veći broj strahova od starije djece i dječaka. Kod djece redovito nailazimo na razvojne strahove koji su normalna pojava za određenu dob. Oni se javljaju, mijenjaju i spontano nestaju kada dijete preraste određenu razvojnu fazu. Uz svaku razvojnu fazu vezani su specifični strahovi koji imaju određenu funkciju za tu dob. U djece se može javiti strah od nepoznatih osoba, od odvajanja, mraka i imaginarnih bića, ozljeda, katastrofa, neuspjeha, neprihvaćanja i podsmjehivanja itd. Iako razvojni strahovi uglavnom prolaze sami od sebe, te su sastavni dio razvoja svakog djeteta, oni mogu postati intenzivni i dugotrajni tako da ometaju djetetovo svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Tada je za njihovo uklanjanje potrebna stručna pomoć. Strahovi kod djece mogu biti i rezultat kriznih situacija, kao što su bolest i hospitalizacija djeteta, bolest članova obitelji, rastava roditelja, smrt članova obitelji, nasilje u obitelji te zlostavljanje u obitelji. Traumatizirana djeca općenito pokazuju izraženije strahove i napetost, a često je potrebna i pomoć stručnjaka.Fear is one of the four primary emotions. It represents an inborn defence mechanism as a kind of protection from different potential dangers, and it manifests on a physical, cognitive and behavioural level. Physically it shows through faster heart beat, redness, heavier breathing, sweating, muscle tension, etc. On a cognitive level it can manifestin form of forgetfulness, concentration difficulty, negative thoughts, self-consciousness, etc. In terms of behaviour it becomes apparent through crying and screaming, teeth chattering and lip twitching, stuttering, thumb sucking, etc. Fear occurs in the second half of the child’s first year, and according to available research, younger children and girls experience a bigger number of fears than older children and boys. We can commonly see developmental fears in children, what is a normal occurrence at a certain age. They occur, change and spontaneously disappear when a child outgrows a certain developmental phase. During every developmental phase there are specific fears that have a certain function for that age. Children can be afraid of unknown people, separation, darkness and imaginary creatures, injuries, catastrophes, failure, lack of acceptance, ridicule, etc. Although developmental fears usually pass by themselves, and are an integral part to a child’s development, they can become intense and lasting so that they interfere with the child’s everyday life. In those cases expert help is needed. Fears in children can be a result of crisis situations, such as illness or hospitalisation of the child, illness of family members, divorce of the parents, death of family members, violence in the family and abuse in the family. Traumatised children generally suffer from more visible fears and tension and often expert help is necessary

    Croatia Insurance Building in Zagreb: Research into Architectural Shaping with High Technology

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    Poslovna zgrada Croatia osiguranja u Zagrebu arhitekta Velimira Neidhardta među najvaćnijim je arhitektonskim ostvarenjima zagrebačke arhitekture na početku 21. stoljeća. Interpolirana s kasnomodernističkom poslovnom zgradom Lloyda arhitekta Marjana Haberlea, zgrada Croatia osiguranja u sebi uspješno spaja tradiciju domaće moderne i postmoderne sa suvremenim arhitektonskim zbivanjima.The offices of the Croatia Insurance Building in Zagreb by architect Velimir Neidhardt is one of the most significant architectural creations of architecture in Zagreb at the beginning of the 21st century. Interpolated with Lloyd\u27s late-modern office building by architect Marijan Haberle, the Croatia Insurance building within itself successfully joins the tradition of domestic modern and postmodern with modern architectural happenings